America in Prophecy by Ellen White [Modern Version]

America’s peculiar origins and hegemonic impact in world affairs stand undisputed. As a superpower birthed from Europe, her eminent history has been celebrated. Foretold since antiquity, a myriad of repressions, revolutions and reforms inspired the first band of pilgrims to settle on a new promised land of liberty. This book enables the reader to understand America’s unique destiny and commanding role while besieged by gross spiritual and political machinations. Clearly, this reading lifts the veil from past events molding America and presaging her cooperation to undermine the very values once cherished.

America’s peculiar origins and hegemonic impact in world affairs stand undisputed. As a superpower birthed from Europe, her eminent history has been celebrated. Foretold since antiquity, a myriad of repressions, revolutions and reforms inspired the first band of pilgrims to settle on a new promised land of liberty. This book enables the reader to understand America’s unique destiny and commanding role while besieged by gross spiritual and political machinations. Clearly, this reading lifts the veil from past events molding America and presaging her cooperation to undermine the very values once cherished.


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eauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown." "As a wife treacherously departeth<br />

from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord;"<br />

"as a wife that committeth adultery, which taketh strangers <strong>in</strong>stead of her husband!" Ezekiel<br />

16:8, 13-15, 32; Jeremiah 3:20.<br />

In the New Testament, language very similar is addressed to professed Christians who<br />

seek the friendship of the world above the favor of God. Says the apostle James: "Ye<br />

adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?<br />

whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." The woman (Ba<strong>by</strong>lon)<br />

of Revelation 17 is described as "arrayed <strong>in</strong> purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and<br />

precious stones and pearls, hav<strong>in</strong>g a golden cup <strong>in</strong> her hand full of abom<strong>in</strong>ations and<br />

filth<strong>in</strong>ess:...and upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Ba<strong>by</strong>lon the Great, the<br />

mother of harlots."<br />

Says the prophet: "I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the sa<strong>in</strong>ts, and with the<br />

blood of the martyrs of Jesus." Ba<strong>by</strong>lon is further declared to be "that great city, which<br />

reigneth over the k<strong>in</strong>gs of the earth." Revelation 17:4-6, 18. The power that for so many<br />

centuries ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed despotic sway over the monarchs of Christendom is Rome. The purple<br />

and scarlet color, the gold and precious stones and pearls, vividly picture the magnificence<br />

and more than k<strong>in</strong>gly pomp affected <strong>by</strong> the haughty see of Rome. And no other power could<br />

be so truly declared "drunken with the blood of the sa<strong>in</strong>ts" as that church which has so cruelly<br />

persecuted the followers of Christ. Ba<strong>by</strong>lon is also charged with the s<strong>in</strong> of unlawful connection<br />

with "the k<strong>in</strong>gs of the earth." It was <strong>by</strong> departure from the Lord, and alliance with the heathen,<br />

that the Jewish church became a harlot; and Rome, corrupt<strong>in</strong>g herself <strong>in</strong> like manner <strong>by</strong><br />

seek<strong>in</strong>g the support of worldly powers, receives a like condemnation.<br />

Ba<strong>by</strong>lon is said to be "the mother of harlots." By her daughters must be symbolized<br />

churches that cl<strong>in</strong>g to her doctr<strong>in</strong>es and traditions, and follow her example of sacrific<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

truth and the approval of God, <strong>in</strong> order to form an unlawful alliance with the world. The<br />

message of Revelation 14, announc<strong>in</strong>g the fall of Ba<strong>by</strong>lon must apply to religious bodies that<br />

were once pure and have become corrupt. S<strong>in</strong>ce this message follows the warn<strong>in</strong>g of the<br />

judgment, it must be given <strong>in</strong> the last days; therefore it cannot refer to the Roman Church<br />

alone, for that church has been <strong>in</strong> a fallen condition for many centuries. Furthermore, <strong>in</strong> the<br />


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