Četiri Razine Čiste, niske cijene, Zaboravljeni Vode Tehnologije za Industrijske / Komercijalnim / Poljoprivredne Aplikacije(Sažetak prezentacije na hrvatskom jeziku)// Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost..

Across industries and science fields, previously not accepted technologies, some of which has been widely used for commercialized applications, are gradually being re-confirmed by mainstream Western academics. The next phase is how Western mainstream media of various levels(from news, science reports, to Wikipedia) are going to express these confirmations.

Across industries and science fields, previously not accepted technologies, some of which has been widely used for commercialized applications, are gradually being re-confirmed by mainstream Western academics. The next phase is how Western mainstream media of various levels(from news, science reports, to Wikipedia) are going to express these confirmations.


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• 63’Other “Anomalous Processes & Effects” mix <strong>of</strong><br />

Rejected & Fully rejected by Western Mainstream -13<br />

• -->>cont: ▶ Beyond mainstream science law efficiency energy generators:<br />

iii- Some Aluminium Based Metal Alloy & Water “Hydrogen fuel cell”: produces more<br />

hydrogen than takes energy to release it from water on continuos basis by "Aluminium<br />

Oxidation Film Cracking"(pseudoscience since this causes overunity effect):(also see<br />

29'HHO, H2): ■CatalyticCarbon and aluminum in 80°C hot water + DC pulse(not<br />

electrolysis) to prevent most aluminium oxidation, this on-board generator makes 110L/<br />

minute <strong>of</strong> H2, low quality-dirty-sea water ok(Phillips Company 4T),<br />

• Other Aluminium Oxidation Removal mechanics don't seem to be in active open<br />

commerciali<strong>za</strong>tion:: ■Sealed inert gas chamber with amalgam-Aluminium based alloy(ER<br />

Anderson), ■Ceramic membrane (Bakhir), ■Monopole magnet (Ehrenhaft), ■Nano<br />

Geometric shape Aluminium (S Khan<strong>na</strong>+), ■Rapid shock cooling-heating as catalyst to<br />

“crack” oxidized film <strong>of</strong> <strong>na</strong>no aluminium particles to reactivate(Dy<strong>na</strong>mix-Muroran univ:<br />

Mas Wata<strong>na</strong>be+)+, ■Use <strong>of</strong> Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as catalyst(not consumed) to<br />

prevent/delay aluminium oxidation (Hy-Energy: Erl Andersen)+, ■Undisclosed catalyst<br />

accelerates pitting <strong>of</strong> aluminum powder surface to prevent/delay passivation(AlumiFuel:<br />

Jas A<strong>na</strong>nd+), ■Chloride ion use pitting to dissolve oxidized film(Hydergy India: AVK<br />

Reddy+), ■Aluminium alloy with gallium/lithium etc which prevents/slows oxidized layer<br />

from fully covering aluminum(HydroAlumi<strong>na</strong>: Ge Woodall, Chemalloy: Freedman+), etc<br />

linkedin.com/in/new<strong>na</strong>tureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty <strong>Clean</strong>tech Research, Vancouver, Ca<strong>na</strong>da<br />


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