Četiri Razine Čiste, niske cijene, Zaboravljeni Vode Tehnologije za Industrijske / Komercijalnim / Poljoprivredne Aplikacije(Sažetak prezentacije na hrvatskom jeziku)// Four Levels of Clean, Low Cost..

Across industries and science fields, previously not accepted technologies, some of which has been widely used for commercialized applications, are gradually being re-confirmed by mainstream Western academics. The next phase is how Western mainstream media of various levels(from news, science reports, to Wikipedia) are going to express these confirmations.

Across industries and science fields, previously not accepted technologies, some of which has been widely used for commercialized applications, are gradually being re-confirmed by mainstream Western academics. The next phase is how Western mainstream media of various levels(from news, science reports, to Wikipedia) are going to express these confirmations.


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• 29’HHO: continued 2<br />

• —>> continued, WM Fully rejected:HHO effect:<br />

Most prominent claims are fuel related. There are over 50 or so water only combustion for<br />

automobile driving claims(Da Dingle, Cornish, Yogev, Garret, Leaich, Estevel, Waqar Ahmed,<br />

Valentin, Mohd Ali, Abd Shukor, Khan, P <strong>Low</strong>rie, Rusetel, Bordeianu, G Sarwar, TP Edirisinghe, M<br />

Suematsu, Ry Ohmasa, Ste Ryan+), but some inventors claim to be told not to commercialize(Sta<br />

Mayer, Boyce, Rasmussen, B Williams+). Most <strong>of</strong> this high efficiency(<strong>of</strong>ten overunity) Hydrogen<br />

production method is related to reso<strong>na</strong>nce effects and not really electrolysis. But fi<strong>na</strong>lly there are<br />

recent some groups with mainstream backed commerciali<strong>za</strong>tion starting by using this super low<br />

cost standing wave effect(Joi Scientific+), Rapid dissociation <strong>of</strong> water by kinetic electromagnetic<br />

reso<strong>na</strong>nce occurs under certain conditions. Effect <strong>of</strong> reso<strong>na</strong>nce to amply water dissociation or it is<br />

endothermic effect(heat absorbing) by intermolecule EM field fluxing is mainstream science<br />

approved but largely ignored(more details see [Less Known Abundant Energy Technologies...])<br />

• While 10-20% gas saving technology is allowed world wide(HHO HFS Pty, HHO rs, WaterToGas,<br />

Hydrotechnix, HodPros, CVHHO, FuelCat, Hycruse, HydroxSystems, HydroMoving+), rare 30-60%<br />

claims(Shinko-Trans+), There is less acceptance in North American mainstream(pseudoscience) in<br />

contrast with Europe, but some Ca<strong>na</strong>dian companies are quite recently openly targeting larger<br />

corporate businesses(more lucrative large vehicle/equipment engines, generators, bunker market<br />

etc)(Empire Hydrogen, Blutip Power, dy<strong>na</strong>CERT, Innovative Hydrogen+). Emission reduction is<br />

30-50% level. Claims on improved emission reduction by use <strong>of</strong> combined use <strong>of</strong> Nanobubble<br />

generation(K-nikou jp+). Some companies <strong>of</strong>fer performance based money back guarantee<br />

linkedin.com/in/new<strong>na</strong>tureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty <strong>Clean</strong>tech A<strong>na</strong>lysis, Vancouver, Ca<strong>na</strong>da<br />


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