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Twenty-Three<br />

I'D NEVER HAD SO MUCH trouble staying out of Lissa's head before, but then, we'd never<br />

been through anything like this together either. The strength of her thoughts and feelings kept<br />

trying to pull me in as I hurried through the forest.<br />

Running through the brush and woods, Christian and I moved farther and farther from the<br />

cabin. Man, how I wished Lissa had stayed back there. I would have loved to see the raid<br />

through her eyes. But that was behind us now, and as I ran, Dimitri's push on laps and stamina<br />

paid off. She wasn't moving very quickly, and I could feel the distance closing between us,<br />

giving me a more precise idea of her location. Likewise, Christian couldn't keep up with me. I<br />

started to slow for him but soon realized the foolishness of that.<br />

So did he. "Go," he gasped out, waving me on.<br />

When I reached a point close enough to her that I thought she could hear me, I called out her<br />

name, hoping to get her to turn around. Instead, what answered me was a set of howls— a soft<br />

canine baying.<br />

Psi-hounds. Of course. Victor had said he hunted with them; he could control those beasts. I<br />

suddenly understood why no one at school recalled sending psi-hounds after Lissa and me in<br />

Chicago . The Academy hadn't arranged that; Victor had.<br />

A minute later, I reached a clearing where Lissa cringed, back against a tree. From her looks<br />

and bond feelings, she should have fainted long ago. Only the barest scraps of willpower kept<br />

her hanging on. Wide-eyed and pale, she stared in horror at the four psi-hounds cornering her.<br />

Noticing the full sunlight, it occurred to me that she and Christian had another obstacle to<br />

contend with out here.<br />

"Hey," I yelled at the hounds, trying to draw them toward me. Victor must have sent them to<br />

trap her, but I hoped they'd sense and respond to another threat—especially a dhampir. Psihounds<br />

didn't like us any better than other animals did.

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