

Mia scandal and, petty or not, seeing my name cleared and getting revenge on her felt amazingly good. And as those in our group wandered off and mingled with others, I could see the news spreading and spreading. So much for waiting until Monday. Whatever. I didn't care. I was actually having a good time. I fell into my old role, happy to see I hadn't grown too dusty in making funny and flirty remarks. Yet, as time passed and Eddie's party grew closer, I started to feel Lissa's anxiety pick up in intensity. Frowning, I stopped talking and turned around, scanning the room for her. There. She was still with a group of people, still the sun in her little solar system. But Aaron was leaning very close to her, saying something in her ear. A smile I recognized as fake was plastered across her face, and the annoyance and anxiety from her increased further. Then it spiked. Mia had walked up to them. Whatever she'd come to say, she didn't waste any time in saying it. With the eyes of Lissa's admirers on her, little Mia in her red dress gestured wildly, mouth working animatedly. I couldn't hear the words from across the room, but the feelings grew darker and darker through the bond. "I've got to go," I told Mason. I half walked, half ran over to Lissa's side, catching only the tail end of Mia's tirade. She was yelling at Lissa full force now and leaning into her face. From what I could tell, word must have reached her about Jesse and Ralf selling her out. "—you and your slutty friend! I'm going to tell everyone what a psycho you are and how they had to lock you in the clinic because you're so crazy. They're putting you on medication. That's why you and Rose left before anyone else could find out you cut—” Whoa, not good. Just like at our first meeting in the cafeteria, I grabbed her and jerked her away. "Hey," I said. "Slutty friend here. Remember what I said about standing too close to her?” Mia snarled, baring her fangs. As I'd noted before, I couldn't feel too sorry for her anymore. She was dangerous.

She had stooped low to get back at me. Now, somehow, she knew about Lissa and the cutting. Really knew, too; she wasn't just guessing. The information she had now sounded both like what the guardians on the scene had reported, as well as what I'd told them about Lissa's history. Maybe some confidential doctor's stuff too. Mia'd snagged the records somehow. Lissa realized it too, and the look on her face—scared and fragile, no more princess—made my decision for me. It didn't matter that Kirova had spoken the other day about giving me my freedom, that I'd been having a good time, and that I could have let my worries go and partied tonight. I was going to ruin everything, right here and right now. I'm really not good with impulse control. I punched Mia as hard as I could—harder, I think, than I'd even hit Jesse. I heard a crunch as my fist impacted her nose, and blood spurted out. Someone screamed. Mia shrieked and flew backwards into some squealing girls who didn't want to get blood on their dresses. I swooped in after her, getting in one more good punch before somebody peeled me off her. I didn't fight restraint as I had when they'd taken me from Mr. Nagy's classroom. I'd expected this as soon as I'd swung at her. Stopping all signs of resistance, I let two guardians lead me out of the dance while Ms. Kirova tried to bring some semblance of order. I didn't care what they did to me. Not anymore. Punish or expel. Whatever. I could handle— Ahead of us, through the ebbing and flowing waves of students passing through the double doors, I saw a figure in pink dart out. Lissa. My own out-of-control emotions had overridden hers, but there they were, flooding back into me. Devastation. Despair. Everyone knew her secret now. She'd face more than just idle speculation. Pieces would fall together. She couldn't handle that. Knowing I wasn't going anywhere, I frantically searched for some way to help her. A dark figure caught my eye. "Christian!" I yelled. He'd been staring at Lissa's retreating figure but glanced up at the sound of his name. One of my escorts shushed me and took my arm. "Be quiet.” I ignored her. "Go after her," I called to Christian. "Hurry.”

Mia scandal and, petty or not, seeing my name cleared and getting revenge on her felt<br />

amazingly good. And as those in our group wandered off and mingled with others, I could see<br />

the news spreading and spreading. So much for waiting until Monday.<br />

Whatever. I didn't care. I was actually having a good time. I fell into my old role, happy to see I<br />

hadn't grown too dusty in making funny and flirty remarks. Yet, as time passed and Eddie's<br />

party grew closer, I started to feel Lissa's anxiety pick up in intensity. Frowning, I stopped<br />

talking and turned around, scanning the room for her.<br />

There. She was still with a group of people, still the sun in her little solar system. But Aaron<br />

was leaning very close to her, saying something in her ear. A smile I recognized as fake was<br />

plastered across her face, and the annoyance and anxiety from her increased further.<br />

Then it spiked. Mia had walked up to them.<br />

Whatever she'd come to say, she didn't waste any time in saying it. With the eyes of Lissa's<br />

admirers on her, little Mia in her red dress gestured wildly, mouth working animatedly. I<br />

couldn't hear the words from across the room, but the feelings grew darker and darker through<br />

the bond.<br />

"I've got to go," I told Mason.<br />

I half walked, half ran over to Lissa's side, catching only the tail end of Mia's tirade. She was<br />

yelling at Lissa full force now and leaning into her face. From what I could tell, word must<br />

have reached her about Jesse and Ralf selling her out.<br />

"—you and your slutty friend! I'm going to tell everyone what a psycho you are and how they<br />

had to lock you in the clinic because you're so crazy. They're putting you on medication. That's<br />

why you and Rose left before anyone else could find out you cut—”<br />

Whoa, not good. Just like at our first meeting in the cafeteria, I grabbed her and jerked her<br />

away.<br />

"Hey," I said. "Slutty friend here. Remember what I said about standing too close to her?”<br />

Mia snarled, baring her fangs. As I'd noted before, I couldn't feel too sorry for her anymore. She<br />

was dangerous.

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