

"Yes! You have to leave. You're bound. It's up to you. Take her away from this place.” Her words were crazy. No one left the Academy. Yet as she held me there and stared into my eyes, I began to feel strange. A fuzzy feeling clouded my mind. What she said suddenly sounded very reasonable, like the most reasonable thing in the world. Yes. I needed to take Lissa away, take her— Feet pounded in the hallway, and a group of guardians rounded the corner. I didn't recognize them; they weren't from the school. They pried her off of me, restraining her wild thrashing. Someone asked me if I was okay, but I could only keep staring at Ms. Karp. "Don't let her use the power!" she screamed. "Save her. Save her from herself!” The guardians had later explained to me that she wasn't well and had been taken to a place where she could recover. She would be safe and cared for, they assured me. She would recover. Only she hadn't. Back in the present, I stared at the books and tried to put it all together. Lissa. Ms. Karp. St. Vladimir. What was I supposed to do? Someone rapped at my door, and I jerked out of my memories. No one had visited me, not even staff, since my suspension. When I opened the door, I saw Mason in the hall. "Twice in one day?" I asked. "And how'd you even get up here?” He flashed his easy smile. "Someone put a lit match in one of the bathroom's garbage cans. Damn shame. The staff's kind of busy. Come on, I'm springing you.” I shook my head. Setting fires was apparently a new sign of affection. Christian had done it and now Mason. "Sorry, no saving me tonight. If I get caught—”

"Lissa's orders.” I shut up and let him smuggle me out of the building. He took me over to the Moroi dorm and miraculously got me in and up to her room unseen. I wondered if there was a distracting bathroom fire in this building too. Inside her room, I found a party in full swing. Lissa, Camille, Carly, Aaron, and a few other royals sat around laughing, listening to loud music, and passing around bottles of whiskey. No Mia, no Jesse. Natalie, I noticed a few moments later, sat apart from the group, clearly unsure how to act around all of them. Her awkwardness was totally obvious. Lissa stumbled to her feet, the fuzzy feelings in our bond indicating she'd been drinking for a while. "Rose!" She turned to Mason with a dazzling smile. "You delivered.” He swept her an over-the-top bow. "I'm at your command.” I hoped he'd done it for the thrill of it and not because of any compulsion. Lissa slung an arm around my waist and pulled me down with the others. "Join the festivities.” "What are we celebrating?” "I don't know. Your escape tonight?” A few of the others held up plastic cups, cheering and toasting me. Xander Badica poured two more cups, handing them to Mason and me. I took mine with a smile, all the while feeling uneasy about the night's turn of events. Not so long ago, I would have welcomed a party like this and would have downed my drink in thirty seconds. Too much bothered me this time, though. Like the fact that the royals were treating Lissa like a goddess. Like how none of them seemed to remember that I had been accused of being a blood whore. Like how Lissa was completely unhappy despite her smiles and laughter. "Where'd you get the whiskey?" I asked. "Mr. Nagy," Aaron said. He sat very close to Lissa.

"Yes! You have to leave. You're bound. It's up to you. Take her away from this place.”<br />

Her words were crazy. No one left the Academy. Yet as she held me there and stared into my<br />

eyes, I began to feel strange. A fuzzy feeling clouded my mind. What she said suddenly<br />

sounded very reasonable, like the most reasonable thing in the world. Yes. I needed to take<br />

Lissa away, take her—<br />

Feet pounded in the hallway, and a group of guardians rounded the corner. I didn't recognize<br />

them; they weren't from the school. They pried her off of me, restraining her wild thrashing.<br />

Someone asked me if I was okay, but I could only keep staring at Ms. Karp.<br />

"Don't let her use the power!" she screamed. "Save her. Save her from herself!”<br />

The guardians had later explained to me that she wasn't well and had been taken to a place<br />

where she could recover. She would be safe and cared for, they assured me. She would recover.<br />

Only she hadn't.<br />

Back in the present, I stared at the books and tried to put it all together. Lissa. Ms. Karp. St.<br />

Vladimir.<br />

What was I supposed to do?<br />

Someone rapped at my door, and I jerked out of my memories. No one had visited me, not even<br />

staff, since my suspension. When I opened the door, I saw Mason in the hall.<br />

"Twice in one day?" I asked. "And how'd you even get up here?”<br />

He flashed his easy smile. "Someone put a lit match in one of the bathroom's garbage cans.<br />

Damn shame. The staff's kind of busy. Come on, I'm springing you.”<br />

I shook my head. Setting fires was apparently a new sign of affection. Christian had done it and<br />

now Mason. "Sorry, no saving me tonight. If I get caught—”

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