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Healing cripples and blind people?<br />

I'd forgotten all about St. Vladimir. Mason had mentioned Vladimir bringing people back from<br />

the dead, and it had reminded me of Lissa at the time. Then other things had distracted me. I<br />

hadn't thought about the saint or his "shadow-kissed" guardian—and their bond—in a while.<br />

How could I have overlooked this? Ms. Karp, I realized, wasn't the only other Moroi who could<br />

heal like Lissa. Vladimir could too.<br />

"And all the while, the masses gathered to him, loving him, eager to follow his teachings and<br />

hear him preach the word of God….”<br />

Turning, I stared at Lissa. She gave me a puzzled look. "What?”<br />

I didn't get a chance to elaborate—I don't even know if I could have formed the words—<br />

because I was whisked back to my prison almost as soon as I stood up at the end of the service.<br />

Back in my room, I went online to research St. Vladimir but turned up nothing useful. Damn it.<br />

Mason had skimmed the books in the library and said there was little there. What did that leave<br />

me with? I had no way of learning more about that dusty old saint.<br />

Or did I? What had Christian said that first day with Lissa?<br />

Over there, we have an old box full of the writings of the blessed and crazy St. Vladimir.<br />

The storage room above the chapel. It had the writings. Christian had pointed them out. I<br />

needed to look at them, but how? I couldn't ask the priest. How would he react if he found out<br />

students were going up there? It'd put an end to Christian's lair. But maybe…maybe Christian<br />

himself could help.<br />

It was Sunday, though, and I wouldn't see him until tomorrow afternoon. Even then, I didn't<br />

know if I'd get a chance to talk to him alone.<br />

While heading out to practice later, I stopped in the dorm's kitchen to grab a granola bar. As I<br />

did, I passed a couple of novice guys, Miles and Anthony. Miles whistled when he saw me.<br />

"How's it been going, Rose? You getting lonely? Want some company?”

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