July / August 2016 Edition 13.4

Endress+Hauser shows you how to work smarter, not harder! Dust formation, abrasion and high temperatures: reliable level measurement in clinker silos can be quite the challenge. Find out how a cement company mastered this challenge with the help of Endress+Hauser and its self-learning smart sensor Micropilot FMR57. Cement is a fundamental part of life, and demands are high in respect to the quality of this construction material. Different varieties are created by joint grinding of the basic clinker with a gypsum anhydrite mixture, with gypsum rock or blast furnace slag and other aggregates. The current construction market situation demands a high level of flexibility and fast switching of varieties from production plants. This is why system availability and storage capacity in the clinker silos are becoming more and more important.

Endress+Hauser shows you how to work smarter, not harder!
Dust formation, abrasion and high temperatures: reliable level measurement
in clinker silos can be quite the challenge. Find out how a cement company mastered this challenge with the help of Endress+Hauser and its self-learning smart sensor Micropilot FMR57.

Cement is a fundamental part of life, and demands are high in respect to the quality of this construction material. Different varieties are created by joint grinding of the basic clinker with a gypsum anhydrite mixture, with gypsum rock or blast furnace slag and other aggregates.

The current construction market situation demands a high level of flexibility and fast switching of varieties from production plants. This is why system availability and storage capacity in the clinker silos are becoming more and more important.


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