Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo

Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo

Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo


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mass balance<br />


Sils/Maria<br />

(Alta Engadina, Cantone dei Grigioni - Svizzera)<br />

Quota: 1798 m/slm<br />

Coordinate: 46° 26’ N / 09° 46’ E<br />

Esposizione: NW<br />

Gestore e fornitore dei dati: MeteoSchweiz<br />

The village of Sils/Maria is located on the floor of the Upper Engadina Valley, at<br />

the end of Val di Fex; it is only a few kilometres from the main Rhaetic ridge. The<br />

Upper Engadina, though being the best example of a mid–Alpine valley, has the<br />

hydro-meteorological characteristics of the Southern Alps. No coincidence: November<br />

2002, recorded as the month with the highest precipitation since1864,<br />

was characterized by strong south-westerly currents. Sils/Maria has logged a<br />

rare, enviable and uninterrupted 140-year long series of climatic data. For the<br />

comparisons only the 1988-2005 mean value has been considered, to allow a<br />

match with the S. Antonio data, whose mean value is referred to the same period.<br />

Bivacco Corti<br />

(Val d’Arigna, Orobie Valtellinesi, Sondrio - Italia)<br />

Quota: 2509 m/slm<br />

Coordinate CTR: N 5103334 - E 1576374<br />

Esposizione: SE<br />

Gestore: <strong>Servizio</strong> <strong>Glaciologico</strong> <strong>Lombardo</strong><br />

The thermo – hygrometric station is located at Bivacco Corti, a few dozen meters<br />

from the Lupo <strong>Glacier</strong>. Despite being slightly north of the Orobic watershed, the<br />

sensor has a good sunny exposure also during the winter months. The thermo–<br />

hygrometric sensor is located inside a Davis passive solar screen (8 plates), 205<br />

cm above the ground. The monthly average values have been calculated on<br />

the basis of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures (tmax + tmin) / 2.<br />

Sondrio<br />

(fondovalle valtellinese - Italia)<br />

Quota: 290 m/slm<br />

Coordinate: 46°10’ N / 09°52’ E<br />

Esposizione: S (fondovalle)<br />

Gestore: Fabio Pozzoni (ass.ne meteonetwork)<br />

The station, active since 2002, is located outside the town and minimally affected<br />

by the town heat. Its data are representative of climatic conditions of the<br />

Scalino-Painale and southern Disgrazia Massif Sectors. Thermically speaking, its<br />

position on the valley floor adequately tracks the thermal values of the foehn<br />

episodes, though maintaining typically continental thermal conditions. The<br />

average rain values (1988/2006 time interval) have been calculated based on<br />

ERSAF data (1988/2001), together with data by F. Pozzoni from 2002 onwards.<br />

Massimeno<br />

(versante sinistro Val Rendena (TN) - Italia)<br />

Quota: 860 m/slm<br />

Coordinate: 46°08’ N / 10°46’ E<br />

Esposizione: O (versante)<br />

Gestore: Andrea Toffaletti (S.G.L.)<br />

The station, in operation since 2001, it is located on a grassy slope, 180 cm<br />

above the ground in the Massimeno territory, on the left orographic side<br />

of Val Rendena. The station is located about 110 m above the valley floor,<br />

at an altitude of 860 m a.s.l. and reproduces the pluviometric conditions of<br />

the western side of the Adamello Massif. The historical average has been<br />

calculated with data from the Pinzolo meteorological station (2 km North)<br />

from 1920 to 1990 and from the Massimeno station from 2001 onwards.<br />

- 62 -<br />

S. Antonio Valfurva<br />

(Alta Valtellina, Valfurva, Sondrio - Italia)<br />

Quota: 1360 m/slm<br />

Coordinate: 46°27’ N / 10° 25’ E<br />

Esposizione: S<br />

Gestore e fornitore dei dati: Giuseppe Cola (S.G.L.)<br />

The meteorological station, because of its central position among the Upper<br />

Valtellina glaciers, has been an important reference point for the SGL<br />

snow-meteorological reports for the past 15 years. Located on the valley<br />

floor, though being in a hydro-meteorological context drier than to the<br />

rest of the region*, the station is however representative of the condition<br />

of the nearby SGL snow site of the Monte Sobretta (Alpe <strong>Sud</strong> <strong>Glacier</strong>, 3180<br />

m). The historical series was based on the data recorded during the period<br />

1987/1988 – 2005.<br />

* S. Antonio di Valfurva (649, 2 mm/year of rainfalls) is, together with Livigno,<br />

among the driest places of Lombardy.<br />

Bivacco Resnati<br />

(Val d’Arigna, Orobie Valtellinesi, Sondrio - Italia)<br />

Quota: 1950 m/slm<br />

Coordinate CTR: N 5103871 - E 1577294<br />

Esposizione: N<br />

Gestore: <strong>Servizio</strong> <strong>Glaciologico</strong> <strong>Lombardo</strong><br />

The thermo–hygrometric station is set on a large boulder sheltering the<br />

Bivacco Resnati, on top of the right lateral moraine and approx.100 m<br />

away from the Marovin <strong>Glacier</strong>. The orographic shadow is so efficient that<br />

the thermo–hygrometer is overshadowed for nearly 5 months. The sensor<br />

is located inside a Davis passive solar screen (8 plates), 540 cm above<br />

the ground. The monthly average values have been calculated on the basis<br />

of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures (tmax + tmin) / 2.<br />

Andalo Valtellino<br />

(fondovalle valtellinese, Sondrio - Italia)<br />

Quota: 220 m/slm<br />

Coordinate: 46°08’ N / 09° 28’ E<br />

Esposizione: N (fondovalle)<br />

Gestore e fornitore dei dati: Riccardo Scotti (S.G.L.)<br />

The village, located at the lower end of Valtellina, represents very well the<br />

pluviometric conditions of the Orobic sector and, partially, Val Chiavenna.<br />

The station, located at “i Burnìgui”, enjoys a better sunny exposure than the<br />

town centre in the winter days. The Lower Valtellina climate, less continental<br />

than its Middle or Upper sectors, is mitigated by the vicinity of Lake Como.<br />

The precipitation average is based on the annual figure of 1350 mm**.<br />

The monthly values are based on annual data from the historical series<br />

1988/2006 at Morbegno (SO), a site located few kilometres East of the meteorological<br />

station.<br />

** Average precipitations chart, annual min and max values on the Lombardy<br />

alpine territory (1981/1990), M. Ceriani and M. Carelli, Lombardy Region.<br />

Passo Venerocolo<br />

(alta Val d’Avio, Gruppo Adamello - Italia)<br />

Quota: 3230 m/slm<br />

Coordinate: 46°08’ N / 10°46’ E<br />

Esposizione: S (cima)<br />

Gestore: <strong>Servizio</strong> <strong>Glaciologico</strong> <strong>Lombardo</strong><br />

The Passo Venerocolo station, installed at 3230 m a.s.l. near the southern<br />

fore-peak of Monte dei Frati, is currently the highest thermo–hygrometric<br />

station in Lombardy. The sensor is less than 100 m away from the <strong>Glacier</strong><br />

and a few dozen meters above it. The thermo–hygrometric sensor<br />

is located inside a Davis passive solar screen (8 plates), 150 cm above the<br />

ground. The monthly average values have been calculated on the basis<br />

of the daily maximum and minimum temperatures (tmax + tmin) / 2.

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