Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo

Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo

Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo


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<strong>Glacier</strong><br />

Dynamic<br />

Phase<br />

Terminus<br />

variation<br />

Minimum<br />

altitude (m)<br />

Snow Line<br />

Altitude<br />

- 29 -<br />

Notes (Operators)<br />

Dosdè E DM -20 2560 3000<br />

irregular residual snow cover, strong withdrawal, loss of mass (F. Galluccio,<br />

S. Ratti)<br />

Val Viola W DM -13 2825 irr<br />

small fields of residual snow, substantial decrement (S. Ratti, F. Galluccio)<br />

Livigno<br />

Val Nera W DM n.v. scarce snow cover since the beginning of August (S. Alberti, R. Scotti)<br />

Campo N DF -18 2840 3100<br />

new weather station installed, 220 cm of ice lost at 2985 m a.s.l.(D. Colombarolli,<br />

A. Bera)<br />

Saliente DM irr.<br />

residual snow cover at the base of the cliffs over the about 30% of the<br />

surface; fully covered by debris (S. Ratti)<br />

Ortles/Cevedale<br />

Vitelli DM -17 2600 3160<br />

residual snow cover on the accumulation basin; front area in a dismemberment<br />

phase. (A. Scaltriti, A. Galluccio)<br />

Zebrù DM n.v. areal shrinkage (A.C. Galluccio)<br />

Zebrù E DM -13,5 2843 n.v. loss of mass in the left frontal area. (A. Galluccio)<br />

Forà DF -26 2760 n.v.<br />

detachment of an ice lens with morainic cover in the snout area; strong<br />

retreat (L. Colzani)<br />

Gran Zebrù DF -11 2990 ass.<br />

no residual snow, thinning front, dramatic shrinkage. (D. Colombarolli, M.<br />

Fioletti)<br />

Cedec DM -9 n.v.<br />

indented front, very significant mass loss at the snout (D. Colombarolli,<br />

M. Fioletti)<br />

Palon de la Mare DM -13 3012 3400<br />

residual snow cover over the 20% of the surface, clear shrinking of the<br />

snout. (L. Farinella, C. Bessi)<br />

Forni DF -13 2510 3500 very scarce snow cover, as in 2007; dramatic overall mass loss (G. Cola)<br />

Dosegù DM -38,5 2850 3300<br />

strong retreat at the snout, good snow cover over the accumulation basin<br />

(A. Borghi, L. Bolognini)<br />

Sforzellina DM -3,5 2800 ass. some moderate avalanche accumulations, overall mass loss (R. Bottio)<br />

Alpe S DF N.M. ass.<br />

no snow cover, evident overall loss of mass (L. Bonetti, P. Pagliardi, G.<br />

Cola)<br />

Adamello<br />

Pisgana W DF -24 2565 ass. overall loss of mass, weak link with the accumulation basin (F. Roveda)<br />

Venerocolo DM -12 2570 3150<br />

Avio Centrale DM 2900<br />

Aviolo DM 2730 irr<br />

Adamello DF 3300<br />

Marovin DL -6 2060 2200<br />

Lupo DL 0 2440 2620<br />

Porola DM 2540 n.v.<br />

Trobio W<br />

(Tre Confini)<br />

DM irr<br />

Abbreviations: N.M.: Not measured; n.v.: Not evaluated; ass: Absent; irr.: Irregular<br />

very scarce snow cover (15% of the surface area); now separated from<br />

the Vedretta dei Frati (A. Toffaletti)<br />

snow cover, from avalanches only, over 30% of the surface area; moderate<br />

withdrawal (C. Bessi, G. Catania)<br />

thinning of the central portion, snow in the upper sectors and right hydrographical<br />

side (P. Pagliardi)<br />

scarce snow cover, significant mass loss below 3200 m (P. Pagliardi, D.<br />

Perego, A. Toffaletti, A. Elli)<br />

Orobie<br />

residual snow cover over the 50% of the surface, slightly negative mass<br />

balance (M. Butti)<br />

residual snow cover over 40% of the surface, snout unchanged, slightly<br />

negative mass balance (R. Scotti, F. Villa, S. D’Adda, F. Mocci, A. Mussi,<br />

L. Imberi, P. Cinanni)<br />

the lower sector has split from the accumulation basin in the steepest<br />

central portion (M. Merati)<br />

very scarce snow cover. Ice withdrawal at the front and near the rocky cliff,<br />

negative mass balance (S. D’Adda, F. Mocci)<br />

2008 glaciological<br />


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