Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo

Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo

Suretta Sud Glacier - Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo


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Ablation season ( June 1 –September 30, 2008)<br />

The beginning of the 2008 summer was positive<br />

for the glaciers, with the first half of June<br />

relatively chilly and snowy above 3000 m,<br />

with isolated snow episodes even at 2200 m<br />

a.s.l.. Starting in the second half of June the<br />

tropical high, the so-called “camel”, set in and<br />

rose the temperature, seriously damaging the<br />

snow cover which started to melt down very<br />

rapidly. On the 26th of June the temperature<br />

reached 16,3 °C at the 2509 m a.s.l. of Bivacco<br />

Corti, the highest value for the season.<br />

The anticyclone produced temperatures exceeding<br />

the average value for the season (+<br />

2,6 °C over the mean values for the period<br />

1961-1990 at Sils). Temperatures remained<br />

high also in July, despite a number of storms<br />

causing snowy precipitations above 3600 m<br />

a.s.l.. This phase ended with the flood event<br />

of the 11th -14th, when 138,6 mm of rain fell<br />

at Andalo (Lower Valtellina). The Lake Como<br />

overflowed again at Como after a few years<br />

and the Adda River exceeded the warning<br />

threshold for some days. Snow fell only<br />

above 3100-3300 m a.s.l., with 30-40 cm of<br />

accumulations. Thanks to a warm second<br />

half, July ended with temperatures exceed-<br />

- 11 -<br />

ing the mean value, though showing a lower<br />

deviation than the previous month of June (+<br />

0,7 °C at Sils). July 2008 was the rainiest July<br />

since 1987, fortunately without inflicting the<br />

same damages to the Valtellina area. August,<br />

though perceived by most people as a chilly<br />

month, was probably the worst month for<br />

the glaciers of Lombardy. The rain fell even<br />

on the highest glaciers, washing away some<br />

of the residual snow cover and speeding up<br />

the ablation. Moist weather and cloud cover<br />

kept the minimum temperature above 0 °C for<br />

several days, preventing the melting and refreezing<br />

process so important for the survival<br />

of the snow cover on glacial apparatuses.<br />

Overall, the anomaly (+ 1,6 °C) was important<br />

enough to cause the almost complete melting<br />

of the residual snow covering the Lombardy<br />

glaciers. The few accumulations, mostly due<br />

to avalanches, suffered an additional blow in<br />

the first ten days of a hot and dry September.<br />

On the other hand, from the 13th of September<br />

onward, the month was characterized by<br />

a series of abundant snowfalls at relatively<br />

low altitudes for the season. These were responsible<br />

for the slowing down, or the final<br />

Tab. 3: Precipitation and temperature values during the 2007/2008 ablation season. In order to allow a homogeneous<br />

comparison among the different stations, the mean values refer to the period 1988/89 –2005/2006. “Integral”<br />

means that the average temperature is calculated by adding each recorded value (data acquisition interval:<br />

5’) and the total is divided by the number of readings. The other temperatures have been calculated with the<br />

“arithmetic” method: i.e. (average of daily maximum temperatures + average of daily minimum temperatures) / 2.<br />

Weather Station<br />

Precipitations in mm<br />

June - September, 2008<br />

(Deviations from the mean<br />

values)<br />

Temperatures in °C<br />

June - September, 2008<br />

(Deviations from the mean<br />

values)<br />

Bivacco Corti - 2509 m/s.l.m. - + 6,8° (integral + 6,8°)<br />

Sils/Maria - 1798 m/s.l.m. 572,7 (+ 129,2 mm ; + 29,1 %) + 10,1° (+ 0,2°)<br />

S.Antonio di Valfurva - 1360 m/s.l.m. 473,2 (+ 99,8 mm ; + 21,0 %) + 13,4° (+ 0,1°)<br />

Sondrio - 290 m/s.l.m. 498,9 (+ 100,6 mm ; + 26,3 %) + 20,8° (- 1,0°)<br />

Andalo Valtellino - 220 m/s.l.m. 666,1 (+ 151,5 mm ; + 29,4 %) + 20,4°<br />

Massimeno (TN) - 860 m/s.l.m. 421,9 (+ 37,0 mm ; + 9,6 %) + 16,7° (- 0,3°)<br />

snow-meteo report

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