Driving operational performance in oil and gas




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H o w E Y can he l p — achi e v i n g o p e rat i o n al e x ce l l e n ce<br />

EY’s Oil & Gas professionals can work with clients to develop, design <strong>and</strong> implement <strong>operational</strong> excellence programs. Our Operational<br />

Excellence team is composed of advisors with experience <strong>in</strong> eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g, plant operations, ma<strong>in</strong>tenance reliability, HSE, supply cha<strong>in</strong>,<br />

s t rat e g y an d o rg an i z at i o n al chan g e w i t hi n o i l an d g as .<br />

Through our closely l<strong>in</strong>ked Transactions Advisory, Tax, Fraud Investigation <strong>and</strong> Dispute Services, <strong>and</strong> Advisory service teams,<br />

co u p l e d w i t h o u r g l o b al t e am o f m o re t han 10, <strong>in</strong>dustry 000 professionals, EY is equipped to provide <strong>in</strong>dependent support <strong>and</strong> advice<br />

t o o u r cl i e n t s t o e n ab l e t he i r g ro w t h i n a chan g i n g l an d s cap e .<br />

1. Integrated bus<strong>in</strong>ess <strong>and</strong><br />

activity plann<strong>in</strong>g<br />

A t t he f o re f ro n t o f o p e rat i o n al<br />

p e rf o rm an ce i s t he n e e d t o t ran s l at e<br />

l o n g - t e rm b u s i n e s s s t rat e g i e s i n t o<br />

s ho rt - t e rm an d m e d i u m - t e rm<br />

o p e rat i n g p l an s .<br />

Key challenges<br />

• ►Sponsorship <strong>and</strong> maturity: Success <strong>in</strong> any endeavor starts with executive sponsorship<br />

an d a cu l t u re t hat s u p p o rt s an d u n d e rs t an d s t he o b j e ct i v e s .<br />

• ►Strategy <strong>and</strong> framework: To prevent value leakage from siloed th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g that often<br />

o ccu rs f ro m i n cre as i n g o p e rat i o n al co m p l e x i t y , o i l an d g as co m p an i e s m u s t e s t ab l i s h<br />

clearly def<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>and</strong> well-understood connection <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong>tegration po<strong>in</strong>ts among the<br />

s t rat e g i c p l an n i n g l e v e l s .<br />

• ►Translat<strong>in</strong>g strategy to operations: The enterprise strategy needs to be effectively<br />

translated <strong>in</strong>to quantitative <strong>and</strong> actionable bus<strong>in</strong>ess unit <strong>and</strong> functional goals <strong>and</strong><br />

t arg e t s t o f aci l i t at e p l an n i n g , b u d g e t i n g an d s t e w ard s hi p p ro ce s s e s .<br />

2. Target operat<strong>in</strong>g model Key challenges<br />

A t arg e t o p e rat i n g m o d e l d e s cri b e s n o t • ►►Siloed design architecture: Functions <strong>and</strong> geographies need to be fully <strong>in</strong>tegrated to<br />

o n l y ho w p ro ce s s e s , p e o p l e an d s y s t e m s p ro m o t e co n s i s t e n cy i n cu l t u re , p ro ce s s e s , co n t ro l s an d t e chn o l o g i e s .<br />

i n t e ract t o s u p p o rt t he b u s i n e s s b u t<br />

• ►Unclear decision governance: Decision-mak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> delegation of authority underp<strong>in</strong><br />

al s o ho w t he y co u l d b e arran g e d an d<br />

t he o p e rat i n g m o d e l an d s ho u l d i n cl u d e p o l i ci e s , p ract i ce s , co m m i t t e e s an d ru l e s .<br />

prioritized to achieve optimum efficiency.<br />

• ►Insufficient <strong>performance</strong> management: Many organizations are lack<strong>in</strong>g a balanced set<br />

of quantitative <strong>and</strong> qualitative <strong>performance</strong> metrics necessary to support the strategy<br />

an d v i s i o n . I f m e t ri cs are p re s e n t , t he y o f t e n t e n d t o b e i n co n s i s t e n t l y m e as u re d ,<br />

m an ag e d an d e v al u at e d .<br />

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