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Summer 2016 • A Publication of the Sisters of Charity, BVM<br />

<strong>Journey</strong><br />

A Faith-Filled<br />

Side by Side

I N T H I S I S S U E<br />

Summer Two Thousand Sixteen<br />

Volume 44, Number 2<br />

Mission Statement: We are the Sisters of Charity<br />

of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a community of<br />

Catholic women called to live the mission of<br />

Jesus through our core values of Freedom,<br />

Education, Charity and Justice.<br />

Salt is published three times per year for friends<br />

and family of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed<br />

Virgin Mary.<br />

Editor/Design: Angie Connolly<br />

aconnolly@bvmcong.org<br />

Managing Editor: Jody Iler<br />

Communication Advisory Committee:<br />

Luann Brown, BVM; Lois Dolphin, BVM; Bette<br />

Gambonini, BVM; Helen Gourlay, BVM; Mira<br />

Mosle, BVM; Mary Nolan, BVM; Associate<br />

Christine Olsem<br />

If you would like to receive Salt,<br />

contact: development@bvmcong.org<br />

1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, Iowa 52003<br />

563.588.2351<br />

2016 Calendar of Events<br />

A Faith-Filled <strong>Journey</strong>, Side by Side<br />

3 Seasoning<br />

by BVMs Teri Hadro,<br />

Mira Mosle and Kate Hendel<br />

4 Discerning the Call: Serving<br />

Congregation, Church & World<br />

by Mary Martens, BVM<br />

8 What is Association?<br />

by Associate Nancy McCarville<br />

9 Reaching Out, Touching Lives<br />

by Bette Gambonini, BVM<br />

10 The Evolution of Association<br />

by Associate Nancy Van Anne<br />

12 Nourishing the Companion Process<br />

by Associate Virginia A. Piecuch<br />

14 BVM Associates: Who are They?<br />

by Associate Grace Mendez<br />

16 Sharing ‘Our Mount Carmel Home’<br />

by Associate Joann Crowley Beers<br />

4<br />

Suzanne Effinger, BVM (Frances Carol)<br />

July<br />

15–17 BVM Associate Retreat<br />

Mount Carmel, Dubuque, Iowa<br />

August<br />

9–13 LCWR National Assembly<br />

Atlanta, Ga.<br />

September<br />

11 Diamond Jubilee Celebration<br />

Mount Carmel, Dubuque, Iowa<br />

17 Reflections on Core Values<br />

18 Salt Briefs<br />

In Loving Memory<br />

32 Associates: Companions<br />

on the <strong>Journey</strong><br />

14<br />

Associate Carol De Carvalho<br />

October<br />

30 Mass for Benefactors<br />

Holy Family Church, Chicago<br />

November<br />

6 Mass for Benefactors<br />

Mount Carmel, Dubuque, Iowa<br />

20<br />

In recognition of our Donors of Distinction,<br />

included in this issue of Salt is our annual report,<br />

BVM Perspective. For a complete list of<br />

our benefactors, visit www. bvmcong.org.<br />

For more information, visit:<br />

www.bvmcong.org/whatsnew_calendar.cfm<br />

Check us out online:<br />

www.bvmcong.org<br />

www.facebook.com/bvmsisters<br />

www.youtube.com/bvmsisters<br />

twitter/bvmsisters<br />

www.pinterest.com/bvmsisters<br />

On the cover: Sisters and associates walk side by side as they<br />

embrace the charism and mission of BVM Foundress Mary<br />

Frances Clarke. On the cover, BVM Donard Collins (l.) helps<br />

Associate Marilyn Heinz prepare a meal for the needy at St.<br />

Patrick Parish in Dubuque, Iowa. Read on for the inspiring story<br />

of BVM association and the ever widening Circle of Friends.<br />


SEASONing<br />

As you retrieved this newest issue of Salt from your mailbox,<br />

you may first have noticed the weight. It feels heavier than most issues.<br />

You are so right!<br />

Within these pages, we are for the first time including a copy of our<br />

annual report to donors, Perspective. The listing acknowledges those<br />

who were designated as Donors of Distinction this past year. A full<br />

listing of our more than 8,000 benefactors is available by visiting our<br />

website at www.bvmcong.org.<br />

BVM leadership team members are (l. to r.)<br />

Mira Mosle, Teri Hadro and Kate Hendel.<br />

Since its inception, Salt has shared the impact of the BVM mission on<br />

individuals and groups in need, and provided color, shape and context<br />

to the values, communal life and God-quest of our sisters.<br />

From the beginning, this has been a journey shared by and made possible<br />

by so many others. This issue celebrates our partnership with you,<br />

our donors, and with the growing number of persons who have caught<br />

the charism of Mary Frances Clarke and chosen to live God’s mission<br />

of unconditional love within the context of the BVM core values: BVM<br />

associates.<br />

You will read of their journeys, of the evolving work of the Spirit in our<br />

midst, and of ministries which bring life and hope beyond measure.<br />

We begin with a glimpse of a significant April event in the life of our<br />

congregation: the discernment and election of BVM leadership, women<br />

called to serve the congregation. These Spirit-filled days flowed into<br />

contemplative dialogue on the needs of our church and world, and our<br />

call to boldly share our abundance of gifts.<br />

In times of extraordinary attentiveness to the murmurings of the Spirit,<br />

and in times of daily, quiet reflection and action, we give thanks for<br />

you, our faith-filled companions with whom we are in mutual relationship<br />

for the incarnation of God’s mission. We celebrate your fidelity,<br />

your generosity of spirit, your faith.<br />

In awe and gratitude, we experience God’s lavish love, and pray that we<br />

may all continue to live “the mathematics of abundance.”<br />

The Mathematics of Abundance<br />

Teach us, Sacred One,<br />

the multiplication tables of the kin-dom—<br />

the exponential growth of love shared,<br />

kindness offered, and smiles sewn<br />

in the fields of our daily routines.<br />

Teach us the memorization tricks of the<br />

saints,<br />

the algebra of the care-free.<br />

When will we learn the ancient wisdom<br />

that the gods and goddesses of fortune<br />

bow down before the extravagant ones,<br />

those who risk an open heart, and the<br />

happy-go-lucky?<br />

Teach us, in this time, not to be afraid,<br />

not to fear a harvest of overwhelming<br />

blessings,<br />

to master the mathematics of abundance,<br />

by which seven loaves of bread times a<br />

few small fish<br />

equals a feast for the multitude.<br />

Amen.<br />

—Sanguin, Bruce. Prayers for Evolutionary Mystics<br />

(Vancouver, BC: Self-published, 2010), 120.<br />


Sisters and associates raise their hands in blessing and thanksgiving for the dedicated ministry of the current leadership team.<br />

Discerning the Call:<br />

Serving Congregation, Church & World<br />

by Mary Martens, BVM<br />

The April 2016 BVM Senate of Elections and Business Senate at the Best Western<br />

Hotel in Dubuque, Iowa, united 150 sisters and 10 associates in communal<br />

listening and discernment, thoughtful discussions, and written reflections.<br />

Video streaming enabled BVMs beyond the Dubuque area and over 100 sisters<br />

at Mount Carmel to join in the Senate process, as all focused first on the theme,<br />

“Discerning the Call, Serving the Congregation.”<br />

Mount Carmel sisters had enthusiastic praise for the technology. “We were such a<br />

part of everything that took place, doing the same things here just as they were<br />

happening at the hotel,” shared Dolores Doohan, BVM (Sarah James). “The whole<br />

community was able to participate together in the process.”<br />

Top: Mary Ellen Madden, BVM staff member at 8th Day Center in Chicago, joins in the communal blessing of food during the community led liturgy.<br />

Bottom: BVM Janet Desmond (Janet Mary) enjoys the enactment play featuring scenarios envisioning the future of BVM mission and core values.<br />


BVM Leadership Elected<br />

BVMs celebrate the re-election of President<br />

Teri Hadro, BVM (l.); and the election of First<br />

Vice President Lou Anglin, BVM (r.); and<br />

Second Vice President LaDonna<br />

Manternach, BVM. Together they will<br />

guide the community in “Serving the<br />

Congregation; Serving the Church and<br />

World.”<br />

Sisters Consider Prospective Leaders<br />

Simple, sung prayer mantras accompanied<br />

the various sessions during the<br />

days spent in thoughtful sharing at the<br />

heart level, as all discerned the kind of<br />

leadership needed by the congregation at<br />

this time. An afternoon Mass of the Holy<br />

Spirit at the Motherhouse Chapel set the<br />

tone for the process.<br />

Questions provided by the two<br />

facilitators helped all present consider the<br />

gifts and abilities of six candidates, who<br />

responded by naming aspects of the congregation’s<br />

present and future realities that<br />

inspire and challenge them individually.<br />

Table groups developed possible leadership<br />

team configurations consisting of<br />

president and two vice presidents.<br />

BVM Teri Hadro was re-elected as<br />

president for a second term. Lou Anglin,<br />

BVM was chosen as first vice president<br />

and BVM LaDonna Manternach as second<br />

vice president. Four-year terms for<br />

the leadership team begin Aug. 1.<br />

A Time to Rekindle Relationships<br />

Left: BVMs Jan Pertle (Anton Mary) (l.) and Bertha Fox (Dolorose), reconnect as they arrive at the Senate.<br />

Right: Joanne Marie Lucid, BVM (Michael Mary) (l.) and Deanna Marie Carr, BVM (Bernita) share a<br />

friendly “meet and greet” moment.<br />

BVMs (l. to r.) Sheila<br />

Mary O’Brien (Mary<br />

Trea), Mary Agnes<br />

O’Connor (St. Agnes),<br />

and Patricia Thalhuber<br />

(Herbert Mary) process<br />

into the Motherhouse<br />

Chapel at the opening<br />

liturgy for the 2016<br />

Senate of Elections.<br />

Looking to the Uncertain Future<br />

At the Business Senate which followed<br />

elections, the theme transitioned to “Discerning<br />

the Call: Serving the Church and<br />

World.” This session, too, engaged everyone<br />

mentally and emotionally in shaping<br />

the congregation’s future. Sisters and<br />

associates prayed together at a community<br />

led liturgy, recommitting themselves<br />

with gratitude to BVM mission and core<br />



Clockwise: The cast depicting “Scenarios: Imagining Alternative Futures and Their Implications”<br />

included (l. to r.) Associate Grace Mendez, and BVMs Donard Collins, Carol<br />

Blitgen (John Carol), LaDonna Manternach, and Patricia Nolan (Ann Carol). BVMs Mary<br />

Martens, (Loras) (l.) and Marge Clark contemplate the various configurations for the new<br />

leadership team. BVMs (l. to r.) Anita Therese Hayes, Irene Lukefahr and Patricia Bombard<br />

discuss the possibilities of potential leadership candidates.<br />

values. Those at Mount Carmel and elsewhere<br />

remained connected and involved<br />

via video streaming.<br />

The Team Talk, “Unwrapping the Gift<br />

of Uncertainty,” presented by current<br />

President Teri Hadro, First Vice President<br />

Mira Mosle, and Second Vice President<br />

Kate Hendel highlighted three challenging<br />

“gifts” offered by the always uncertain<br />

future. Drawing on BVM history and<br />

looking forward to how the congregation<br />

will continue to further God’s mission,<br />

the leadership team proposed that BVMs<br />

consider abundance, boldness and connections.<br />

Along with uncertainty comes the<br />

abundance of God’s infinite love and<br />

care, for every person, in every situation,<br />

in nature itself. As Mira pointed out,<br />

“What appeared at times to be deprivation<br />

and loss has evolved into fullness<br />

unanticipated.”<br />

Each blessing of fullness is accompanied<br />

by God’s call to share, acting with<br />

boldness in confronting the unknown.<br />

“To act boldly,” Kate proposed, “certain<br />

virtues are required. They are openness,<br />

faith, hope and imagination.”<br />

There are new connections needed<br />

for making God’s mission our own. Teri<br />

stated, “As a congregation, our demographics<br />

suggest we may be completing<br />

our mission . . . What is God asking of us<br />

in these circumstances and in these times?<br />

How can we make God’s love visible?”<br />

Recognizing that the congregation<br />

is faced with decisions about the future,<br />

these will be based on the concepts of<br />

stewardship and mission.<br />

Simplify, Envision, Collaborate<br />

As the number of sisters continues to<br />

decline, a Governance Study Group is<br />

working to simplify structures. To help<br />

everyone think about the future creatively,<br />

the group presented a scripted drama entitled,<br />

“Governance Together for Mission.”<br />

The cast personified Mission and the<br />

BVM core values of Freedom, Education,<br />

Charity and Justice, conversing with one<br />

another about ways mission continues<br />

into the future. The goal of the presentation<br />

was to facilitate further reflection and<br />

dialogue leading to direction-setting at the<br />

2018 Senate.<br />

Along with the congregation’s desire<br />

and responsibility to envision a future in<br />

terms of collaborative outreach with partners<br />

in mission and ministry, it attends to<br />

careful planning for BVM retirement care<br />

and for Mount Carmel land and facilities.<br />

“I am feeling confident that we will<br />

be able, together, to create a future full<br />

of hope,” was one sister’s response to the<br />

wealth of information and inspiration.<br />

Another reflected, “I believe we will have<br />

made good decisions to continue living as<br />

women of the Gospel witnessing to God’s<br />

love.” A third commented, “The reason I<br />

feel both challenged and inspired is that the<br />

needs are so great and the call is so present<br />

to keep responding to those needs.”<br />

The Leadership Team thanked the<br />

many persons who are part of the larger<br />

BVM family, beyond our sisters and associates,<br />

who share their goodness with the<br />

congregation: staff, friends, alums, family,<br />

colleagues, donors, volunteers and all<br />

who generously continue to support both<br />

BVM life and God’s mission.<br />

About the author: Mary Martens, BVM lives<br />

in Dubuque and serves as representative to<br />

the National Farm Worker Ministry.<br />


Congratulations to Golden Jubilarians<br />

BVM Sisters Susan Coler and Mary Ann Cronin celebrated their<br />

golden jubilees with an Evening Prayer of Jubilee and Gratitude on<br />

April 12 in the Mount Carmel Motherhouse Chapel, followed by a<br />

reception. They entered the BVM congregation in July 1966.<br />

Susan Coler, BVM was born in St. Paul, Minn., and professed final<br />

vows on July 21, 1984. She taught at Xavier HS in St. Louis, and<br />

was music instructor, academic advisor and co-director of student<br />

development at Mundelein College, Chicago. In St. Paul, she<br />

served as law clerk for a federal district judge. Since 1991, she has<br />

ministered as an attorney in Minneapolis/St. Paul.“I feel blessed<br />

to have shared this journey with so many generous people who<br />

have shared their love, wisdom and spirituality with me,” says Sister<br />

Susan. “BVMs of incredible wisdom, grace and strength have<br />

inspired me to think boldly and act justly.”<br />

Ann Cronin, BVM was born in San Francisco and professed final<br />

vows on Oct. 3, 1976. Ann taught elementary school at St. Robert<br />

Bellarmine in Burbank and Mission Dolores, St. Paul ES and St.<br />

Thomas More ES in San Francisco, where she also ministered as<br />

elementary school principal, administrative assistant, substitute<br />

teacher, volunteer, day care tutor, and worked in alumni/development.<br />

She continues to minister as part time day care tutor and<br />

parish substitute. “Being a BVM is the most important gift I possess,”<br />

says Sister Ann. “Every day I thank God for the gift of belonging<br />

to this wonderful, faith-filled congregation.”<br />

Sharon Rezmer, BVM (l.) celebrates her profession<br />

of first vows with Kathleen Carr, BVM, who<br />

served as her Initial Membership liaison.<br />

BVM Novice<br />

Professes First Vows<br />

Congratulations to Sharon Rezmer, BVM who professed<br />

her first vows as a BVM on Dec. 20, 2015, at Mount Carmel<br />

in Dubuque, Iowa!<br />

Sharon entered the BVM congregation on Dec. 15, 2012.<br />

During her year of discernment with BVM sisters at<br />

Edmunds Street in Chicago, Marjorie<br />

Heidkamp, BVM (Herberdette) was her companion and<br />

Kathy Carr, BVM served as her liaison with the congregation’s<br />

Initial Membership team.<br />

Sharon began her non-canonical novitiate year on Dec.<br />

8, 2013, living in Chicago with BVMs Margaret (Peggy)<br />

Geraghty (St. Cabrini), and Diane O’Donnell (Joanella).<br />

While engaged in her discernment year, she continued<br />

her ministry as health care coordinator for the Cenacle<br />

Sisters, Chicago. Lou Anglin, BVM served as her novice<br />

director.<br />

Golden Jubilarians Ann Cronin, BVM (Mary Ann) (l.) and Susan Coler, BVM<br />

light candles at the prayer service at Mount Carmel.<br />

She was welcomed to Mount Carmel as a canonical<br />

novice in December 2014, living with BVMs Paulette<br />

Skiba, Lou Anglin, and M. Lynn Lester (Ann Joseph). Sharon<br />

is currently ministering as parish visitor for both St.<br />

Raphael and St. Patrick parishes in Dubuque.<br />

A Moment in Time<br />

BVMs enjoy the great outdoors in Butte,<br />

Mont., circa 1940. Taking time away<br />

from teaching at St. Joseph Elementary<br />

School, sisters hike in the mountains<br />

and prepare fried steaks for dinner! Pictured<br />

(l. to r.) are BVMs Annette O’Toole,<br />

Lolita Geris, Cleonica Meier, and Rita<br />

Rose Coleman.<br />


What is Association?<br />

by Associate Nancy McCarville<br />

We are BVM Associates!<br />

Following the Gospel in a particular way,<br />

we have formed mutual and supportive<br />

relationships with the Sisters of Charity<br />

of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We renew and<br />

strengthen our bonds in celebration, in<br />

service, and in prayer. We share a spirituality<br />

that touches convictions of who we<br />

are in our deepest selves and that infuses<br />

everything we do.<br />

Whether in an immersion experience<br />

at the border or at a parish outreach meal,<br />

we work together “being freed and helping<br />

others enjoy freedom in God’s steadfast<br />

love.” Though the spirit, the prayer, and the<br />

mission are shared, we are not vowed sisters.<br />

We are distinct in our family lifestyles and<br />

professions.<br />

Baptism calls our faithful selves to show<br />

mercy to the marginalized and the poor. Listening<br />

to and being led by the Spirit toward a<br />

contagious BVM charism, we associates have<br />

climbed upon the wings of BVM mission.<br />

We come with our energies and talents, hoping<br />

to assume a role in the narrative of BVM<br />

Foundress Mary Frances Clarke.<br />

Grateful for our part in the BVM journey,<br />

we keep a close eye on how we model<br />

“freedom in God’s love.” Paying attention<br />

to what God is stirring in us, we keep our<br />

associate commitments alive.<br />

While internalizing the core values of<br />

charity, education, justice and freedom, we<br />

ask: Do we give back more than we receive?<br />

Do we call forth others’ confidence with our<br />

encouragement? Do our responses in everyday<br />

situations free others and free us to be<br />

our most faithful selves?<br />

In swapping stories with the sisters of<br />

personal ministries infused by the core values,<br />

we associates are primed and sisters are<br />

enriched by the vistas we share. Whether<br />

preparing students for GED exams or repurposing<br />

T-shirts as diapers bound for<br />

Madagascar missions, authentic and animated<br />

conversations spark hospitality of joy.<br />

In enjoying and emulating BVM relationship,<br />

we prepare ourselves to carry<br />

the BVM heart into the future. California<br />

Associate Bob Kutter senses this seat of<br />

relationship: “In the core values, the BVM<br />

community lives and breathes social justice,<br />

but . . . there is a lightness of spirit, a gratitude<br />

for life, and a feeling of hope.”<br />

Associates’ participation in BVM relationship<br />

and ministry depends on their<br />

circumstances. Some recite the associate<br />

prayer each day. Others rally in support of<br />

anti-human trafficking and nonviolence,<br />

and join migrants in Arizona and field<br />

workers in Florida. Frequently, they advise<br />

government officials of their positions on<br />

social justice issues. Association is generous<br />

in answering needs of ministry and prayer.<br />

However, even greater generosity calls. It<br />

is the hope of the BVM and associate community<br />

that association will carry on the<br />

Mary Frances Clarke legacy self-sufficiently.<br />

Taking steps toward the sustainability of<br />

association, we anticipate development of<br />

leadership, as well as growth in membership.<br />

The gifts that, without reservation, we offer<br />

to the BVM congregation extend to leading<br />

and making appropriate decisions for association<br />

as the future becomes the present.<br />

Undoubtedly, Mary Frances Clarke<br />

knew a little about challenges as she offered<br />

encouragement to her early community:<br />

“Leave the future to God. I have no fears so<br />

long as you are working unitedly but that<br />

God will aid us as in the past.” (Letter of<br />

Mary Frances Clarke #212)<br />

About the author: Associate Co-coordinator<br />

Nancy McCarville is a former BVM who lives in<br />

Waterloo, Iowa. She is a member of the Associate<br />

Coordinator Team (ACT).<br />

Prayer of Associates<br />

Prayer of Mary Frances Clarke, adapted<br />

O Lord Jesus, keep me ever<br />

faithful to the Spirit of<br />

Mary Frances Clarke<br />

According to the wisdom of<br />

your own heart—humble,<br />

courageous, patient, loving,<br />

obedient;<br />

A person of simplicity and<br />

prayer, steadfast against<br />

injustice and violence<br />

And sensitive always to your<br />

ways of compassion and to the<br />

guidance of your Holy Spirit.<br />

Give me, dear Lord Jesus,<br />

the necessary strength<br />

and creativity to make me<br />

your hands in the world today.<br />

Amen.<br />


Reaching Out, Touching Lives<br />

by Bette Gambonini, BVM<br />

“Tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”<br />

This famous quote<br />

from Mary Oliver’s<br />

poem “The Summer<br />

Day” came to mind<br />

as I asked three<br />

associates of the<br />

Sisters of Charity of<br />

the Blessed Virgin<br />

Mary how they are<br />

involved in ministry.<br />

“What gives you life?<br />

How have you been touched by those<br />

with whom you serve? How has your<br />

presence touched the lives of others?”<br />

Even though they felt that they were<br />

not really “doing ministry,” their lived<br />

experiences reveal their real stories: stories<br />

of being the voice, feet and hands of<br />

Jesus in Los Angeles; Dubuque, Iowa; and<br />

Beach Park, Ill.<br />

What is ministry? A prayer response<br />

from the BVM publication, The Gift That<br />

is Ours—BVM Spirituality, Mission Refl ection<br />

Part II, notes: “We are women [and<br />

men] who have been touched by God’s<br />

steadfast love who are called to be visible<br />

signs of faith, hope and compassion for<br />

and with God’s People.” Ministry, then,<br />

might be described as our response to<br />

God’s call to reach out to those in need.<br />

Associate Clara Schwartz (l.) works in<br />

the CBS Law Department in Studio City,<br />

Calif. “Outside of my work,” she says, “I<br />

am there whenever there is something that<br />

needs doing.” The simple things Clara does<br />

reflect her ministry coming alive: supplying<br />

dinners for families in the San Fernando<br />

Mission Housing Project (which provides<br />

overnight housing for the homeless); baking<br />

birthday cakes for staff members; or<br />

providing DVDs to “Operation Gratitude”<br />

to be sent to our U.S. troops overseas. She<br />

also helps pack boxes and write postcards<br />

and letters to the troops, sending ng words of<br />

gratitude and encouragement.<br />

Associate Betty Takes, (center) of<br />

Dubuque, earned her Bachelor of Science<br />

degree in nursing in her 40s. “I was<br />

assigned to do a change project in health<br />

care for my senior year thesis,” Betty<br />

shares. “I was working in critical care and<br />

found that most of the time the visitors<br />

of patients who were in the dying process<br />

were talking to one another and not to the<br />

patient. I would talk to the patient and<br />

ask pertinent questions and found that the<br />

patient would answer without hesitation.<br />

I modeled a positive approach to the visitors<br />

and changed the subject to the issue at<br />

hand, being that of the seriousness of the<br />

illness and the patient’s wishes and needs.”<br />

In 1979, Betty and four other nurses<br />

started the Hospice of Dubuque, volunteering<br />

nights and Saturdays. They held<br />

classes for other volunteers, establishing<br />

guidelines and support for patients and<br />

families. Seventeen years later, at the age of<br />

80, Betty still volunteers for the community-based<br />

nonprofit. She also brought hospice<br />

to our BVM sisters at Marian Hall.<br />

“God has been at my side helping me<br />

my whole life. I would live my life the<br />

same way if I had a do over,” Betty says.<br />

“I have been blessed by the patients and<br />

families I have worked with and with the<br />

staff and volunteers. Hospice workers are<br />

called to this vocation. It is not work to us<br />

but a calling by God.<br />

I had a great husband<br />

who supported me<br />

in my efforts. He<br />

became a volunteer<br />

by helping out wherever<br />

he was needed.”<br />

Associate Danette<br />

Elfering Bookstein,<br />

(r.) a senior manager<br />

for Trustmark Insurance<br />

Company, lives<br />

in Beach Park, Ill.<br />

When asked about sharing her ministry,<br />

Danette reflects: “God has called me in<br />

many areas of ministry. At this time, I feel<br />

that I have been called to minister to the<br />

youth in our parish.”<br />

She continues: “Several years ago I<br />

taught religious education to the fifth and<br />

sixth graders in our parish. I loved helping<br />

them grow in their faith but felt God<br />

calling me to work with the high school<br />

teens. My daughter was part of the youth<br />

group in our parish and the growth in her<br />

faith that I witnessed led me to join this<br />

ministry. I co-lead a small group of freshman<br />

girls. It has been rewarding to see their<br />

spiritual growth and excitement; I look<br />

forward to walking alongside them on their<br />

faith journey over the next three years.”<br />

We, too, may now be inspired to ask:<br />

“How has my ministry given life to me?<br />

How have I touched the lives of others?<br />

How have others touched my life?” On<br />

reflection, we may find our own answers<br />

to Mary Oliver’s quote: “Tell me what is<br />

it you plan to do with your one wild and<br />

precious life?”<br />

About the author: Bette Gambonini, BVM<br />

(Esther Mary) lives in Sunnyvale, Calif., and<br />

ministers as a liturgy coordinator for the<br />

Sisters of the Holy Names in Campbell. She<br />

is a member of the BVM Communications<br />

Advisory Committee.<br />


Associate Coordinators (seated, l. to r.) Associate Nancy Van Anne, Betty Voss, BVM (Leonice), Therese Frelo, BVM (Ann Carmelle); (standing, l. to r.) BVMs<br />

Joan Stritesky (Magdaletta), Nancy McCarthy (Josephine Mary) and Elizabeth Avalos; and Associate Nancy McCarville. Not pictured are Coordinators Ann<br />

Therese Chaput, BVM and Associates Kay Ann Derner Brown and Elizabeth Fitting.<br />

The Evolution of Association<br />

by Associate Nancy Van Anne<br />

The concept of “association”<br />

—the formal relationship<br />

between laity and religious<br />

in mission and ministry—has<br />

continued to develop and gain<br />

momentum over the years.<br />

The early history of association<br />

between the laity and the<br />

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed<br />

Virgin Mary is aptly described<br />

by Associate Norman C. Freund<br />

in his book, A History of BVM<br />

Association to 2005, detailing<br />

the actions and events which<br />

provided the groundwork for<br />

the associate program as it is<br />

known today.<br />

1993–2000: Coordinator<br />

Joan Stritesky, BVM (Magdaletta)<br />

Joan was appointed as the first fulltime<br />

coordinator of the program in 1993.<br />

She was assisted throughout her sevenyear<br />

tenure by her friend and colleague,<br />

Therese Frelo, BVM (Ann Carmelle).<br />

Many significant changes occurred<br />

during this period, primarily due to Joan’s<br />

intense efforts to educate and inform the<br />

community about the nature, purpose and<br />

importance of “affiliation,” as association<br />

was first named.<br />

The changes affecting affiliates during<br />

this time included participation in community<br />

meetings and service on community<br />

committees. A significant change was<br />

the name change! In 1995, the “Affiliate<br />

Program” became “The Associate Relationship/Associate<br />

Program.”<br />

In 1997, an Associate Advisory Committee<br />

(AAC) was formed, composed<br />

of equal numbers of BVMs and associates<br />

selected from the congregation’s<br />

regions. The names of associates were now<br />

included in an Associate Community<br />

Register. A commitment ritual was created,<br />

during which a stole was presented<br />

and each associate signed the register,<br />

indicating the date accepted into the program<br />

and community number assigned.<br />

In February 1999, Joan’s last year<br />

of service, the AAC formed a proposal<br />

regarding future coordination of the program.<br />

In May 2000 the BVM Community<br />

Board appointed Betty Voss, BVM<br />

(Leonice) as the new coordinator.<br />

2000–06: Betty Voss, BVM (Leonice) and<br />

Associate Nancy Van Anne<br />

From the beginning of Betty’s time<br />

as coordinator, and as a result of Nancy’s<br />

offer “to help out in any way I can,”<br />

Nancy Van Anne became a virtual assistant<br />

coordinator. In March 2001, Nancy<br />

was appointed as co-coordinator on a half<br />


time basis. This marked the first time an<br />

associate would serve in a leadership position<br />

in the program.<br />

The first action taken by Betty and<br />

Nancy was to visit all current associates,<br />

enabling them to also talk with BVMs in the<br />

area, become personally acquainted with the<br />

membership, and assess current conditions<br />

and future needs of the program.<br />

Because of overlapping responsibilities,<br />

changes in the committee structure of<br />

the advisory groups were addressed. Two<br />

committees were operating at the time,<br />

the AAC and the Associate Coordinating<br />

Team (ACT). These were merged into one<br />

and renamed the Associate Coordinating<br />

Committee (ACC).<br />

The Associate Handbook was created<br />

to collect, organize and publicize information<br />

on the meaning and process of<br />

becoming an associate. Copies of the process<br />

were sent to all BVMs and associates.<br />

Role descriptions of coordinators, ACC<br />

members, and the role of the local community<br />

were included, plus a list of available<br />

resources: handouts, articles, letters<br />

of BVM Foundress Mary Frances Clarke,<br />

a brochure, video tapes, and a list of possible<br />

speakers.<br />

The phrase “contact sister” was<br />

changed to “companion” because both<br />

BVMs and associates were serving as primary<br />

guides to those preparing to enter<br />

the program. An orientation notebook<br />

was used as a “teacher’s manual” for companions<br />

as they orient the associate to the<br />

nature and purpose of association.<br />

Companioning workshops were presented<br />

in Chicago, Dubuque, southern<br />

and northern California, Florida, Phoenix<br />

and Seattle. The workshops addressed<br />

themes of importance to association:<br />

mutual expectations; BVM heritage; mission,<br />

ministry and charism; BVM spirituality,<br />

prayer and community; and the<br />

availability of the supporting resources.<br />

Betty and Nancy worked with a local<br />

artist and company in Dubuque, Iowa, to<br />

create the associate pin, presented to each<br />

new member, along with the stole, at the<br />

commitment ceremony.<br />

2006–12: Elizabeth Avalos, BVM and<br />

Nancy McCarthy, BVM (Josephine Mary)<br />

2006–09: Associate Kay Brown and<br />

2009–12: Associate Elizabeth Fitting<br />

With a new set of co-coordinators, the<br />

Associate Office moved from Denver to<br />

the West. Co-coordinators now lived at a<br />

great distance from each other, spread from<br />

Illinois to Oklahoma to California. The<br />

business of the program was conducted via<br />

Skype at the weekly group meetings.<br />

The co-coordinators revised the orientation<br />

notebook, renaming the document<br />

“Orientation to Association.” The revision<br />

expanded the source of information available<br />

to the companion and the associate<br />

candidate, including discussion and reflection<br />

questions and prayers, plus expanded<br />

material relating to BVM history, core<br />

values, mission and ministry.<br />

Several new aspects of the Associate<br />

Program were established, leading to a<br />

deepening of relationships between associates<br />

and BVMs. These included an annual<br />

associate retreat at Mount Carmel and an<br />

electronic newsletter. Service and immersion<br />

activities were encouraged and made<br />

available. The co-coordinators arranged<br />

for associates to gather with one another<br />

at local and nationally scheduled BVM<br />

meetings. At this time, BVM associates<br />

numbered 192.<br />

June 2014–Present:<br />

Associate Nancy McCarville<br />

September 2014–Present:<br />

Associate Grace Mendez<br />

June 2015–Present:<br />

Associates Kimberly Emery and Lori Ritz<br />

A new era in the evolution of association<br />

began in 2014 with the appointment<br />

of Nancy and Grace as associate<br />

co-coordinators. As the number of associates<br />

increased, Kimberly and Lori joined<br />

the Associate Coordinator Team (ACT)<br />

in 2015.<br />

This represented the first time that<br />

leadership was totally in the hands of<br />

associates! A vice president of the BVM<br />

congregation continued to serve as liaison<br />

between the associate leadership and the<br />

BVM community.<br />

The early efforts of the ACT team<br />

were directed toward discerning the future<br />

relationship and roles of religious and<br />

associates in today’s culture. Input is being<br />

gathered from national sources, local<br />

leadership and extensive conversation in<br />

clusters, on the BVM website, and among<br />

community members. Thus, as in many<br />

other congregations, the clarification and<br />

deepening of associate-sister relationships<br />

is ongoing.<br />

Today, the Associate Program, “officially”<br />

beginning with six members in<br />

1976, numbers 187. Its leadership over the<br />

past 40 years has evolved from “committee<br />

status” to a BVM full-time coordinator, to<br />

the inclusion of associates as co-coordinators<br />

along with congregational members,<br />

and finally, to having the entire leadership<br />

team comprised of BVM associates.<br />

The movement of lay men and<br />

women toward association and the commitment<br />

to live the core values of the<br />

Sisters of Charity, BVM will continue to<br />

strengthen—as time deepens the enduring<br />

bond between them.<br />

The current Associate Coordinator Team (ACT), (l. to r.) Kimberly Emery, Lori<br />

Ritz, Grace Mendez and Nancy McCarville, share responsibilities as the first<br />

leadership group comprised of associates only.<br />

About the author: Associate Nancy M. Van<br />

Anne is professor emeritus at the University of<br />

Northern Colorado, Greeley.<br />


Associate MaryLane Blomquist celebrates her commitment at with her companion Harriet Holles, BVM (Agneda).<br />

Nourishing the Companion Process<br />

by Associate Virginia A. Piecuch<br />

Each person interested in<br />

becoming an associate of the<br />

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed<br />

Virgin Mary is accompanied by a<br />

companion during the process of<br />

discernment and orientation. The<br />

Associate Handbook notes that<br />

the areas to be covered during<br />

this time are: history of the BVM<br />

congregation; charism of Foundress<br />

Mary Frances Clarke; mission<br />

and core values; spirituality as<br />

expressed in prayer, community<br />

and ministry; and opportunities<br />

for service. The companion<br />

process can be accomplished in a<br />

variety of ways.<br />

Process is Unique to Each<br />

After Associate MaryLane Blomquist began<br />

an inquiry into association 15 years ago,<br />

she “finally got more serious” when she<br />

moved back to Geneseo, Ill., from Wisconsin<br />

in 2011. Taught by the BVMs in<br />

grade school, she was companioned in<br />

the associate process by Harriet Holles, BVM<br />

(Agneda), who had been her math teacher<br />

at Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa.<br />

MaryLane shares: “When I was doing<br />

the discernment process monthly with<br />

Harriet in Dubuque, I was very focused<br />

on the journey of Mary Frances Clarke<br />

and her ‘Circle of Friends.’ We talked<br />

about what they left behind, their faith<br />

in going forward to a strange land and<br />

then ‘out west’ to Dubuque. At my commitment<br />

ceremony, Harriet read an<br />

excerpt from Creating Community, by<br />

BVM Ann Harrington (St. Remi). Mary<br />

Frances Clarke’s journey to Dubuque had<br />

a direct effect on my life.”<br />

“MaryLane was attracted to Mary<br />

Frances Clarke and her journey, the history,<br />

and the core values,” Harriet affirms.<br />

“It was a long journey for her, from<br />

freshman year at Clarke to the process of<br />

becoming an associate. I companioned<br />

another woman on her associate journey<br />

and I was struck with how different the<br />

process was for each of them. It depends<br />

so much on where they are in their lives<br />

and what changes have come about. Our<br />

lives are always changing; the BVM community<br />

has changed. If we are serious, we<br />

are all about growth and understanding.”<br />

Former BVM Embraces Association<br />

A former BVM, Associate Joyce Mach<br />

remained in contact with many BVMs.<br />

Some of them visited her when she moved<br />

to Florida. Joyce recalls, “When we gathered<br />

and began our discussions, I felt like<br />

I had never left the BVMs. I enjoyed our<br />

talks during our overnights at the Franciscan<br />

Center in Tampa. It was good to be<br />

with people who had the same love for the<br />

community and the same care for others.<br />

It revived things that were dear to me. I<br />

was happy to review the history and the<br />

letters of Mary Frances Clarke again. The<br />


core values were special to me, reminding<br />

me of the many things I learned at St.<br />

Mary HS in Chicago. Some of the topics<br />

were new, but most were not.”<br />

Joyce Mary Rohlik, BVM, who knew Joyce<br />

Mach for two years before beginning the<br />

companion process with her, says, “I found<br />

the Associate Handbook worked wonderfully<br />

to bring about meaningful discussions.<br />

I, along with BVMs Colleen McGinnity<br />

(Rose Maureen) and Ann DeNicolo (Ann<br />

Thomas) used the handbook with Associates<br />

Sue Browne (now deceased), Christine<br />

Middendorf, and Joyce Mach. Having been<br />

a BVM, Joyce could easily identify with the<br />

core values and Mary Frances Clarke. We<br />

covered a lot of material because we met less<br />

often and we all came together from a distance.<br />

Our discussions were lively, fun and<br />

inspirational.”<br />

Companion <strong>Journey</strong> Unfolds ‘by Phone’<br />

Associate Linda Carstens, a Clarke graduate,<br />

participated in the 2014 BVM Kino<br />

Border Immersion Trip after reading<br />

about it on the BVM website. Soon after,<br />

she began the process to become an associate,<br />

facilitated by telephone from her<br />

home in Albuquerque, N.M., with her<br />

companion in Phoenix, Associate Lori Ritz.<br />

Linda shares, “Even though the materials<br />

were meant for a group, we used<br />

them as best we could. I learned a lot<br />

more about BVM history, but the core<br />

values meant a lot to me. It seemed like<br />

I was talking to a friend about what we<br />

had in common. We made such a good<br />

connection since we were both serving<br />

Spanish-speaking kids. It’s important that<br />

there be alternative ways to go through<br />

the companion process. Our way worked<br />

very well for me.”<br />

In January Linda spent two weeks of<br />

vacation in Guayaquil, Ecuador, helping<br />

Ann Credidio, BVM at Damien House,<br />

a residential hospital for Hansen’s disease<br />

patients. She wished she could have stayed<br />

longer.<br />

Since Lori’s own companion process<br />

was conducted the same way with<br />

Elizabeth Avalos, BVM, she did not find<br />

it strange to companion Linda over the<br />

telephone. She says, “Even though we did<br />

not know each other before we began,<br />

we immediately established a relationship<br />

because we realized we were both Spanish<br />

students of Lucilda O’Connor, BVM at<br />

Clarke. We are also both in early childhood<br />

education.”<br />

Lori adds, “Using the handbook,<br />

we planned the subject and had discussions<br />

every other Sunday evening. It was<br />

individualized for Linda and adapted<br />

to our conversations . . . our prayer and<br />

discussions worked well. Since we have<br />

some people in isolation without BVMs<br />

or associates nearby, we have to tailor the<br />

companion process to their needs. By<br />

2014, we completed the process and have<br />

been using Zoom on the computer, which<br />

is much easier because we can see each<br />

other.”<br />

Linda and Lori finally connected<br />

in person in northern California at the<br />

Bay Area Conference of Associates and<br />

Religious (BACAR) and at an immersion<br />

experience in San Jose.<br />

‘No Right Way to be an Associate’<br />

Associate Susan Hoerger, who is not<br />

Catholic, grew up in Madison, Wis. She<br />

had several Dominican sister friends and<br />

taught in a Catholic school. Susan knew<br />

no BVMs or associates, only her good<br />

friend, Carmella Huser, who was beginning<br />

the process to become an associate.<br />

Interested, Susan asked Dee Myers,<br />

BVM (Dolore) if she could join the group<br />

with Carmella and BVMs Marilyn Wilson<br />

(Claudia Mary), Bette Gambonini (Esther<br />

Mary), and Elizabeth Avalos, who were<br />

meeting monthly at Dee’s home in Belmont,<br />

Calif.<br />

Having no experience with BVMs,<br />

Susan felt “profound ignorance” when<br />

she joined the group, but notes, “I was<br />

attracted to enriching my spiritual life.<br />

I enjoyed coming together regularly to<br />

discuss, not debate; to share beliefs with<br />

a common foundation; and have time for<br />

prayer and meditation.”<br />

She liked the process and shares, “The<br />

structure of discussing the history of the<br />

community and the core values appealed<br />

to me. It was done within a scriptural<br />

context and related to the world we live<br />

in today. I also appreciate that there is no<br />

right way to be an associate.”<br />

Dee notes, “The Associate Handbook<br />

guided us through our journey while<br />

the supplementary writings of BVMs<br />

Kathryn Lawlor (John Laurian) and<br />

Ann Harrington enriched us. Susan<br />

and Carmella, quick readers, soaked up<br />

other stories of Mary Frances Clarke and<br />

absorbed the history of how our BVM<br />

community developed. Prayer time<br />

was significant as we remembered our<br />

foundress and how she depended on the<br />

Spirit of God and all the saints to guide<br />

and drive our BVM journey.<br />

“As we reflected and pursued what<br />

it meant to follow the charism of Mary<br />

Frances Clarke with new friends,” Dee concludes,<br />

“we deepened our own appreciation<br />

of the core values in our daily lives.”<br />

Associates and companions (l. to r.) Joyce Mary Rohlik, BVM, Associates Joyce<br />

Mach and Christine Middendorf, and Colleen McGinnity, BVM (Rose Maureen)<br />

enjoy a special bond.<br />

About the author: Associate Virginia Piecuch is<br />

a parish liturgy volunteer, proofreader for a vocation<br />

journal, and watercolor artist in Chicago.<br />


BVM Associates: Who are They?<br />

by Associate Grace Mendez<br />

Associates are men and women from<br />

many faith traditions and walks of life<br />

who share the BVM mission of “being<br />

freed and helping others enjoy freedom<br />

in God’s steadfast love.” (BVM Constitution<br />

# 10) And it is true! We became associates<br />

because the charism and core values of<br />

the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin<br />

Mary fit what we believe, what we live.<br />

Most of us were introduced to the<br />

BVMs through our education or that<br />

of our children. Some of us taught with<br />

BVMs. Their example and sharing of life<br />

and mission attracted us, challenged us,<br />

and encouraged us to “join with vowed<br />

members in living the BVM charism of<br />

freedom in God’s steadfast love, the core<br />

values of charity, justice, education and<br />

freedom, and the traditions of the congregation.”<br />

(2003 Associate Handbook)<br />

Is There a Typical Associate?<br />

Just looking at statistics, maybe . . .<br />

She would be Catholic, retired, in her 70s,<br />

and educated by the sisters. But statistics<br />

don’t give the depth of the mix.<br />

Although most of our associates are<br />

women, 21 men have completed the<br />

commitment to share in the BVM community.<br />

Why affiliate with this group of<br />

religious women?<br />

When asked his reasons for becoming<br />

an associate, Jim Plant replies, “to<br />

serve God . . . to belong to a spiritual<br />

community, to help others in whatever<br />

capacity I can.” This is a common theme<br />

to association—that desire to share the<br />

charism of the BVMs and to serve in any<br />

capacity, under the constrictions of our<br />

life situations.<br />

Some associates are married. We have<br />

12 couples, nine of whom became associates<br />

at the same time; the rest completed<br />

the process separately. At his commitment<br />

ceremony (with his wife), Associate<br />

Francis De Carvalho shared, “I consider<br />

my commitment today as not only that<br />

of becoming a BVM associate, but also a<br />

renewal of many calls to faithfulness: my<br />

baptismal promises, my confirmation,<br />

my marriage vows. And I feel especially<br />

blessed to be called to enter this new<br />

chapter in my life alongside my partner in<br />

life, my wife, Carol.”<br />

Associates are getting older just as the<br />

BVM sisters are. We range in age from<br />

33 to 93, with the majority of us (64%)<br />

being 70 or older, and only 5% under the<br />

age of 50. Age is a factor in active participation<br />

in the BVM causes.<br />

Associates don’t have participation<br />

modes per se, but they seem to fit into<br />

three areas. Some are extremely active in<br />

social justice issues and/or parish activities.<br />

Many participate in gatherings called<br />

“clusters,” immersion experiences, retreats,<br />

and days of reflection. Others are supporters<br />

in prayer and readings.<br />

We recently lost our oldest associate<br />

Mary Schmidt (95), with whom I spoke<br />

a month before her passing. She told me,<br />

“I can’t answer the survey, but I say the<br />

associate prayer every day.” This prayer<br />

support is a vital piece of our associate<br />

commitment!<br />

The Challenge of Staying Connected<br />

At the end of January 2016, there were<br />

185 associates in 25 states and Ecuador.<br />

There are three large geographic groupings<br />

of associates: 44 (24%) reside in Iowa; 38<br />

(21%) in California; and 31 (17%) in Illinois.<br />

Twelve states have only one associate<br />

living there! This makes for difficulty in<br />

staying connected.<br />

Most associates meet with BVM sisters<br />

in clusters which can vary in size and focus.<br />

We have two gatherings of associates using<br />

Zoom technology, a video communication<br />

format. One of these is a Colorado cluster;<br />

the other is an east coast cluster. A large<br />

cluster in Montana meets via Skype.<br />

Some clusters are social gatherings;<br />

some meet to study congregational stances<br />

and reflect on books suggested by BVM<br />

leadership; some read the Sunday scriptures<br />

and pray for the intentions of the<br />

group and the congregation.<br />

The Montrose, Calif., cluster has two<br />

meetings once a month on the same day;<br />

one covers the Associate Discernment Book<br />

for candidates and inquirers, and one<br />

shares reflections on readings and plans<br />

social justice activities.<br />

BVM Charism Reflects Common Bond<br />

A belief in the core values isn’t restricted<br />

to being Catholic. Buddhist, Jewish and<br />

Protestant associates also share in the<br />

charism of BVM Foundress Mary Frances<br />

Clarke. In her commitment reflection,<br />

Associate Emily Kruse shared, “I am honored<br />

to be a part of this community that<br />

is full of spirit, committed to social justice—or<br />

the Jewish teaching of tikun olam:<br />


Associates at a Glance<br />

repairing the world—and so incredibly<br />

welcoming to everyone.”<br />

In her article, “Right Livelihood” in<br />

BVM Association magazine (2012), Associate<br />

Lorie Murphy said, “Being a BVM<br />

associate is an integral part of my own<br />

spirituality as a Buddhist. One of the key<br />

elements of the Buddhist Noble Eightfold<br />

Path is ‘Right Livelihood,’ which states that<br />

work and career should be integrated into<br />

life with harmony, integrity and balance.”<br />

Associates walk their paths in many<br />

careers—as nurses, lawyers, accountants,<br />

tax preparers, parish members, students,<br />

educators, activists, fundraisers, receptionists,<br />

mothers and fathers, deacons<br />

and retirees. They exhibit the core values<br />

while carrying signs at peace rallies, helping<br />

at Mount Carmel, working in their<br />

parishes, feeding and clothing the homeless,<br />

sharing with their students, raising<br />

their children, reading BVM publications,<br />

donating to BVM causes, and praying for<br />

the BVM community.<br />

So, is there a “typical” associate?<br />

Typical is a shared belief that where<br />

one BVM is, all of us are there; that the<br />

living out of the core values of education,<br />

charity, justice and freedom are a<br />

part of our daily walk; that we share in<br />

the charism of Mary Frances Clarke and<br />

her sisters through our actions and our<br />

prayers; and that BVM associates can<br />

carry that charism in continued community<br />

into the future.<br />

About the author: Associate Co-coordinator<br />

Grace Mendez is a member of the Associate<br />

Coordinator Team (ACT).<br />



Illinois<br />

17%<br />

AGE 70+<br />

AGES 50-70<br />

UNDER AGE 50<br />


Other<br />

8%<br />

California<br />

31%<br />


IOWA<br />

44%<br />



PRAYER<br />



SOCIAL<br />



Sharing ‘Our Mount Carmel Home’<br />

by Associate Joann Crowley Beers<br />

Long before BVM association was formalized,<br />

lay people have been deeply<br />

involved with the Sisters of Charity of the<br />

Blessed Virgin Mary, working with sisters<br />

in their ministries or turning to them for<br />

spiritual guidance and friendship. Wherever<br />

there were BVMs, the charism and<br />

core values were inevitably shared.<br />

Since a structure for association was developed<br />

in the ’90s, retreats and days of<br />

recollection have been offered in many<br />

places near BVM ministries.<br />

Retreats Offer Sanctuary for Growth<br />

Annual summer retreats for associates<br />

at Mount Carmel in Dubuque, Iowa,<br />

began in 2011, when Marilyn Wilson,<br />

BVM (Claudia Mary), facilitated a retreat<br />

on the spirituality of BVM Foundress<br />

Mary Frances Clarke. From that time on,<br />

the Motherhouse has been a summer destination<br />

for associates.<br />

Retreats have been offered on prayer,<br />

education, spiritual companioning, and<br />

freedom. Always included are discussions<br />

among the retreatants, visits with sisters,<br />

and time to experience the natural beauty<br />

of Mount Carmel. As Associate Norm<br />

Freund, says, “No place on earth is more<br />

central to the charism, history and spirituality<br />

of the BVMs than Mount Carmel.”<br />

Whatever their background, associates<br />

who have come to the summer retreats<br />

consistently express their gratitude for<br />

being invited into the sisters’ home.<br />

Associate Nancy McCarville reflects,<br />

“The atmosphere at Mount Carmel centers<br />

me on my relationship with BVMs<br />

and the association they created.” Associate<br />

Oweene Stone shares that “the energy<br />

and atmosphere . . . of peace, love, respect<br />

and acceptance permeates my soul!”<br />

Sense of Community<br />

Links Associates, BVMs<br />

Other associates feel that the experience<br />

of community is central. Associate<br />

Marilyn Wasmundt explains, “When I<br />

come to Mount Carmel I have the feeling<br />

of coming home—coming into a group of<br />

loving, understanding, accepting, welcoming<br />

‘family members’—joining a group<br />

that has the same values as I do. I can<br />

be myself and be understood.” Associate<br />

No place on earth . . .<br />

is more central to the charism,<br />

history and spirituality of the BVMs<br />

than Mount Carmel.<br />

—Associate Norm Freund<br />

Kimberly Emery believes that “the Holy<br />

Spirit led me to Mount Carmel to learn<br />

from and share with those who were to<br />

become my future ‘circle of friends.’”<br />

The retreats have given Associate<br />

Grace Mendez “a deeper appreciation of<br />

the BVMs and how they got to where the<br />

community is today . . . and a renewal of<br />

my connection to the associate and vowed<br />

community in shared mission and love of<br />

God.”<br />

A highlight of summer retreats is<br />

interaction with Mount Carmel sisters.<br />

Associate Lori Ritz says, “I am amazed at<br />

their humility and the fact that they see<br />

themselves as ever growing.” During the<br />

2012 retreat on prayer, Nancy remembers<br />

her discussion with a BVM sister.<br />

After some opening comments, Nancy<br />

said, “Well, we’d better get to our topic,<br />

‘prayer.’ The sister responded, ‘But we<br />

are already in prayer.’ Her experience of<br />

prayer—the Spirit surrounding us like fish<br />

in an ocean—has since grounded my own<br />

approach.”<br />

Participants are ‘Gifts to Each Other’<br />

Summer retreats are also enhanced<br />

by the BVM sisters who choose to attend<br />

them along with the associates. Catherine<br />

Jean Hayen, BVM, finds it “a mutual<br />

blessing” for BVMs and associates to share<br />

their faith journeys. Julie O’Neill, BVM,<br />

offers, “Getting to know associates in a<br />

more reflective way is the ‘heart’ of the<br />

retreat experience.” She sees sisters and<br />

associates as gifts to each other, so “we can<br />

be, indeed, a true circle of friends.” Donna<br />

Schauf, BVM (Blanche), appreciates learning<br />

how associates live the BVM core<br />

values in their lives. “It is especially great<br />

to get to know more of these wonderful<br />

Spirit-filled persons.”<br />

Mount Carmel has become a place<br />

where associates encounter, and are energized<br />

by, the vibrant living charism that<br />

embraces all who are open to receive it.<br />

This is a product of the congregational history<br />

deeply rooted there, and of the living<br />

exemplars of Mary Frances Clarke’s values,<br />

who live “on the hill.”<br />

As associates imbibe this spirit and<br />

these values, they are personally enriched.<br />

Perhaps they can also carry them out into<br />

a world that might otherwise not encounter<br />

the BVM charism.<br />

About the author: Former BVM and Associate<br />

Joann Crowley Beers is a spiritual director and<br />

has facilitated two BVM Associate Retreats.<br />

She lives in Lodi, Wis., with her husband Bill.<br />


Lorie Murphy<br />

Christine Middendorf<br />

James Tackes<br />

Kathy Weishaar<br />

Reflections on<br />

Core Values<br />

BVM associates contribute their<br />

unique gifts to the mission of the<br />

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed<br />

Virgin Mary as they embody the core<br />

values of justice, education, freedom<br />

and charity in their daily lives.<br />

Read how four associates view these<br />

values from their own perspectives.<br />

Justice<br />

Associate Lorie Murphy<br />

As an associate, I am linked<br />

to the BVM community in all<br />

four core values, but the value<br />

of justice is the one that keeps<br />

me most closely connected in<br />

my daily work. It is the value<br />

that grounds me as I begin each<br />

day and the one I reflect on<br />

repeatedly as I journey beside<br />

so many people in my role of<br />

counselor and life coach.<br />

It is an honor and a<br />

privilege to walk beside another<br />

human being as they reflect,<br />

question and examine who they<br />

want to be in the stories of their<br />

individual lives. They trust me<br />

to hold their vulnerability, pain<br />

and fear as they explore their<br />

hopes, dreams and desires.<br />

I am forever aware of my<br />

responsibility to respond to<br />

them without judgment and to<br />

treat each person with dignity,<br />

respect and compassion. The<br />

core value of justice helps me<br />

to remember to see the divine<br />

in each person that I encounter<br />

and to do my utmost to<br />

help them to grow into the<br />

best persons they can be.<br />

Education<br />

Associate Christine Middendorf<br />

I can personally attest to<br />

the fact that education was and<br />

is a pillar of the BVM sisters’<br />

work and mission throughout<br />

their ministry history because<br />

I have been a “BVM girl” since<br />

1955. The educators in Chicago<br />

that I was privileged to<br />

meet at St. Tarcissus ES, The<br />

Immaculata HS, and Mundelein<br />

College instilled in me a<br />

thirst for learning which has<br />

never slackened.<br />

The career path that I<br />

chose was definitely influenced<br />

by BVM Sisters Irenea Burns,<br />

Ambrosia Biedermann, Ann<br />

Ida Gannon, Sharon Rose,<br />

Joan Frances Crowley, and<br />

especially Jeanelle Bergen.<br />

That thirst led me to start a<br />

master’s degree program at the<br />

age of 60, which led to teaching<br />

at St. Leo University in Florida<br />

as an adjunct professor. I feel<br />

that I have a responsibility to<br />

others to awaken the quest for<br />

learning in them. My “almost<br />

lifelong” association with the<br />

sisters reinforces the necessity of<br />

learning continuously.<br />

Freedom<br />

Associate James Tackes<br />

As an associate member<br />

of the BVM community, I<br />

continually strive to grow in<br />

accordance with their core values.<br />

One of these is freedom.<br />

To me, freedom is that<br />

liberation that occurs when<br />

one’s conscience disagrees with<br />

something being imposed on<br />

one. It may be that the item<br />

being imposed is unjust, or<br />

there is a question of inequality<br />

or veracity, or the use of<br />

excessive power. One’s innermost<br />

feelings convey that there<br />

is something wrong, something<br />

that just doesn’t fit. Conscience<br />

gives us the freedom to<br />

further explore.<br />

A good example of this<br />

occurred when the Vatican<br />

presented the Doctrinal<br />

Assessment to the Leadership<br />

Conference of Women<br />

Religious (LCWR), questioning<br />

the life and ministries of<br />

religious sisters in the United<br />

States. Having the freedom to<br />

disagree through reasonable<br />

dialogue, the sisters validated<br />

their own position. They had<br />

implemented the teachings<br />

of Vatican II, bringing their<br />

congregations into the 21st<br />

century.<br />

When the sensus fidelium<br />

disagrees with a teaching, it<br />

might open the door for people<br />

to use their own consciences.<br />

As theology and science evolve,<br />

we have the freedom to question<br />

how they might be understood<br />

by us today.<br />

Charity<br />

Associate Kathy Weishaar<br />

When I was studying<br />

to become an associate, my<br />

definition of charity was, “I do<br />

not have a lot of money but I<br />

donate what I can.”<br />

As I read the Associate<br />

Handbook, my definition of<br />

charity evolved. Upon selfreflection,<br />

I saw my life as a<br />

charitable one: I chose a teaching<br />

profession because I enjoy<br />

the students and I taught religious<br />

education for my church.<br />

As my life progressed, my<br />

third child was very special<br />

and still is. Because of him,<br />

I met many people who live<br />

charitable lives and my perspective<br />

of charity expanded.<br />

Special needs people can be<br />

loud, interruptive and messy;<br />

they and their supporters<br />

often live isolated from much<br />

of society. I am amazed at the<br />

people who treat us with charity<br />

when we are out in public.<br />

Charity defined, in this case, is<br />

one of acceptance and patience<br />

for someone who has different<br />

social skills.<br />

I became an associate<br />

because I needed more from<br />

my Catholic faith. As I have<br />

met and worked with BVMs,<br />

they are an inspiring example<br />

of charity. Their ministries<br />

support integration for many<br />

kinds of people with varying<br />

needs. These examples have led<br />

me to a mature definition of<br />

charity: Living a life of love for<br />

everyone we meet.<br />

As they treat others with dignity<br />

and respect, foster and fulfill the<br />

thirst for learning, embrace the<br />

freedom to question, and live lives<br />

reflecting a love for others—associates<br />

walk with BVM sisters, living<br />

out the core values into the future.<br />



RCIF Announces New Board Member<br />

Mount Carmel Hosts Motherhouse Road Trip<br />

A Nun’s Life Ministry took to the road to visit the Sisters of Charity,<br />

BVM at the Mount Carmel Motherhouse in Dubuque, Iowa, in<br />

March. The podcast was live-streamed (audio and video) over the<br />

internet. BVMs Lou Anglin and Paulette Skiba joined hosts, IHM<br />

sisters Julie Vieira and Maxine Kollasch, to discuss the traditions<br />

of religious life including discernment, prayer and spirituality. A<br />

live chat room provided online listeners the ability to interact with<br />

each other and the sisters during the podcast. To listen to the podcast,<br />

visit: http://bit.ly/1UDwQT5.<br />

St. Paul, San Francisco Celebrates Centennial<br />

San Francisco’s St.<br />

Paul Elementary<br />

School celebrated<br />

its 100th anniversary<br />

with a two-day event<br />

April 30–May 1. The<br />

school has served<br />

approximately<br />

BVMs Ann Dress (l.) and Bette Gambonini (Esther Mary)<br />

12,000 students during<br />

the past century and fostered many vocations. Fifteen BVM<br />

sisters arrived in San Francisco July 8, 1916, from Dubuque, Iowa.<br />

BVMs remained a continuous presence—from founding Principal<br />

Conradine Davies, BVM to the last BVM Principal, Mary Ann Cronin,<br />

who left that role in 2001. St. Paul continues to emphasize Catholic<br />

tradition, academic excellence, diversity and community. BVM<br />

President Teri Hadro represented the community for the celebration,<br />

saying, “. . . the magnetic energy of the St. Paul community<br />

made this school and its sister high school across the street one of<br />

the most memorable of BVM missions . . .”<br />

Discernment Weekend<br />

Date: Friday, Oct. 7–8, 2016<br />

Contact: Sr. Rita Cameron, PBVM<br />

vocations@dubuquepresentations.org<br />

563-588-2008<br />

Margaret Mary Cosgrove, BVM<br />

has joined the Board of Religious<br />

Communities Investment Fund<br />

(RCIF). “I feel very honored to be<br />

invited,” she says. “It was always<br />

hard for me as a treasurer to find<br />

groups that not only wanted to do<br />

community investment, but had<br />

the infrastructure to do it well, like<br />

RCIF does.” She lives in Dubuque,<br />

Iowa, and is the director of client<br />

services for Great Lakes Advisors, where her clients are religious<br />

congregations.<br />

‘BVMs at the UN’<br />

BVMs Sara McAlpin<br />

(Philip Mary) (r.)and<br />

Mary Martens (Loras)<br />

attended the Commission<br />

on the Status<br />

of Women (CSW)<br />

conference in New<br />

York, March 13-18.<br />

BVMs partner with the<br />

Loretto Community, a non-governmental organization (NGO)<br />

accredited to the United Nations. The annual event and partnership<br />

offer high school and college students and adults global<br />

outreach opportunities with the goal of eliminating genderbased<br />

discrimination. This year’s theme focused on Beijing<br />

Declaration and Platform for Action.<br />

BVM Receives<br />

Award<br />

Mary McCauley, BVM was<br />

honored with the Church<br />

Women United Human<br />

Rights Award at its annual<br />

prayer gathering on May<br />

6 at Shalom Spirituality<br />

Center in Dubuque, Iowa.<br />

This year’s service theme<br />

was “Finding Grace at<br />

the Table.” The featured<br />

program focused on<br />

“I was an immigrant/refugee and you welcomed me.” Mary<br />

served as pastoral administrator at St. Bridget Parish in Postville,<br />

Iowa, during the immigration workplace raid on May 12, 2008.<br />

“I accept this honor in the name of all of my friends in Postville<br />

who were affected by the devastating raid,” Mary shared, noting<br />

that “justice continues to be the aim of BVMs” as they live the<br />

call to “Welcome the Stranger.”<br />


BVMs Appointed to New Leadership Positions<br />

Xavier College Preparatory<br />

in Phoenix<br />

has announced that<br />

longtime Principal<br />

Mary Joan Fitzgerald,<br />

BVM (John Raymond)<br />

(r.) will become the<br />

school’s president,<br />

and Vice Principal of<br />

Academics and Campus<br />

Minister Joan Nuckols, BVM (l.) will become its new principal.<br />

Both positions are effective July 1, and exemplify an emerging<br />

administration model of dual leadership structure offering<br />

shared authority and responsibilities to better serve Catholic<br />

high schools, students, families and communities. Xaiver has<br />

been staffed by the Sisters of Charity, BVM since 1943, when they<br />

established the Catholic high school for girls known as Xavier<br />

College Preparatory.<br />

Dowling Catholic HS Honors BVM<br />

Carolyn Farrell,<br />

BVM (Lester) was<br />

presented with<br />

the Distinguished<br />

Alumni Award<br />

at the Scholastic<br />

Achievement Ceremony<br />

April 19 at<br />

Dowling Catholic<br />

HS, West Des<br />

Moines, Iowa.<br />

Carolyn ministered as teacher and principal, and served as director,<br />

interim president and associate vice president for universities<br />

in Dubuque, Iowa, and Chicago. She was a member of the<br />

Dubuque City Council and served as mayor of Dubuque. She<br />

notes, “Serious education was the goal of the BVMs” and urged<br />

Dowling HS students to “be grateful for the opportunity your<br />

education offers you as you continue your life journey.”<br />

100th Birthday Celebration<br />

Chris Murray, (l.) Carolyn Farrell, BVM and Paul Duwelius (r.)<br />

Marilyn Thomas, BVM celebrated<br />

her 100th birthday on April 17, 2016,<br />

with a celebratory liturgy and dinner<br />

at Mount Carmel. Marilyn ministered<br />

as music teacher and secretary for the<br />

Mother General, BVM provincials and<br />

two college presidents. She taught<br />

music and French to novices and<br />

maintained payroll accounts for the<br />

congregation. BVM President Teri Hadro, in her celebratory “Welcome,”<br />

reflected: “In a prayer attributed to our foundress Mary<br />

Frances Clarke, BVMs ask to ‘be a fit instrument’ in God’s hands.<br />

Marilyn, could there be a better metaphor for your life as a BVM?”<br />

Welcoming<br />

Refugees<br />

Campaign<br />

The Sisters of<br />

Charity, BVM, join<br />

with Catholic Sisters<br />

of the Upper<br />

Mississippi River Valley, who are calling on citizens and politicians<br />

to work together to welcome refugees. They have launched a<br />

public awareness campaign in June and July to remind potential<br />

candidates and voters to address this critical issue when they<br />

vote in November.<br />

Billboards urging communities to welcome refugees are placed in<br />

designated areas in Iowa, Wisconsin and Nebraska, featuring the<br />

message based on the words of Jesus and taken from the Gospel<br />

of Matthew: “I was a stranger a refugee and you welcomed me.”<br />

Prayer services will be scheduled and postcards sent to government<br />

officials nationwide.<br />

In Loving Memory<br />

“Lord, for your faithful people life is changed, not taken away.”<br />

Pray for the Sisters of Charity, BVM and<br />

Associates who have died January–May 2016:<br />

Sarah Ann Braig<br />

March 16, 1943–Jan. 29, 2016<br />

H. Dorothy Townsell<br />

(Mildred Ann)<br />

July 20, 1912–March 18, 2016<br />

Mary John Agnes Smith<br />

March 6, 1927–March 25, 2016<br />

Eva Sheehan<br />

April 12, 1917–April 1, 2016<br />

Incarnata Gephart<br />

Dec. 3, 1920–April 21, 2016<br />

Maxine Marie Rummelhart<br />

(Rupert)<br />

June 26, 1926–April 25, 2016<br />

Veronica J. (Jackie) Burke, BVM<br />

(Timothena)<br />

May 6, 1921–May 11,2016<br />

Sisters Invite all to #PrayItForward<br />

BVMs, along with Catholic Sisters of the<br />

Upper Mississippi River Valley, celebrated<br />

National Catholic Sisters Week (NCSW) with<br />

a new social justice campaign called “Pray it<br />

Forward.” The campaign—funded by a grant<br />

from NCSW—featured six one-minute<br />

videos with Catholic sisters holding signs that illustrate social<br />

justice issues such as human trafficking, violence, and poor environmental<br />

practices. The videos invited viewers to join sisters in<br />

raising awareness of and praying for resolution of the issues. To<br />

view videos, visit: http://bit.ly/1VKuF2t.<br />

Frances Eileen Dunne, BVM<br />

Feb. 22, 1925–May 26, 2016<br />

BVM Associates<br />

Violet Boge<br />

June 26, 1931–Feb. 24, 2016<br />

Phyllis Walsh<br />

Dec. 22, 1926–Jan. 16, 2016<br />

Read a sister’s obituary/funeral<br />

reflection, at: www.bvmcong.<br />

org. A memorial fund has been<br />

established. If you would like to add<br />

to this memorial, please send your<br />

gift to the BVM Development Office<br />

or visit our website for online giving.<br />


2014–2015 Annual Report<br />

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary<br />

The Office of Development<br />

is maintained by<br />

the congregation of<br />

the Sisters of Charity<br />

of the Blessed Virgin<br />

Mary and is recognized<br />

as a nonprofit, taxexempt,<br />

religious organization<br />

by the state<br />

of Iowa and Federal<br />

Government.<br />

Operating expenses<br />

for the 2014–2015<br />

fiscal year were<br />

$445,768.<br />

We cannot thank you enough for your generous support and friendship. The Sisters of Charity<br />

of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and those they serve, are truly blessed that you have partnered<br />

with them in mission. It is with sincere gratitude that we present this accounting of the Office<br />

of Development.<br />

23%<br />

17%<br />

54%<br />

Fund Distribution<br />

Fiscal year Sept. 1, 2014–Aug. 31, 2015<br />

The total receipts from the following<br />

categories were $3,305,631:<br />

Bequests | $1,795,985<br />

BVM Support Fund | $765,002<br />

Unrestricted | $544,503<br />

Donor Restricted | $107,709<br />

Education Endowment Fund | $92,432<br />

3% 3%<br />

14%<br />

This is an audited<br />

report reviewed by Eide<br />

Bailly.<br />

7%<br />

2%<br />

Sources of Gifts<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />

This list acknowledges<br />

new Donors of Distinction<br />

from the past year.<br />

Visit our website to<br />

view the complete list<br />

of donors, available<br />

in print by request.<br />

For a print copy of our<br />

benefactors showing<br />

gifts received from<br />

Sept. 1, 2014–Aug.<br />

31, 2015, contact the<br />

development office at<br />

563-585-2854.<br />

12%<br />

23%<br />

42%<br />

Alumni | 4,741<br />

Family | 1,534<br />

Friends | 2,544<br />

Other | 1,349<br />

Former BVMs | 830<br />

BVM Associates | 285<br />

The women and men listed in this report represent the deep level of support of the life and ministry of<br />

the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A cross () is used to indicate that the person has died.<br />

We include their names to honor their commitment and their memory.<br />


Donors of Distinction<br />

Sisters Network Connects with Donors<br />

Donors of Distinction<br />

The Sisters Development Network (SDN) assists the Office of Development in furthering<br />

the relationships of our monthly and legacy benefactors. Legacy benefactors are those<br />

who have included the BVMs in their estate plans. The sisters add a personal touch by<br />

sending cards and letters, making phone calls, and keeping our benefactors informed<br />

about all that is happening at Mount Carmel.<br />

Dolores Becker Alice Caulfield Donard Collins Mary Crimmin Ann Cronin Jeroma Day<br />

(Alissio)<br />

(Agnes)<br />

Dolores Doohan Alice M. Dunphy Mary Jean Ferry Marie Greaney Flo Heflin Therese Jacobs<br />

(Sarah James) (St. Gerard) (St. Christopher) (David Therese) (Floretta) (Therese Carmelle)<br />

Kate Keating Marion Murphy Marie Neff Julie O’Neill<br />

(St. Wilma) (John Patrice) (Charles Marie)<br />

How to<br />

Contact Us<br />

Reach out to the Office<br />

of Development at<br />

any time with your<br />

questions:<br />

1100 Carmel Drive<br />

Dubuque, IA 52001-7991<br />

563-585-2854<br />

development@bvmcong.org<br />

www.bvmcong.org<br />

Andy Schroeder Shirley Brown Kyle Collins Lori Hesseling Jean Short<br />

Development Director Assoc. Director of Development Donor Relations Representative Administrative Assistant Gift Entry Specialist<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />


BVM Monthly Partners<br />

Friends who contribute monthly to the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary:<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />

Names in bold are new members.<br />

Anonymous (11)<br />

Judith Andrews<br />

Paul and Mary Bauer<br />

Joyce Beasley<br />

Kathleen Bebe<br />

Mary and Louis Bencomo<br />

Joan Benson<br />

Marcella Betts<br />

Robert and Connie Bintner<br />

Sandra Bjorklund<br />

Hylda Blaske<br />

Judith and Queston Boston<br />

Lois and Richard Bowman<br />

Barbara Bravard<br />

Kathleen Brown<br />

Jill Burleson<br />

Lucille Caravette<br />

Katherine Casey<br />

Adrian Collins<br />

Michael Collins<br />

Norine Collins<br />

Veronica and Matthew Cook<br />

Violet Corr<br />

Sandra Craig<br />

Mary Anne Critz<br />

Jane Cronkleton<br />

Harriet Dailey<br />

Rose Marie Davidsaver<br />

Vincent and Mary DeBow<br />

Geraldine Delaney<br />

Dennis Dietrich<br />

Patricia and Joseph Dobes<br />

M Maureen Doherty<br />

Elena Duarte<br />

Catherine Eberle<br />

Georg and Sonya Ek<br />

Kimberly Emery<br />

Fred Faller<br />

Peter and Marie Ferry<br />

Roberta and William Flaherty<br />

Katharine and Robert Forrester<br />

Fort Bragg Electric Inc<br />

Virginia Rose Forte<br />

Phillip Genovese<br />

Donna and Mike Gomez<br />

Eileen Hanna<br />

John and Virginia Heitz<br />

Marilyn Highlander-Pool<br />

and Lloyd Pool<br />

Ilene Hruby<br />

Alan and Sharon Kalitzky<br />

Francis Kehoe<br />

Carol Kerry<br />

Laura Knapp and Joseph Knapp<br />

Christine and William Koentopp<br />

Richard Kreitzberg<br />

Mary Ann and James Krems<br />

Rose Ann Krieg<br />

Joan LaBue<br />

Christen LaFayette<br />

Mary Leonard<br />

Patricia and Michael Livingston<br />

Lois Loveless<br />

Rose Mary Luh<br />

Tess Malumphy<br />

Rebecca and Alfred Marti<br />

John Matcovich and<br />

Jennifer Lucas Young<br />

Susan and Frank Matule<br />

Keith and Dorothy McCaffrey<br />

Ralph and Mary Catherine<br />

McCaffrey<br />

Nancy McCarville<br />

Kathleen McCormac<br />

Mary McGonigle-McCourt<br />

Mary and John McInerney<br />

Carol McManus<br />

Barbara and John McNiff<br />

Grace Mendez<br />

Muriel and Ronald Mendonca<br />

Mary and Roman Merritt<br />

Rita Michaels<br />

Marie Myers<br />

Colleen and James Nieman<br />

Kathleen and Neftali Nieves<br />

Rose Nikodem<br />

Mary Anne and Carl Nordeen<br />

Joan and Robert O’Keefe<br />

Eileen O’Shea & Marybeth Coleman<br />

Reverend Lawrence Percell<br />

Shirley Perry<br />

Bernadette McCall Proulx<br />

Suzanne and Thomas Purcell III<br />

Vivianne Toomey Rago<br />

and Albert Rago<br />

Jennifer and Greg Reese<br />

Patricia Robb & Stephen Clarke<br />

Marilyn Roche<br />

Dorothy and Frank Rothman<br />

Brother Leo V Ryan, CSV<br />

Louise and Jose Santiago<br />

Agnes Saucerman<br />

Margaret Schneider<br />

Angela Schreiner<br />

Andy and Kara Schroeder<br />

Sharon Scully<br />

Diane and Roger Serzen<br />

Nancy and John Singleton<br />

Shawn Singleton<br />

Sylvia Standaert<br />

Douglas Stillings<br />

Nancy Swanson<br />

William Taylor<br />

Keith Timmons<br />

Virginia and Paul C Tobin Sr<br />

Fortunato Trapani<br />

Francis Tworek<br />

Charles Vermeyen<br />

Therese Wagner<br />

Robert and Donna Wahlert<br />

Joan and Neil West<br />

Donna Tobin Westemeyer<br />

and John Westemeyer<br />

Lynn Whitmore<br />

Marjorie Wood<br />

Caroline Zygowicz<br />

Enjoying their daily stroll around Mount Carmel are BVMs Marilyn Thomas (l.) and<br />

Laurene Brady.<br />

The Sisters of Charity, BVM were blessed by the generosity of benefactors during<br />

Great Give Day, a 24-hour nationwide online giving event promoting philanthropic<br />

support. The gifts received will help preserve the mature, stately oak trees at<br />

Mount Carmel by treating those infected with oak wilt disease. The Mount Carmel<br />

property is a reminder of God’s creation, given to both the BVM sisters and the<br />

surrounding community to care for and enjoy.<br />


Donors of Distinction<br />

Mary Frances Clarke Society<br />

The Mary Frances Clarke Society honors those whose total lifetime giving to the<br />

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary has reached the following levels:<br />

Donors of Distinction<br />

Names in bold are new members.<br />

$250,000 and more<br />

Mary Ann Annetti Estate<br />

Mary Sally Aylward<br />

The Bisenius Family<br />

Jean Callahan<br />

William and Dorothy<br />

Cullen Estate<br />

Jeanne and James Ferry Estate<br />

Frances Flary Estate<br />

John Gormley Estate<br />

Mary King Gormley Estate<br />

Joseph Green Estate<br />

Elma Jochumsen Estate<br />

Mary Keeley<br />

Louise Kuhn Estate<br />

Frances Aid MacEinri<br />

Edna McCabe Estate<br />

Gertrude McKay Estate<br />

Mary Watters Miller Estate<br />

Anne Mosle Estate<br />

The George and Amy Newman<br />

Foundation<br />

Reverend Monsignor Joseph<br />

O’Dea Estate<br />

Lorraine Pucik<br />

Marion Rapp<br />

William & Alice Robinson Estate<br />

Mary Margaret Ronan Estate<br />

Edward & Joseph Ryan Estate<br />

Saint Mary Alumnae Association<br />

Reverend Leon Schneider<br />

Robert G and Kathryn R<br />

Schwemley Foundation<br />

The Immaculata Alumnae<br />

Association<br />

August VandeVoorde Estate<br />

Frances Waibel Trust<br />

James Williams Trust<br />

$100,000 to $249,999<br />

Anonymous (5)<br />

Joseph and Patricia Barta<br />

Clara Bendel Estate<br />

Mary Bradley Trust<br />

Catherine Cashman Estate<br />

Cathedral High School Alumni<br />

Association<br />

Chicago Province of the Society<br />

of Jesus<br />

Reverend Edward Collins Estate<br />

Dorothy Colucci Estate<br />

Conlon Construction Company<br />

Paul and Mary Conover<br />

Jane Delaney<br />

Frances Rose Dewey Trust<br />

Edward Dolan<br />

EJ & LR Dondlinger Charitable Trust<br />

Margaret Dorcey Trust<br />

George Dunne Estate<br />

Mary Madeline Ebinger Estate<br />

Mary Flynn Estate<br />

Elizabeth Gaul<br />

Catherine Geary Estate<br />

Maurice Giustine Estate<br />

Catherine Halligan Trust<br />

John Hansman Estate<br />

Louise Healy Estate<br />

Dolores Hope<br />

Margaret Izzo Trust<br />

Dorothy Janssen Estate<br />

John Deere Classic<br />

Clifford Julius Estate<br />

Barbara June<br />

Loretto Kendall<br />

Molly Kurtz<br />

Elizabeth Ann Lavaty Estate<br />

Mary Lawlis<br />

Loretta Lifka<br />

Margaret Malloy Estate<br />

Grace Mark<br />

Thomas McHale Trust<br />

Alice McMahon Estate<br />

Mary Meaney Estate<br />

Marie Miske Estate<br />

Jean Monforti Estate<br />

Arthur Naes Estate<br />

K Angela O’Donnell Estate<br />

Thomas and Winnie O’Halloran<br />

Alice Cavanaugh Powers<br />

Janet Powers<br />

Mary Quattrochi Estate<br />

Kathleen Lally Quilter<br />

Kenneth Rittenmeyer Estate<br />

Agnes Rocca Estate<br />

Doretta Roche<br />

Saint Paul High School<br />

San Francisco<br />

Mary Justine Sheil Estate<br />

Joanne Stanislawski<br />

Marie Townsell<br />

Nancy Van Anne<br />

Helen Walters Estate<br />

$50,000 to $99,999<br />

Anonymous (4)<br />

American Trust and Savings Bank<br />

Argentina Andoni Estate<br />

Carol Auclair<br />

June Bellingham Estate and<br />

Charles Bellingham<br />

Maribeth and James Benham<br />

Catherine Blake Estate<br />

Helen Brach Foundation<br />

Adelaide Brennan<br />

Frances Bussanmas<br />

Rev. Monsignor John Cardiff<br />

The Carrigan Charitable Trust<br />

Annabel Christensen<br />

Victor Colucci Estate<br />

Margaret Croke Estate<br />

Willis Dake<br />

Lemoyne Decker Estate<br />

Loretta Duggan<br />

Elizabeth Matula Dustman<br />

Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation<br />

Reverend Richard Feller<br />

Urban Fleege Estate<br />

Virginia C Forte<br />

James Gearen<br />

Catherine Gibson<br />

Dorothy Glancey Estate<br />

Greater Milwaukee Foundation<br />

John Hanley Estate<br />

Marian Harding Estate<br />

Robert Huot<br />

Evangeline Jansen Estate<br />

Winifred Kelly Estate<br />

Madeleine Kinney Estate<br />

Harold Kutchera Trust<br />

Anna Leeney Estate<br />

Donald Linch<br />

Kathryn Lynch Estate<br />

Mary C Mackin<br />

M Winifred Mahoney Estate<br />

Charles Malone Estate<br />

Mercedes McCambridge<br />

Naola McDermott<br />

Donald McEleney<br />

Muriel and Ronald Mendonca<br />

Mary Miller Estate<br />

Genevieve Moran Estate<br />

Marguerite Mullin<br />

James Normanly Estate<br />

Lydia O’Connor<br />

Virginia and V Robert Payant<br />

Joe Rauch Estate<br />

Frances Regan Estate<br />

Mary Rhomberg<br />

Joan Rockwell<br />

Saint Joseph Academy Alumnae,<br />

Dubuque Chapter<br />

Rose Schafer Estate<br />

Marion Schmidt Trust<br />

Dorothy Schumacher<br />

Nancy and Dennis Scranton<br />

Margaret Tiedemann Estate<br />

?<br />

Did You Know?<br />

We have donors from:<br />

50<br />

States<br />

3<br />

U.S. Territories<br />

6<br />

Foreign Countries<br />

Wilfred and Mary Jane<br />

Von Der Ahe Estate<br />

Rose Walsh<br />

Marie Walsh Estate<br />

Betty Klein Whitted<br />

Thomas Wren Estate<br />

Cho and Margaret Wu<br />

$25,000 to $49,999<br />

Anonymous (7)<br />

Lois Anderson<br />

Richard and Mary Anderson<br />

Mary Babyar Estate<br />

Alice Bizulis Estate<br />

James Blaine Estate<br />

Bernice Blenker Estate<br />

Mary Boden Estate<br />

Wayne Braig Estate<br />

Elmer Brennan<br />

Margaret Caddick<br />

Christopher Calt<br />

Mary Cannon and William Ryan<br />

Drew<br />

Susan Carlson<br />

Reverend Leo Francis Carton<br />

Trust<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />


Mary Frances Clarke Society continued.<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />

Ann Charvat Estate<br />

Catherine Coffey Estate<br />

Chris and Monica Columbus<br />

Geraldine Connors Estate<br />

Convalescent Equipment and<br />

Supply Co<br />

Michael T Crowley Sr<br />

Marie D’Amore<br />

Nancy and William Davidson<br />

Beatrice Dormedy Estate<br />

Mary McDonald Downes<br />

Dubuque Bank & Trust Company<br />

Virginia Durr<br />

Marilyn and Donald Duwelius<br />

Catherine and Robert Everhart<br />

Eleanor and Nickolas Fesunoff<br />

Virginia Rose Forte<br />

Loretta Franklin<br />

Freas Foundation Inc<br />

John Gearen Estate<br />

Betty Golden<br />

Paul Gordon<br />

John Gordon<br />

Sarah Gottschall Estate<br />

Ruth and Jake Graves<br />

Samuel Green<br />

Joan Grossman<br />

Mary Haake<br />

Mary Anne Hagy Family Trust<br />

Lucile Haley<br />

Francis Hanley<br />

Theresa Healy<br />

Margaret Hovens Estate<br />

Libbie Irmick Trust<br />

Elaine Johnston<br />

John Kane<br />

Marguerite Karnick<br />

Marion Kennedy Estate<br />

Donna and Wayne Kern<br />

Frances Kieltyka Estate<br />

Ann King Estate<br />

Richard Kreitzberg<br />

John and MaryAdele Krolikowski<br />

Sharon and Rollin Lacy<br />

Ursula Healy Lawson Estate<br />

Reverend Monsignor Arthur<br />

Lirette<br />

Agnes Llewellyn Estate<br />

Rosemary and Raymond<br />

Lusson<br />

James Joseph Lynch Estate<br />

Sheila Lyng<br />

Mazza Foundation<br />

John McAloon<br />

Nancy McCarville<br />

Timothy McCormick<br />

Marie McEnroe Estate<br />

Margaret McEvoy Estate<br />

Helen McKenna<br />

Marie Antoinette McNamara<br />

Estate<br />

Joan Judge Mirabal<br />

Florence Moffett Estate<br />

Marie and Paul Montavon<br />

Jeanette Cofone Mooney Estate<br />

and William Mooney Estate<br />

Doris Munstermann<br />

Joseph J O’Hare III<br />

Kathleen O’Kane<br />

Dianne and Timothy O’Leary<br />

Mary O’Leary Estate<br />

Shirley and John O’Reilly<br />

Helen McCabe Osbourn<br />

Lois and Stanley Osman<br />

John Phelan<br />

Lillian Phelan Estate<br />

James Piloni and Paula Walsh<br />

Mary Ellen and Robert Quinn<br />

Margaret Reid Trust<br />

Helen Rooney<br />

Lester Rumpf Estate<br />

Bernard Schmitz Estate<br />

Marie Scott Estate<br />

C A Shea & Company Inc<br />

Violet Sheehan<br />

Society for the Propagation of<br />

the Faith<br />

Dorcel Spengler<br />

Anna Stefaniak<br />

Leona Stimpson Estate<br />

Dorothy and Frances Sugrue<br />

Elizabeth Sykora and<br />

Stephena Fredette<br />

Eileen Tracy Estate<br />

US Bank<br />

Wahlert Foundation<br />

Reverend Patrick Walsh<br />

Margaret Welch Estate<br />

Donna Tobin Westemeyer and<br />

John Westemeyer<br />

Kathryn and M W Whitlow<br />

Marjorie Wood<br />

Fred Woodard<br />

Xavier College Preparatory<br />

Audrey Zywicki<br />

$10,000 to $24,999<br />

Anonymous (20)<br />

Mary Adams<br />

Richard and Patricia Albright<br />

Father John Aldera Foundation<br />

Teresa and Garry Allen<br />

Catherine Allen Estate<br />

Margaret Mary Allen Estate<br />

Thomas R Allen Jr Living Trust<br />

Joan and Thomas Anzalone<br />

Joseph Arneson Estate<br />

Cyrilla and Frank Bajda Estate<br />

Bernadette Baraty<br />

Miriam Barry<br />

Helen and M Bates<br />

Joan and Gene Beak<br />

Leora Beaton<br />

Nancy Beatty<br />

Raquel Bech and Larry Martin<br />

Norbert Behr Estate<br />

Alfred and Rita Belluomini<br />

Mary and Louis Bencomo<br />

Rosemary Berg Estate<br />

Harold Berneman Estate<br />

Phyllis and James Bjork<br />

Rosemary Boland<br />

Theodora Bostick<br />

Dorothy and Evelyn Bouhan<br />

Trust<br />

Glenn Boysen<br />

Helen Brame<br />

Louis Brizzolara<br />

George Broell<br />

Patricia and John Brow<br />

Burke Family Foundation<br />

Michael and Monica Caffarella<br />

Joseph and Sandra Cain<br />

Loretta Campbell<br />

Yvonne Cardy<br />

Mabel Carmody<br />

Mary Claire Casey<br />

Irma Cashman Estate<br />

Frances Cashman Trust<br />

Gladys Chapman<br />

Ruth Charles<br />

Mary Catherine Chezik Estate<br />

Ann and Michael Ciresi<br />

Reverend H Robert Clark<br />

Daniel Clyne<br />

Margaret Coffey<br />

William L Coffey Jr Estate<br />

Madeline Cohn Estate<br />

Dorothy Collins<br />

Kathryn Condon<br />

Steve and Loretta Conlon<br />

Margaret Conner Estate<br />

Daniel Connolly<br />

Reverend Edward Connolly<br />

Reverend Edward Connors Trust<br />

Mary Connors Trust<br />

Robert Conway Estate<br />

Frances and Conrad Cook<br />

Veronica and Matthew Cook<br />

Cecilia Moran Cooper<br />

Jayne Copps<br />

Julia Corboy<br />

Edward Cosgrove<br />

Lorraine Cote<br />

Phyllis Cozzola<br />

Priscilla Crowe Estate<br />

Reverend Ambrose<br />

Cunningham<br />

Margaret Curtin and James Wilder<br />

Sally Davenport<br />

Rose Marie Davidsaver<br />

Frances Dawson Estate<br />

Margaret Delaney Trust<br />

Janet Desmond Estate<br />

Frank and Joy Deutmeyer<br />

Margaret Dillon<br />

Mary and Terry Dillon<br />

Dorothy Dingfelder<br />

Barbara Doan<br />

Patricia and Joseph Dobes<br />

M Maureen Doherty<br />

Richard Dompke<br />

Joseph Doran Estate<br />

Jacqueline Powers Doud and<br />

Robert Doud<br />

Thomas W Dower Foundation<br />

Reverend Michael Doyle, OSM<br />

Leo and Norma Drilling<br />

Jerome and Joan Duffy<br />

Meneve Dunham<br />

Ellen and Edward Dunn<br />

Catherine Eberle<br />

Rita Ewalt<br />

John and Malvina Farrell<br />

James Fehl and Carol Mizeur<br />

Edward Feuerbacher<br />

Judge Edward G Finnegan<br />

Memorial Fund<br />

William and Alison Fitzgerald<br />

L Patricia Fitzmaurice Trust<br />

Iva and Hugh Flaherty<br />

Joseph and Elsie Flynn<br />

Shirley Ford<br />

Katherine Forster Estate<br />

Fort Bragg Electric Inc<br />

Alice Fox<br />

Arthur Freas<br />

Ellen Frey<br />

Garnetta Kramer Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Martha Garrett<br />

Loretta and Bernard Garvey<br />

Mary Garzoni<br />

Marie Gath Estate<br />

Margaret and Frank Gebhardt<br />

Dorothy Gehringer<br />

Mary Georgine<br />

Mary Therese Gill<br />

Rosemary Giunta<br />

Donna and Mike Gomez<br />

Payson Gould<br />

Carol Graser Estate<br />

Reverend Joseph Graves<br />

Lucille and Edward Grennan<br />

Eugene and Peggy Grennan<br />

Eileen Halloran Estate<br />

The Halstead Family<br />

Mary Hardiman-Desmond and<br />

Michael Desmond<br />

Patricia Harrison<br />

Mary Ellen Harrison Estate<br />

The Hart Family<br />

Mary Haugh<br />

Evelyne Hayny<br />

Reverend Monsignor John<br />

Heaney<br />

John and Virginia Heitz<br />

Philip Heles<br />

Dorothy Higgins and<br />

Betty Ann McEnroe<br />

Marion Hillabold Estate<br />

Conrad Hilton Fund for Sisters<br />


Donors of Distinction<br />

Rita and Eugene Hoffmann<br />

Paul and Gina Hoffmann<br />

Mark Hogan and<br />

Barb Stone-Potter<br />

Jack Horton<br />

Margaret Hotka<br />

Eugenia Hoy<br />

Ilene Hruby<br />

Ann Huber<br />

Reverend Leo Huber Foundation<br />

Donald Jacobs<br />

Thomas and Judith Jacobs<br />

Camille Jacques<br />

Marie Jameson<br />

Catherine Johnson<br />

Janet Sloan Johnston<br />

Irene Jones<br />

Patricia Joyce<br />

Pat and Randy Judge<br />

Brother James R Keane, CFC<br />

Mary Kelley<br />

Sheryl and Gary Kelley<br />

Lorraine M and<br />

G Dudley Kennedy<br />

Mary Kennedy<br />

The Kerr Family<br />

James Kineen<br />

Gerald Kinzelman<br />

Llewellyn Kirby<br />

The Klauer Family Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Walter Knepper Estate<br />

Byron Knox Estate<br />

William Kolody<br />

Patricia Kommer<br />

Marietta Korak<br />

Janel Kordick<br />

George Kostakis<br />

Kramer Family Fund<br />

William and Rosemarie Kraus<br />

Mary Kreider Estate<br />

Thomas & Janet Krocheski Fund<br />

Paul and Susan Kurt<br />

The Kutter Family Fund<br />

Paul and Debbie Lambert<br />

Lands’ End Inc<br />

Mary Jo Langer<br />

Jeanne and Desmond LaPlace<br />

Patricia Laraia<br />

Michelle LaRue<br />

Sophie Drzymala Laverty<br />

Denise Lefebvre Estate<br />

Grace Lepard Trust<br />

Jean and Peter Lococo<br />

Adeline Lococo Trust<br />

Steven and Teresa Loftus<br />

Frances Lohmiller<br />

Barbara Mankus Louthan<br />

Mary Ellen and John Lucas<br />

Monsignor Michael Lucid Estate<br />

Bertha Lucy<br />

Pearl Lukasik Trust Estate<br />

Timothy Lyne<br />

Reverend Thomas Maher<br />

Patrick and Maria Mahoney<br />

Terence Mahoney<br />

Hazel Mahoney Estate<br />

Verna Mailander Estate<br />

Naomi Majewski<br />

Helen Maloney Trust<br />

Tess Malumphy<br />

Bernadette Manning Estate<br />

Adrienne Mansi<br />

Gustave Manthey<br />

Harry and Margaret Martens<br />

Estate<br />

Rose and Charles Matt Estate<br />

Keith and Dorothy McCaffrey<br />

Ralph and Mary Catherine<br />

McCaffrey<br />

Virginia McCarthy<br />

John McCarthy<br />

Patricia McCarthy<br />

Reverend Patrick Pearse<br />

McCarthy Estate<br />

Josanne and G Thomas<br />

McCarver<br />

Monica McCauley Estate<br />

James McCulloch<br />

Virginia McDermott<br />

Sarah McDermott Estate<br />

John and Virginia McDonagh<br />

Warren McEleney<br />

James McElmeel<br />

Margaret McEnery<br />

Reverend Monsignor Edward<br />

McEvoy Estate<br />

John and Mary McHugh<br />

Michael and Kathleen McKibbin<br />

Reverend Monsignor Charles<br />

McNamee<br />

Barbara and John McNiff<br />

John McParland<br />

Veronica McShane Estate<br />

Robert McWade<br />

Mary McWade Estate<br />

Terry Medhurst<br />

Richard Meerians Estate<br />

Elizabeth Mengel<br />

Reverend William Menster<br />

Coletta Mertes Estate<br />

Francis Meyer<br />

Carol Michael Trust<br />

Virginia and Eugene Migely Jr<br />

Maggie and Eugene Mikkelson<br />

Lewis Miller Estate<br />

Anne McGrath Miriani Estate<br />

The Mission Club<br />

Molo Oil Company<br />

Daniel and Katherine Molyneaux<br />

Robert Monfort<br />

Norine Morrison Estate<br />

Mount Saint Gertrude Alumnae<br />

Association<br />

Leo Mullin<br />

James Murphy<br />

William and Rita Nash<br />

Dorothy Nieland Estate<br />

Mark Niemczyk<br />

Frank and Lois Noonan<br />

Donors of Distinction<br />

Jack Norris<br />

John O’Brien Estate<br />

Ethel O’Connor<br />

Mary Alice O’Donnell Estate<br />

James O’Grady<br />

Margaret O’Grady Estate<br />

Jean O’Keefe and Marianne Littau<br />

Mary Rose O’Malley Estate<br />

Rosemary O’Meara<br />

Virginia O’Meara<br />

Janis Pajdusak Estate<br />

Mary Jo Paveza<br />

Marguerite Pearson<br />

Dolores Pencz<br />

Barbara and Robert Perkaus<br />

Grace Pertell<br />

Elizabeth Petty and Karen Milner<br />

Geraldine Phillips<br />

Helen Pidgeon Estate<br />

Rita Pilsl<br />

Margaret Ponty<br />

Elizabeth Postell<br />

Power Drive Inc<br />

Rose Marie Princ<br />

?<br />

Did You Know?<br />

8,040<br />

Total number of gifts<br />

1,776<br />

First time donors<br />

31<br />

Age of youngest donor<br />

103<br />

Age of oldest donor<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />


Mary Frances Clarke Society continued.<br />

Projects of the Heart NFP<br />

Margaret Quane Estate<br />

James Quilter<br />

Gerard Quinlan Estate<br />

Antoinette Quinn Estate<br />

Patricia and Robert Quirk<br />

Robert Reder<br />

Reverend Gary Reller<br />

Ellade Rice<br />

Kristina Richter-Becker and<br />

Jeff Becker<br />

Patricia Riggs<br />

Catherine and Harry Riley<br />

Michael and Anna Mary Riniker<br />

Eileen Rocap<br />

Marie and James Rocap III<br />

Francis Rochex Trust<br />

Marjorie Roethler<br />

Mary Foster Romig Estate<br />

David Rose Estate<br />

Dorothy and Frank Rothman<br />

Alexander and Lucille Rudolf<br />

Family Fund<br />

Katherine Kehoe Runkle Estate<br />

Virginia Kennedy Ryan<br />

Saint Joseph Academy Alumnae,<br />

Des Moines, Iowa<br />

Saint Joseph Church<br />

Saint Richard Catholic Church<br />

Saint Vincent de Paul Society<br />

Joseph and Suzanne Sana<br />

Jacqueline and Maurice Sardi<br />

Ruth Scallon<br />

Mary Scarpino<br />

Beth Kaiser Schafer<br />

Alan Schoen<br />

Mona Schoentrup Estate<br />

Miriam Schuchardt<br />

Thomas and Lou Schulte<br />

Mary Scriven<br />

Sharon Scully<br />

Robert Seelman<br />

Helen Shafer Estate<br />

Patricia Kennedy Shanahan<br />

Don and Erma Shanklin<br />

Mary Sharbel Estate<br />

Mary Shellenberg<br />

William Sherlock<br />

Lawrence Shimkus Estate<br />

Sharon and Jeffrey Siirola<br />

Davida Silva<br />

Janet Sisler<br />

Therese Slowiak<br />

Patrick and Mary Sly<br />

Anna Smith Estate<br />

Elizabeth Smurlo<br />

Joseph Smurlo<br />

Melvin Soberg<br />

James and Diana Spiegel<br />

Jayne and Joseph Spittler<br />

Judy Stark<br />

Mary Celeste and<br />

Donald Steinwachs<br />

Linda and Terence Stevinson<br />

Straka Johnson Architects PC<br />

Myra Stratton<br />

Marie and Paul Swope Jr<br />

Mary Syron Estate<br />

William Taylor<br />

Anita Terpstra<br />

Shirley Thiel<br />

Patty Thomas<br />

Rosalie Tiedje<br />

Keith Timmons<br />

Maryanne Tondreau Estate<br />

Jean and Kenneth Toth<br />

Gregory Tucker<br />

Joanne Twomey<br />

Lorraine Vantucci<br />

Alice Vaughn Estate<br />

Mary Vergano<br />

Marguerite Verschelden<br />

Rev. Monsignor Robert Vogl<br />

Robert and Donna Wahlert<br />

Jean Wallace<br />

Jocile Walsh<br />

Jeanne Walsh Trust<br />

WealthEngine.com<br />

Arlene Welbes<br />

Bernard and Caroline Westner<br />

William Wetzel<br />

Jane Wetzel Estate<br />

Lynn Whitmore<br />

Michele and Steven Whitty<br />

Most Reverend Gerald Wilkerson<br />

Mary and Sam Winklebleck<br />

Catherine Wohner<br />

Barbara Yusunas<br />

Ernest Zenaty<br />

Helen Zollmann Estate<br />

Legacy Partners<br />

The Legacy Partners Society identifies and honors those donors whose commitment and concern for<br />

the future of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is demonstrated through their estate plans:<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />

Names in bold are new members.<br />

Anonymous (47)<br />

John Abbey Estate<br />

Therese and Richard Abril<br />

Mary Adams<br />

Catherine Allen Estate<br />

Kathleen Anderson-Knight and<br />

Michael Knight<br />

Mary Ann Annetti Estate<br />

Carol Auclair<br />

Mary Sally Aylward<br />

Mary Babyar Estate<br />

Elena Baca<br />

Cyrilla and Frank Bajda Estate<br />

Maryln and Louis Balaban<br />

Catherine Banville<br />

Marcella Barda Estate<br />

Lois and Clarence Barrett<br />

Lucile Barry Estate<br />

Mary Josephine Barry Estate<br />

Nancy Beatty<br />

Florence Busch-Beaudry<br />

Robert Beaulieu Estate<br />

Dorothy and Fred Becklenberg<br />

Norbert Behr Estate<br />

Reverend Monsignor Elmer<br />

Behrmann Estate<br />

June Bellingham Estate and<br />

Charles Bellingham<br />

Karen Morris Bellis and<br />

Robert Baker<br />

Mafalda Benchea<br />

Clara Bendel Estate<br />

Paulette Beraldi<br />

Rosemary Berg Estate<br />

Nona and Jeff Bernard<br />

Harold Berneman Estate<br />

Angela Hanley Berry<br />

Diane Berryman<br />

The Bisenius Family<br />

Alice Bizulis Estate<br />

Harold Black and Jane Swails<br />

Catherine Blaes Estate<br />

Catherine Blake Estate<br />

Bernice Blenker Estate<br />

Jeanne Kaeferstein Bloom Estate<br />

Mary Boden Estate<br />

Lorraine Body<br />

Elizabeth Bonnes Estate<br />

Dorothy $ Evelyn Bouhan Trust<br />

Margaret Boyd<br />

Kathleen Boyle<br />

Rosemary Boyle<br />

Clara Boyle Estate<br />

LeVergne Boyle Estate<br />

Wayne Braig Estate<br />

Kathleen Brannigan<br />

Adelaide Brennan<br />

Diane Broderick and Jim Russell<br />

Virginia Broderick Estate<br />

Rita Brown<br />

Helen Burke Estate<br />

Helen Buysse Estate<br />

Helen Caffery Estate<br />

Anna Cagney Estate<br />

Kevin Cahill Estate<br />

Joseph Caldwell<br />

Terrence Callahan Estate<br />

Mary Callen Trust<br />

Mary Adele Carlman Trust<br />

Mary T Casey<br />

Elizabeth Casey Estate<br />

Catherine Cashman Estate<br />

Irma Cashman Estate<br />

Mary Catherine Chezik Estate<br />

Stephanie Chodera<br />

John Christensen Estate<br />

Joan and Giles Clark<br />

John and Bonnie Clark<br />

Lyle Clemens Estate<br />

Carolyn and Brett Clements<br />

Madeline Cohn Estate<br />

Reverend Edward Collins Estate<br />

Victor Colucci Estate<br />

Catherine Condon<br />

John Connelly<br />

Geraldine Connors Estate<br />

Reverend Edward Connors Trust<br />

Mary Connors Trust<br />

Robert Conway Estate<br />

Leona Cook<br />

Veronica and Matthew Cook<br />

Irene Cook Estate<br />

Cecilia Moran Cooper<br />

Rita Corbett<br />

Maureen and William Cosgriff<br />

Ramona Coutre<br />

Sandra Craig<br />

Margaret Croke Estate<br />

Patricia Cronin<br />

Susan Crook<br />

Priscilla Crowe Estate<br />

Joan Crowley<br />

Diane and Paul Culhane<br />

William and Dorothy Cullen<br />

Estate<br />

Margaret and James Culotta<br />


Donors of Distinction<br />

Legacy Partners continued.<br />

Reverend Ambrose<br />

Cunningham<br />

Bernard Cunningham<br />

Helen Cunningham<br />

Leah Curtin Estate<br />

Adrienne Curtis<br />

Harriet Dailey<br />

Willis Dake<br />

Reverend Monsignor John W<br />

Dalton<br />

Lauretta Flick Daly Trust<br />

Marie D’Amore<br />

Dorothy Davis Estate<br />

Frances Dawson Estate<br />

Lemoyne Decker Estate<br />

Louis Dehner Trust<br />

Patrick Delaney<br />

Margaret Delaney Trust<br />

Donna Dening<br />

Janet Desmond Estate<br />

Frances Rose Dewey Trust<br />

Kathleen Dieterle<br />

Margaret Diffenderffer Estate<br />

Santa and Thomas DiMarco<br />

Estelle Disselhorst<br />

Mary Geraldine Dolan Estate<br />

Barbara Donovan<br />

Laurence Donovan<br />

Joseph Doran Estate<br />

Margaret Dorcey Trust<br />

Beatrice Dormedy Estate<br />

Jacqueline Powers Doud and<br />

Robert Doud<br />

Mary Kay Dougherty<br />

Eleanore Dowling Estate<br />

Lois Doyle<br />

Marcella Doyle<br />

Patricia Doyle<br />

Catherine Drake Estate<br />

Leo and Norma Drilling<br />

Agatha Drilling Estate<br />

Emma Dry<br />

Meneve Dunham<br />

Shirley Dunne<br />

George Dunne Estate<br />

Elizabeth Matula Dustman<br />

Betty and Roy Dy<br />

Cathryn Dye<br />

Catherine Eberle<br />

Bernice Ebinger<br />

Mary Effinger<br />

Mary Eisenstein Estate<br />

Arline Elliott<br />

Catherine Enderle<br />

Steven and Dianne Enderle<br />

Florence Endriz Estate<br />

Rita Ewalt<br />

Sheila Feeney<br />

Geraldine Ferring Estate<br />

Mary Finan Estate<br />

Joan and Michael Finnerty<br />

Barbara Uskiwich Fischer<br />

Memorial Mass Honors Beloved Sisters<br />

Mary Louise Fischer<br />

Marguerite Carroll Fisher Estate<br />

Elizabeth Fitting<br />

Dorothy Fitzgerald Estate<br />

Nearly 100<br />

friends and<br />

family of the<br />

Sisters of<br />

Charity, BVM<br />

gathered for<br />

the annual Memorial<br />

Mass at<br />

Mount Carmel<br />

in Dubuque,<br />

Iowa. “Today<br />

we remember<br />

BVMs who hold<br />

a special place<br />

in our lives and<br />

hearts,” President<br />

Teri Hadro reflected. For many, it was their first time attending the Memorial<br />

Mass as they came to pay tribute to a sister and visit her grave in the cemetery. “The<br />

Memorial Mass continues to be a special event,” said Andy Schroeder, development<br />

director. “The sisters we lost this year are sadly missed but fondly remembered. We<br />

were blessed to have this day together to share stories about our loved ones.”<br />

Donors of Distinction<br />

L Patricia Fitzmaurice Trust<br />

Louis Fitzpatrick Estate<br />

Urban Fleege Estate<br />

Joseph and Elsie Flynn<br />

Sharlene and James Flynn<br />

Mary Flynn Estate<br />

Shirley Ford<br />

Charles Forster Estate<br />

Katherine Forster Estate<br />

Virginia C Forte<br />

Virginia Rose Forte<br />

Bernadine Foster<br />

Reverend Robert Foster Estate<br />

Alice Fox<br />

Mildred Freese<br />

Norman and Marabeth Freund<br />

Mary and Richard Friedrich<br />

Robert Fryer<br />

Rosemary and Louis Fulgaro<br />

Reverend Kevin Gaffey<br />

Gladys Gallagher<br />

Delpha Gard<br />

Peter and Pamela Gardner<br />

Martha Garrett<br />

Mary Garzoni<br />

Marie Gath Estate<br />

John Gearen Estate<br />

BVM Kate Keating (St. Wilma) drives guests Jean Jackson (l.) and Ann Nagy via golf cart to<br />

visit the cemetery.<br />

Michael and Margaret Geary<br />

Catherine Geary Estate<br />

Catherine Gibson<br />

Rita Giersch<br />

Myra Gist<br />

Rosemary Giunta<br />

Dorothy Glancey Estate<br />

Margaret Goodwin<br />

Paul Gordon<br />

Mary Gorman<br />

John Gormley Estate<br />

Mary King Gormley Estate<br />

Gary Gossman<br />

Reverend James Graham, CM<br />

Carol Graser Estate<br />

Reverend Joseph Graves<br />

Harold Gray<br />

Samuel Green<br />

Joseph Green Estate<br />

Joan Grossman<br />

Stephen Haase<br />

Margaret Mary Haerter<br />

Mary Anne Hagy Family Trust<br />

Catherine Halligan Trust<br />

Helen Hallin Estate<br />

Eileen Halloran Estate<br />

Francis Hanley<br />

John Hanley Estate<br />

Marie Hannaford Estate<br />

Marian Harding Estate<br />

Alice Harkin Estate<br />

Reverend Monsignor Joseph<br />

Harrington<br />

Elizabeth Harris Estate<br />

Patricia Harrison<br />

Mary Ellen Harrison Estate<br />

Michael and Janet Healy<br />

Louise Healy Estate<br />

Rita Hedberg<br />

Margaret (Peggy) Hertel Estate<br />

Theodore and Patricia Heuchling<br />

Andreana Higgins<br />

Marion Hillabold Estate<br />

Steven Hinkhouse<br />

Mary Hoffman<br />

Harold Hoge<br />

Patricia Holsten<br />

Lillian Horacek<br />

Frances Horne Estate<br />

Joan Hosmanek<br />

Margaret Hotka<br />

Margaret Hovens Estate<br />

Reverend Leo Huber Foundation<br />

Raymond Hughes Estate<br />

James Hughes Estate<br />

Virginia Huot Estate<br />

Mary Kathryne Husted<br />

Mary Igoe Estate<br />

Libbie Irmick Trust<br />

Agnes Masako Ito<br />

James W Ivers Estate Jr<br />

Margaret Izzo Trust<br />

Evangeline Jansen Estate<br />

Dorothy Janssen Estate<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />


Legacy Partners continued.<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />

Carole Jaroch<br />

Mary Jean Jarvis<br />

Genevieve Jensen Estate<br />

Patricia and Roger Jewett<br />

Janet Sloan Johnston<br />

Maureen Jorris<br />

Patricia Joyce<br />

Pat and Randy Judge<br />

Grace Judge Estate<br />

Mary Kanabay Estate<br />

Reverend Albert Kaparich<br />

Estate<br />

Marguerite Karnick<br />

Madeline Kaser<br />

Francis Kauffman<br />

Joseph Kearney Estate<br />

Kathryn Kearney Trust<br />

Mary Kearns Estate<br />

Elizabeth Keimig<br />

Mary Kelley<br />

Winifred Kelly Estate<br />

Loretto Kendall<br />

Lorraine M and<br />

G Dudley Kennedy<br />

Ellen and Francis Kennedy<br />

Estate<br />

Dorothy Bauer Kentner<br />

Frances Kieltyka Estate<br />

Ann King Estate<br />

Dorothy Kinney Estate<br />

Mary Kircher Estate<br />

Veronica Kirkland Estate<br />

Robert and Linda Kirsch<br />

Birdies for Charity Update<br />

This year’s John Deere Classic Birdies for Charity®<br />

will take place in Silvis, Ill., on Aug. 8–14. Proceeds<br />

will provide new energy efficient lighting at Mount<br />

Carmel. You can participate by making a gift! For a<br />

pledge form, visit: http://bit.ly/1WTiySd.<br />

The Sisters of Charity, BVM Office of Development<br />

reports that the 2015 John Deere Classic “Birdies for<br />

Charity®” was a success! The event raised over $70,000<br />

from more than 750 donors, and the John Deere Foundation<br />

provided an additional matching gift of more<br />

than $3,500. We are grateful for the generous support<br />

of friends and family. You are making a difference in the<br />

lives of the sisters and those to whom they minister!<br />

Geraldine and Daniel<br />

Klinglesmith<br />

Walter Knepper Estate<br />

William Kolody<br />

Patricia Kommer<br />

Mrs Marilynne Kowalski<br />

Judith Kraen<br />

Barbara Krahn<br />

Anne and Alphonse Kraus Estate<br />

Mary Kreider Estate<br />

George Kremenak<br />

Gloria and John Kromer<br />

Mary Kurby<br />

Harriet Kurk Estate<br />

Molly Kurtz<br />

Leola Lafser<br />

Mary Lamb Estate<br />

Mary Larkin<br />

Reverend Raymond Lassuy Estate<br />

Marie Laurvick Estate<br />

Elizabeth Ann Lavaty Estate<br />

Roberta and Michael Lavin<br />

Anna Leeney Estate<br />

Eleanore Lenick Estate<br />

Catherine Leonard<br />

Mary Leonard<br />

Grace Lepard Trust<br />

Laura LeRoy<br />

Jeanne Leuthen<br />

Thomas Lewis<br />

Loretta Lifka<br />

Marianne Littau<br />

Agnes Llewellyn Estate<br />

Margaret Loftus<br />

Walter Long Estate<br />

Augusta Lootens Estate<br />

Barbara Mankus Louthan<br />

Eleanor McManus Lorenz<br />

Jean Lowry-Goderre<br />

Monsignor Michael Lucid Estate<br />

Bertha Lucy<br />

Pearl Lukasik Trust Estate<br />

Kathryn Lynch Estate<br />

Sheila Lyng<br />

Mary Maas<br />

Robert Harry Mace Jr<br />

Frances Aid MacEinri<br />

Mary C Mackin<br />

Ellen Magers<br />

Mary Maglione<br />

M Winifred Mahoney Estate<br />

Verna Mailander Estate<br />

Velma Maloney Estate<br />

Helen Maloney Trust<br />

Tess Malumphy<br />

Jean Mann<br />

Bernadette Manning Estate<br />

Adrienne Mansi<br />

Grace Mark<br />

Mary Martin Estate<br />

Rose and Charles Matt Estate<br />

Elizabeth and Roger Maulik<br />

Mary McAuliffe<br />

Ellen McBride and Paul Navine<br />

Edna McCabe Estate<br />

Keith and Dorothy McCaffrey<br />

Margaret McCarthy Estate<br />

Reverend Patrick Pearse<br />

McCarthy Estate<br />

Nancy McCarville<br />

Monica McCauley Estate<br />

Maureen McCourt<br />

James McCulloch<br />

Anne McDermott<br />

Sarah McDermott Estate<br />

Anne McDonough<br />

John McElroy<br />

Margaret McEnery<br />

Mary and Edward McEvilly<br />

Catherine and Patricia McEvoy<br />

Reverend Monsignor Edward<br />

McEvoy Estate<br />

Margaret McEvoy Estate<br />

Eileen McGeeney Estate<br />

Mabel McGinty Estate<br />

Lorraine McIlhon Estate<br />

Gertrude McKay Estate<br />

Mary McKenna Estate<br />

Marguerite McMeans Estate<br />

Louise McMurchy<br />

James & Dolores McNally Estate<br />

Veronica McShane Estate<br />

Robert McWade<br />

Mary Meaney Estate<br />

Genevieve Melius Estate<br />

Muriel and Ronald Mendonca<br />

Coletta Mertes Estate<br />

Grace Messina<br />

Francis Meyer<br />

Irene Meyer<br />

Ruth Meyer Estate<br />

Rita Michaels<br />

Betty and Peter Michelozzi<br />

Judith and Thomas Millea<br />

Mary Miller Estate<br />

Mary Watters Miller Estate<br />

Joan Judge Mirabal<br />

Anne McGrath Miriani Estate<br />

Marie Miske Estate<br />

Joseph and Clelia Molinelli Trust<br />

Virginia Molloy Estate<br />

Veronica Monahan Estate<br />

Jill Montrey and<br />

Robert Enzenauer<br />

Jeanette Cofone Mooney Estate<br />

and William Mooney Estate<br />

Catherine Moore Estate<br />

Norine Morrison Estate<br />

Margaret Motz<br />

Mary Mucker<br />

Marcella Muhl Estate<br />

Leo Mullin<br />

Christopher Murphy and<br />

Patrick Weber<br />

Marie Louise Murphy Estate<br />

Virginia Murphy Estate<br />

Alice and William Myers<br />

Arthur Naes Estate<br />

Barbara Neff<br />

Margaret Nelle<br />


Donors of Distinction<br />

Marcelline Niemann<br />

Reverend Tim Nolan<br />

Joan Nowicki<br />

Mary Alice Nuckols Estate<br />

Rosemary O’Brien<br />

Elsie O’Brien<br />

Margaret and Roger O’Brien<br />

Edward O’Brien Estate<br />

Marian O’Brien Estate<br />

Robert O’Connor<br />

Reverend Monsignor Joseph<br />

O’Dea Estate<br />

Ruth O’Dell Estate<br />

Mary Alice O’Donnell Estate<br />

James O’Grady<br />

Jean O’Keefe and Marianne Littau<br />

Marilorraine O’Leary<br />

John O’Loughlin Estate<br />

Stevanie Jan Olson<br />

Mae O’Malley Estate<br />

Mary Rose O’Malley Estate<br />

Anne O’Neill-Strite<br />

Kateri O’Shea and Tina Stretch<br />

Theresa and T J Parson<br />

Doris Clemence Parsons Estate<br />

Rae Paul<br />

Virginia and V Robert Payant<br />

Marian Pearson<br />

Gertrude Pertle<br />

Mary Peterson<br />

Elizabeth Petty and Karen Milner<br />

Lillian Phelan Estate<br />

Helen Pidgeon Estate<br />

James Piloni and Paula Walsh<br />

Barbara Prendergast<br />

Rose Marie Princ<br />

Marie Printz<br />

Vivian Purcell Estate<br />

Margaret Quane Estate<br />

Mary Quattrochi Estate<br />

Kathleen Lally Quilter<br />

Gerard Quinlan Estate<br />

Helen Quinlan Estate<br />

Antoinette Quinn Estate<br />

Catharine Quirk Estate<br />

Nancy Reardon<br />

Miriam Reedy<br />

Doris Reeves<br />

Dianne Reistroffer<br />

Susan Rezek<br />

Louis and Kathleen Rezzonico<br />

Mary Rider and Thomas Corbett<br />

Katherine Riley Estate<br />

Lori Ritz<br />

Helen Roach<br />

Alonzo Robertson Estate<br />

William and Alice Robinson<br />

Estate<br />

Eileen Rocap<br />

Francis Rochex Trust<br />

Mary Ellen Whalen Rodgers<br />

Estate<br />

Mary and Charles Roe<br />

Jeanne Roerig<br />

Mary Margaret Ronan Estate<br />

Helen Rooney<br />

David Rose Estate<br />

Dorothy and Frank Rothman<br />

Helen and Lester Rumpf Estate<br />

Lester Rumpf Estate<br />

Edward and Joseph Ryan<br />

Estate<br />

Paul Ryan Estate<br />

Laura Rybski<br />

Mary and Norbert Samford<br />

Vaclav and Otilie Sana Estate<br />

Robert Saunders<br />

Walter Schauf Estate<br />

Margaret Schmidt<br />

Marion Schmidt Trust<br />

Maureen and Bill Schmit<br />

Marie Schmitt<br />

Bernard Schmitz Estate<br />

Mary Schneider Estate<br />

Judith and Kenneth<br />

Schneiderman<br />

Sheryl Schulte<br />

Dorothy Schumacher<br />

Elizabeth Scotese<br />

Marie Scott Estate<br />

Sharon Scully<br />

June Seery<br />

Jane Serio<br />

Diane and Roger Serzen<br />

Donors of Distinction<br />

Grace Shaddick Estate<br />

Helen Shafer Estate<br />

Mary Sharbel Estate<br />

Terrence Shaughnessy<br />

Reverend Vincent Sheehy<br />

Mary Justine Sheil Estate<br />

Yao Shen Trust<br />

Marion Sigafoose Estate<br />

Josephine Silberschlag Estate<br />

Rita Siver Estate<br />

Kathleen Slattery Estate<br />

Dolores Smith<br />

Therese Snyder<br />

Melvin Soberg<br />

Hannah and Bernard Spalding<br />

Elizabeth and Arnold Spencer<br />

Estate<br />

Katherine and Robert Stafford<br />

Sylvia Standaert<br />

Louise Stawasz Estate<br />

Geraldine Steenveld<br />

Patricia Stephenson<br />

Robert Stewart<br />

Leona Stimpson Estate<br />

Daniel Stokes Estate<br />

Myra Stratton<br />

Elaine Stuart Estate<br />

Dorothy and Frances Sugrue<br />

Lorraine Sullivan<br />

Terrence Sullivan<br />

Mary Rose and Stephen<br />

Swedish Estate<br />

Elizabeth Sykora and<br />

Stephena Fredette<br />

Mary Syron Estate<br />

Joana TenBieg<br />

Anita Terpstra<br />

Rita Theisen<br />

Lydia Thibault Estate<br />

Margaret Tiedemann Estate<br />

Mary Tischler<br />

Susan and M James Toner<br />

Eileen Tracy Estate<br />

Patricia Kelliher Tripeny<br />

Albert Trotta<br />

Jacquelyn Turner<br />

Joanne Twomey<br />

Peggy and Keith Unangst<br />

Moira Urich<br />

Donald Valentini<br />

Mary Vallely<br />

Nancy Van Anne<br />

August VandeVoorde Estate<br />

Lorraine Vantucci<br />

Alice Vaughn Estate<br />

Charles Vermeyen<br />

John Vestecka Estate<br />

Karen Volz and Lance Heeren<br />

Wilfred and Mary Jane<br />

Von Der Ahe Estate<br />

Therese Wagner<br />

Frances Waibel Trust<br />

Reverend Patrick Walsh<br />

Marie Walsh Estate<br />

Jeanne Walsh Trust<br />

Helen Walters Estate<br />

Janet Walther<br />

Marilyn and Donald Wasmundt<br />

Mary Weeks<br />

Rose Pusheck Weisbrod Estate<br />

Alice Weiser Estate<br />

Jane Wetzel Estate<br />

Betty Klein Whitted<br />

Kathleen Wicker<br />

Kathleen Wiederholt Estate<br />

Mary and Arnold Wieser<br />

Leslie Wilson<br />

Marjorie Wood<br />

Anne Clare Wrenn Trust<br />

Sarah Wright Estate<br />

Joanne and Robert Yerkes<br />

Dorothy Young<br />

Mary Young Estate<br />

Marilyn Zefran<br />

Helen Zollmann Estate<br />

Audrey Zywicki<br />


Mount Carmel Partners are those benefactors who have shown their generosity to the<br />

Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary with their gifts of $1,000 or more during the fiscal year Sept. 1, 2014–Aug. 31, 2015:<br />

Names in bold are new members<br />

Anonymous (23)<br />

Suzanne and Charles Adams<br />

Father John Aldera Foundation<br />

Mary Ann Anderson<br />

Richard and Mary Anderson<br />

Tom Anzalone<br />

Martyann and Gerald Apa<br />

Carol Auclair<br />

Mary Sally Aylward<br />

Shirley Baldwin-Kordick<br />

Marianne and Walter Barker<br />

Joseph and Patricia Barta<br />

Helen and M Bates<br />

Angela and Joseph Bear<br />

Leora Beaton<br />

Raquel Bech and Larry Martin<br />

Alfred and Rita Belluomini<br />

Louise Belt<br />

Mary and Louis Bencomo<br />

The Benevity Community<br />

Impact Fund<br />

Maribeth and James Benham<br />

Cathleen and Peter Bergmann<br />

Rosemary and Eugene Bestgen<br />

Adelaide Bialek<br />

Robert and Connie Bintner<br />

Rick Blase<br />

Hylda Blaske<br />

Donald and Lauri Blough<br />

James Bolan<br />

Rosemary Boland<br />

Theodora Bostick<br />

Helen Brach Foundation<br />

Margaret Brady<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />


Mount Carmel Partners continued.<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />

Thomas and Trudy Braig<br />

Helen Brame<br />

Adelaide Brennan<br />

Margaret and Eugene Bruckert<br />

Virginia and George Buchik<br />

Laura Buckingham<br />

Gabrielle Buckley<br />

Burke Family Foundation<br />

Kathleen Burke<br />

Joe and Jane Burnett<br />

Mary Lou Byggere<br />

Margaret Caddick<br />

Joseph and Sandra Cain<br />

Christopher and Kathlyn Callen<br />

Loretta Campbell<br />

Mary Cannon and<br />

William Ryan Drew<br />

Susan Carlson<br />

The Carrigan Charitable Trust<br />

Mary Claire Casey<br />

Robert Caulfield<br />

Nell and Rollie Cavaletto<br />

Annabel Christensen<br />

Mary Ann Cicero<br />

Ann and Michael Ciresi<br />

Alice Clark<br />

Patricia Clark<br />

Robert and Gwen Clark<br />

Lawrence and Pamela Clennon<br />

Adrian Collins<br />

Reverend Edward Collins Estate<br />

Conlon Construction Company<br />

Margaret Conner Estate<br />

Veronica and Matthew Cook<br />

Cecilia Moran Cooper<br />

Maryellen Cosgrove<br />

Ronald and Robin Cross<br />

Tim Cruise<br />

Margaret Curtin and James Wilder<br />

Steven and Marilyn Daly<br />

Karla and Chris Danson<br />

Rose Marie Davidsaver<br />

Beatrice Davis<br />

Janet and Robert Deans<br />

Vincent and Mary DeBow<br />

Francis and Carol DeCarvalho<br />

Geraldine Delaney<br />

Richard and Annette Delaney<br />

Frank and Joy Deutmeyer<br />

Terry Devitt and Michael Hoffman<br />

Family Fund<br />

Patricia and Joseph Dobes<br />

Eileen Doherty<br />

M Maureen Doherty<br />

The E J and L R Dondlinger<br />

Charitable Trust<br />

Jacqueline Powers Doud and<br />

Robert Doud<br />

Thomas W Dower Foundation<br />

Mary McDonald Downes<br />

Joan Doyle<br />

Reverend Michael Doyle, OSM<br />

Emma Dry<br />

Elena Duarte<br />

Dubuque Bank & Trust Company<br />

Jerome and Joan Duffy<br />

Mary Duffy Charitable Foundation<br />

Meneve Dunham<br />

John Dunlap<br />

Shirley Dunne<br />

Virginia Durr<br />

Marilyn and Donald Duwelius<br />

M Rella Dwyer<br />

Barbara Eilts<br />

Exelon<br />

Mary Farren<br />

William and Jeanne Farrow<br />

Joseph and Jill Farry<br />

William Fecht<br />

James Fehl and Carol Mizeur<br />

Laura Feld-Mushaw<br />

Peter and Marie Ferry<br />

Eleanor and Nickolas Fesunoff<br />

Edward Feuerbacher<br />

Leroy Finn Estate<br />

Judge Edward G Finnegan<br />

Memorial Fund<br />

John and Susan Fitzpatrick<br />

Iva and Hugh Flaherty<br />

Sheila Fleming and<br />

Kathleen Philben<br />

Diane and John Flynn<br />

George Forsyth<br />

Fort Bragg Electric Inc<br />

Rosemary Forte<br />

Virginia C Forte<br />

Virginia Rose Forte<br />

Shirley Fox<br />

Loretta Franklin<br />

Stephen and Gail Froehlich<br />

Gallagher Family Foundation<br />

Gladys Gallagher<br />

Martha Garrett<br />

Loretta and Bernard Garvey<br />

Patricia Garvey<br />

Kathleen and Steven Gaskill<br />

Chris Gaspard<br />

Reverend Patrick Geary<br />

Paul-E and David Geddes<br />

Catherine Gibson<br />

Mary Therese Gill<br />

Esther Gliot<br />

Tony and Trish Glowacki<br />

Betty Golden<br />

James and Becky Golden<br />

Donna and Mike Gomez<br />

James and Lisa Goodman<br />

Mary Pat Goodwin<br />

Paul Gordon<br />

Graphic Arts Finishing Company<br />

Ruth and Jake Graves<br />

Greater Milwaukee Foundation<br />

Eugene and Peggy Grennan<br />

Cheryl Gross<br />

Joan Grossman<br />

Hanassab Oriental Rug Imports<br />

Catherine Hanus-Zank<br />

Mary Hardiman-Desmond and<br />

Michael Desmond<br />

John and Madonna Hart<br />

Elizabeth Hayes<br />

Margaret Hayhurst<br />

Barbara Hazelett<br />

Marilyn Highlander-Pool and<br />

Lloyd Pool<br />

Conrad Hilton Fund for Sisters<br />

Paul and Gina Hoffmann<br />

Harold Hoge<br />

Richard Holm<br />

Joan Hosmanek<br />

Eugenia Hoy<br />

Ilene Hruby<br />

Reverend Leo Huber Foundation<br />

Reverend John Hurley<br />

Patrick and Ginny Hurley<br />

Kent and Barb Iliff<br />

Diane Sue Imhoff<br />

The Immaculata Alumnae<br />

Association<br />

Camille Jacques<br />

Michael and Paula Jansen<br />

John Deere Classic<br />

Gayle Johnson<br />

Jean Johnson<br />

Elaine Johnston<br />

Janet Sloan Johnston<br />

Irene Jones<br />

Edward Joyce<br />

Patricia Joyce<br />

Pat and Randy Judge<br />

Barbara June<br />

Marguerite Karnick<br />

Madeline Kaser<br />

Eileen Keane<br />

John Kearney<br />

Barbara Kelley<br />

Sheryl and Gary Kelley<br />

Carolyn Kelly<br />

Kathleen and Terrence Kennedy<br />

Rita and Thomas Kent III<br />

Donna and Wayne Kern<br />

Molly and Scott Killam<br />

James Kineen<br />

The Klauer Family Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

Kathleen Klein<br />

The Klenda Foundation<br />

Charles and Elizabeth Knudson<br />

Mari Koerner<br />

William Kolody<br />

Mary Jo Koman-Keogh<br />

Patricia Kommer<br />

Judith Kraen<br />

Kramer Family Fund<br />

Garnetta Kramer Charitable<br />

Foundation<br />

William and Rosemarie Kraus<br />

Richard Kreitzberg<br />

Thomas & Janet Krocheski Fund<br />

John and MaryAdele Krolikowski<br />

Gloria and John Kromer<br />

The Kutter Family Fund<br />

Joan LaBue<br />

Judith Lambert<br />

Jeanne and Desmond LaPlace<br />

Patricia Laraia<br />

Mark and Shirley Larkin<br />

Michelle LaRue<br />

David Leahy and Barbara Weller<br />

Adele Baiocchi LeGere<br />

Marguerite Leoni<br />

Donald Linch<br />

Brother Bernard Lococo<br />

Jean and Peter Lococo<br />

Sherrill Lousberg<br />

Barbara Mankus Louthan<br />

Loyola University<br />

Mary Ellen and John Lucas<br />

Kathryn Lynch Estate<br />

Mary Maas<br />

Kathleen Maas Weigert and<br />

Andrew Weigert<br />

Ron MacDonald and G C Gantner<br />

Reverend Arthur J Maher<br />

Reverend Thomas Maher<br />

Virginia and Joseph Mallof Family<br />

Fund<br />

Charles Malone Estate<br />

Tess Malumphy<br />

John and Mary Manley<br />

Reverend William Mannion<br />

Adrienne Mansi<br />

Marian and Bernard Marren<br />

Eleanor Marsolais<br />

Judith and Richard Matlock<br />

Susan and Frank Matule<br />

Judith Mayotte<br />

George and Katharine<br />

McAndrews<br />

Keith and Dorothy McCaffrey<br />

Ralph and Mary Catherine<br />

McCaffrey<br />

Joan and John McCarthy<br />

Josanne and G Thomas<br />

McCarver<br />

Nancy McCarville<br />

Dorothy and David McClung<br />

Timothy McCormick<br />

James McCulloch<br />

Virginia McDermott<br />

Margaret McEnery<br />

Patricia and James McGrane<br />

John and Grace McGuire<br />

Michael and Kathleen McKibbin<br />

Barbara and John McNiff<br />

Barbara and Brendan McShane<br />

Terry Medhurst<br />

Grace Mendez<br />

Muriel and Ronald Mendonca<br />

Elizabeth Mengel<br />

Brian and Diane Mertes<br />

Peter and Margot Mestad<br />

Rita Michaels<br />

Virginia and Eugene Migely Jr<br />

Maggie and Eugene Mikkelson<br />

Beatrice and Roy Miller<br />


Donors of Distinction<br />

Deborah Miller<br />

Martha and Douglas Miller<br />

Daniel and Katherine Molyneaux<br />

Robert Monfort<br />

Florence and Daniel Morgen<br />

Morley Family Fund<br />

Mount Saint Gertrude<br />

Alumnae Association<br />

Elizabeth Mueller<br />

Leo Mullin<br />

Marguerite Mullin<br />

Daniel and Mary Mulvihill<br />

Janice and Francis Murphy Jr<br />

Lorena Murphy<br />

Robert Murphy and Emily Chew<br />

Maria Murphy-Fontes<br />

William Nash<br />

Edward and Patricia Nash<br />

Kathleen and Neftali Nieves<br />

The Nolan Family<br />

Frank and Lois Noonan<br />

Patricia O’Brien<br />

Timothy and Patricia O’Brien<br />

Cindy and Daniel O’Connell<br />

June O’Connor<br />

Joseph J O’Hare III<br />

Jean O’Keefe and Marianne Littau<br />

Robert and Jacqueline O’Keeffe<br />

Dianne and Timothy O’Leary<br />

Ann and Charles Olson<br />

James O’Meara<br />

Shirley and John O’Reilly<br />

Eileen O’Shea and Marybeth<br />

Coleman<br />

Mary Frances O’Shea and<br />

Charles Hegarty<br />

Roger and Luanus Ott<br />

Margaret Ottoline<br />

Mass Celebrates<br />

BVM Benefactors<br />

Each year the Sisters of<br />

Charity, BVM express their<br />

gratitude by sharing a liturgy<br />

with many of our benefactors.<br />

Masses are held both<br />

in the Greater Chicago area<br />

and at Mount Carmel. The<br />

Benefactor Mass is a favorite<br />

among the sisters as they<br />

thank those who support<br />

them and their mission<br />

throughout the year.<br />

Ronald and Patricia Papini<br />

Donald and Kim Parker<br />

Elizabeth and Robert Parkinson Jr<br />

Mary Jo Paveza<br />

Virginia and V Robert Payant<br />

Barbara and Robert Perkaus<br />

Grace Pertell<br />

Elizabeth Petty and Karen Milner<br />

James Piloni and Paula Walsh<br />

Polk Brothers Foundation<br />

Dennis and Kathleen Pollard<br />

Karen Pollasky<br />

Alice Cavanaugh Powers<br />

Preferred Network Access Inc<br />

Barbara Pribyl-Szymanski and<br />

Robert Szymanski<br />

Rose Marie Princ<br />

Mary Ellen and Robert Quinn<br />

Andrea Raila<br />

Francis Rekasis<br />

Richard and Dianne Renspie<br />

Gerald Rice<br />

Kristina Richter-Becker and<br />

Jeff Becker<br />

Patricia Riggs<br />

Catherine and Harry Riley<br />

Michael and Anna Mary Riniker<br />

Daniel and Kathryn Ripple<br />

Helen Roach<br />

William and Alice Robinson<br />

Estate<br />

James Roche<br />

Jeanne Roerig<br />

Donald and Marlyn Rosengren<br />

Dorothy and Frank Rothman<br />

Katherine and Thomas Rucinsky<br />

Alexander and Lucille Rudolf<br />

Family Fund<br />

Kathleen Runstrom<br />

James Ryan<br />

Marcia and Oscar Sablan<br />

Saint Augustine Church<br />

Donors of Distinction<br />

Saint Joseph Academy Alumnae,<br />

Dubuque Chapter<br />

Saint Mary Alumnae Association<br />

Saint Paul High School<br />

San Francisco<br />

Saint Richard Catholic Church<br />

Robert Sammon<br />

Joseph and Suzanne Sana<br />

Mary Scarpino<br />

Beth Kaiser Schafer<br />

John and Donna Schmidt<br />

Lucida Schmit<br />

Donna and Tom Schneider<br />

Alan Schoen<br />

Louise Welsh Schrank<br />

Patricia Schreiber<br />

Miriam Schuchardt<br />

Sheryl Schulte<br />

John Schwartz<br />

Robert G and Kathryn R<br />

Schwemley Foundation<br />

Katherine and Donald Schwerin<br />

Sharon Scully<br />

Diane and Roger Serzen<br />

C A Shea & Company Inc<br />

Mary Shea<br />

Mary Shellenberg<br />

Marie Shiels-Djouadi<br />

Sharon and Jeffrey Siirola<br />

Davida Silva<br />

Joann Simpson<br />

Joseph and Sandra Sipek<br />

Janet Sisler<br />

Therese Slowiak<br />

Anita Therese Hayes, BVM and guest light candles in honor<br />

of deceased Donors of Distinction.<br />

Barbara Smith<br />

W Jeffrey Smoller<br />

Frances Spillane<br />

Victoria Steffes<br />

Mary Celeste and Donald<br />

Steinwachs<br />

Thomas and Marlene Stemlar<br />

Charles and Alice Stevens<br />

Linda and Terence Stevinson<br />

Myra Stratton<br />

Patricia and Thomas Stuart<br />

Christopher Sullivan<br />

Patricia and William Sullivan<br />

Elizabeth and Joseph Sweeney<br />

Pauline and Arthur Tarvardian<br />

William Taylor<br />

Anita Terpstra<br />

Shirley Smitas Thiel<br />

Patty Thomas<br />

Rosalie Tiedje<br />

Patricia Tilghman<br />

Keith Timmons<br />

Reverend Monsignor Thomas<br />

Toale<br />

Paul and Catherine Tosetti<br />

Sandra Trant and<br />

Glenn Darrington<br />

Kathleen Scanlan Tschida<br />

Veronica and Edward Tschosik<br />

Gregory Tucker<br />

Tully Family Foundation<br />

Joanne Twomey<br />

Nancy Van Anne<br />

Richard Vlerick<br />

James and Kathryn Vogl<br />

Renee Wagenblatt<br />

Therese Wagner<br />

Robert and Donna Wahlert<br />

Mary Anne and Bruno Walke<br />

Vivian Walkosz<br />

Jean Wallace<br />

Reverend Patrick Walsh<br />

Jocile Walsh<br />

Colleen and Michael Wartelle<br />

Kathleen Weishaar<br />

Arlene Welbes<br />

Ann and William Wernz<br />

Donna Tobin Westemeyer and<br />

John Westemeyer<br />

Katherine Wetoska<br />

Lynn Whitmore<br />

Betty Klein Whitted<br />

Frances and Mitchell Wiet<br />

Mary Wilens<br />

James Williams Trust<br />

Mary and Sam Winklebleck<br />

Mark Winsor and Robert McHugh<br />

Alice Wolfe<br />

Marjorie Wood<br />

Cho and Margaret Wu<br />

Maria and John Young<br />

Barbara Yusunas<br />

Paschal and Janet Zuccaro<br />

Audrey Zywicki<br />

BVM Perspective | 2014–15 Annual Report<br />


Sisters of Charity<br />

of theBlessed Virgin Mary<br />

Freed by Love, Acting for Justice<br />

1100 Carmel Drive<br />

Dubuque, Iowa<br />

52003-7991<br />

Non-Profit Org.<br />

U.S. Postage<br />

PAID<br />

Dubuque, IA<br />

WINC<br />

Check us out online:<br />

http://www.facebook.com/bvmsisters<br />

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F R E E D O M , E D U C A T I O N , C H A R I T Y and J U S T I C E<br />

BVM Associates: Companions on the <strong>Journey</strong><br />

Join Us!<br />

Sisters and Associates form a community of believers who embrace the<br />

gospel vision as lived out through the charism of BVM Foundress Mary<br />

Frances Clarke and BVM Core Values.<br />

They offer one another support, friendship and community as they<br />

reach out together in prayer and ministry to others, both locally and<br />

globally.<br />

Associates participate in:<br />

• Days of prayer and retreats<br />

• Service on committees<br />

• Justice projects<br />

• Ministries and volunteer services<br />

• Gatherings and social events<br />

For more information on becoming an Associate, contact:<br />

associates@bvmcong.org | 563.588.2351<br />

32 | SALT MAGAZINE<br />


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