AUS_HS_Student Handbook2016-17 rev 6 16 16 -003- (1)



Student Council Student Council provides opportunities for students to exercise their willingness to serve the school community, both as representatives and as leaders. The responsibilities of Student Council are as follows: Keep and uphold school rules, as well as set positive examples for other students. Work in collaboration with students, faculty, and administration to generate ideas to improve student life. Be active in overseeing, coordinating, planning, and attending middle school assemblies and activities (dances, spirit days, and so forth) under the supervision of the student council advisors, and administration. Meet with the other STUCO members from all grade levels to discuss events and issues related to Student Council, the school, and the larger community. Support the efforts of the community service program at the school through fund-raising and other outreach events. Student Council membership is a privilege, and students who do not meet their responsibilities may be asked to resign. R.E.A.L. - After School Activities REAL Policy REAL is open for all students who would like to take part in the After School Activities. Registration is administered on a "first come first served basis". However, in most cases there are places for all interested students. Activities will only run with a minimum of 10 participants and any activity with less than 10 registered may be subject to cancellation. R.E.A.L. Activities begin with Extended Learning at 2:45 p.m. which will focus on homework and enrichment skills with the teachers. A snack will be provided to all those who participate in the tutoring and activity session. Students will transition from Enrichment to the activity by 3:30 p.m. and end at 4:30 p.m. When selecting activities, please make two choices for each day, in the event that your first choice is not available. AUS R.E.A.L. is open to all students in the Middle School. Students are expected to following all behavior and conduct expectations. Behavior expectations 1. Students are to listen to ASA leaders when they are giving instructions and respond respectfully and positively to guidelines that may be given according to each environment. 2. Safety rules will be explained and must be adhered to at all times. 3. Students should work cooperatively and respectfully with their peers so that each individual can pursue their activity without being disrupted or distracted by others. 4. Students should remain on task and make the most of their opportunity to learn and enjoy their time in the activity. Parents will be informed if their student does not follow the expected behavior. Students who do not follow the expected behavior may be excluded from the activity. Awards and Ceremonies STUDENT OF THE MONTH AND R.O.C.K. There are several opportunities to recognize students for their accomplishments throughout the school year. Students are selected each month for the R.O.C.K. awards and Student of the Month. Students are recognized in front of their grade level in front of the entire Middle School and their parents in our End of Year Recognition Ceremonies. The following traits are intended to help guide teacher reflection in order to nominate candidates for Student of the Month: Strives for excellence. Treats people with respect for their inherent value. Respects diversity and is open to the perspectives, culture and interests of others. Lives with integrity and honesty. Looks for opportunities to give help and gives help where needed. Demonstrates responsibility for his/her choices. PRINCIPAL’S LIST/HIGH HONOR ROLL/ HONOR ROLL The purpose of the school wide principal’s list/honor roll program is to recognizes and honor Middle School students who have attained outstanding academic success and to provide positive reinforcement that inspires all students to strive even harder and perform at their highest level in all subjects. Outstanding students are recognized on Principal’s list / High Honor Roll/ and Honor Roll at the end of each year. 39



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