La Grischa - Museum Regiunal Surselva

La Grischa - Museum Regiunal Surselva

La Grischa - Museum Regiunal Surselva


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10<br />

Donna Donna ve a chà<br />

Donna donna ve a chà<br />

cha teis hom at cloma<br />

sch’el am cloma, schi lascha’l clomar<br />

eu stun qua, e vögl ballar<br />

illura vegn a chasa<br />

Donna donna ve a chà<br />

cha tes hom ha mal<br />

scha’l ha mal schi lascha’l crappar<br />

eu stun qua e vögl ballar<br />

illura vegn a chasa<br />

Donna donna ve a chà<br />

cha tes hom es mort<br />

scha’l es mort, schi’l sepuli<br />

eu stun qua e vögl siglir<br />

illura vegn a chasa<br />

Donna donna ve a chà<br />

chi’d es da partir la roba<br />

chi’d es da partir<br />

stögl finir da ballar<br />

o deis meis linzöls, o segner char<br />

eu cuor be spüfs a chasa<br />

wIfe, wIfe, come home<br />

wife, wife, come home<br />

’cos your husband’s calling you.<br />

If he’s calling, let him call.<br />

I’m staying here and want to dance.<br />

then I’ll come home.<br />

wife, wife, come home<br />

’cos your husband’s feeling ill.<br />

If he’s feeling ill, let him perish.<br />

I’m staying here and want to dance.<br />

then I’ll come home.<br />

wife, wife, come home<br />

’cos your husband’s dead.<br />

If he’s dead, you bury him.<br />

I’m staying here and want to jump.<br />

then I’ll come home.<br />

wife, wife, come home<br />

’cos it’s time to share the chattels.<br />

If it’s time to share the chattels,<br />

I’ll have to stop dancing.<br />

o god, my sheets, dear lord,<br />

I’m rushing home, fast as I can.<br />

vallader<br />

chanz. pop. rum.<br />

arr: ensemble<br />

11<br />

aL<strong>La</strong>s sTei<strong>La</strong>s<br />

o schei vus caras steilas<br />

el firmament<br />

pertgei viv’ins sin tiara<br />

mo in mo in mument<br />

Pertgei ston ins sin tiara<br />

pitir, pitir<br />

quei cuort mument ch’ins viva<br />

epi epi murir<br />

quei cuort mument ch’ins viva<br />

epi epi smarschir<br />

o quel ch’ei vies scaffider<br />

ha mei scaffiu<br />

quel che vies cuors diregia<br />

ei er ei er miu Diu<br />

Perquei siu mal emblida<br />

miu cor suffront<br />

cu’l ellas sferas vesa<br />

vus steilas tarlischont<br />

oh StarS<br />

oh tell us, ye bright stars<br />

in the firmament,<br />

why do we live on earth<br />

only for, only for a moment?<br />

why do we on earth<br />

have to suffer, suffer<br />

for that brief moment that we live<br />

and then, and then die,<br />

for that brief moment that we live<br />

and then, and then perish?<br />

oh, he who is your creator<br />

created me.<br />

he who determines your course<br />

is my, is my god too.<br />

So his suffering<br />

forgets my suffering heart,<br />

when in the heavens<br />

he sees you stars shining.<br />

sursilvan<br />

m: Tumasch Dolf<br />

t: Alfons Tuor<br />

arr: Albin Brun

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