Assiut University Hospital Article 2


WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY DEPARTMENT – ASSIUT UNIVERSITY Prof. Azza M Ezz Eldin Head of Clinical Pathology Department I would like to extend a warm welcome to the reader of the second issue of Clinical Pathology Department newsletter. On this occasion I would like to give you an idea about our development plans for Assiut University-Clinical Pathology Department. In 2013, a plan for lab development was set by the Clinical Pathology Department. This plan has two main goals. The first goal is to prepare qualified lab personnel while the second one is to improve environmental situations in order to improve the service approved by the department to ultimately achieve patient satisfaction. To achieve these goals, the department launched many projects on its way to get lab accreditation. The first stage of the projects targeted the development of the following units: blood bank, autoimmune lab in the immunology unit, hemolytic anemia lab in hematology unit and hormone lab in women health hospital. Microbiology lab also included in this stage. In 2015, two more labs were included in the hematology unit (homeostasis and flow cytometry laboratories). The second stage was directed to reconstruction of the infrastructure and preparing a central lab service. We are very excited to announce that this stage is intended to be finished by the end of 2017. We hope this will be a forward step into a better future for the clinical pathology department and for the hospital as well.



Prof. Azza M Ezz Eldin<br />

Head of Clinical Pathology Department<br />

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the reader of the second issue<br />

of Clinical Pathology Department newsletter.<br />

On this occasion I would like to give you an idea about our development<br />

plans for <strong>Assiut</strong> <strong>University</strong>-Clinical Pathology Department. In 2013, a<br />

plan for lab development was set by the Clinical Pathology<br />

Department. This plan has two main goals. The first goal is to prepare<br />

qualified lab personnel while the second one is to improve environmental<br />

situations in order to improve the service approved by the department to<br />

ultimately achieve patient satisfaction. To achieve these goals, the<br />

department launched many projects on its way to get lab accreditation. The first stage of the projects<br />

targeted the development of the following units: blood bank, autoimmune lab in the immunology unit,<br />

hemolytic anemia lab in hematology unit and hormone lab in women health hospital. Microbiology lab<br />

also included in this stage. In 2015, two more labs were included in the hematology unit (homeostasis<br />

and flow cytometry laboratories).<br />

The second stage was directed to reconstruction of the infrastructure and preparing a central lab<br />

service. We are very excited to announce that this stage is intended to be finished by the end of<br />

2017. We hope this will be a forward step into a better future for the clinical pathology department and<br />

for the hospital as well.


Prof. Hebat Allah<br />

Rashed<br />

Director of<br />

Microbiology<br />

Laboratory<br />

One cannot deny the<br />

importance of<br />

antibiotics in saving<br />

many lives, but people<br />

forget to use them with caution. The misuse and<br />

overuse of antibiotics ultimately develops<br />

bacterial resistance to antibiotics.<br />

Although scientists and physicians have warned<br />

the public repeatedly, antibiotic prescriptions in<br />

several countries remain extremely high.<br />

Since the making of penicillin during WWII,<br />

chemists and scientist have been greatly<br />

enthusiastic about creating and discovering new<br />

lines of antibiotics. However, killing the bacteria<br />

alone is not enough. For an antibiotic to reach the<br />

market successfully, it needs to be manufactured<br />

in a biologically compatible and safe manner.<br />

That being said, despite discovering many new<br />

elements, only few of these elements can be used<br />

realistically.<br />

It is essential that doctors as well as patients<br />

understand the need for using a specific drug for<br />

a specific target. Surely, awareness needs to be<br />

raised about the issue that using a non-specific<br />

spectrum of antibiotics leads to the development<br />

of resistance.<br />

Moreover, the misuse and abuse of antibiotics is<br />

widespread and not at all confined to the<br />

developing countries. The western countries also<br />

allow antibiotic prescriptions for common colds.<br />

Furthermore, the abuse of antibiotics in<br />

agriculture to fatten the cattle is now causing the<br />

spread of resistant strains. This leaves the current<br />

antibiotics in a state of uselessness.<br />

There is also the problem of people moving all<br />

over the world in a matter of days or even hours.<br />

That being known, the resistance which develops<br />

somewhere can quickly develop somewhere else<br />

across the globe.<br />

There are many ways that we can control this<br />

issue before it gets out of hand. Other than<br />

raising awareness, governments should work<br />

together to establish international guidelines for<br />

antibiotic prescriptions and administration.<br />

ght aid in utilizing phages for the treatment of<br />

bacterial infections.<br />

In some countries, such as India, governments<br />

are urging stricter guidelines for antibiotic<br />

administration and dispensing. It is a prolonged<br />

process that will need time, but the sooner the<br />

governments take action, the better.<br />

However, sadly, one of the major issues causing<br />

antibiotic resistance is the misuse of antibiotics.<br />

In many countries, antibiotics are sold over the<br />

counter, which leads to people treating<br />

themselves from a common cold or flu by using<br />

antibiotics. The majority of people do not<br />

understand that the properties of antibiotics are<br />

useless in many cases and the excessive use is<br />

only adding to the resistance in their body. Also,<br />

in developing countries, people who are poor<br />

may not complete the full dose of an antibiotic,<br />

which will also lead to resistance.


Prof. Maged Salah<br />


Professor of Clinical<br />

Pathology<br />

Immunophenotyping is a<br />

powerful technique used<br />

for the diagnosis of<br />

diseases and of particular<br />

importance in the diagnosis<br />

of acute leukemias and<br />

lymphomas. It can be<br />

done by either immunocytochemistry or flow<br />

cytometry. The latter is being more popular and<br />

becoming increasingly used in many laboratories.<br />

Despite the great power of the technique, in certain<br />

situations it can be greatly confusing or even<br />

misleading given the following facts:<br />

Firstly, the probe used for detection, which in this<br />

case is the monoclonal antibodies. These are usually<br />

obtained from different commercially available<br />

sources, which are sold as “monoclonal” but in many<br />

instances when these monoclonal antibodies are used<br />

in a Western blot, a clear cross reactivity is observed,<br />

meaning a cross reactivity with more than a single<br />

molecule or epitope. This is quite understandable by a<br />

simple look to the procedure by which monoclonal<br />

bodies are raised. The first step is immunization of a<br />

laboratory animal by a small synthetic peptide, usually<br />

without checking its homology with other proteins in<br />

the proteome of the organism against which the<br />

antibody will be raised. As stated before this would<br />

result in cross reactivity with other proteins/epitopes<br />

in the sample that will add a true signal “not noise”<br />

and this would not be recognized even by experienced<br />

operator.<br />

Secondly, the fluorescent label used to tag this<br />

“monoclonal” antibody. With the vast array of<br />

fluorophores available, comparison of their excitation<br />

and emission wave lengths shows a considerable<br />

overlap. It would be impossible to avoid the “bleed<br />

through” of fluorescence on the fluorescence channels<br />

of any given machine available in the market, even<br />

with the use of highly sophisticated dichroic<br />

filter/mirrors. This issue becomes of more importance<br />

and a more likelihood in case of using multicolor<br />

analysis protocols.<br />

Thirdly, the mere fact that most of the examined<br />

molecules, with very few exceptions, are normal<br />

molecules “CDs” present on normal cells, and not<br />

actual tumor markers. These molecules are not mere<br />

concrete pillars on the cell surface, but they are the<br />

products of genes susceptible to up- and downregulation<br />

in response to the various stimuli delivered<br />

to the cells from their microenvironment, and sample<br />

storage and processing.<br />

Fourthly, the nature of the analyzed sample, the<br />

viability of the cells, and the degree of processing<br />

needed before data acquisition. As a matter of fact,<br />

apoptotic and necrotic cells lose the expression of<br />

several molecules once they start their cell death<br />

program. This is of utmost importance in interpreting<br />

data collected from stored samples, refrigerated<br />

samples, intracellular molecules that need fixation and<br />

permeabilization, and much more in samples collected<br />

by any means of homogenization from solid tissues or<br />

paraffin-embedded sections. What adds to the problem<br />

of this type of samples is that necrotic cell debris<br />

causes noise, thus reducing the signal/noise ratio and<br />

the quality of results.<br />

Next, is the interpretation of results in view of a vague<br />

language of the report like “positive” or “negative”<br />

without reference to the meaning if positive means for<br />

example 20 or hundred percent, and if negative means<br />

zero or a certain figure below a cut-off value. What<br />

makes a further confusion is the reporting the<br />

fluorescence intensities without mentioning their exact<br />

source i.e. from the whole analyzed cells in sample or<br />

from a certain gated population, even how much this<br />

gated population represents from the whole sample.<br />

Moreover, the appearance of several scoring systems<br />

that use arbitrary scores without reference to these<br />

“positive” and “negative” scores are based on how<br />

many positive cell percentages, and more important is<br />

that assumed phenotype applies to how many cases<br />

for a certain disease. Also, the emergence of the so<br />

called biphenotypic leukemia as a morphological type<br />

that in best conditions denotes ambiguity of diagnosis<br />

and eventually management plans.<br />

The impressive information afforded by<br />

immunophenotyping imposed itself as a an important<br />

diagnostic and typing requirement for acute leukemia,<br />

but eventually, the huge literature of flow-cytometric<br />

immunophenotyping data presented to the scientific<br />

community, with some degree of inconsistency and<br />

lack of consensus agreement, has driven the WHO to<br />

gradually stalemate it from the guidelines for the<br />

classification of acute leukemia.

Thromboelastography in Clinical<br />

Coagulation Management and<br />

Transfusion Practice<br />

In conclusion, understanding the above mentioned<br />

comments do not mean at all that we should abandon<br />

immunophentyping, but rather points to the great<br />

importance of a careful intellectual interpretation of<br />

the results with thoughtful consideration of the results<br />

in the context of integrated clinical and laboratory<br />

results of the case in question.<br />

Human myeloma cell line showing induction of CD45<br />

expression by IL-6 stimulation<br />

(Mahmoud et al, Blood 1998, 92 (10): 3887-3897<br />

Human myeloma cell line showing variable levels of<br />

expression of a CD19 transgene<br />

(Mahmoud et al, Blood 1999, 94 (10): 3551-3558).<br />

Prof. Nabila M.Thabet<br />

Professor of Clinical Pathology<br />

In the recent years , thromboelastography has become<br />

a popular monitoring device for hemostasis and<br />

transfusion management in major surgery , trauma<br />

and hemophilia. Thromboelastography is performed<br />

in whole blood and assesses the viscoelastic property<br />

of clot formation under low shear condition.<br />

Thromboelastography can be performed with a variety<br />

of activator and inhibitors at different concentrations<br />

representing the most important factors for different<br />

intervals and clot formation variables .furthermore,<br />

fibrinogen levels and platelet counts have a major<br />

influence on thromboelastographic variables.<br />

Aside from clot formation, Thromboelastography has<br />

been used to estimate thrombin generation, platelet<br />

function, and clot dissolution by fibrinolysis, all of<br />

them with some limitations.<br />

Thromboelastography has been successfully used for<br />

patient coagulation<br />

assessment,<br />

hemostatic therapy<br />

and transfusion in<br />

trauma,<br />

perioperative care,<br />

and assessing<br />

bleeding in<br />

hemophilic patients.<br />

Thromboelastograp<br />

hy based algorithms<br />

reduce both<br />

transfusion<br />

requirements and<br />

blood loss in<br />

cardiac surgery,<br />

liver<br />

transplantation, and<br />

massive trauma.<br />

Fig (1) represents Thromboelastometry (TEM): (A)<br />

normal trace and appearance; in hemophilia (B) before<br />

and (C) after factor VIII infusion; hypercoaguable<br />

status, and (F) thrombocytopenia.<br />

Parameter definitions: clotting time (CT) ;Clot<br />

formation time (CFT); alpha angle(°); clot formation<br />

rate (CFR ) ; maximum clot firmness (MCF)- lysis<br />

index (Ly60)- that takes place after maximum<br />

firmness (% remaining clot firmness ).


Prof. Maha Atwa<br />

Director of Central<br />

Blood Transfusion<br />

Services<br />

Researchers are working<br />

on a collaborative<br />

research project that aims<br />

to generate a limitless and<br />

infection-free supply of<br />

red blood cells in the lab<br />

from human embryonic<br />

stem cells for use in clinical blood transfusion.<br />

Blood<br />

Each adult has about five liters of blood making up<br />

approximately eight percent of a person’s body<br />

weight. Blood consists of a fluid known as plasma and<br />

several different types of cells; red blood cells, white<br />

blood cells and platelets. Red blood cells carry oxygen<br />

from the lungs to the other tissues; white blood cells<br />

fight infection; and platelets are vital for clotting that<br />

prevents us bleeding to death. Oxygen is essential for<br />

all the organs in your body particularly your brain and<br />

muscles. So if you lose a lot of blood or don’t make<br />

enough because of a disease. Oxygen levels can fall<br />

so low that you could die.<br />

How we get blood<br />

• Transfusion is the transfer of blood from one<br />

person to another<br />

• It is used to replace blood lost due to serious<br />

injuries, illness, operations and child birth<br />

• Supply depends on donors and is often limited or<br />

insufficient<br />

• Worldwide 150,000 woman die each year due to<br />

blood loss from giving birth<br />

• There are no good alternatives to carry oxygen<br />

around the body<br />

• Donor blood may, rarely, transmit diseases to a<br />

patient<br />

• Donor blood must be matched to the patient’s<br />

blood<br />

Blood transfusion<br />

Blood transfusions are given to people who have lost<br />

blood following a serious accident or surgery and to<br />

people with life-threatening diseases where the<br />

normal process of blood cell production has gone<br />

wrong. However, there is a shortage of blood donors<br />

and despite safety measures patients in need of blood<br />

transfusions are at risk of getting infectious diseases<br />

and having an immune reaction to blood that isn’t<br />

their own, these problems might be solved using<br />

human embryonic stem cells that are free from<br />

infection, can be grown continuously in the lab and<br />

can be turned into many different cell types, including<br />

red blood cells.<br />

Stem cell lab making future medicines<br />

Stem cells<br />

Human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent<br />

stem cells can make any cell type in your body.<br />

Scientists are excited about the possibility that many<br />

diseases and injuries may be treated by cell<br />

replacement therapies. For example insulin producing<br />

cells to treat diabetes; replacing damaged spinal cord<br />

cells after paralysis, or building new bone and<br />

connective tissues to repair joints or bones that have<br />

been badly broken. Stem cells can also be used to<br />

make cells that can be used to find and test drugs<br />

which will result in better, safer drugs and a reduction<br />

in animal testing.<br />

How we might use stem cells in the future<br />

Study development of disease<br />

Scientists study stem cells to understand what controls<br />

normal and abnormal development from a fertilised<br />

egg to a human being. This will help them understand<br />

diseases caused by abnormal cell division, such as<br />

cancer and birth defects.

with reviews and audits. A key element was the<br />

identification of non-conformances and a<br />

Corrective Action System to prevent<br />

reoccurrences. Specific quality improvement<br />

methodologies were not prescribed.<br />

Like ISO 9001QMS .ISO 14001 EMS, ISO<br />

15189 etc…….<br />

Test new medicines<br />

Stem cells can become specialized cells. These<br />

specialized cells could replace the scarce source of<br />

dead or donor tissue currently used to test new<br />

medicines. This would also reduce the need for animal<br />

testing.<br />

Replace damaged cells and treat disease<br />

Stem cells are already used in the treatment of<br />

extensive burns, and to restore the blood system of<br />

some patients with leukemia and other blood<br />

disorders. Scientists hope stem cells can be used to<br />

replace cells lost in many other devastating diseases<br />

for which there are currently no sustainable cures, e.g.<br />

motor neuron disease, Parkinson’s and liver failure.<br />



1- W. Edwards Deming.<br />

Knowing as a (Quality establisher) he established<br />

14 concepts for quality. And he invented the<br />

Deming Cycle which known as a PDCA Cycle.<br />

2- Joseph M. Juran (Juran Trilogy).<br />

(Co-author of Quality Control Handbook 1951)<br />

he focused in three components: Planning,<br />

Control, and Improvement (PCI).<br />

3- Total quality management (1980).<br />

How to solve a problem using SPC Statistical<br />

Process Control (by collect and analyze data)<br />

Check sheets , Pareto diagrams , Histograms ,<br />

Run charts , Flow charts , Cause and effect<br />

diagrams , Force field analysis and Scatter<br />

diagrams<br />

4- Quality system and standards (1987).<br />

To be certified, businesses needed to document<br />

their quality system and insure adherence to it<br />

5- The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award<br />

(1987).<br />

Awards are given in five categories<br />

Manufacturing, service, Small business, Health<br />

Care, and Education.<br />

6- Six Sigma<br />

It’s a Statistical Methods developed by Motorola<br />

Company in Japanese.<br />

The Six Sigma concept has developed into a<br />

methodology that focuses on process<br />

improvement and variation reduction (VR),<br />

through the use of a measurement-based strategy.<br />

This strategy is realized through the application<br />

of a Six Sigma improvement project. This Six<br />

Sigma methodology is often accomplished<br />

through the use of sub-methodologies: Define<br />

Measure, Analysis, Improve, and Control<br />

(DMAIC).<br />

There are many levels of these methods Orange<br />

belt, Green belt, Black belt and Master black Belt<br />

(champion)<br />

7- Just in time, Lean Manufacturing, Poka-Yoke,<br />

and others.<br />

Poka Yoke is a Japanese term literally defined as<br />

'mistake proofing'. Developed by (Toyota)<br />

Company. Poka-Yoke is often used in the context<br />

of designing devices, typically simple and<br />

inexpensive, that prevent defects from being<br />

made or, if they are made, from moving to the<br />

next process.<br />

Poka-Yoke is fooling proofing, which is the basis<br />

of the Zero Quality Control (ZQC) approach,<br />

which is a technique for avoiding and eliminating<br />

mistakes. Generally this technique is used in<br />

manufacturing process but has much wider uses,<br />

such as; offices - order and invoice processing,<br />

hospitals - drug dispensing, aircraft maintenance<br />

- particularly with processes having the potential<br />

of inducing catastrophic in-service failures...<br />

reduce the billing error . Reduce the cost of waste


Eng. Mahmoud A. Eltayeb<br />

Chair of Arab<br />

Accreditation Cooperation<br />

ARAC<br />

What is measurement<br />

uncertainty?<br />

In ordinary use the word<br />

'uncertainty' does not inspire<br />

confidence. However, when<br />

used in technical sense as in<br />

'measurement uncertainty' it carries a specific<br />

meaning.<br />

It is a parameter, associated with the result of<br />

measurement that defines the range of values that<br />

could reasonably be attributed to the measured<br />

quantity.<br />

Uncertainty is defined as the range of values usually<br />

centered on the measured value that contains the true<br />

value with stated probability.<br />

When uncertainty is defined as above, it indicates<br />

confidence interval which is the range of values that<br />

corresponds to the stated uncertainty, and also<br />

indicates a confidence level which is the probability<br />

associated with the confidence interval.<br />

Knowledge of the uncertainty shows if the result is<br />

accepted within limits defined in specification or<br />

regulation.<br />

Measurement uncertainty and medical laboratory<br />

accreditation<br />

The standard ISO 15189: 2012 [Medical laboratories<br />

— Requirements for quality and competence]<br />

specifies the requirements for evaluating and<br />

reporting uncertainty of measurement. The problems<br />

presented by these requirements vary in nature<br />

depending on the technical field.<br />

Accreditation bodies are responsible for ensuring the<br />

accredited laboratories meet the requirements of ISO<br />

15189.<br />

Accreditation bodies are harmonizing their<br />

implementation of the requirements for expressing<br />

uncertainty of measurement through the regional<br />

organizations and the International Laboratory<br />

Accreditation Co-operation (ILAC).<br />

Sources of measurement uncertainty<br />

• Environmental conditions.<br />

• Measuring system<br />

• Operator bias<br />

• Values assigned to the measurement standard and<br />

the reference materials.<br />

• Measurement set up, methods and procedures.<br />

• Variations in repeated measurements.<br />

In medical laboratories, measurement uncertainty is<br />

concerned only with those sources that arise from<br />

within the measuring system i.e. from sample<br />

preparation to production of measurement result.<br />

Hence, pre- and post-measurement uncertainties are<br />

not included in the estimation of measurement<br />

uncertainty.<br />

Why is measurement uncertainty important?<br />

The uncertainty is a quantitative indication of the<br />

quality of the result. It gives an answer to the<br />

question, how does the result represent the value of<br />

the quantity being measured? It allows users of the<br />

result to assess its reliability.<br />

Who evaluates measurement uncertainty?<br />

Uncertainty evaluation is best done by personnel who<br />

are thoroughly familiar with the measurement process<br />

within the laboratory and understand the limitations of<br />

the measuring equipment and the influences of<br />

external factors. Personal should keep records<br />

showing the assumptions that were made and sources<br />

of information for estimation of component<br />

uncertainty values.<br />

Basic knowledge of mathematics and statistics is<br />

required to determine measurement uncertainty.

Personal should ensure that the measurement process<br />

is under statistical control before determining<br />

uncertainty.<br />

Basic steps for evaluation of measurement<br />

uncertainty<br />

Measurement uncertainty can be estimated by two<br />

different approaches<br />

a) The bottom-up approach<br />

This approach depends on the principles of ISO Guide<br />

to the Expression of uncertainty in measurement<br />

(GUM) and based on a comprehensive categorization<br />

of the measurement in which each potential source of<br />

uncertainty is identified and quantified. The estimates<br />

of uncertainty, expressed as standard deviations<br />

(standard uncertainties), are assigned to individual<br />

components of the procedure which are<br />

mathematically combined to provide the “combined<br />

standard uncertainty” of the result then the expanded<br />

uncertainty is obtained as follows:<br />

• Identify all uncertainties in the measurement<br />

process.<br />

• Classify type of uncertainty:<br />

Type A uncertainty which is evaluated by statistical<br />

analysis of series of observations. It is the standard<br />

deviation of the mean.<br />

Type B uncertainty which is evaluated by means<br />

other than statistical analysis of series of<br />

observations.<br />

internal quality control and Proficiency testing data, to<br />

estimate the standard uncertainty associated with the<br />

result.<br />

• The combined standard uncertainty is calculated<br />

from the impression component and the bias<br />

component when bias component is significant<br />

relative to the impression component.<br />

• The impression component data should be<br />

collected from testing QC material for a<br />

minimum period of six months to ensure that<br />

variations due to different operators, reagents and<br />

calibrator lots, recalibrations, routine instrument<br />

maintenance are captured. For new methods, a<br />

minimum of 30 replicate determinations of<br />

appropriate QC material is required to calculate<br />

an interim standard deviation but this is<br />

dependent on the frequency of analysis.<br />

• The expanded uncertainty is obtained by<br />

multiplying the combined standard uncertainty<br />

by a coverage factor k in similar to bottom- up<br />

approach<br />

• The measurement results and the expanded<br />

uncertainty are reported.<br />

This approach is preferred for routine medical<br />

laboratory tests and considered more practical than the<br />

bottom-up approach. However, it is the laboratory’s<br />

decision to use the method most appropriate for their<br />

circumstances and supported by the available data.<br />

• Quantify individual uncertainty by various<br />

methods.<br />

• Obtain the Combined standard uncertainty by<br />

Root Sum Square (RSS method).<br />

• Obtain the expanded uncertainty by multiplying<br />

combined standard uncertainty by appropriate<br />

coverage factor K.<br />

o For K=1 the confidence level is 68%<br />

o For K=2 the confidence level is 95%<br />

o For K=3 the confidence level is 99%<br />

Coverage factor 2 is often used for confidence<br />

level 95 % .<br />

• Document in an uncertainty budget.<br />

• Report the measurement results and the<br />

expanded uncertainty .<br />

b) The top – down approach<br />

The top-down approach uses available laboratory test<br />

performance information, such as method validation,


Prof. Hanan Omar<br />

Professor of Clinical<br />

Pathology<br />

Insulin-like growth factor<br />

1 (IGF-1), also called<br />

somatomedin C, is a<br />

protein (consists of 70<br />

amino acids in a single<br />

chain with three intramolecular<br />

disulfide bridges) that in humans is<br />

encoded by the IGF1 gene with a molecular weight of<br />

7,649 daltons. It has also been referred to as a<br />

"sulfation factor" and its effects were termed "non<br />

suppressible insulin-like activity" (NSILA) in the<br />

1970s.<br />

IGF-1 is a hormone similar in molecular structure to<br />

insulin. It plays an important role in childhood growth<br />

and continues to have anabolic effects in adults. A<br />

synthetic analog of IGF-1, mecasermin, is used for the<br />

treatment of growth failure.<br />

Clinical significance<br />

Dwarfism<br />

Rare diseases characterized by inability to make or<br />

respond to IGF-1 produce a distinctive type of growth<br />

failure. One such disorder, termed Laron dwarfism<br />

does not respond at all to growth hormone treatment<br />

due to a lack of GH receptors. The FDA has grouped<br />

these diseases into a disorder called severe primary<br />

IGF deficiency. Patients with severe primary IGFD<br />

typically present with normal to high GH levels,<br />

height below 3 standard deviations (SD), and IGF-1<br />

levels below 3 SD. Severe primary IGFD includes<br />

patients with mutations in the GH receptor, postreceptor<br />

mutations or IGF mutations, as previously<br />

described. As a result, these patients cannot be<br />

expected to respond to GH treatment.<br />

People with Laron syndrome have strikingly low rates<br />

of cancer and diabetes.<br />

Acromegaly<br />

It is a syndrome that results when the anterior<br />

pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone<br />

(GH). A number of disorders may increase the<br />

pituitary's GH output, although most commonly it<br />

involves a tumor called pituitary adenoma, derived<br />

from a distinct type of cell (somatotrophs). It leads to<br />

anatomical changes and metabolic dysfunction caused<br />

by elevated GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-<br />

1) levels.<br />

Diagnostic test<br />

IGF-1 levels can be measured in the blood in 10-<br />

1000 ng/ml amounts. As levels do not fluctuate<br />

greatly throughout the day for an individual person, It<br />

is used by physicians as a screening test for growth<br />

hormone deficiency and excess in acromegaly and<br />

gigantism.<br />

Interpretation of IGF-1 levels is complicated by the<br />

wide normal ranges, and marked variations by age,<br />

sex, and pubertal stage. Clinically significant<br />

conditions and changes may be masked by the wide<br />

normal ranges. Sequential management over time is<br />

often useful for the management of several types of<br />

pituitary disease, under nutrition, and growth<br />

problems.<br />

As a therapeutic agent<br />

Patients with severe primary insulin-like growth<br />

factor-1 deficiency (IGFD) may be treated with either<br />

IGF-1 alone or in combination with IGFBP-3.<br />

Mecasermin is a synthetic analog of IGF-1 which is<br />

approved for the treatment of growth failure. IGF-1<br />

has been manufactured recombinantly on a large scale<br />

using both yeast and E. coli.<br />

Research<br />

Aging<br />

Signaling through the insulin/IGF-1-like receptor<br />

pathway is a significant contributor to biological<br />

aging in many organisms. Cynthia Kenyon showed<br />

that mutations in the daf-2 gene double the lifespan of<br />

the roundworm, C. elegans. Daf-2 encodes the worm's<br />

unified insulin/IGF-1-like receptor. Despite the<br />

impact of IGF1-like on C. elegans longevity, direct<br />

application to mammalian aging is not as clear as<br />

mammals lack dauer developmental stages. It is also<br />

inconsistent with evidence in humans<br />

There are mixed reports that IGF-1 signaling<br />

modulates the aging process in humans and about<br />

whether the direction of its effect is positive or<br />

negative<br />

Neuropathy<br />

Therapeutic administration of neurotrophic proteins<br />

(IGF-1) is associated with potential reversal of<br />

degeneration of spinal cord motor neuron axons in<br />

certain peripheral neuropathies.<br />

Cancer<br />

The IGF signaling pathway is implicated in some<br />

cancers. People with Laron syndrome have a lessened<br />

risk of developing cancer. Dietary interventions and<br />

modifications such as vegan diets shown to down

egulate IGF-1 activity, has been associated with<br />

lower risk of cancer. However, despite considerable<br />

research, perturbations specific to cancer are<br />

incompletely delineated and clinical drug trials have<br />

been unsuccessful.<br />

When is it ordered?<br />

IGF-1 testing may be ordered, along with a GH<br />

stimulation test, when:<br />

• A child has symptoms of GH deficiency, such as<br />

a slowed growth rate and short stature<br />

• Adults have symptoms that a health practitioner<br />

suspects may be due to a GH deficiency, such as<br />

decreased bone density, fatigue, adverse changes<br />

to lipid levels, and reduced exercise tolerance.<br />

• However, testing for IGF-1 deficiencisis not<br />

routine in adults who have these symptoms; GH<br />

and IGF-1 deficiency are only very rare causes of<br />

these disorders.<br />

An IGF-1 also may be ordered when a health<br />

practitioner suspects that someone has an underactive<br />

pituitary gland and at intervals to monitor those on<br />

GH therapy.<br />

Less commonly, IGF-1 testing may be ordered, along<br />

with a GH suppression test, when a child has<br />

symptoms of gigantism or when an adult shows signs<br />

of acromegaly.<br />

When a GH-producing pituitary tumor is found, GH<br />

and IGF-1 are ordered after the tumor is surgically<br />

removed to determine whether the entire tumor has<br />

been extracted. IGF-1 also is ordered at regular<br />

intervals when someone is undergoing the drug and/or<br />

radiation therapy that frequently follow tumor<br />

surgery.<br />

IGF-1 levels may be ordered at regular intervals for<br />

many years to monitor a person's GH production and<br />

to watch for pituitary tumor recurrence.<br />

What does the test result mean?<br />

A normal level of IGF-1 must be considered in<br />

context. Some people can have a GH deficiency and<br />

still have a normal IGF-1 level.<br />

If a decrease in IGF-1 is suspected to be due to a more<br />

general decrease in pituitary function<br />

(hypopituitarism), then several other endocrine glands<br />

and their pituitary regulating hormones will need to be<br />

evaluated to decide on appropriate treatment. Reduced<br />

pituitary function may be due to inherited defects or<br />

can develop as a result of pituitary damage following<br />

conditions such as trauma, infections, and<br />

inflammation.<br />

Decreased levels of IGF-1 also may be seen with<br />

nutritional deficiencies (including anorexia nervosa),<br />

chronic kidney or liver disease, inactive/ineffective<br />

forms of GH, and with high doses of estrogen.<br />

IncreasedIGF-1:<br />

Elevated levels of IGF-1 usually indicate an<br />

increased production of GH. Since GH levels vary<br />

throughout the day, IGF-1 levels are a reflection of<br />

average GH production, not of the actual amount of<br />

GH in the blood at the time that the sample for the<br />

IGF-1 measurement was taken. This is accurate up to<br />

the point at which the liver's capacity to produce IGF-<br />

1 is reached. With severely increased GH production,<br />

the IGF-1 level will stabilize at an elevated maximum<br />

level.<br />

Increased levels of GH and IGF-1 are normal during<br />

puberty and pregnancy but otherwise are most<br />

frequently due to pituitary tumors (usually benign).<br />

If IGF-1 is still elevated after the surgical removal of<br />

a pituitary tumor, then the surgery may not have been<br />

fully effective. Decreasing IGF-1 levels during<br />

subsequent drug and/or radiation therapies indicate<br />

that the treatment is lowering GH production. If levels<br />

of IGF-1 become "normalized," then the person is no<br />

longer producing excess amounts of GH. When<br />

someone is undergoing long-term monitoring, an<br />

increase in IGF-1 levels may indicate a recurrence of<br />

the pituitary tumor.<br />

DecreasedIGF-1:<br />

If the IGF-1 level is decreased, then it is likely that<br />

there is a GH deficiency or insensitivity to GH. If this<br />

is in a child, the GH deficiency may have already<br />

caused short stature and delayed development and<br />

may be treated with GH supplementation. Adults will<br />

have an age-related decrease in production, but lower<br />

than expected levels may reflect a GH deficiency or<br />




Clinical Chimestry Unit<br />

Clinical Pathology Departement<br />

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition where the CNS<br />

of a person presents a special kind of distributed glial<br />

scars (sclerosis) which are a remaining of a previous<br />

inflammatory demyelination. Multiple sclerosis is the<br />

most common reason of neurological disability among<br />

young adults.<br />

In multiple sclerosis, localized destruction of myelin<br />

occurs in the CNS. Alterations of the immune system<br />

have been implicated in this process, by the<br />

demonstration of myelin-reactive T lymphocytes and<br />

the oligoclonal bands (OCB) in CSF reflecting local<br />

synthesis of immunoglobulins (figure 1). Patients with<br />

multiple sclerosis have a restricted immune response<br />

with predominately IgG1 subclass. Genetic linkage<br />

studies have indicated a variety of associations, but<br />

the strongest is with HLA-DR2 (human leukocyte<br />

antigen) genes. During the last decades, the effort of<br />

establishing satisfactory biomarkers for multiple<br />

sclerosis has been proven to be very difficult, due to<br />

the clinical and pathophysiological complexities of<br />

the disease. According to their pathophysiological<br />

implication in MS pathogenesis, up-to-date<br />

biomarkers are divided into three subgroups, geneticimmunogenetic,<br />

laboratorial, and imaging. According<br />

to the clinical application they further subdivided into<br />

markers aid in diagnosis, biomarkers of<br />

demyelination—neuroinflammation relapse,<br />

biomarkers of prognosis-disability progression and<br />

biomarkers of therapeutical response<br />

Biomarkers aid in diagnosis includes:<br />

• HLA-DRB1*1501<br />

Is the mainly responsible allele for attributing genetic<br />

risk in MS population. Positive correlation of HLA-<br />

DRB1*1501with OCB in the CSF of MS patients was<br />

found.<br />

• OCB IgG in CSF<br />

Positive OCB IgG in the CSF of patients with<br />

clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) was found to<br />

duplicate the risk of progression to clinically definite<br />

multiple sclerosis (CDMS). Their diagnostic<br />

sensitivity is high but they lack in specificity.<br />

• Kappa Free Light Chains (KFLC) in CSF<br />

KFLC high CSF levels have been reported in MS and<br />

considered as highly predictive for CIS conversion to<br />

CDMS.<br />

• Measles-Rubella-Zoster Endothecal Reaction<br />

(MRZ Reaction)<br />

MRZ IgG reaction in CSF displays, compared to OCB<br />

IgG, a higher specificity for MS diagnosis and higher<br />

prognostic value of progression from CIS to CDMS.<br />

• Vitamin D:<br />

Vitamin D suppresses Th1 immune response in<br />

multiple levels and enables the production of many<br />

neurotrophic factors. 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels in<br />

untreated MS patients correlate inversely with<br />

radiologic disease activity.<br />

• Antibody against potassium channel protein<br />

KIR4.1<br />

It was reported that a subset of MS patients<br />

have a seropositive anti- KIR4.1.<br />

Biomarkers of demyelination neuroinflammation<br />

relapse:<br />

• Myelin Basic Protein (MBP):<br />

MBP and its fragments are found in large quantities in<br />

the CSF of MS patients during relapse. A significant<br />

correlation of decrease in CSF-MBP, contrastenhancement<br />

in MRI, suggest an association with<br />

myelin breakdown in MS.<br />

• αB-Crystalline<br />

Immunohistochemical analysis of demyelinating<br />

lesions revealed increased expression of this protein.<br />

αβ-Crystalline is a heat-shock protein which forms<br />

aggregates during stress. It is considered as primary<br />

target molecule for T-cells in MS. Its mechanism of<br />

action encompasses activation of IL-17, IL-10, IL-13,<br />

TNF, and Chemokines CCL5 and CCL1.<br />

• Neuronal Cell Adhesion Molecule (N-CAM)<br />

Constant CSF elevation of N-CAM has been reported<br />

immediately after MS relapse, showing negative<br />

correlation with clinical improvement.<br />

• Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)<br />

Lower CSF-BNDF levels in secondary progressive<br />

MS (SPMS) patients comparatively to relapsing<br />

remitting MS (RRMS) patients have been reported.<br />

Low BDNF levels are considered to contribute in<br />

demyelination and axonal damage progress.<br />

• Fetuin-A

A calcium regulating surface glycoprotein, protein , s<br />

coding messenger RNA is overexpressed in MS<br />

patients CNS, resulting in its high concentrations in<br />

active demyelinating lesions.<br />

• Cytokines and Adhesion Molecules<br />

Inflammatory activity in active demyelinating lesion<br />

lead to the liberation of many different cytokines that<br />

can be used as biomarkers of disease activity they<br />

include serum levels of IFN-γ-TNF-α, IL-6, IL-10,<br />

sICAM-1and sVCAM-1.<br />

Biomarkers of Axonal loss- neurodegeneration<br />

• Soluble Molecule Nogo-A<br />

Nogo-A is a CNS myelin component that inhibits<br />

axonal repair. Its presence in CSF of MS patients<br />

constitutes a bad prognostic marker of axonal repair.<br />

Nogo-A is adequately specific for MS, as it could not<br />

be isolated in other autoimmune or infectious<br />

neurological disorders.<br />

• N-AcetyloAspartate (NAA)<br />

NAA is an aminoacid, highly expressed in neurons.<br />

CSF-NAA reduction correlates adequately with<br />

disability progression. NAA could be helpful in<br />

differential diagnosis between MS and NMO.<br />

• Tau Protein<br />

Tau is a cytoskeleton protein whose basic<br />

responsibility is microtubular stabilization. High CSF<br />

levels in MS patients have been reported.<br />

Simultaneous elevation in Tau and NF-H values in<br />

CSF, in patients with CIS, has a 70% predictive value<br />

of conversion to CDMS, which is superior to the<br />

predictive value of MRI.<br />

GFAP is a structural protein of the astrocytes whose<br />

CSF levels increase in association with gliosisastrocytosis.<br />

High CSF values have been found in<br />

SPMS patients, but rarely in RRMS patients, and<br />

seem to correlate well with disability progression.<br />

• OCB IgG, KFLC, MRZ reaction and NAA,<br />

NF-H reflect adequately disability<br />

progression in MS.<br />

Biomarkers of therapeutical response:<br />

• HLA-DRB1* 10401, 0408, 1601<br />

polymorphisms have higher risk for<br />

developing neutralizing antibodies against<br />

IFN-β.<br />

• Vitamin D increased serum levels associated<br />

with IFN-β responders.<br />

• Fetiun A and NF-L levels are reduced in CSF<br />

and considered biomarkers for good<br />

responders to Natalizumab treatment.<br />

• BDNF increased CSF levels observed in<br />

Glatiramer Acetate responders, correlating<br />

well with clinical improvement.<br />

Biomarkers of differentiation from NMO:<br />

CSF NAA, GFAP, and CSF: serum albumin ratio<br />

(AR) can also help when there is a possibility for<br />

NMO.<br />

Biomarkers of prognosis-disability progression:<br />

• TOB-1<br />

TOB-1 gene has a role against T-cell multiplication,<br />

keeping autoreactive cells in a dormant state. Its<br />

decreased expression leads towards a more intense<br />

immune response. TOB-1 polymorphisms represent<br />

an independent factor influencing the progression<br />

from clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) to clinically<br />

definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS).<br />

• Neurofilaments (NFs):<br />

Neurofilaments are major axonal cytoskeleton<br />

proteins consisting of three subunits (light chain/NF-<br />

L, intermediate chain/NF-M, and heavy chain/NF-H).<br />

NF-H chains seem to correlate better with disease<br />

progression, with significant elevation recorded only<br />

in progressive disease forms.<br />

• Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP)<br />

Figure 1: The top sample is the normal cerebrospinal<br />

fluid (CSF) and the second lane is the CSF<br />

concentrated 80-fold from a patient with multiple<br />

sclerosis and the corresponding serum diluted 1:3 is<br />

immediately below. The γ- region of the CSF from<br />

this patient has several densely staining oligoclonal<br />

bands which are not in the corresponding serum.


Prof. Sohair Kamel Sayed<br />

Professor of Clinical<br />

Pathology<br />

Identifying potential<br />

hazards in the laboratory is<br />

the first step in performing<br />

a risk assessment. No one<br />

standard approach or<br />

correct method exists for<br />

conducting a risk<br />

assessment; However, several strategies are available,<br />

such as using a risk prioritization matrix, conducting a<br />

job hazard analysis; or listing potential scenarios of<br />

problems during a procedure, task, or activity. The<br />

process involves the following five steps:<br />

1. Identify the hazards associated with an infectious<br />

agent or material.<br />

2. Identify the activities that might cause exposure<br />

to the agent or material.<br />

3. Consider the competencies and experience of<br />

laboratory personnel.<br />

4. Evaluate and prioritize risks (evaluate the<br />

likelihood that an exposure would cause a<br />

laboratory-acquired infection [LAI] and the<br />

severity of consequences if such an infection<br />

occurs).<br />

5. Develop, implement, and evaluate controls to<br />

minimize the risk for exposure.<br />

Standardization of the risk assessment process can<br />

greatly improve the clarity and quality of this process.<br />

Step 1. Identify the hazards associated with an<br />

infectious agent or material.<br />

The potential for infection, as determined by the most<br />

common routes of transmission (i.e., ingestion by<br />

contamination from surfaces/fomites to hands and<br />

mouth; percutaneous inoculation from cuts, needle<br />

sticks, nonintact skin, or bites; direct contact with<br />

mucous membranes; and inhalation of aerosols).<br />

The frequency and concentration of organisms<br />

routinely isolated, as determined by specimen type, •<br />

patient data (of individual or the hospital population),<br />

epidemiologic data, and geographic origin of the<br />

specimen;<br />

Intrinsic factors (if agent is known) as: Pathogenicity,<br />

virulence, mode of transmission, infectious dose,<br />

Form (stage) of the agent and resistance to antibiotics.<br />

Indicators of possible high-risk pathogens that may<br />

require continuation of work in a biological safety<br />

cabinet (BSC), such as<br />

-Slowly growing gram-negative rods or gramnegative<br />

coccobacilli;<br />

-Slow growth in blood culture bottles (i.e., positive at<br />

≥48 hours), with small gram-negative rods or gram<br />

negative coccobacilli;<br />

Step 2. Identify activities that might cause<br />

exposure to the agent or material.<br />

1. The facility (e.g., biosafety level (BSL) -2, BSL-3,<br />

open floor plan [more risk] versus separate areas or<br />

rooms for specific activities [less risk], sufficient<br />

space versus crowded space, workflow, equipment<br />

present);<br />

2. The equipment (e.g., in the case of uncertified<br />

biosafety cabinets (BSCs), cracked centrifuge<br />

tubes, improperly maintained autoclaves,<br />

overfilled sharps containers, Bunsen burners);<br />

3. Potential for generating aerosols and droplets.<br />

Aerosols can be generated from most routine<br />

laboratory procedures but often are undetectable.<br />

The following procedures have been associated<br />

with generation of infectious aerosols e.g.<br />

manipulating needles, syringes and sharps,<br />

Manipulating inoculation needles, loops, and<br />

pipettes and manipulating specimens and cultures<br />

4. Use of sharps;<br />

5. Improperly used or maintained equipment;<br />

Examples of possible hazards are decreased<br />

dexterity or reaction time for workers wearing<br />

gloves, reduced ability to breathe when wearing<br />

N95 respirators, or improperly fitting personal<br />

protective equipment (PPE).<br />

Step 3. Consider the competencies and experience<br />

of laboratory personnel.<br />

Age (younger or inexperienced employees might be at<br />

higher risk); Genetic predisposition and nutritional<br />

deficiencies, immune/medical status (e.g., underlying<br />

illness, receipt of immunosuppressive drugs, chronic<br />

respiratory conditions, pregnancy, nonintact skin,<br />

allergies, receipt of medication known to reduce<br />

dexterity or reaction time);<br />

Education, training, experience, competence; Stress,<br />

fatigue, mental status, excessive workload;<br />

Perception, attitude, adherence to safety precautions;<br />

and The most common routes of exposure or entry<br />

into the body (i.e., skin, mucous membranes, lungs,<br />

and mouth).<br />

Step 4. Evaluate and prioritize risks.<br />

Risks are evaluated according to the likelihood of<br />

occurrence and severity of consequences :

Likelihood of occurrence:<br />

-Almost certain: expected to occur.<br />

-Likely: could happen sometime.<br />

-Moderate: could happen but not likely.<br />

-Unlikely: could happen but rare.<br />

-Rare: could happen, but probably never will.<br />

• Severity of consequences:<br />

Consequences may depend on duration and<br />

frequency of exposure and on availability of<br />

vaccine and appropriate treatment. Following are<br />

examples of consequences for individual<br />

workers:Colonization leading to a carrier state,<br />

asymptomatic infection, toxicity,oncogenicity,<br />

allergenicity, infection and disease<br />

Step 5. Develop, implement, and evaluate controls<br />

to minimize the risk for exposure.<br />

• Engineering controls, if possible, first isolate and<br />

contain the hazard at its source.<br />

- Primary containment: BSC, sharps containers,<br />

centrifuge safety cups, splash guards, safer sharps<br />

(e.g., autoretracting needle/syringe combinations,<br />

disposable scalpels), and pipette aids<br />

- Secondary containment: building design features<br />

(e.g., directional airflow or negative air pressure,<br />

hand washing sinks, closed doors, double door<br />

entry)<br />

• Administrative and work practice controls<br />

- Strict adherence to standard and special<br />

microbiologica practices<br />

- Adherence to signs and standard operating<br />

procedures<br />

- Frequently washing hands<br />

- Wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) only<br />

in the work area<br />

- Minimizing aerosols<br />

- Prohibiting eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum<br />

- Limiting use of needles and sharps, and banning<br />

recapping of needles<br />

- Minimizing splatter (e.g., by using lab "diapers" on<br />

bench surfaces, covering tubes with gauze when<br />

opening)<br />

- Monitoring appropriate use of housekeeping,<br />

decontamination, and disposal procedures<br />

Implementing "clean" to "dirty" work flow<br />

Following recommendations for medical<br />

surveillance and occupational health,<br />

immunizations, incident reporting, first aid,<br />

postexposure prophylaxis<br />

- Implementing emergency response procedures PPE<br />

(as a last resort in providing a barrier to the hazard)<br />

- Gloves for handling all potentially contaminated<br />

materials, containers, equipment, or surfaces<br />

- Face protection (face shields, splash goggles worn<br />

with masks, masks with built-in eye shield) if BSCs<br />

or splash guards are not available. Face protection,<br />

however, does not adequately replace a BSC. At<br />

BSL-2 and above, a BSC or similar containment<br />

device is required for procedures with splash or<br />

aerosol potential.<br />

- Laboratory coats and gowns to prevent exposure of<br />

street clothing, and gloves or bandages to protect<br />

nonintact skin<br />

- Additional respiratory protection if warranted by<br />

risk assessment Job safety analysis<br />

- One way to initiate a risk assessment is to conduct a<br />

job safety analysis for procedures, tasks, or activities<br />

performed at each workstation or specific laboratory<br />

by listing the steps involved in a specific protocol<br />

and the hazards associated with them and then<br />

determining the necessary controls, on the basis of<br />

organism suspected. Precautions beyond the<br />

standard and special practices for BSL-2 may be<br />

indicated in the following circumstances:<br />

- Test requests for suspected Mycobacterium<br />

tuberculosis or other mycobacteria, filamentous<br />

fungi, bioterrorism agents, and viral hemorrhagic<br />

fevers<br />

- Suspected high-risk organism (e.g., Neisseria<br />

meningitides<br />

- Work with large volumes or highly concentrated<br />

cultures<br />

- Compromised immune status of staff<br />

- Training of new or inexperienced staff<br />

- Monitoring effectiveness of controls<br />

Risk assessment is an ongoing process that requires<br />

at least an annual review because of changes in new<br />

and emerging pathogens and in technologies and<br />

personnel.<br />

- Review reports of<br />

incidents,<br />

exposures,<br />

illnesses, and nearmisses.<br />

- Identify causes and<br />

problems; make<br />

changes, provide<br />

follow-up training.<br />

- Conduct routine<br />

laboratory<br />

inspections.<br />

- Repeat risk assessment routinely.


Prof. Sherif Helmy<br />

Professor of Clinical<br />

Pathology<br />

Optimism has to be one<br />

of the most valuable traits<br />

that you can cultivate and<br />

it will make you happier<br />

and more popular. It is<br />

most needed when you<br />

are going through hard times and when you are<br />

facing up to challenges. Of course it's more<br />

difficult to remain optimistic when it feels like<br />

everything is crashing down around you.<br />

The Power of Positivity<br />

Being positive results in happy changes in your<br />

life. It means you will attract more people around<br />

you and make them feel good about themselves<br />

as they will enjoy your company. This makes<br />

things better for you as you will have the support<br />

of all your friends. At the same time if you are<br />

able to remain optimistic then you will be happier<br />

because you will genuinely believe that things are<br />

going to get better. You will be more likely to<br />

take the good types of risks and to attempt to get<br />

yourself out of the situation rather than giving in.<br />

Look for Positive Elements: Events make you<br />

grow as a person. In other cases, your loss is<br />

another person's gain. May be, it will open up<br />

other opportunities. Just focus on a good outcome<br />

from all the bad news.<br />

Appreciate the Little Things: Whether it's<br />

waking up healthy in the morning, going for a<br />

picnic or talking to someone you love. We lose a<br />

lot throughout our lives but there are some things<br />

you can rely on.<br />

Understand the Nature of Change: Don't waste<br />

too much energy trying to fight the change, it is<br />

inevitable. We go through different stages in our<br />

lives, some full of chaos but they won't go on<br />

forever. It's just a matter of time.<br />

How to Remain Positive<br />

Recognize the Value of Positivity: You need to<br />

recognize just how valuable it is to be positive<br />

and how unhelpful it is to be negative. This will<br />

then give you the determination to drive out<br />

negative thoughts.<br />

Have a Plan: It will make you see a way out and<br />

give you hope leading to optimism. Make sure<br />

you are taking steps to improve matters.<br />

Meanwhile have an alternative plan for each<br />

outcome so that whatever happens you are ready<br />

to deal with matters.<br />

Face the Worst Case Scenario: Play through the<br />

worst possible scenario in your mind. Most likely<br />

it won't be as bad as you thought it would be.<br />

You will still be able to cope. Suddenly, you<br />

won’t be afraid anymore.

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