

The Actions of One Affects So Many Reactions from the UR IT Staff These days, it is known that a gunman, a robber, or any other criminal can strike anywhere and for any reason. Not long ago, that experience became all too real for UR IT Magazine owner and photographer Jeremy Clark. On June 13, the boyfriend of one of the magazine’s (former) models entered Jeremy’s home early in the morning and threatened him with a gun to turn over all photos and other magazine information. There went Jeremy’s hard work, the models’ time and effort, the writers’ articles, the graphic designer’s creativity—everything— on computers, cameras, hard drives. All because of one model and one photo. Upon hearing the news, the models and others were shocked and have since spoken out and shared their feelings. Immediately, the majority of the models expressed their hopes that Jeremy was okay and offered prayers. As soon as the news was shared with models, they responded: “People overreact over such petty things; it’s very sad.” “They will get what they deserve.” “I really don’t understand some people.” “Some people are just down-right cold-hearted.” And one, upon expressing her anger, questioned, “What is worth all of this?” That is one question no one can answer but the actor himself and he will likely never provide a public answer. Maybe he will feel guilt, or no guilt and, maybe it was all worth it to him over one photo. Maybe not…or maybe it won’t be once the legalities are straightened out. But no matter what that answer may be, the incident happened and the models and UR IT staff are the ones losing out. The mother of two UR IT models said that she is enraged over the incident, though no one was physically harmed. “The thought of some random person stealing the photos of my girls as well as many girls I’ve come to meet through UR IT has me very angry and upset,” she said. “I’m concerned as to what he may do with the photos—where they may end up.” This woman said if she could, she would love to tell the actor “he had no right to take the work from the girls.” “A lot goes into the shoots and photos from all involved and it was completely unnecessary for him to ruin all the hard work, simply because he did not like what his own girlfriend did,” she shared. “And to his girlfriend, I’d like to tell her she’s ridiculous for putting others in danger for her poor choice in boys.” Some models and staff members were not sure the threat was real and questioned if Jeremy was joking, because they recognize his friendly and humorous personality. “I was really hoping he was joking,” said one model/staff member. Soon, she realized someone had really threatened Jeremy’s life and stole all UR IT materials. “My mind raced,” she said. “My heart was racing. I was angry and 22 THE ACTIONS OF ONE AFFECTS SO MANY

The Actions of One<br />

Affects So Many<br />

Reactions from the UR IT Staff<br />

These days, it is known that<br />

a gunman, a robber, or any<br />

other criminal can strike<br />

anywhere and for any reason. Not<br />

long ago, that experience became all<br />

too real for UR IT Magazine owner<br />

and photographer Jeremy Clark.<br />

On June 13, the boyfriend of one<br />

of the magazine’s (former) models<br />

entered Jeremy’s home early in the<br />

morning and threatened<br />

him with a gun to turn<br />

over all photos and other<br />

magazine information.<br />

There went Jeremy’s hard<br />

work, the models’ time and<br />

effort, the writers’ articles,<br />

the graphic designer’s<br />

creativity—everything—<br />

on computers, cameras,<br />

hard drives. All because of<br />

one model and one photo.<br />

Upon hearing the news,<br />

the models and others<br />

were shocked and have<br />

since spoken out and<br />

shared their feelings.<br />

Immediately, the<br />

majority of the models<br />

expressed their hopes<br />

that Jeremy was okay and offered<br />

prayers.<br />

As soon as the news was shared<br />

with models, they responded:<br />

“People overreact over such petty<br />

things; it’s very sad.” “They will<br />

get what they deserve.” “I really<br />

don’t understand some people.”<br />

“Some people are just down-right<br />

cold-hearted.” And one, upon<br />

expressing her anger, questioned,<br />

“What is worth all of this?”<br />

That is one question no one can<br />

answer but the actor himself and<br />

he will likely never provide a public<br />

answer. Maybe he will feel guilt, or<br />

no guilt and, maybe it was all worth<br />

it to him over one photo. Maybe<br />

not…or maybe it won’t be once the<br />

legalities are straightened out. But<br />

no matter what that answer may<br />

be, the incident happened and the<br />

models and UR IT staff are the ones<br />

losing out.<br />

The mother of two UR IT models<br />

said that she is enraged over<br />

the incident, though no one was<br />

physically harmed.<br />

“The thought of some random<br />

person stealing the photos of my<br />

girls as well as many girls I’ve<br />

come to meet through UR IT has<br />

me very angry and upset,” she said.<br />

“I’m concerned as to what he may<br />

do with the photos—where they<br />

may end up.”<br />

This woman said if she could, she<br />

would love to tell the actor “he had<br />

no right to take the work<br />

from the girls.”<br />

“A lot goes into the shoots<br />

and photos from all involved<br />

and it was completely<br />

unnecessary for him to ruin<br />

all the hard work, simply<br />

because he did not like<br />

what his own girlfriend<br />

did,” she shared. “And to his<br />

girlfriend, I’d like to tell her<br />

she’s ridiculous for putting<br />

others in danger for her<br />

poor choice in boys.”<br />

Some models and staff<br />

members were not sure<br />

the threat was real and<br />

questioned if Jeremy<br />

was joking, because<br />

they recognize his friendly and<br />

humorous personality. “I was<br />

really hoping he was joking,” said<br />

one model/staff member. Soon,<br />

she realized someone had really<br />

threatened Jeremy’s life and stole<br />

all UR IT materials.<br />

“My mind raced,” she said. “My<br />

heart was racing. I was angry and<br />

22<br />


“<br />

What<br />

is worth<br />

all of this?”<br />

worried; who could have done such<br />

a thing? Is Jer‘ okay?”<br />

She, like many others, awaited a<br />

call or news that everything was<br />

okay. Relief was felt as soon as<br />

Jeremy was able to explain what<br />

had happened and say that he was<br />

all right—physically.<br />

“I was relieved,” the model/staff<br />

member stated. “But when I found<br />

out who it was and what happened,<br />

I didn’t know what to say. I was so<br />

angry, hurt and disappointed. Why<br />

did they have to do this? Everything<br />

we have all worked hard for and it<br />

was gone in 10 minutes.”<br />

Frustration is another emotion<br />

ranking close with anger in the<br />

situation. Fright is another: The<br />

actor could possibly have personal<br />

information and photos of nearly<br />

all of the models.<br />

“This guy and girl who have our<br />

information really need help and/<br />

or to possibly reevaluate their<br />

relationship. There is no reason<br />

for any of us to be going through<br />

this,” another model said. “This is<br />

supposed to be fun, not putting<br />

anyone in harm’s way.”<br />

“I have been waiting a few months<br />

to get my pictures, I’ve attended<br />

various shoots, put a lot of time<br />

and effort into these shoots, and<br />

now everything is gone. Sadly, I<br />

may not ever see my pictures that<br />

I have been patiently waiting for,”<br />



another model summarized, sharing<br />

the thoughts of nearly all who gave<br />

<strong>reactions</strong>. “Everybody within UR<br />

IT is busy enough let alone giving<br />

up more time to pick up whatever<br />

pieces that are left. It also upsets<br />

me to know that a stranger has<br />

pictures of me and information<br />

regarding me and I do not know<br />

what he is doing with them.”<br />

The models agreed that not only did<br />

the actor(s) hurt Jeremy—a great<br />

person who would do anything for<br />

anyone…a fun and caring person—<br />

but, “They hurt the entire UR IT<br />

community.”<br />

“I am devastated that they not<br />

only stole our images that we<br />

put so much time into, but most<br />

importantly that they have robbed<br />

someone of their peace of mind,”<br />

noted one model who has done<br />

many shoots with UR IT.<br />

Everyone working with the<br />

magazine seems to agree that taking<br />

such measures over one photo<br />

is unreal. They said that simply<br />

asking to have the photo removed<br />

from social media, deleted, and not<br />

published would have had greater<br />

results and far fewer ramifications<br />

(probably none at all).<br />

“[The model] knows her comfort<br />

level and if she was okay with<br />

whatever the pictures were, then<br />

this guy needs to accept that<br />

and who she is. We all have our<br />

boundaries and I know Jeremy<br />

is not going to make any of<br />

us cross those boundaries,” a<br />

model said.<br />

“I can’t fathom threatening<br />

someone’s life over photos that<br />

you asked to have done,” agreed<br />

a second staff member/model,<br />

who noted she was shocked and<br />

livid upon hearing the news. “It<br />

doesn’t make much sense.”<br />

“I can’t fathom why the couple felt<br />

they needed to take such action<br />

against Jeremy, knowing that he<br />

is a reasonable, understanding<br />

person,” agreed a model who<br />

recently spent long days in photo<br />

shoots in South Carolina, with<br />

nothing to now show for that<br />

time. “I have used this incident<br />

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to remind myself how important<br />

it is to remember safety in this<br />

business. UR IT has pride in taking<br />

on confident, professional models,<br />

and unfortunately there are bad<br />

apples that have slipped through.<br />

I believe this is our opportunity<br />

to change our safety policies with<br />

conducting interviews with the<br />

new models coming in.”<br />

Some models said they have<br />

several unanswered questions,<br />

and some are concerned with<br />

how having their work stolen<br />

and possibly gone forever will<br />

affect their goals and efforts<br />

towards other modeling gigs or<br />

acting auditions.<br />

“I want to go for acting by the<br />

way. All this…I feel like this<br />

man took right from under<br />

my nose. It’s a small scratch<br />

on my dreams, but I hope it<br />

doesn’t affect me too much,”<br />

said one of UR IT’s newer<br />

models who is working to<br />

gain experience.<br />

The legalities in the case<br />

are not yet set straight and there<br />

is likely a long road to go. It is<br />

unknown at this time if any items<br />

can be recovered, but there are<br />

hopes jail time is in the future of<br />

the actor and his girlfriend in the<br />

incident.<br />

“A person who laughs at the<br />

possibility of someone losing their<br />

life deserves to be in jail,” the first<br />

model/staff member shared. “Jeremy<br />

didn’t deserve any of this.”<br />

“I guess my thoughts are that there<br />

will always be ugly people like this<br />

is the world we live in but we can’t<br />

let them take our smile away,”<br />

a model said. “We need to keep<br />

pushing forward and not let them<br />

win.”<br />

There is also hope that Jeremy<br />

won’t “lose his spunk” or let<br />

the threat affect his passion for<br />

photography and drive to continue<br />

UR IT Magazine. So far, everything<br />

is moving forward and there is no<br />

sight of giving up.<br />

“I don’t think they knew the extent<br />

of their actions,” said the second<br />

staff member/model. “We’ve lost<br />

so much irreplaceable work. All<br />

we can do is try to keep working<br />

forward and wait for justice to be<br />

served.”<br />

Arictle by: Adeena Harbst<br />



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