Asia Pacific Choir Games Manado 2013 - Program Book

Program Book of the Asia Pacific Choir Games from October 8 - 18, 2013 in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Program Book of the Asia Pacific Choir Games from October 8 - 18, 2013 in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.


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25<br />

Ronald Pohan<br />

(Indonesia)<br />

• studied composition with Malcolm<br />

Williamson.<br />

• Foundation of Church Music –YAMU-<br />

GER- member of Board of Advisor<br />

• Foundation of Choral Music Development<br />

(LPPN)- member<br />

• Clinician in overall Provincials of<br />

Indonesia, training conductors which<br />

is a key element to the development<br />

of choirs in Indonesia.<br />

• Juror for national and international<br />

competition.<br />

• Mempelajari Komposisi pada<br />

Malcom Williamson<br />

• Yayasan Musik Paduan Suara –<br />

YAMUGER- anggota Dewan<br />

Penasehat<br />

• Yayasan Pengembangan Musik<br />

Paduan Suara (LPPN)- anggota<br />

• Ahli Klinis di semua Propinsi di Indonesia,<br />

melatih konduktur yang menjadi<br />

unsur kunci dari pengembangan<br />

paduan suara di Indonesia.<br />

• Juri untuk Perlombaan nasional dan<br />

internasional.<br />

Henri Pompidor<br />

(France/Thailand · Perancis/ Thailand)<br />

• One of the movers behind the development<br />

of Western music in Thailand<br />

• worked for many years at Mahidol<br />

University College of Music and for<br />

the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra<br />

(TPO)<br />

• now dividing his activity between<br />

France and Thailand as choral conductor<br />

at the Conservatoire de Paris (XI<br />

arrondissement) and artistic director<br />

of the Thailand Inter-university <strong>Choir</strong><br />

and Orchestra<br />

• Specialist in Baroque music, he also<br />

devotes his time to music education<br />

and performance through numerous<br />

concerts, master classes and workshops<br />

around the world.<br />

• Salah seorang penggerak dibelakang<br />

perkembangan musik Barat di Thailand.<br />

• Bekerja beberapa tahun di Universitas<br />

Mahidol, Sekolah Tinggi Musik dan untuk<br />

Orkes Philharmonic Thailand (TPO)<br />

• Sekarang membagi kegiatan antara<br />

Perancis dan Thailand sebagai konduktor<br />

paduan suara pada Conservatoire<br />

de Paris (XI arrondissement) dan<br />

direktur artistik dari Paduan Suara<br />

dan Orkes Antar-Universitas Thailand.<br />

• Ahli dalam musik Barok, juga mengabdikan<br />

waktu tak terhitung untuk<br />

pendidikan musik dan pertunjukan<br />

melalui konser, kelas utama dan lokakarya<br />

diseluruh dunia.

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