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1 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />



First Year Progress Report<br />

Covering Field Activities from January 1, 2007 to May 1, 2008<br />

Prepared by:<br />

Mark Hebblewhite, Principle Investigator, Wildlife Biology Program, University <strong>of</strong> Montana<br />

Marco Musiani, Principle Investigator, Faculty <strong>of</strong> Environmental Design, University <strong>of</strong> Calgary<br />

Greg McDermid, Project Collaborator, Department <strong>of</strong> Geography, University <strong>of</strong> Calgary<br />

Hugh Robinson, Post‐doctoral Fellow, University <strong>of</strong> Montana<br />

Nick DeCesare, PhD student, University <strong>of</strong> Montana<br />

Byron Weckworth, PhD Student, University <strong>of</strong> Calgary<br />

Saakje Hazenberg, Project Biologist, University <strong>of</strong> Calgary<br />

Luigi Morgantini, University <strong>of</strong> Alberta <strong>and</strong> Weyerhaeuser Company<br />

Prepared For:<br />

Canadian Association <strong>of</strong> Petroleum Producers<br />

Parks Canada, Banff <strong>and</strong> Jasper National Parks<br />

Weyerhaeuser Company<br />

Shell Canada Ltd.<br />

Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Division<br />

1<br />

Alberta Parks, Recreation <strong>and</strong> Tourism<br />

British Columbia Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment

2 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Primary funding was provided through the Canadian Association <strong>of</strong> Petroleum Producers (CAPP) through<br />

the Petroleum Technology Alliance <strong>of</strong> Canada (PTAC)’s environmental research program under the Broad<br />

Industry Initiatives Caribou Fund. Additional funding was provided by Shell Canada Ltd., Weyerhaeuser<br />

Company, Parks Canada, Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Division, British Columbia Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the Universities <strong>of</strong> Montana, Alberta, <strong>and</strong> Calgary. Funding for research activities in 2008/09 is also<br />

provided by WWF‐Canada through the Endangered Species Recovery Fund (ESRF) <strong>and</strong> the Alberta<br />

Conservation Association.<br />

Numerous individuals <strong>and</strong> organizations made this research possible. We thank Gary Sargent at CAPP for<br />

his support <strong>and</strong> administrative help to make our <strong>project</strong> successful. Many people within Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Division run the ongoing <strong>caribou</strong> monitoring program within west‐central Alberta, most notably<br />

Dave Hervieux, Kirby Smith, Dave Stepnisky, Dave Hobson, Jan Ficht, <strong>and</strong> Mike Russell. We also thank<br />

Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife wardens for their assistance with spring/summer 2008 wolf trapping activities.<br />

Within the Alberta Caribou Committee we thank Anne Hubbs <strong>and</strong> Nicole McCutchen for facilitating data<br />

sharing agreements, <strong>and</strong> Stan Boutin for ongoing discussion. Within Parks Canada, we thank Mark<br />

Bradley, Layla Neufeld, Alan Dibb, Cliff White, Ge<strong>of</strong>f Skinner, L<strong>and</strong>on Shepherd, Brenda Shepherd, Wes<br />

Bradford, Jesse Whittington, Dave Dalman, Jacqui Syroteuk, <strong>and</strong> the staff at Pallisades for their<br />

contributions to the <strong>caribou</strong> research program. For outst<strong>and</strong>ing contributions to ground <strong>and</strong> aerial elk<br />

telemetry in Jasper National Park, we thank Heidi Fengler <strong>and</strong> Lucas Habib especially. Within the<br />

Foothills Facility for GIS in the McDermid Lab at University <strong>of</strong> Calgary, we thank Adam McLane <strong>and</strong> David<br />

Laskin for their assistance with remote sensing lab <strong>and</strong> field work throughout the <strong>project</strong>. We thank<br />

Bighorn Helicopters, especially Clay <strong>and</strong> Janice Wilson, <strong>and</strong> Brad Culling for enabling safe <strong>and</strong> humane<br />

animal capture <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling services. Mike Dupuis <strong>and</strong> Silvertip aviation provided aerial telemetry<br />

services, <strong>and</strong> Pacific Western, Precision, Highl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Yellowhead helicopters for safe air travel services.<br />

Mark Sherrington <strong>and</strong> Roger Creasey provided administrative <strong>and</strong> field assistance that was invaluable.<br />

On the British Columbia side <strong>of</strong> the border, we thank <strong>project</strong> partner Dale Seip from BC Ministry <strong>of</strong><br />

Forests especially for his ongoing collaboration, as well as Doug Heard <strong>and</strong> Conrad Thiessen from BC<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment, <strong>and</strong> Rick Roos from BC Parks for his facilitation <strong>of</strong> our field work in Kakwa<br />

Provincial Park BC. Matthew Wheatley <strong>and</strong> others within Alberta Parks, Tourism <strong>and</strong> Recreation ably<br />

facilitated our research in Alberta provincial parks. We also thank the administrative assistance from<br />

PTAC’s Tannis Such, the University <strong>of</strong> Montana’s Jeanne Franz, Jodi Todd, Jim Adams, Laura Plute,<br />

ReNeea Gordon, <strong>and</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Calgary’s EVDS administration. Simon Slater at the University <strong>of</strong><br />

Alberta continues to provide excellent monitoring <strong>of</strong> the Redrock‐Prairie Creek <strong>and</strong> Narraway herds in<br />

conjunction with Weyerhaueser. Nathan Webb (University <strong>of</strong> Alberta) provided expert advice regarding<br />

application <strong>of</strong> the StatScan s<strong>of</strong>tware to GPS cluster identification for field work. We thank genetic<br />

collaborators Dr. Stefano Mariani <strong>and</strong> Allan McDevitt from the University <strong>of</strong> Dublin for their productive<br />

collaboration on our genetics research. Veterinary advice <strong>and</strong> assistance for safe <strong>and</strong> human animal<br />

capture protocols was provided by Dr.’s Todd Shury, Helen Schwantje, MaryAnne McCrackin, Ge<strong>of</strong>f<br />

Skinner, <strong>and</strong> Mark Cattet. Fiona Schmiegelow was extremely helpful during this first year <strong>of</strong> our <strong>project</strong> –<br />

we couldn’t have made as much progress without her visionary leadership in the west‐central area over<br />

the last 10 years. Finally, we thank the <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> wolves for the privilege <strong>of</strong> a glimpse into their lives in<br />

our effort to contribute to their long‐term persistence.<br />


3 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />



This progress report contains preliminary data from ongoing academic research directed by the<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Montana <strong>and</strong> Calgary that will form portions <strong>of</strong> graduate student theses <strong>and</strong><br />

scientific publications. Results <strong>and</strong> opinions presented herein are therefore considered<br />

preliminary <strong>and</strong> to be interpreted with caution, <strong>and</strong> are subject to revision.<br />


Cover photographs, from top left clockwise, are credited to Norm Munroe, Saakje Hazenberg,<br />

Mark Hebblewhite, Nick DeCesare, <strong>and</strong> Byron Weckworth.<br />


Hebblewhite, M., Musiani, M., G. McDermid, N. DeCesare, S. Hazenberg, L. Morgantini, H.<br />

Robinson, <strong>and</strong> B. Weckworth. 2008. Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project. First year<br />

progress report, June 2008. 58 pages.<br />

Note* this is an interim report <strong>and</strong> not to be cited without express permission from the principle<br />

investigators Hebblewhite <strong>and</strong> Musiani.<br />


4 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


In December 2006, an interdisciplinary <strong>and</strong> multi‐university research <strong>project</strong> lead by Mark Hebblewhite<br />

at the University <strong>of</strong> Montana <strong>and</strong> Marco Musiani at the University <strong>of</strong> Calgary was initiated to broadly<br />

determine causes for declines in threatened <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> populations in west‐central Alberta <strong>and</strong><br />

east‐central British Columbia. Overall, the study aims at determining how human activities affect<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> population ecology through modification <strong>of</strong> predator‐prey relationships across the range <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>caribou</strong>. Specifically, the objectives are the following:<br />

1) To describe whether the present <strong>caribou</strong> herd delineation is supported on population genetic<br />

grounds (population genetics).<br />

2) To develop a reliable, dynamic, <strong>and</strong> consistent l<strong>and</strong>cover, human footprint <strong>and</strong> spatial database<br />

platform (l<strong>and</strong>cover mapping).<br />

3) To identify high quality habitat across the entire study area at multiple spatial scales to help<br />

management agencies define (defining critical habitat).<br />

4) To assess predator (wolf) efficiency change over a regional gradient <strong>of</strong> human development<br />

(predator‐prey relationships).<br />

5) To determine the extent in which human activities contribute to increased primary prey productivity<br />

in wolf‐<strong>caribou</strong> systems (predator‐prey relationships).<br />

6) To underst<strong>and</strong> spatial relationships between fire, mountain pine bark beetles, wolves, elk, <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>caribou</strong> in the Canadian National Parks (<strong>caribou</strong>‐fire relationships).<br />

7) To assess how <strong>caribou</strong> migratory patterns <strong>and</strong> spatial separation from wolves change over a regional<br />

gradients in human development (<strong>caribou</strong> migrations).<br />

8) To model spatial population dynamics across west‐central Alberta to <strong>project</strong> future scenario’s <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>caribou</strong> population viability (Population viability <strong>and</strong> conservation strategies).<br />

This first year progress report describes the main research objectives <strong>of</strong> the <strong>project</strong>, <strong>and</strong> reports on<br />

progress over the period from January 1st, 2007 to May 1st, 2008.<br />

Population/herd genetics: Hair <strong>and</strong> blood samples were collected from all <strong>caribou</strong> captured during this<br />

report period, while <strong>project</strong> partners made available samples collected in previous years. Genotyping<br />

was conducted on 233 whole blood DNA samples from the following herds; Banff, Jasper, A La Peche,<br />

Little Smoky, Red Rock‐Prairie Creek, Narraway, Red Willow, Quintette, Moberly, Pine, Parsnip <strong>and</strong><br />

Kennedy. A scientific publication stemming from this work has been submitted, <strong>and</strong> presented at the 2 nd<br />

annual Canadian Evolution <strong>and</strong> Ecology Society meetings in Vancouver, BC.<br />

L<strong>and</strong>cover mapping: An integrated geographic information system databases for the entire <strong>caribou</strong><br />

study area is being developed in cooperation with the Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Project<br />

(FMFGBP) through ground‐truthing data collection in BC portion <strong>of</strong> the study area, <strong>and</strong> BC MOE data<br />

acquisition. In addition, the L<strong>and</strong>over classification <strong>and</strong> integration <strong>of</strong> the BC portion <strong>of</strong> the study is<br />

being integrated into the overall FMFGBP L<strong>and</strong>over modeling framework.<br />

Defining critical habitat: Mark Hebblewhite served on the federal science advisory group for Boreal<br />

<strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> recovery critical habitat review panel, <strong>and</strong> he <strong>and</strong> Nick DeCesare have developed a<br />

framework to model <strong>caribou</strong> habitat across the region. Caribou <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>cover data has been assembled,<br />

<strong>and</strong> modeling will be complete in the coming year.<br />


5 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Animal capture: A total <strong>of</strong> 95 animals were collared during the reporting period; 39 Caribou, 20 elk, 12<br />

moose <strong>and</strong> 24 wolves. Jurisdictional breakdowns are provided in the report.<br />

Animal monitoring: Aerial telemetry flights were scheduled every 4‐6 weeks to relocate collared wolves<br />

or obtain GPS locations for field kill‐searches at clusters. Caribou were monitored for position <strong>and</strong><br />

survival, <strong>and</strong> location data was downloaded from those with remotely‐downloadable GPS collars in the A<br />

La Peche <strong>and</strong> the Little Smoky herds, as well as for animals in the Highway 40 area collared by Foothills<br />

Model Forest. In collaboration with Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife, their collared <strong>caribou</strong> in the A La Peche <strong>and</strong><br />

Little Smoky herds were also included. Weyerhaeuser <strong>and</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Alberta continue to monitor<br />

the Narraway, Redrock‐Prarie Creek <strong>and</strong> Redwillow <strong>caribou</strong> collars.<br />

Primary prey aerial survey data was also collected in February in Jasper NP, optimized for elk but also<br />

surveying for moose, covering approximately one third <strong>of</strong> the study area. To underst<strong>and</strong> primary‐prey<br />

habitat relationships, 20 elk were VHF collared in Jasper National Park with <strong>project</strong> partner Jasper<br />

National Park, <strong>and</strong> 11 Moose were GPS collared in the province <strong>of</strong> Alberta in coordination with Alberta<br />

Sustainable Resource Development (ABSRD).<br />

Predator‐prey relationships: Prey hair <strong>and</strong> wolf scat were collected from kill‐sites to use in stable<br />

isotope or scat‐based diet assessment to confirm primary prey species composition across the study<br />

area. Initial wolf cluster visits in February 2008 focused on developing a consistent search protocol <strong>and</strong><br />

on exploring the potential use <strong>of</strong> dogs to help with finding deer remains in some areas. For efficiency <strong>and</strong><br />

logistics reasons, cluster visits were primarily restricted to Jasper National Park this winter, but more<br />

time <strong>and</strong> resources will be dedicated to cluster visits across the entire study area starting this summer<br />

with a larger crew available for field work.<br />

Data management: Through data sharing agreements with Alberta SRD, Weyerhaeuser Company, Shell<br />

Canada, Parks Canada, <strong>and</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Alberta, we have assembled a database <strong>of</strong> ~500,000 <strong>caribou</strong><br />

GPS fix attempts <strong>and</strong> >100,000 wolf GPS fix attempts<br />

Future Activities: Field research activities during the upcoming year will continue to include wolf capture<br />

<strong>and</strong> collaring, continued <strong>caribou</strong> monitoring in coordination with ABSRD, Weyerhaeuser Company, <strong>and</strong><br />

Parks Canada, aerial surveys for Moose in the northern part <strong>of</strong> the study area in cooperation with<br />

ABSRD, wolf kill‐site investigation, additional elk <strong>and</strong> moose GPS collaring, <strong>and</strong> ongoing aerial telemetry<br />

monitoring <strong>of</strong> collared moose <strong>and</strong> elk. Research activities will include completing the regional wide<br />

habitat modeling to help identify critical <strong>caribou</strong> habitat in the study area, design <strong>and</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong><br />

the aerial survey models for moose, expansion <strong>of</strong> the population genetics research component to include<br />

comparisons with the boreal populations, <strong>and</strong> ongoing development <strong>of</strong> population viability models for<br />

<strong>caribou</strong>.<br />


6 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Woodl<strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> (Rangifer tar<strong>and</strong>us <strong>caribou</strong>) are classified as threatened in Alberta (under the Alberta<br />

Wildlife Act) <strong>and</strong> nationally (under the Species at Risk Act)(COSEWIC2002), <strong>and</strong> many local populations<br />

are declining throughout their range likely due to anthropogenic activities that are altering predator‐prey<br />

dynamics (Alberta Caribou Recovery Team 2005). In Alberta, <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> are divided into the<br />

Boreal <strong>and</strong> Mountain <strong>caribou</strong> ecotypes (Alberta Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Recovery Team2005). In the Fall <strong>of</strong><br />

2006, a interdisciplinary <strong>and</strong> multi‐university research <strong>project</strong> led by Mark Hebblewhite <strong>and</strong> Marco<br />

Musiani was initiated to broadly determine causes for declines in threatened <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong><br />

populations in west‐central Alberta (the mountain ecotype) <strong>and</strong> east‐central British Columbia. Core<br />

funding was obtained in late fall 2007 provided by the Petroleum Technology Alliance <strong>of</strong> Canada in<br />

association with the Canadian Association <strong>of</strong> Petroleum Producers. Additional <strong>project</strong> funding has<br />

included the University <strong>of</strong> Montana, the University <strong>of</strong> Calgary, Shell Canada, Weyerhaeuser Company,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Parks Canada Agency. Collaborating government agencies include Alberta Sustainable Resource<br />

Development – Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Division, Alberta Community Development <strong>and</strong> Parks (Willmore<br />

Wilderness <strong>and</strong> Kakwa Wildl<strong>and</strong> Provincial Parks), British Columbia Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment, BC<br />

Provincial Parks, BC Ministry <strong>of</strong> Forests, <strong>and</strong> the Foothills Research Institute (formerly Foothills Model<br />

Forest). Collaborating researchers include Dr. Fiona Schmiegelow, Dr. Greg McDermid <strong>and</strong> his lab at the<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Calgary, <strong>and</strong> Dr. Stefano Mariani at the University <strong>of</strong> Dublin. This first year progress report<br />

describes the main objectives <strong>of</strong> the research <strong>project</strong>, <strong>and</strong> reports on progress in field activities <strong>and</strong><br />

research over the period from January 1 st , 2007 to May 1 st , 2008.<br />


The overall goal <strong>of</strong> the research is to determine how human activities affect <strong>caribou</strong> population ecology<br />

through modification <strong>of</strong> predator‐prey relationships <strong>and</strong> develop appropriate conservation strategies<br />

across the range <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in west‐central Alberta <strong>and</strong> east‐central British Columbia (Figure 1). We will<br />

investigate the genetic, demographic, <strong>and</strong> ecological (e.g. predator‐prey) dynamics <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> with the<br />

two primary mechanisms hypothesized for <strong>caribou</strong> declines in west‐central Alberta:<br />

1. Conversion by logging <strong>of</strong> old forests to early seral habitats that have high primary prey densities.<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> the strong numeric response <strong>of</strong> wolves (Canis lupus) to ungulate prey, logging<br />

increases wolf density <strong>and</strong> thus predation rates on <strong>caribou</strong> (Weclaw <strong>and</strong> Hudson 2004, Lessard<br />

2005, Sorenson et al. 2008).<br />

2. Seismic exploration lines <strong>and</strong> access roads are hypothesized to increase predator efficiency by<br />

increasing the rate at which wolves kill prey because wolves select for, <strong>and</strong> move faster on such<br />

linear features (James <strong>and</strong> Stuart‐Smith 2000, Dyer et al. 2002, Neufeld 2006).<br />

Our research will focus on the impacts <strong>of</strong> these two mechanisms on <strong>caribou</strong> demography, population<br />

genetics, <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape ecology across all <strong>caribou</strong> populations in west‐central Alberta. First, we will use<br />

new l<strong>and</strong>scape genetics approaches to underst<strong>and</strong> natural vs. anthropogenic causes for population<br />

structuring <strong>and</strong> habitat fragmentation in west‐central <strong>caribou</strong> populations. This will also help us identify<br />

ecologically relevant herd designations using genetic approaches for subsequent herd‐level ecological<br />

analyses. We will apply new statistical approaches to examine effects <strong>of</strong> the two primary causes<br />

(predator efficiency, prey density increases) for <strong>caribou</strong> declines in <strong>caribou</strong> populations across a large<br />

human development gradient. Because <strong>of</strong> the huge spatial scale <strong>of</strong> predator‐prey relationships,<br />


7 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 1. Canadian Rockies study area along the Alberta – British Columbia divide,<br />

including 100% minimum convex polygons (MCPs) <strong>of</strong> <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> populations, 1998 –<br />

2008.<br />


8 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

few studies have empirically linked linear features to increased wolf predation rates. Recognition <strong>of</strong> the<br />

importance <strong>of</strong> altered primary prey density is likewise hindered by few quantitative studies on this<br />

relationship. Furthermore, human‐triggered changes to predator efficiency <strong>and</strong> primary prey density are<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten confounded in space <strong>and</strong> time because forestry <strong>and</strong> oil & gas development co‐occur. Thus,<br />

managers face a problem <strong>of</strong> trying to underst<strong>and</strong> the relative roles <strong>of</strong> increases in predator efficiency<br />

(primarily associated with oil & gas) vs. the production <strong>of</strong> primary prey habitat (primarily associated with<br />

forestry). By comparing <strong>caribou</strong>‐human relationships across a large gradient <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> herds in west‐<br />

central Alberta, our overall objectives will be to determine thresholds for the different types <strong>of</strong><br />

development for <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> to develop effective <strong>caribou</strong> recovery strategies in west‐central Alberta.<br />

The strength <strong>of</strong> our methods will be to compare <strong>caribou</strong> dynamics across the entire mountain<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> range in Alberta, contrasting protected areas to those in highly developed l<strong>and</strong>scapes (Figure 1).<br />

While many <strong>caribou</strong> populations are declining (7 <strong>of</strong> 10 know local herds), several are stable or potentially<br />

increasing (Table 1.1). We will use the gradients in human activity <strong>and</strong> development that occur across<br />

these <strong>caribou</strong> ranges as the basis for our experimental design. Jasper National Park (JNP) is largely<br />

undeveloped by either forestry or human access <strong>and</strong> acts as a crucial baseline control area (Arcese <strong>and</strong><br />

Sinclair 1997) <strong>and</strong> contains the south Jasper <strong>caribou</strong> herd(s) which may be up to three individual sub‐<br />

herds (the Tonquin, Maligne, <strong>and</strong> Brazeau herds). Moving north, the A La Peche (ALP) herd has extensive<br />

forestry <strong>and</strong> oil & gas development on its winter range, but not on its summer range. The Little Smoky<br />

herd (LSM) is the most developed on winter <strong>and</strong> summer range <strong>and</strong> presently the subject <strong>of</strong> intensive<br />

management recovery efforts including wolf <strong>and</strong> moose control. The Redrock Prairie Creek (RPC) has the<br />

highest intensity <strong>of</strong> human activity <strong>and</strong> development on its winter range, with little development on its<br />

summer range. The Narraway (NAR) herd has moderate human development on its winter range, but<br />

even less development on its summer range. Finally, the newly identified <strong>caribou</strong> herd, the Red Willow<br />

herd (which may be an extension <strong>of</strong> the Narraway) is similar to the Narraway herd, but has even less<br />

development on its winter range. By comparing <strong>caribou</strong> dynamics across this range, we will be able to<br />

test for thresholds in responses <strong>of</strong> wolves to human development. Our research will make use <strong>of</strong> the<br />

substantial research invested in these <strong>caribou</strong> herds in cooperation with <strong>project</strong> partners<br />

Weyerhaeuser, Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife, BC Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment, <strong>and</strong> Jasper National Park.<br />

We are also collaborating with Dr. Dale Seip, BC – Ministry <strong>of</strong> Forests through his research on the 4‐5<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> herds immediately North West <strong>of</strong> the Red Willow herd (Quintette, Moberly, Parsnip, Kennedy,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Burnt Pine herds), <strong>and</strong> through joint monitoring <strong>of</strong> both wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in the Red Willow herd.<br />

Dr. Seip received funding from PTAC in 2007 <strong>and</strong> we are actively collaborating on population genetic <strong>and</strong><br />

predation‐related questions to enable our research to be applicable over an even larger geographic area.<br />


9 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Table 1.1 Caribou herd status <strong>and</strong> approximate population size. Estimates <strong>and</strong> status provided by Alberta<br />

Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife unpublished data, Parks Canada unpublished data, Hebblewhite et al. (2007), <strong>and</strong> Seip<br />

& Jones (2008) for the northern BC herds.<br />

Caribou Population Status Approximate Population Size<br />

Banff Immediate Risk <strong>of</strong> Extirpation 5‐7<br />

Jasper (all three herds combined) Stable ~100<br />

A La Peche Declining 150<br />

Little Smoky Immediate Risk <strong>of</strong> Extirpation 80<br />

Redrock‐Prairie Creek Declining ~300<br />

Narraway Declining ~100<br />

Redwillow – Bearhole Declining ~50<br />

Quintette Stable 173‐218<br />

Moberly Stable ~42 (minimum count)<br />

Burnt Pine Stable ~13 (minimum count)<br />

Parsnip Unknown Unknown<br />

Kennedy Unknown Unknown<br />


The overall goal <strong>of</strong> the research is to determine how human activities affect <strong>caribou</strong> population ecology<br />

<strong>and</strong> develop appropriate conservation strategies through modification <strong>of</strong> predator‐prey relationships<br />

across the range <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in west‐central Alberta <strong>and</strong> east‐central British Columbia (Figure 1).<br />

Specifically, we will answer the following related research objectives:<br />

1) Population genetics: Using l<strong>and</strong>scape genetic approaches (e.g., Musiani et al. 2008) we will first ask<br />

whether the present <strong>caribou</strong> herd delineation is supported on population genetic grounds, <strong>and</strong> how<br />

human‐caused habitat fragmentation may have lead to current <strong>caribou</strong> herd population structure.<br />

This research objective will allow the identification <strong>of</strong> effective management units for conservation<br />

<strong>and</strong> management.<br />

2) L<strong>and</strong>cover <strong>and</strong> human disturbance mapping: The foundation for addressing all habitat related<br />

research objectives for <strong>caribou</strong> is a reliable, dynamic, <strong>and</strong> consistent L<strong>and</strong>over <strong>and</strong> spatial database<br />

platform. To address both biophysical (L<strong>and</strong>over, canopy closure, st<strong>and</strong> age, etc) <strong>and</strong> anthropogenic<br />

attributes (human development, seismic lines, cutblocks) within our large interagency <strong>and</strong><br />

transboundary (AB, BC) study area, we are working with <strong>project</strong> collaborator Dr. Greg McDermid at<br />

the University <strong>of</strong> Calgary to extend their L<strong>and</strong>over mapping products developed with Gordon<br />

Stenhouse at the Foothills Model Forest Grizzly Bear Project into the British Columbia portion <strong>of</strong> our<br />

study area. This will provide a consistent set <strong>of</strong> L<strong>and</strong>over products that will be useful for both <strong>caribou</strong><br />

<strong>and</strong> grizzly bears, providing future management the potential to consider multiple species at risk in<br />

management (multi‐SAR).<br />

3) Defining critical <strong>caribou</strong> habitat across spatial scales: critical to the development <strong>of</strong> consistent<br />

conservation strategies across <strong>caribou</strong> herds in our study area is the identification <strong>of</strong> critical habitat<br />

across spatial scales for all <strong>caribou</strong> herds.<br />


10 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

4) Predator‐prey relationships: We will address the question <strong>of</strong> how does predator (wolf) efficiency<br />

change over a regional gradient <strong>of</strong> human development. To which degree does oil & gas vs. forestry<br />

contribute to any changes?<br />

5) Primary‐prey relationships: How does human activity (again, decomposing contributions <strong>of</strong> oil & gas<br />

vs. forestry) contribute to increased primary prey productivity in wolf‐<strong>caribou</strong> systems? To address<br />

this main research objective, we have developed two main complementary research approaches:<br />

5.1 Broad‐scale aerial surveys: Using existing aerial survey methods (Gasaway, sightability) or<br />

developing new methods (e.g., DISTANCE sampling), we will estimate relative or as close to<br />

real density <strong>of</strong> primary prey (moose, elk) across the study area as a function <strong>of</strong> human<br />

development covariates.<br />

5.2 Individual‐based habitat models for moose <strong>and</strong> elk: We will use st<strong>and</strong>ard GPS radio‐<br />

telemetry based approaches to develop individual based, fine‐scale resource selection<br />

function (RSF) models for moose <strong>and</strong> elk.<br />

By conducting both broad‐scale (aerial) <strong>and</strong> fine‐scale (individual‐based) approaches, we will be able to<br />

improve both approaches. For example, collared animals can be used to provide sightability corrections,<br />

<strong>and</strong> the fine‐scale models can be used to validate broad scale approaches.<br />

6) Caribou‐fire relationships: Underst<strong>and</strong> spatial relationships between fire, mountain pine bark<br />

beetles, wolves, elk, <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> to test for the bottom‐up effect <strong>of</strong> fire on threatened <strong>caribou</strong> in<br />

the Canadian National Parks.<br />

7) Caribou migration: How do <strong>caribou</strong> migratory patterns <strong>and</strong> spatial separation from wolves<br />

change over regional gradients in human development?<br />

And finally, an interactive synergistic research objective to underst<strong>and</strong>:<br />

8) Population viability <strong>and</strong> conservation strategies for threatened mountain <strong>caribou</strong>. Bringing<br />

together the spatial <strong>and</strong> population components <strong>of</strong> the research objectives, the research team<br />

will model spatial population dynamics across west‐central Alberta to <strong>project</strong> future scenarios<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> population viability.<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this progress report is to outline the specific research objectives in more detail <strong>and</strong><br />

provide updates on progress made towards each individual research objective, as well as provide general<br />

field progress updates on animal capture <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling, telemetry, <strong>and</strong> field activities over the first year<br />

<strong>and</strong> 4 months <strong>of</strong> the research <strong>project</strong>. This progress report covers these activities from January 1 st , 2007<br />

to May 1 st , 2008.<br />


11 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />




Lead: Marco Musiani, Byron Weckworth, Stefano Mariani, Allan McDevitt, Luigi Morgantini, Dale Seip<br />

Funding: Weyerhaeuser Company, CAPP, Shell<br />

Scope: We will examine the genetic diversity <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> at the individual, social, population, <strong>and</strong> meta‐<br />

population levels. We will test genetic relationships <strong>and</strong> diversity within <strong>and</strong> among <strong>caribou</strong> populations<br />

characterized as migratory or resident, or including both migratory <strong>and</strong> resident individuals. Our genetic<br />

analyses will assist the Provincial Governments, Parks Canada <strong>and</strong> all stakeholders to evaluate their<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> population management <strong>and</strong> conservation programs.<br />

Data:<br />

Genetic Data: We will use whole blood <strong>and</strong> genetic samples provided to us by previous studies <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>project</strong> collaborators courtesy <strong>of</strong> the Governments <strong>of</strong> Alberta <strong>and</strong> BC, Parks Canada <strong>and</strong> the University <strong>of</strong><br />

Alberta (Dr. Fiona Schmiegelow). A number <strong>of</strong> high‐quality tissue samples for genetic analysis are already<br />

available through previous studies. In total, we assembled 233 samples from 12 <strong>caribou</strong> herds; Banff,<br />

Jasper, A La Peche, Little Smoky, Redrock Prairie Creek, Narraway, Red Willow, Quintette, Moberly, Pine,<br />

Parsnip <strong>and</strong> Kennedy herds (these last 5 through collaboration with Dale Seip).<br />

L<strong>and</strong>scape GIS data: We will use an integrated L<strong>and</strong>over model for the entire study area as a spatial<br />

covariate in l<strong>and</strong>scape genetics approaches. This will include an integrated digital elevation model <strong>and</strong><br />

spatial measures <strong>of</strong> the degree <strong>of</strong> human caused habitat fragmentation. See Detailed GIS & Remote<br />

sensing remote plan below in supporting research activities.<br />

Objectives:<br />

This research objective will help underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> population structure <strong>and</strong> its implications for<br />

conservation <strong>and</strong> management. Specific objectives are the following:<br />

• Define the genetic relationships <strong>and</strong> gene flow within <strong>and</strong> between adjacent migratory <strong>and</strong> non‐<br />

migratory <strong>caribou</strong> populations, <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> herds including both migratory <strong>and</strong> non‐migratory<br />

individuals.<br />

• Examine gene flow <strong>and</strong> dispersal patterns among <strong>caribou</strong> populations with different levels <strong>of</strong><br />

forestry <strong>and</strong> oil <strong>and</strong> gas development.<br />

• Identify the effects <strong>of</strong> human caused habitat fragmentation on <strong>caribou</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape genetics to identify<br />

barriers to geneflow.<br />

• Compare population genetics <strong>of</strong> mountain <strong>caribou</strong> within our study area to boreal <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong><br />

populations in Northern Alberta <strong>and</strong> southern mountain <strong>caribou</strong> in adjacent areas <strong>of</strong> British<br />

Columbia.<br />

• Develop a spatial model representing gene flow within <strong>and</strong> between <strong>caribou</strong> populations based on<br />

results from genetic analysis <strong>and</strong> radio‐satellite‐telemetry.<br />

Schedule:<br />


12 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

• Spring 2007: Caribou tissue sample collection from archives. Preparation <strong>of</strong> samples. Implementation<br />

<strong>of</strong> DNA extraction <strong>and</strong> analysis.<br />

• Summer 2007: Tissue sample collection from archives. DNA extraction <strong>and</strong> analysis.<br />

• Fall 2007: Tissue sample collection from archives. DNA extraction <strong>and</strong> analysis. Genetic analyses <strong>of</strong><br />

autosomal microsatellites, mitochondrial DNA <strong>and</strong> Y‐Chromosome microsatellites.<br />

• Winter 2008: Completion <strong>of</strong> DNA analyses.<br />

• Spring 2008: Integration <strong>of</strong> genetic <strong>and</strong> telemetry databases, analyses <strong>and</strong> models.<br />

• Summer 2008: Obtain DNA samples from the Alberta Caribou Committee in Edmonton for all Boreal<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> populations to help meet comparative research objectives with adjacent Boreal populations.<br />

• 2009 – Comparative population <strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape genetics analyses between ‘mountain’ <strong>and</strong> boreal<br />

<strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in Alberta, part <strong>of</strong> Byron Weckworth’s PhD Dissertation.<br />

Progress to Date:<br />

• Collected 233 whole blood DNA samples from the following herds; Banff, Jasper, A La Peche, Little<br />

Smoky, Redrock‐Prairie Creek, Narraway, Red Willow, <strong>and</strong> the 5 herds from our <strong>project</strong> collaborator,<br />

Dale Seip from BC MOF; Quintette, Moberly, Pine, Parsnip <strong>and</strong> Kennedy (see Figure 3.0).<br />

• Successfully conducted PCR amplification <strong>and</strong> genotyping at 11 polymorphic loci for 223 whole blood<br />

DNA samples in Stefano Mariani’s lab at the University <strong>of</strong> Dublin.<br />

• Conducted genetic <strong>and</strong> telemetry analyses, <strong>and</strong> presented preliminary results at the second annual<br />

Conference <strong>of</strong> the Canadian Society for Ecology <strong>and</strong> Evolution, Vancouver, British Columbia, May<br />

2007.<br />

• A manuscript has been submitted for publication as <strong>of</strong> August 1, 2008.<br />

Deliverables:<br />

Progress <strong>and</strong> final <strong>project</strong> reports will address the following topic areas:<br />

1. Identification <strong>of</strong> meta‐population structure <strong>and</strong> dispersal among <strong>caribou</strong> herds in Western<br />

Alberta <strong>and</strong> Eastern British Columbia.<br />

2. Ecological, biophysical barriers <strong>and</strong> anthropogenic barriers to gene flow in our study area.<br />

3. Identification <strong>of</strong> management units for conservation within <strong>caribou</strong> in west‐central Alberta <strong>and</strong><br />

east‐central British Columbia.<br />

4. Integration <strong>of</strong> demographic <strong>and</strong> genetic elements for assessing population viability <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>.<br />

5. Preparation <strong>of</strong> several peer –reviewed manuscripts <strong>and</strong> a PhD thesis on the subject led by Byron<br />

Weckworth.<br />


13 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 3.0. Location <strong>of</strong> the 233 <strong>caribou</strong> DNA samples used in genetic analyses.<br />


14 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />



To achieve our research objectives, a consistent<br />

spatial database <strong>of</strong> spatial vegetation related<br />

(l<strong>and</strong> cover, canopy closure, disturbance<br />

density, st<strong>and</strong> age) <strong>and</strong> anthropogenic<br />

(anthropogenic <strong>and</strong> natural features) data is<br />

required for the entire Alberta <strong>and</strong> BC portions<br />

<strong>of</strong> the study area (Figure 3.1). The<br />

transboundary nature <strong>of</strong> our study area results<br />

in over 7 different jurisdictions (Figure 1) <strong>and</strong> at<br />

least 3 different ecological or vegetation<br />

inventory methods between provinces <strong>and</strong><br />

national Parks (ELC in Parks Canada, AVI in<br />

Alberta, TRIM data in British Columbia).<br />

Furthermore, many key portions <strong>of</strong> our study<br />

area were not inventoried during provincial<br />

vegetation/timber inventories (e.g., the<br />

Willmore).<br />

To navigate this significant barrier to achieving<br />

our research objectives, we set out in this first<br />

year <strong>of</strong> the <strong>project</strong> to develop remotely‐sensed<br />

GIS databases for l<strong>and</strong> cover <strong>and</strong> other<br />

vegetative components for our study area. We<br />

worked in collaboration with the Foothills<br />

Model Forest Grizzly Bear Project (FMFGBP)<br />

L<strong>and</strong>over mapping initiative, led by Dr. Greg<br />

McDermid at the University <strong>of</strong> Calgary’s<br />

Foothills Facility for GIS in partnership with<br />

Gordon Stenhouse <strong>of</strong> the FMFGBP. Over the<br />

last 8 years, the FMFGBP has expended<br />

millions <strong>of</strong> dollars developing L<strong>and</strong>over <strong>and</strong><br />

human disturbance layers for the Alberta<br />

portion <strong>of</strong> the study area, <strong>and</strong> our goals during<br />

Figure 3.1. Locations <strong>of</strong> vegetation sampling plots<br />

collected in British Columbia for the purposes <strong>of</strong><br />

ground-truthing a new remotely-sensed l<strong>and</strong> cover<br />

raster for the study area. Plots were visited in<br />

front country areas (McGregor <strong>and</strong> Red Willow<br />

River drainages) <strong>and</strong> along an 11-day backcountry<br />

hike during summer, 2007<br />

2007 were to extend this L<strong>and</strong>over mapping to the unmapped BC portion <strong>of</strong> the study area (e.g., Figure<br />

2.1).<br />

Personnel: DR. Greg McDermid (<strong>project</strong> collaborator <strong>and</strong> supervisor), Adam McLane (GIS/Remote<br />

sensing technician), Mark Hebblewhite, Marco Musiani<br />

Collaborators: AR‐SRD (Gordon Stenhouse), BC‐Ministry <strong>of</strong> the Environment (Doug Heard – Prince<br />

George, Jeremy Ayotte), BC – Ministry <strong>of</strong> Forests (Dale Seip), Parks Canada (Mark Bradley – Jasper<br />

National Park).<br />


15 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Funding: CAPP, Shell, FMFGBP <strong>project</strong> collaborators (see http://www.fmf.ab.ca/pa_GB.html)<br />

Data: FMFGBP L<strong>and</strong> cover data: This includes assembled l<strong>and</strong> cover <strong>and</strong> other anthropogenic <strong>and</strong><br />

biophysical datasets managed under the auspices <strong>of</strong> the FMFGBP by Dr. Greg McDermid in collaboration<br />

with Gordon Stenhouse under the data sharing agreement signed 09/07/2007.<br />

BC Anthropogenic data: This data includes a geodatabase <strong>of</strong> human use data <strong>and</strong> features <strong>of</strong> the BC<br />

portion <strong>of</strong> the study area. Preliminary data were provided by Jeremy Ayotte (BC‐ILMB) <strong>and</strong> were<br />

transferred to Adam McLane in June 2007.<br />

SPOT imagery & Orthorectified airphotos: To facilitate error‐checking <strong>and</strong> digitizing <strong>of</strong> human‐use<br />

features, we have requested access to BC <strong>and</strong> Alberta Provincial mosaics <strong>of</strong> SPOT imagery (5‐meter<br />

resolution) <strong>and</strong> orthophotos. These images will also be <strong>of</strong> great value for field work <strong>and</strong> research<br />

activities. We have finalized data sharing agreements with Alberta SRD‐RIMB <strong>and</strong> BC‐ILMB‐BMGS for<br />

access to SPOT imagery for this objective.<br />

Ground field classification data from the BC portion <strong>of</strong> the study area: Required to ground truth the<br />

l<strong>and</strong>cover modeling extension into BC following established methods developed by the FMFGBP <strong>and</strong> the<br />

McDermid Foothills Facility for GIS. Field sampling in summer 2007 was successful at collecting new<br />

ground truthing data for the BC portion <strong>of</strong> the study area (Figure 3.1).<br />

Fire boundaries: We are obtaining updated fire polygon boundaries from Parks Canada <strong>and</strong> AB‐SRD/BC‐<br />

MOE for the study area <strong>and</strong> integrate it into the existing l<strong>and</strong>cover modeling efforts.<br />

Schedule:<br />

• Summer 2007 – Ground‐truthing data collection in BC portion <strong>of</strong> the study area (Fig 3.1)<br />

– BC MOE ILMB, AB‐SRD RIMB data acquisition<br />

• Fall 2007 – L<strong>and</strong>cover classification <strong>and</strong> integration <strong>of</strong> the BC portion <strong>of</strong> the study<br />

into the overall FMFGBP l<strong>and</strong>cover modeling framework<br />

• Summer 2008 – Digitizing <strong>and</strong> integration <strong>of</strong> anthropogenic database, error checking with<br />

SPOT imagery<br />

Deliverables:<br />

By end <strong>of</strong> December 2007 an integrated geographic information system databases for the entire <strong>caribou</strong><br />

study area was delivered including:<br />

• L<strong>and</strong>cover models<br />

• % Conifer <strong>and</strong> % crown closure<br />

• Digital Elevation Models<br />

• Hydrology (water, lakes, etc)<br />

• St<strong>and</strong> age<br />

By end <strong>of</strong> December 2008 delivery <strong>of</strong> human disturbance data for the study area including<br />

• Human use features (roads, trails, towns, seismic)<br />

• Disturbances (fires, forestry, etc).<br />


16 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


SCALES<br />

Lead: Nick DeCesare, Mark Hebblewhite, Hugh Robinson<br />

Funding: CAPP, Shell, Weyerhaeuser, Parks Canada<br />

Scope: The conceptual designation <strong>of</strong> “critical habitat” is currently underway for the boreal ecotype <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong>, but has not occurred yet for the northern or southern mountain ecotype. Given a<br />

conceptual definition, regional delineation <strong>of</strong> critical habitat will be required, <strong>and</strong> several jurisdictions<br />

have undertaken large‐scale habitat modeling efforts for threatened <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in an effort to<br />

determine critical habitat (Apps et al. 2000, Johnson <strong>and</strong> Boyce 2005), example Figure 3.1). For example,<br />

relative habitat quality for both the southern mountain <strong>and</strong> portions <strong>of</strong> the northern mountain <strong>caribou</strong> in<br />

adjacent areas <strong>of</strong> British Columbia (Apps et al. 2000, Johnson <strong>and</strong> Boyce 2005) have been developed<br />

using resource selection functions (RSF; Boyce <strong>and</strong> McDonald 1999, Manly et al. 2002)). While RSF<br />

models have been developed individually for several <strong>of</strong> the herds in west‐central Alberta <strong>and</strong> east‐<br />

central British Columbia (Saher 2005, Whittington et al. 2005, Neufeld 2006), differences between<br />

models hamper efforts to develop consistent definitions <strong>of</strong> critical habitat across jurisdictions.<br />

Therefore, we will develop a hierarchically‐scaled model assessing the relative ranking <strong>of</strong> habitats across<br />

the study area as estimated by resource selection analysis both at the regional scale, <strong>and</strong> within‐<br />

population scale. We will include predictive variables in this model describing topography, vegetation,<br />

human disturbance, predation risk, <strong>and</strong> competitor densities <strong>and</strong> incorporate suites <strong>of</strong> predictor<br />

variables into a set <strong>of</strong> c<strong>and</strong>idate models <strong>of</strong> selection. We will use this analysis <strong>of</strong> resource selection to<br />

assess basic correlates to <strong>caribou</strong> habitat quality. We predict these correlations will be the result <strong>of</strong><br />

interacting mechanistic responses <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> to features such as forage quality, forest fragmentation,<br />

<strong>and</strong> predation risk as potentially mediated by human disturbance, <strong>and</strong> will further elucidate these<br />

mechanisms.<br />

Data:<br />

Caribou telemetry data: We will use individual GPS‐ collared <strong>caribou</strong> as the sample unit in mixed‐effects<br />

RSF models stratified by appropriate seasons. Mixed effect RSF models will account for unbalanced<br />

sample sizes, habitat‐induced GPS bias, <strong>and</strong> can allow multi‐scale inferences to both the population <strong>and</strong><br />

local herd scale (Gillies et al. 2006, Hebblewhite <strong>and</strong> Merrill 2008).<br />

L<strong>and</strong>scape GIS data: We will use an integrated L<strong>and</strong>over model for the entire study area as a spatial<br />

covariate in l<strong>and</strong>scape genetics approaches. This will include an integrated digital elevation model <strong>and</strong><br />

spatial measures <strong>of</strong> the degree <strong>of</strong> human caused habitat fragmentation. See Detailed GIS & Remote<br />

sensing remote plan below in supporting research activities.<br />

Objectives:<br />

This research objective will address the following research questions:<br />

• We will be to test for the strength <strong>of</strong> the two main hypotheses, primary prey augmentation <strong>and</strong><br />

linear corridor development, on the spatial distribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> habitat at the regional <strong>and</strong> local<br />

herd population scale.<br />

• We will address the degree <strong>of</strong> variation in habitat quality between local populations.<br />


17 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

• By incorporating variation in <strong>caribou</strong> populations between years, we will be able to address<br />

variation within <strong>and</strong> between herds over time using mixed effects models, explicitly modeling<br />

uncertainty in high quality habitat for <strong>caribou</strong> (Johnson <strong>and</strong> Boyce 2005).<br />

Schedule:<br />

• Spring 2007 – development <strong>of</strong> l<strong>and</strong>scape GIS data layers for study area. Collection <strong>of</strong> field validation<br />

data for BC study area in summer 2008.<br />

• Fall/Winter 2007 – GPS database assembly for <strong>caribou</strong> from 7 <strong>caribou</strong> populations.<br />

• Summer 2008 – completion <strong>of</strong> seismic <strong>and</strong> anthropogenic disturbance GIS layer for entire study area<br />

• Fall 2008 – development <strong>of</strong> RSF models across <strong>caribou</strong> populations.<br />

• Winter 2008 – final model development <strong>and</strong> manuscript preparation.<br />

Progress to Date:<br />

• We have completed the development <strong>of</strong> GIS layers <strong>and</strong> GPS data assembly for <strong>caribou</strong> from all 7<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> populations within our study area.<br />

• We are beginning GIS analyses during Fall 2008.<br />

Deliverables:<br />

1. Identification <strong>of</strong> high quality habitat for <strong>caribou</strong> in our study area at local <strong>and</strong> regional<br />

population scales.<br />

2. Testing hypotheses about which human disturbances have the greatest impact on <strong>caribou</strong><br />

habitat at different spatial scales.<br />

3. Development <strong>of</strong> consistent spatially explicit maps <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> habitat quality <strong>and</strong> uncertainty for<br />

conservation planning across the study area.<br />

4. Preparation <strong>of</strong> several peer –reviewed manuscripts, conference presentations <strong>and</strong> a PhD thesis<br />

on the subject led by Nick DeCesare.<br />

17<br />

Figure 3.2. Example <strong>of</strong> a<br />

regional scale RSF model<br />

for mountain <strong>caribou</strong><br />

adjacent to the study area<br />

in central British Columbia<br />

(from Johnson et al. 2005)

18 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Lead: Nick DeCesare, Mark Hebblewhite, Saakje Hazenberg, Marco Musiani<br />

Funding: CAPP/PTAC, Parks Canada<br />

Scope: We will use GPS‐based wolf movement data to address how anthropogenic changes to forest<br />

structure <strong>and</strong> linear features affect wolf predation efficiency <strong>and</strong> ultimately kill rates in a multi‐prey<br />

ecosystem.<br />

Intent: Wolf GPS data will enable us to<br />

detect the relationships between<br />

predation events (Figure 3.3) <strong>and</strong> both<br />

natural (topographic <strong>and</strong> vegetative)<br />

<strong>and</strong> anthropogenic (seismic lines,<br />

cutblocks, <strong>and</strong> roads) features (Webb et<br />

al. 2008, Franke et al. 2006). We will<br />

empirically estimate the predator<br />

functional response (search time <strong>and</strong><br />

h<strong>and</strong>ling time) in a spatially‐explicit<br />

environment (e.g., Lessard 2005).<br />

Visiting kill‐sites will also allow us to<br />

determine prey‐specific kill rates, which<br />

can be used to assess the relative role <strong>of</strong><br />

each ungulate species in regulating wolf<br />

density. Using these approaches, we<br />

will be able to evaluate predator‐prey<br />

dynamics across a gradient <strong>of</strong><br />

anthropogenic disturbance regimes to<br />

determine thresholds in l<strong>and</strong>scape<br />

alteration for unsustainable wolf predation rates on <strong>caribou</strong>.<br />

Schedule:<br />

• 2007 – GPS collaring <strong>of</strong> wolves<br />

• 2008 – GPS collaring <strong>of</strong> wolves <strong>and</strong> kill‐site inspections<br />

• 2009 – GPS collaring <strong>of</strong> wolves <strong>and</strong> kill‐site inspections<br />

• 2010 – Analysis <strong>and</strong> manuscript submission<br />

Progress to Date: Wolf Kill‐site GPS cluster sampling<br />

Figure 3.3. Wolf-killed elk detected in Jasper National<br />

Park by visiting GPS–delineated location clusters,<br />

Winter 2008.<br />

Remotely downloadable GPS collars allowed us to download up‐to‐the‐day wolf GPS data during<br />

telemetry flights. We then statistically analyzed these data to using program SaTScan to identify location<br />

clusters, or putative kill sites, following the methods <strong>of</strong> Webb et al. (2008). During the 2007 winter<br />

2007/08 pilot season, we visited a sample <strong>of</strong> clusters to test protocols, cluster screening algorithms, <strong>and</strong><br />

determine effort. We visited clusters to assess if they were kill‐sites, <strong>and</strong> to indentify the prey species<br />

<strong>and</strong> other kill characteristics.<br />


19 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Table 3.1 Summary <strong>of</strong> pilot wolf kill‐site visits during winter 2007–2008. Most visited clusters during<br />

this pilot session were from a small sample <strong>of</strong> wolves in Jasper National Park.<br />

Visits Kill‐ Elk Moose Caribou Deer Double‐ Beds Travel Unknown<br />

sites<br />

kills<br />

29 13 7 1 1 4 3 7 7 5<br />

We visited 29 clusters between January <strong>and</strong> March <strong>of</strong> 2008 (Table 3.1). The large number <strong>of</strong><br />

non‐kill clusters visited is reflective <strong>of</strong> a sampling process that covered the entire range <strong>of</strong> statistically<br />

identified clusters, including very small, unlikely clusters that might have comprised only 2 location<br />

points. These were included for thoroughness <strong>and</strong> to test if cluster probability varied by prey species.<br />

Because none <strong>of</strong> the lowest‐probability clusters visited were kills, future efforts can be focused on<br />

higher‐probability clusters without inducing bias. We will develop a refined stratified sampling protocol<br />

that spreads kill‐site visits across wolf territories, while accounting for accessibility differences both<br />

among <strong>and</strong> within pack territories. This pilot year confirmed the ability to identify <strong>and</strong> collect data on<br />

wolf predation events <strong>and</strong> even find <strong>caribou</strong> mortalities using wolf GPS data. Field efforts in 2008/09 will<br />

include increased sampling across packs to locate kills from GPS collared wolves.<br />

The high proportion <strong>of</strong> elk reflects the fact that almost all clusters visited were in Jasper NP (data<br />

from wolf 81 in the Sunwapta pack); only the moose kill was from the A La Peche area (wolf 122 in the<br />

Smoky pack). The clusters classified as “unclear” indicate that many signs signaled a possible kill but no<br />

kill‐site was ever located. Other non‐kill classifications indicate clear tracks, travel routes, bed‐sites or<br />

open meadows / ice, <strong>and</strong> a high confidence level that the site is indeed a non‐kill. All sites where no kill<br />

evidence was found were searched systematically in a 200m search radius, but on occasion very poor<br />

snow conditions, excessive trampling or melting, or highly complex terrain resulted in an inability to<br />

make a confident assessment <strong>of</strong> whether the site was not a kill‐site or whether small deer remains were<br />

never spotted. Two dogs were used on occasion to help with searches, <strong>and</strong> experience suggests they<br />

may be useful in the future.<br />

One interesting kill‐site was that <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> F64 from the Tonquin valley herd in Jasper (Figure<br />

3.4). Her collar was turned in by a skiier who found it along a snowmobile track on the Astoria river near<br />

the Tonquin valley. GPS data from the recovered collar indicated that she had died 2 weeks earlier, <strong>and</strong><br />

when park wardens went in to the kill‐site, the only clear tracks were those <strong>of</strong> a wolverine; no wolf<br />

tracks were evident. However, when Sunwapta wolf 81’s collar was subsequently downloaded, a distinct<br />

cluster <strong>of</strong> GPS points matched the date <strong>and</strong> location <strong>of</strong> F64’s death. Had the wolf not been collared with<br />

a GPS collar, the <strong>caribou</strong> predation might have been mistakenly attributed to a wolverine instead <strong>of</strong> the<br />

wolves, illustrating the impressive information‐gathering power <strong>of</strong> GPS collars <strong>and</strong> the importance <strong>of</strong><br />

collaring wolves in <strong>caribou</strong> ranges.<br />


20 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 3.4. Site where collared Wolf 81 killed collared Caribou 64 in the Tonquin<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> population, 26 Feb 2008, Jasper National Park.<br />


21 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Lead: Hugh Robinson, Nick DeCesare, Wibke<br />

Peters, Mark Hebblewhite<br />

Funding: CAPP/PTAC, ESRF, ACA, Parks<br />

Canada<br />

Scope: To address the research question <strong>of</strong><br />

how human activity contributes to primary<br />

prey density <strong>and</strong> their habitat relationships in<br />

our study area<br />

Research Objectives: To address the<br />

contributions <strong>of</strong> human activities to primary<br />

prey in support <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> recovery, objective<br />

three has two main research objectives.<br />

Within the different <strong>caribou</strong> herds in our study<br />

area, our goals are to:<br />

1) Estimate absolute or relative primary prey densities across different <strong>caribou</strong> herds within the<br />

study area<br />

2) Underst<strong>and</strong> the habitat relationships <strong>of</strong> primary‐prey to test the spatial separation<br />

hypothesis <strong>and</strong> improve knowledge <strong>of</strong> primary prey – <strong>caribou</strong> dynamics (in support <strong>of</strong><br />

Objectives 4 <strong>and</strong> 5).<br />

3.5.1 Broad‐scale Aerial Surveys for Primary Prey<br />

Figure 3.5. Parks Canada <strong>caribou</strong> biologist Layla<br />

Neufeld conducting aerial surveys in Jasper, 2008<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> large scale primary prey gradients in our study area, from elk in the southern National Park<br />

study areas (Jasper <strong>and</strong> Banff) to a predominantly Moose system in the Northern study area, different<br />

aerial survey methods may be adopted in the two different areas, but with the same objectives.<br />

Alternate prey such as deer (Odocoileus spp.) also occurs, increasing the complexity <strong>of</strong> the predator‐prey<br />

system. In Alberta, provincial wildlife agencies use a form <strong>of</strong> sightablity model, the Gasaway method<br />

(Gasaway <strong>and</strong> DuBois 1987) to estimate moose population densities. The Gasaway method works well<br />

for moose however it cannot be used for gregarious or herd animals such as elk (Unsworth et al. 1994,<br />

Allen 2005). Aerial survey methods for elk in Jasper <strong>and</strong> Banff have been developed as st<strong>and</strong>ardized<br />

surveys, but without any attempt to address sightability for elk. A preliminary sightability model for Banff<br />

National Park (Hebblewhite 2000) suggests that 10‐13% <strong>of</strong> elk populations are missed during late winter<br />

/ early spring aerial elk surveys. Therefore, developing some sightability correction model for elk<br />

dominated primary prey systems is important.<br />

Objectives:<br />

Develop absolute or relative primary prey density estimates using habitat‐based stratification for aerial<br />

moose <strong>and</strong> elk surveys to improve population inventory <strong>and</strong> to aid recovery monitoring <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong><br />

recovery. This research objective has three components that are synergistic with Research Objective 5.2<br />

on individual‐based primary prey habitat modeling.<br />


22 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

1) Improving Aerial Survey Methods for Elk in Jasper National Park – we will develop sight ability<br />

survey models for elk in Jasper National Park that build on a preliminary sightabilty model for elk<br />

in Banff National Park that can be integrated into a user interface similar to Unsworth et al.’s<br />

(1994) Aerial Survey program.<br />

2) Improving Aerial Survey Methods for Moose– ABF&W uses the Gasaway method (Gasaway <strong>and</strong><br />

DuBois 1987) to estimate moose density in high priority moose WMU’s (352, 353, 355), but do<br />

not regularly fly other WMU’s in <strong>caribou</strong> range (see Figure 3.6). Therefore, a major goal <strong>of</strong> our<br />

<strong>project</strong> is to obtain relative moose density estimates for these unsampled units overlapping<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> in Alberta <strong>and</strong> adjacent areas <strong>of</strong> BC. Preliminary results <strong>of</strong> DISTANCE sampling (Olson et<br />

al. 2005) by ABF&W in high priority moose units indicates that distance sampling may be a<br />

reasonable alternative, <strong>and</strong> we will work with ABF&W this upcoming winter 08/09 to develop<br />

these methods. The basic concept is to combine, in a double‐sampling method, a combination <strong>of</strong><br />

traditional ABSRD Gasaway‐style (Gasaway <strong>and</strong> DuBois 1987) aerial moose surveys with a lower‐<br />

cost form <strong>of</strong> sampling such as DISTANCE or relative abundance sampling to improve survey<br />

efficiency for both low <strong>and</strong> high priority moose WMU’s.<br />

3) Synergy between fine‐scale <strong>and</strong> broad scale habitat models – we will be able to combine the<br />

fine‐scale resource selection function (RSF) (Boyce <strong>and</strong> McDonald 1999, Manly et al. 2002)<br />

models developed in research Objective 3.5.2&3 with the broad‐scale aerial surveys to improve<br />

development <strong>of</strong> a relative moose (elk) density layer across the study area. The aerial survey data<br />

will also allow us to validate habitat models for moose developed with GPS collars, <strong>and</strong> vice<br />

versa, to test spatial relationships with vegetation communities <strong>and</strong> limiting factors (roads, wolf<br />

predation, etc. By combining these known population estimates in the intensively surveyed<br />

blocks as described above with low intensity aerial surveys over a much broader geographic<br />

scope (WMU’s 440, 442, 446, 445, <strong>and</strong> portions <strong>of</strong> 356, 344), we will be able to calibrate<br />

expected density estimates for primary prey following the methods <strong>of</strong> (Boyce <strong>and</strong> Waller 1998).<br />

Schedule:<br />

2008<br />

o Primary prey surveys in Jasper NP (see progress to date below)<br />

Deliverables:<br />

2009<br />

o Primary prey surveys in WMUs 352, 353, 355 (tentatively by ABSRD, Figure 3.5)<br />

o Primary prey surveys in WUMs 440, 442, 445, 446 (Lead by our <strong>project</strong>, Figure 3.6)<br />

o Second winter <strong>of</strong> aerial elk/moose surveys conducted in Jasper National Park<br />

2010 – Complete surveys, data analysis, manuscript preparation.<br />

• Evaluation <strong>of</strong> methods to estimate primary prey density over broad areas using aerial survey<br />

methods.<br />

• Primary prey density (relative) models for study area featuring moose, elk, <strong>and</strong> potentially alternate<br />

prey species (deer, sheep).<br />


23 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

• Database <strong>of</strong> spatial locations <strong>of</strong> observed primary prey species collected on aerial surveys<br />

• Preparation <strong>of</strong> publications, aerial survey methodology report, <strong>and</strong> master’s thesis lead by Wibke<br />

Peters <strong>and</strong> Mark Hebblewhite at the University <strong>of</strong> Montana.<br />

Figure 3.6. Aerial survey units to be surveyed by this <strong>project</strong> (blue) <strong>and</strong><br />

those surveyed by Alberta SRD (yellow), 2007–2010.<br />


24 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Progress to Date: Improving Aerial Primary Prey Surveys for Elk <strong>and</strong> Moose: Jasper Elk &<br />

Moose Surveys, Winter 2008<br />

The first <strong>of</strong> our aerial surveys was conducted in Jasper National Park during February 2008. The goals <strong>of</strong><br />

the survey were to:<br />

1. Provide relative density <strong>of</strong> primary prey (elk <strong>and</strong> moose) within <strong>and</strong> adjacent to all <strong>caribou</strong> areas.<br />

2. Provide point locations to assess Resource Selection Function (RSF) models (Boyce <strong>and</strong><br />

McDonald 1999) independently developed from existing telemetry data (i.e. elk models<br />

developed for Jasper from data collected in Banff).<br />

3. Be comparable to past surveys conducted within Banff <strong>and</strong> by Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife (AFW)<br />

outside the National Parks.<br />

During a meeting <strong>of</strong> stakeholders in Jasper in January 2008, we decided to pursue the use <strong>of</strong> a<br />

r<strong>and</strong>om stratified block design to quantify elk <strong>and</strong> moose during the first aerial survey. Sightability, or<br />

sighting probability, is the likelihood that an animal will be detected by an observer during a survey.<br />

Using logistic regression (sight/no‐sight) a sightability model quantifies detection probabilities across<br />

habitats, seasons, years, species, or distances (Unsworth et al. 1994). Sightability corrected estimates<br />

are generally regarded as better than regular index data as they account for variations in animal<br />

movements between years <strong>and</strong> within populations (i.e. differential habitat use from year to year <strong>and</strong> by<br />

differing age <strong>and</strong> sex classes).<br />

Aerial surveys followed guidelines set forth by Unsworth et al. (1994). The montane region <strong>of</strong><br />

Jasper National Park was divided into 30 elk winter range subunits ranging from 23 km 2 to 39 km 2 (x =<br />

29.9 km 2 ) (Figure 3.7). Each subunit was classified into a high, medium, or low stratum for both elk <strong>and</strong><br />

moose prior to the survey. Subunit classification was based on ground observations, a priori knowledge<br />

<strong>of</strong> Parks Canada biologists, <strong>and</strong> previous surveys. Twenty <strong>of</strong> the 30 subunits were selected at r<strong>and</strong>om to<br />

be sampled representing a mix <strong>of</strong> all three strata for both moose <strong>and</strong> elk. All units flown were included<br />

in the survey for both species. For instance, a unit that was flown as high for elk was considered low or<br />

medium stratum for moose. In addition to elk <strong>and</strong> moose, observations <strong>of</strong> deer <strong>and</strong> bighorn sheep were<br />

recorded during the survey although these observations were not sightability corrected.<br />

Subunits were flown in transects 100 m to 300 m apart at a speed <strong>of</strong> 60 to 80 km/hr as dictated<br />

by terrain <strong>and</strong> animal density (Unsworth et al. 1994). When animals were sighted, the location <strong>and</strong> total<br />

number animals observed in the group were recorded. Groups were then broken into sex <strong>and</strong> age<br />

classes (i.e. bull, cow, calf), or unclassified. The activity <strong>of</strong> the first animal observed (bedded, st<strong>and</strong>ing,<br />

moving), as well as vegetation class (grassl<strong>and</strong>, aspen/deciduous brush, conifer), percent snow cover<br />

(10% increments in immediate area surrounding the sighted animal), <strong>and</strong> percent canopy cover (10%<br />

increments above sighted area) were recorded at each observation (Unsworth et al. 1994). In subunits<br />

where no animals were sighted, zeroes were entered in all fields for analysis. Sightability <strong>of</strong> elk was<br />

corrected using the Elk Hiller 12‐E Idaho model, <strong>and</strong> for moose using the Moose Hiller‐Siloy Wyoming<br />

model (Unsworth et al. 1994). The moose model contains a covariate for terrain ruggedness which was<br />

considered important in early iterations <strong>of</strong> the aerial survey program (Unsworth et al 1994), but which<br />

has since been removed (Anderson <strong>and</strong> Lindzey 1996). Although it has no effect on the population<br />


25 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

estimate, the input still requires that this field contain some value therefore it was set to 0 for all<br />

observations.<br />

The survey was conducted over four consecutive days from February 25‐28, 2008. Due to time<br />

<strong>and</strong> budgetary constraints, 18 <strong>of</strong> the original r<strong>and</strong>omly selected 20 subunits were flown (two low strata<br />

units were omitted). A total <strong>of</strong> 491 animals were observed (Table 3.2) including 5 <strong>of</strong> 7 species <strong>of</strong><br />

ungulate present in the park (Figure 3.7).<br />

Table 3.2. Aerial survey summary Jasper 2008 (strata, <strong>and</strong> sightability corrections provided for moose<br />

<strong>and</strong> elk only).<br />

Species Units Flown Total Units Raw Count Sightability<br />

(high, med, low) (high, med, low)<br />

Corrected (90% CI)<br />

Elk 18<br />

30<br />

291 410 (73)<br />

(6, 5, 7) (6, 10, 14)<br />

Moose 18<br />

30<br />

32 180 (130)<br />

(6, 6, 6) (7, 12, 11)<br />

Bighorn Sheep 18 30 105<br />

White‐tailed<br />

Deer<br />

18 30 29<br />

Mule Deer 18 30 26<br />

Wolves 18 30 8<br />

The aerial survey program corrects for missed animals using logistic regression models to<br />

quantify the probability that an animal or group <strong>of</strong> animals will be seen given a number <strong>of</strong> variables (i.e.<br />

group size, snow cover, vegetation cover, etc.). These corrected observations are then extrapolated to<br />

survey units not flown. This method introduces three sources <strong>of</strong> variance (sampling, sightability, <strong>and</strong><br />

model). Sampling variance is reduced through accurate stratification <strong>of</strong> subunits <strong>and</strong> with increasing the<br />

percentage <strong>of</strong> units flown within each stratum. For instance flying all units within a single stratum<br />

reduces sample variance to zero, while observing equal numbers <strong>of</strong> animals in each unit within one<br />

stratum also reduces variance estimates. The high degree <strong>of</strong> variance calculated in the moose<br />

population estimate comes mostly from observations in the medium strata. This is likely due to only a<br />

single observation being made in each medium unit flown. Variance will be reduced as more surveys<br />

are flown <strong>and</strong> stratifications are adjusted.<br />

The use <strong>of</strong> models developed in other regions may introduce a form <strong>of</strong> bias in our population<br />

estimates. . Although this bias is constant <strong>and</strong> therefore can be discounted when making comparisons<br />

between survey years, a more accurate estimation <strong>of</strong> real populations will be possible through<br />

development <strong>of</strong> a local sightability model. Data collected regarding radio collared elk, both observed<br />

<strong>and</strong> unobserved, will be used to develop a sightability model based on conditions in Jasper National Park<br />

<strong>and</strong> combined with earlier data collected in Banff National Park (n=30 sightability observations)<br />

(Hebblewhite 2000) to develop a flexible sightability model for the Canadian Rockies for elk.<br />


26 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 3.7. Aerial survey for elk <strong>and</strong> moose in Jasper National Park, winter<br />

2008, showing montane survey blocks <strong>and</strong> moose <strong>and</strong> elk sightings.<br />


27 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />



Lead: Wibke Peters, Nick DeCesare, Hugh<br />

Robinson, Mark Hebblewhite (Moose),<br />

Mark Bradley, Layla Neufeld, Hugh<br />

Robinson, Saakje Hazenberg, Mark<br />

Hebblewhite (Elk – Jasper)<br />

Funding: ACA, ESRF (Endangered Species<br />

Recovery Fund), AB F&W (provided 11<br />

GPS collars), Parks Canada, CAPP, Shell<br />

Scope: Moose populations in west‐central<br />

Alberta have not been studied, despite<br />

their key role in Alberta’s provincial<br />

moose harvest <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong><br />

conservation via wolf‐mediated<br />

apparent competition. We plan to<br />

integrate aerial moose surveys, GPS<br />

collar technology (Figure 3.8), <strong>and</strong> resource selection modelling to 1) underst<strong>and</strong> the habitat<br />

relationships <strong>of</strong> moose relative to forest characteristics <strong>and</strong> human disturbance, <strong>and</strong> 2) estimate moose<br />

population densities across the greater region to better guide management <strong>of</strong> moose harvest <strong>and</strong> the<br />

conservation <strong>of</strong> other sensitive species (<strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong>) (Figure 3.9).<br />

Objectives:<br />

Figure 3.7. Eleven moose were captured <strong>and</strong> GPScollared<br />

throughout the study area in late winter 2008<br />

using helicopter net-gunning.<br />

Underst<strong>and</strong> moose resource selection as a function <strong>of</strong> anthropogenic disturbance, abiotic <strong>and</strong> biotic<br />

factors, as well as overlap with <strong>caribou</strong> by developing a regional resource selection function (RSF) to<br />

address two key questions about moose management in west‐central Alberta.<br />

1. Moose resource selection as a function <strong>of</strong> forest condition <strong>and</strong> human disturbance. By examining<br />

patterns <strong>of</strong> seasonal resource selection, we will contribute to the identification <strong>and</strong> mapping <strong>of</strong><br />

critical winter range for moose.<br />

2. The spatial separation hypothesis predicts that the survival <strong>and</strong> population dynamics <strong>of</strong> the<br />

threatened <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> are driven, indirectly, by their spatial separation from moose, such<br />

that separation from moose is equivalent to separation from their primary predator, wolves.<br />

Insights into the mechanisms <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>‐moose overlap will help guide future forest <strong>and</strong> ongoing<br />

moose harvest management to best conserve moose <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> populations.<br />

3. Development <strong>of</strong> a regional GPS data RSF model to complement broad‐scale RSF models developed<br />

with aerial survey data <strong>and</strong> to link up with research objective 5.1, combining aerial surveys <strong>and</strong> RSF<br />

models to develop abundance models for west‐central Alberta (see Figure 3.9).<br />


28 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Schedule:<br />

2008<br />

o Moose capture <strong>and</strong> deployment <strong>of</strong> 11 GPS collars (ATS store on board) provided by<br />

ABF&W (late winter),<br />

o Summer VHF aerial telemetry monitoring<br />

o MS Proposal preparation (fall, Wibke Peters)<br />

o Additional capture <strong>of</strong> 12‐18 Moose <strong>and</strong> deployment with GPS collars provided for by the<br />

ACA <strong>and</strong> ESRF (late fall, early winter 2008/2009), <strong>and</strong> Parks Canada.<br />

2009<br />

o Winter aerial moose surveys conducted with ABF&W<br />

o Aerial telemetry<br />

o RSF modeling<br />

2010<br />

o Field work completion (spring), analysis <strong>and</strong> MS defense (fall)<br />

Deliverables:<br />

• Preliminary primary prey biomass distribution model for winter to help stratify winter aerial<br />

ungulate surveys for ABSRD in the future.<br />

• Improved aerial survey methods for Moose developed in conjunction with ACA <strong>and</strong> ABSRD in<br />

the study area.<br />

• Evaluation <strong>of</strong> habitat –relationships for Moose that will cross‐validate fine‐scale individual<br />

animal based RSF models.<br />

• St<strong>and</strong>‐age Moose density relationships for <strong>caribou</strong> PVA modeling (Objective 7) <strong>and</strong><br />

conservation planning.<br />

Figure 3.9. Study design for moose aerial surveys in both high <strong>and</strong> low‐density strata,<br />

showing links between broad‐scale aerial <strong>and</strong> fine‐scale individual based RSF models. For<br />

example, RSF models will be used to help validate <strong>and</strong> distribute moose density spatially in<br />

the study area outside <strong>of</strong> sampled areas.<br />


29 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />



Lead: Hugh Robinson, Mark Bradley, Layla Neufeld,<br />

Heidi Fengler, Saakje Hazenberg, Mark<br />

Hebblewhite, JNP Warden Service<br />

Funding: Parks Canada, CAPP, Kinder – Morgan<br />

Pipeline<br />

Scope: To aid development <strong>of</strong> spatial <strong>caribou</strong><br />

conservation plans for Jasper <strong>and</strong> Banff National<br />

Park, knowledge <strong>of</strong> spatial overlap between elk<br />

<strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> is required. Sufficient data exist in<br />

Banff National Park, but elk data are deficient in<br />

Jasper National Park. To fill a data deficiency for<br />

Jasper National Park, <strong>and</strong> to contribute to the<br />

overall <strong>project</strong> objective <strong>of</strong> modeling ungulate density as a function <strong>of</strong> human development gradients,<br />

we initiated an elk telemetry study in winter 2007/2008 working closely with Parks Canada wardens in<br />

Jasper National Park. During winter 2008/9 we will deploy 10 GPS collars on elk throughout Jasper to<br />

further address this research objective.<br />

Objectives: The goals <strong>of</strong> the elk telemetry study in Jasper are three‐fold:<br />

1) Develop elk‐habitat relationships in RSF models using VHF <strong>and</strong> GPS collared data for use in<br />

Objective 5 <strong>and</strong> for the overall research <strong>project</strong> goals <strong>of</strong> modeling primary prey across all <strong>caribou</strong><br />

ranges.<br />

2) Contribute to development <strong>of</strong> aerial sightability models for elk surveys in Jasper <strong>and</strong> through meta‐<br />

analyses <strong>of</strong> Banff National Park sightability models developed by Hebblewhite in research objective<br />

3.5.1 described above (Hebblewhite 2000).<br />

3) Finally, because <strong>of</strong> ongoing construction <strong>of</strong> the Trans‐Canada Kinder‐Morgan pipeline through<br />

Jasper in winter 2007/08, completion <strong>of</strong> a second winter survey in 2008/09 will be able to address<br />

the potential effects <strong>of</strong> pipeline construction on elk distribution.<br />

Schedule:<br />

2008<br />

o Elk capture <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling by Parks Canada wardens <strong>and</strong> aerial netgunning contractors<br />

during winter 2007/2008. Deployment <strong>of</strong> VHF collars (Figure 3.10).<br />

o Conduct aerial elk surveys overlapping with VHF collar deployment to develop aerial<br />

sightability sample <strong>of</strong> missed known elk herds.<br />

o Elk telemetry <strong>and</strong> monitoring.<br />

o Fall 2008 capture <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling, deployment <strong>of</strong> ~10 GPS collars purchased by Kinder‐<br />

Morgan in association with the Trans‐Rockies pipeline.<br />

29<br />

Figure 3.9. Twenty elk were captured <strong>and</strong><br />

VHF-collared throughout the study area in<br />

winter 2007/2008.

30 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

2009<br />

o Conduct second winter <strong>of</strong> aerial elk/moose surveys in JNP.<br />

o Complete deployment <strong>of</strong> elk GPS collars.<br />

o Continue aerial <strong>and</strong> ground telemetry monitoring <strong>of</strong> VHF <strong>and</strong> GPS collared elk.<br />

o Completion <strong>of</strong> Objective 6 (Hugh Robinson’s) analyses using VHF <strong>and</strong> available GPS data.<br />

Deliverables:<br />

• Elk habitat relationships quantified in an RSF modeling<br />

framework.<br />

• Improved aerial survey methods for Jasper <strong>and</strong> Banff National<br />

park for elk.<br />

• Development <strong>of</strong> a manuscript on aerial survey methods for elk in<br />

the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks.<br />

• Manuscript development on effects <strong>of</strong> pipeline construction on<br />

elk in winter.<br />

• Integration <strong>of</strong> elk telemetry data into post‐doctoral research<br />

<strong>project</strong> (see Objective 5).<br />

Progress to Date<br />

• Capture <strong>and</strong> VHF collaring <strong>of</strong> 20 adult female elk in Jasper<br />

National Park (Figures 3.10 <strong>and</strong> 3.11).<br />

• Aerial survey conducted in winter 2008.<br />

• GPS collars for deployment in Winter 2008/09 obtained.<br />

• Monitoring revealed 5 mortalities out <strong>of</strong> 20 total elk; leading cause <strong>of</strong> mortality was predation (n<br />

= 3, 1 highway, 1 unknown).<br />

• Collection <strong>of</strong> ~200 ground <strong>and</strong> aerial VHF telemetry locations.<br />



Lead: Hugh Robinson, Mark Hebblewhite, Marco Musiani, Cliff White<br />

Funding: Parks Canada – Jasper & Banff National Park, Mark Bradley <strong>and</strong> Cliff White<br />

Scope: Fire may potentially negatively affect <strong>caribou</strong> directly, by reducing favored late seral habitat, <strong>and</strong><br />

indirectly, by increasing primary prey, <strong>and</strong> thus wolves, following fire – a mechanism supported by<br />

research on elk‐fire relationships in Banff <strong>and</strong> Yellowstone (Shepherd 2006). Yet, restoration <strong>of</strong> the role<br />

<strong>of</strong> fire is a key National objective <strong>of</strong> Parks Canada’s management plans (Parks Canada 1997). To evaluate<br />

the relative roles <strong>of</strong> the direct <strong>and</strong> indirect effects <strong>of</strong> fire on <strong>caribou</strong>, we will examine the influence <strong>of</strong> the<br />

spatial arrangement <strong>of</strong> wolves, prey, <strong>and</strong> fire on <strong>caribou</strong> in the National Parks <strong>and</strong> larger study area.<br />

First, we will develop spatial models for wolves, elk <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> as a function <strong>of</strong> st<strong>and</strong> age within the<br />

30<br />

Figure 3.11. Parks Canada<br />

warden <strong>and</strong> wildlife<br />

veterinarian Dr. Ge<strong>of</strong>f Skinner<br />

h<strong>and</strong>ling an immobilized elk.

31 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

National Parks <strong>and</strong> non‐park Caribou herds using mixed‐effects RSF models. These new statistical models<br />

will allow for hierarchical structuring <strong>of</strong> resource selection by <strong>caribou</strong> or wolves being more similar<br />

within herds or packs than between, <strong>and</strong> will also accommodate functional responses in resource<br />

selection to changes in st<strong>and</strong> age distribution <strong>and</strong> availabilities between <strong>caribou</strong> ranges. In fact, it is likely<br />

the unique fire history <strong>of</strong> each <strong>caribou</strong> herd that contributes to some degree to the amount <strong>of</strong> herd‐<br />

specific variation in resource selection that makes <strong>caribou</strong> habitat selection differ between ranges.<br />

Second, we will use these fire‐st<strong>and</strong> age relationships to model the effects <strong>of</strong> different prescribed fire<br />

strategies on the amount <strong>of</strong> wolf <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> overlap mediated by changes in elk distribution. This will<br />

provide guidelines for the management <strong>of</strong> prescribed fire to minimize the direct <strong>and</strong> indirect effects on<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> populations. Finally, we will develop planning tools for Parks Canada <strong>and</strong> provincial fire<br />

managers to be able to use our statistical models in easy to use graphical user interfaces in common<br />

desktop GIS programs to aid management <strong>of</strong> fire. This research question is addressed in more detail in a<br />

separate agreement between Universities <strong>of</strong> Montana & Calgary <strong>and</strong> Parks Canada.<br />

Data:<br />

Existing Data: Global positioning system (GPS) telemetry data exist for wolves in South Jasper (Bradley<br />

<strong>and</strong> Neufeld, Parks Canada), Banff (Hebblewhite <strong>and</strong> White, Parks Canada), <strong>and</strong> for the southeast<br />

boundary <strong>of</strong> Jasper National Park (Webb, University <strong>of</strong> Alberta). Caribou GPS data exists for all known<br />

herds within the national parks (Bradley, Neufeld <strong>and</strong> Dibb, Parks Canada) as well as the trans‐boundary<br />

A la Peche herd in north Jasper (Bradley <strong>and</strong> Neufeld, Parks Canada). Elk GPS data exist for east‐central<br />

Banff national park (Hebblewhite <strong>and</strong> White, Parks Canada), <strong>and</strong> is being collected as part <strong>of</strong> research<br />

objective 5.2. Moose VHF data exist for southeastern Banff national park (Hurd, Parks Canada) <strong>and</strong> the A<br />

La Peche range in northern Jasper as part <strong>of</strong> research objective 5.3. In addition, we will use aerial survey<br />

data to provide relative prey availabilities, <strong>and</strong> for use in testing predictive elk <strong>and</strong> moose RSFs produced<br />

using only data from Banff.<br />

Objectives:<br />

This <strong>project</strong> will address three hypotheses considered to contribute to <strong>caribou</strong> declines within the<br />

mountain national parks. The habitat limitation hypothesis predicts that <strong>caribou</strong> are limited by the<br />

availability <strong>of</strong> preferred habitat, which may be lost due to fire or constrained by human use. The spatial<br />

separation hypothesis predicts that most <strong>caribou</strong> mortality occurs when wolves are drawn into <strong>caribou</strong><br />

areas following seasonal movements <strong>of</strong> their primary prey, possibly in response to availability <strong>of</strong> young<br />

seral vegetation classes following fire. The numerical response hypothesis predicts that overlap between<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> wolves are mainly reliant on the total population <strong>of</strong> wolves which is set by the total<br />

population <strong>of</strong> their primary prey (elk or moose).<br />

Schedule:<br />

• Fall 2007: Method development, data collection <strong>and</strong> preliminary analysis.<br />

• Winter 2008: Telemetry data analysis <strong>and</strong> resource selection model development. Ungulate<br />

aerial survey <strong>of</strong> Jasper National Park.<br />

• Summer / Fall 2008: Completion <strong>of</strong> RSF models for elk, moose, <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> wolves (habitat<br />

limitation hypothesis <strong>and</strong> spatial separation hypothesis). Mapping product delineating areas <strong>of</strong><br />

seasonal overlap between <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> wolves.<br />

• Fall/winter 2008: Analysis <strong>of</strong> population trends in wolves <strong>and</strong> elk following fire (numerical<br />

response hypothesis).<br />


32 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

• Presentation <strong>of</strong> results at the International Association for Wildlife Fire conference Jackson<br />

Wyoming, September 2008.<br />

• Winter 2009: Completion <strong>of</strong> final deliverables by spring 2009.<br />

Deliverables:<br />

• Final report to Parks Canada summarizing results, including RSF models <strong>and</strong> mapping products<br />

clearly delineating areas <strong>of</strong> high risk <strong>of</strong> detrimental effects to resident <strong>caribou</strong> herds (high<br />

potential numerical response for wolves <strong>and</strong> high potential for seasonal overlap or aggregative<br />

response between wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>).<br />

• Recommendations for experimental fire treatments where the possibility to test model<br />

hypothesis exists.<br />

• Publication <strong>of</strong> results in peer‐reviewed journals. Oral presentation <strong>of</strong> results at related<br />

conferences/meetings.<br />



Lead: Nick DeCesare, Byron Weckworth, Hugh Robinson, Wibke Peters, Marco Musiani, Mark<br />

Hebblewhite<br />

Funding: CAPP, Shell, Parks Canada, ACA, ESRF, Weyerhaeuser<br />

Scope: It is hypothesized that <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> historically evolved with anti‐predator strategies <strong>of</strong><br />

occurring at low densities <strong>and</strong> maintaining spatial separation from alternate prey <strong>and</strong> ultimately<br />

predators (James et al. 2004). Anthropogenic forest fragmentation may result in increased predator<br />

efficiency (see Objective 4) <strong>and</strong> densities (see Objective 5), <strong>and</strong> boreal <strong>caribou</strong> in Alberta have been<br />

shown to avoid fragmentation vectors such as forestry (Smith et al. 2000) <strong>and</strong> seismic exploration (James<br />

<strong>and</strong> Stuart‐Smith 2000, Dyer et al. 2001). Mountain <strong>caribou</strong> (such as those in our study area) have<br />

traditionally migrated between alpine summer ranges <strong>and</strong> boreal foothill forest winter ranges,<br />

potentially to both maximize forage quality <strong>and</strong> minimize predation risk. Fragmentation is occurring<br />

predominantly within winter range habitats, <strong>and</strong> thus migratory winter ranges may hold increased<br />

predation risk <strong>and</strong> reduced spatial separation benefits than historically present. It will be important to<br />

underst<strong>and</strong> how <strong>caribou</strong> behaviorally alter their migration patterns <strong>and</strong> forage‐predation trade‐<strong>of</strong>fs to<br />

compensate for changes in the seasonal l<strong>and</strong>scape <strong>of</strong> predation risk (e.g. Hebblewhite et al. 2005,<br />

Hebblewhite <strong>and</strong> Merrill 2007).<br />

Objectives:<br />

1. Test the spatial separation hypothesis for migratory <strong>caribou</strong> using GPS data for wolves, moose(elk) <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>caribou</strong>.<br />


33 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

2. Test whether human development is differentially affecting the effectiveness <strong>of</strong> different migratory<br />

strategies.<br />

Schedule:<br />

2008: Data compilation, GPS‐collaring <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>, wolves, <strong>and</strong> prey, aerial surveys<br />

2009: GPS‐collaring <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>, wolves, <strong>and</strong> prey, aerial surveys<br />

2010: Continued aerial surveys, data analysis <strong>and</strong> manuscript preparation<br />

Deliverables:<br />

• Temporally <strong>and</strong> spatially explicit consideration <strong>of</strong> spatial relationship between <strong>caribou</strong>, wolves, <strong>and</strong><br />

primary prey<br />

• Assessment <strong>of</strong> migratory strategies relative to predation risk<br />

• Analysis <strong>of</strong> migration pattern change over 20 years <strong>of</strong> population monitoring<br />



Lead: Nick DeCesare, Mark Hebblewhite, Marco Musiani, Byron Weckworth<br />

Funding: CAPP, Weyerhaeuser, Parks Canada, Shell, ACA, ESRF<br />

Scope: Conservation <strong>of</strong> <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> will depend on our ability to effectively monitor population<br />

trends <strong>and</strong> population dynamics (<strong>and</strong> the mechanisms acting upon them) within <strong>and</strong> among<br />

subpopulations across the species range. We will use existing monitoring data collected in Alberta to<br />

assess the relationships between monitoring efforts, vital rates, <strong>and</strong> population growth to provide a case<br />

study for using spatially‐explicit population viability analyses in guiding conservation efforts.<br />

Objectives:<br />

We will use spatially‐explicit population viability analysis (PVA) techniques to assess: 1) the relationship<br />

between vital rates (adult survival <strong>and</strong> recruitment) <strong>and</strong> population growth, 2) the power in our ability to<br />

monitor trends or changes in population growth rates using estimates <strong>of</strong> these vital rates from currently<br />

established protocols, 3) the effects <strong>of</strong> misclassification errors in calf‐cow ratio data, <strong>and</strong> 4) the long‐<br />

term viability <strong>of</strong> <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in Alberta as a case‐study in using spatially‐explicit PVAs to predict<br />

changes in meta‐population dynamics, while considering threats <strong>and</strong> population growth rates specific to<br />

each local population.<br />

Schedule:<br />

2008: Preliminary demographic analyses – completed (see Figure 3.8)<br />

2009: Vital rates, population growth, & monitoring sensitivities<br />

2010: Spatially‐explicit integration <strong>of</strong> population dynamics <strong>and</strong> predicted threats<br />

Deliverables:<br />

• Clarification <strong>of</strong> relationship between monitoring data <strong>and</strong> population growth rates<br />

• Consideration <strong>of</strong> classification errors in age‐ratio survey data<br />


34 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

• Spatially‐explicit population viability analysis for <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in west‐central Alberta <strong>and</strong><br />

East‐Central British Columbia.<br />

• Development <strong>of</strong> a framework to consider PVA in the context <strong>of</strong> meta‐population structure <strong>of</strong><br />

multiple <strong>caribou</strong> herds.<br />

Progress to Date:<br />

• Attended an Environment Canada Population Viability Workshop in Vancouver in March 2008 as<br />

part <strong>of</strong> the Science Advisory Group for the Critical Habitat Boreal Caribou Recovery Review team<br />

lead by Dr. Fiona Schmiegelow, Stan Boutin, Carlos Carroll, <strong>and</strong> Carolyn Callaghan.<br />

• Conducted a literature review <strong>of</strong> over 40 <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> populations <strong>and</strong> studies to develop a<br />

preliminary matrix population model to assess the relationship between adult <strong>and</strong> calf survival<br />

rates <strong>and</strong> population growth rate (see Figure 3.12).<br />

Adult Survival<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1<br />

Calf Survival<br />

Figure 3.12. Preliminary simulation results estimating the 2-dimensional threshold<br />

between positive <strong>and</strong> negative population growth, as estimated by adult <strong>and</strong> calf survival<br />

rates.<br />


35 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


We summarize animal capture <strong>and</strong> radiocollaring by season <strong>of</strong> the <strong>project</strong> starting first with winter<br />

2006/07, Fall 2007, <strong>and</strong> Winter 2007/08. Animal capture protocols were approved by government <strong>and</strong><br />

university animal care protocols <strong>and</strong> permitting processes in Appendix A. Summary tables <strong>of</strong> all <strong>caribou</strong>,<br />

wolves, moose <strong>and</strong> elk captured as part <strong>of</strong> this <strong>project</strong>, as well as a summary <strong>of</strong> animals captured by<br />

jurisdiction <strong>and</strong> year, are provided. Capture locations are provided in Appendix B. Full details <strong>of</strong> animal<br />

capture protocols are available upon request from any <strong>project</strong> personnel.<br />

4.1 WINTER 2006/07<br />

We supervised the capture <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> wolves during the 2006/07 winter capture season in two main<br />

capture sessions; February 12‐17, 2007, during which we captured wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>, <strong>and</strong> a second<br />

capture session from March 28‐31, 2007, where we captured only wolves. Capture operations were<br />

based out <strong>of</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong>e Prairie, AB., <strong>and</strong> were conducted by Bighorn helicopters based out <strong>of</strong> Cranbrook,<br />

BC.<br />

Caribou: From February 12‐17, 2007, we captured a total <strong>of</strong> 8 <strong>caribou</strong>, <strong>and</strong> deployed a total <strong>of</strong> 7 collars<br />

on 3 new adult female <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> 4 recaptured animals in the A la Peche herd: 5 GPS4400 <strong>and</strong> 2<br />

GPS3300 collars. We collected blood/hair/pellet samples <strong>and</strong> body measurements from captured<br />

animals. All animals were in good condition, the 5 recaptured VHF animals showed no sign <strong>of</strong> neck wear.<br />

One animal, F86 was recaptured in Jasper National Park <strong>and</strong> had her old expired VHF collar removed, <strong>and</strong><br />

was released without a collar. These new GPS 4400 <strong>and</strong> GPS 3300 collars are due to expire in February,<br />

2009. No capture mortalities occurred during capture.<br />

Wolves: During the first capture round from February 12‐17, we deployed a total <strong>of</strong> 12 wolf collars on<br />

new animals within the A la Peche (ALP), Redrock Prairie Creek (RPC) <strong>and</strong> Narraway (NAR) <strong>caribou</strong> ranges<br />

(see Figure B1 for capture locations). We captured wolves in five new wolf packs; the Kakwa pack,<br />

Narraway, Belcourt, A La Peche <strong>and</strong> Berl<strong>and</strong> wolf packs (Figure Appendix B1). We collected blood/hair<br />

samples <strong>and</strong> body measurements from each animal.<br />

All animals were in good condition. The Belcourt wolf<br />

pack was captured while chasing an adult male goat<br />

high in an alpine pass, <strong>and</strong> the Berl<strong>and</strong> pack was<br />

observed chasing <strong>caribou</strong> immediately before<br />

capture. Each pack was outfitted with 1 VHF <strong>and</strong> 1<br />

GPS4400 collar deployed in each pack, except the<br />

Kakwa wolf pack, which was split at the time <strong>of</strong><br />

capture resulting in 4 collars being deployed in the<br />

same wolf pack once it coalesced after capture.<br />

Unfortunately, despite 4 wolves being collared in the<br />

Kakwa pack, by midsummer 2007, 2 wolves had been<br />

shot by hunters, 1 wolf dispersed, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

remaining wolf GPS collar failed.<br />

During the second capture round in March 2007,<br />

we captured an additional 8 new wolves <strong>and</strong><br />

35<br />

Figure 4.1 Outfitting male wolf 106 from the Kakwa<br />

wolf pack with a GPS 4400 collar in February 2007.<br />

Wolf 106 overlapped the Redrock Prairie Creek<br />

herd, but was shot by a hunter within 2 weeks <strong>of</strong><br />


36 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

deployed additional VHF <strong>and</strong> GPS collars in the Kakwa, Berl<strong>and</strong>, Belcourt, <strong>and</strong> A La Peche wolf packs. In<br />

addition, we captured 2 new wolves in a new wolf pack, the Muskeg pack, at the Gr<strong>and</strong>e Cache Airport.<br />

In total, by end <strong>of</strong> winter 2007, we had over 18 wolves collared in 6 wolf packs not including wolves in<br />

Jasper National Park (see Figure B1 <strong>and</strong> Figure 4.6.2). No capture related wolf mortalities or injured<br />

occurred.<br />

4.2 ANIMAL CAPTURE, FALL 2007<br />

We conducted one capture session for just <strong>caribou</strong> in late October to take advantage <strong>of</strong> higher capture<br />

success <strong>of</strong> migratory <strong>caribou</strong> in the Narraway <strong>and</strong> Redrock Prairie creek herds while they were on their<br />

fall rutting ranges, typically on alpine ridges between the summer <strong>and</strong> winter ranges.<br />

Caribou: Eighteen <strong>caribou</strong> were captured over a 3‐day capture session from October 26‐28, 2007. In<br />

total, 14 RPC <strong>caribou</strong> were captured, 2 <strong>of</strong> which were in British Columbia, <strong>and</strong> 4 NAR <strong>caribou</strong>, 3 <strong>of</strong> which<br />

were in British Columbia. The remaining captures in the RPC <strong>and</strong> NAR herds occurred in Alberta. Of the<br />

12 RPC <strong>caribou</strong> captured in Alberta, 8 were captured in Kakwa Wildl<strong>and</strong> Provincial Park <strong>and</strong> 4 in Wilmore<br />

Wilderness Park. Capture updates for this capture session were provided to BC MOE, BC Parks, <strong>and</strong><br />

Alberta Parks, Recreation <strong>and</strong> Tourism in Fall 2007. No <strong>caribou</strong> mortalities occurred. See Figure B.2. for a<br />

capture map for <strong>caribou</strong> captured during this fall capture session.<br />

4.3 ANIMAL CAPTURE: WINTER 2007/2008<br />

We supervised the capture <strong>of</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>, wolves, moose, <strong>and</strong> elk during the 2007/2008 winter capture<br />

season. The winter net‐gunning season was hampered by poor snow conditions, bad weather <strong>and</strong><br />

helicopter issues, resulting in limited captures despite several attempted capture rounds in December,<br />

January <strong>and</strong> March. Bighorn Helicopters battled uncompromising winds in Gr<strong>and</strong>e Cache from December<br />

10 – 14, 2007, the prevented successful capture operations. Bighorn returned January 3 – 5, 2008.<br />

Bighorn also worked with <strong>project</strong> partners Mark Bradley <strong>and</strong> Layla Neufeld in Jasper National Park to<br />

netgun elk this winter, <strong>and</strong> Ge<strong>of</strong>f Skinner <strong>and</strong> Wes Bradford in Jasper darted additional elk from the<br />

ground. Brad Culling from Diversified Environmental Services flew unsuccessfully for wolves in the<br />

Narraway <strong>and</strong> Belcourt packs in February, <strong>and</strong> returned for a much more successful moose <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong><br />

capture round March 10 – 13, 2008. Many thanks to Simon Slater for all his expertise with captures.<br />

Caribou: Six <strong>caribou</strong> were captured in the Narraway in December; <strong>project</strong> partner Weyerhaeuser (Luigi<br />

Morgantini) deployed 5 GPS collars on new animals <strong>and</strong> one VHF collar on a recaptured animal when its<br />

GPS collar was recovered. In coordination with this <strong>project</strong> <strong>and</strong> as part <strong>of</strong> their ongoing population<br />

monitoring program, <strong>project</strong> collaborators Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife also captured 7 new <strong>caribou</strong> in<br />

March in the A la Peche <strong>and</strong> Little Smoky herds; 5 VHF collars were deployed in the A La Peche, <strong>and</strong> 1<br />

VHF <strong>and</strong> 1 GPS collar were deployed in the Little Smoky.<br />

Wolves: Three wolves were captured this winter in the core <strong>project</strong> area, <strong>and</strong> one was captured by<br />

<strong>project</strong> partners Mark Bradley <strong>and</strong> Layla Neufeld (Jasper National Park) in Jasper. One GPS collar was<br />

replaced on a recapture in the Narraway pack in December 2007, <strong>and</strong> one new GPS collar <strong>and</strong> one VHF<br />

were deployed in the A la Peche / Smoky pack in January. Jasper National Park deployed a GPS collar on<br />

a wolf in the Sunwapta pack in Jasper in January. Due to the limited number <strong>of</strong> wolves captured, field<br />

efforts during spring <strong>and</strong> summer 2008 will be focused on collaring more wolves on the ground (foothold<br />

trapping) throughout the study area.<br />


37 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Elk: Twenty elk were collared this winter by <strong>project</strong> partners Mark Bradley <strong>and</strong> Layla Neufeld (Jasper<br />

National Park), 10 by net‐gunning <strong>and</strong> 10 by ground darting, as part <strong>of</strong> the primary prey study<br />

(Robinson). Capture myopathy may have led to the death <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the net‐gunned elk as it died fairly<br />

soon after capture, although the circumstances <strong>of</strong> its death are not clear.<br />

Moose: Eleven moose were captured in March 2008 <strong>and</strong> fitted with ATS GPS collars purchased by<br />

Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife. These captures comprised 6 females <strong>and</strong> 5 Bull Moose across 4 zones: 3 in the<br />

Little Smoky, 3 in the Kakwa area, 3 in the A La Peche (outside <strong>of</strong> both Wilmore <strong>and</strong> Jasper parks) <strong>and</strong> 2<br />

in the Narraway. Collars will be removed from bulls prior to the rut. There was also a twelfth moose<br />

captured that succumbed to capture myopathy <strong>and</strong> was put down after showing signs <strong>of</strong> continuing<br />

deterioration several hours after h<strong>and</strong>ling.<br />


38 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Table. 4.1. Caribou captured since January 1, 2007, including method, collar <strong>and</strong> jurisdiction <strong>and</strong> location<br />

No. Date Species Herd Animal ID Sex Age Collar Type Jurisdiction<br />

1 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F123 Female Adult GPS3300 WWP<br />

2 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F124 Female Adult GPS4400 WWP<br />

3 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F125 Female Adult GPS4400 WWP<br />

4 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F99 (recap) Female Adult GPS3300 WWP<br />

5 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F97 (recap) Female Adult GPS4400 JNP<br />

6 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F95 (recap) Female Adult GPS4400 JNP<br />

7 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F94 (recap) Female Adult GPS4400 JNP<br />

8 17‐Feb‐07 Caribou ALP F86 (recap) Female Adult VHF removed JNP<br />

9 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F385 Female Adult VHF KWPP<br />

10 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F400 Female Adult VHF WWP<br />

11 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F401 Female Adult VHF WWP<br />

12 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F402 Female Adult GPS KWPP<br />

13 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F403 Female Adult GPS KWPP<br />

14 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F‐‐ Female Adult GPS KWPP<br />

15 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F392 Female Adult VHF KPP‐BC<br />

16 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F406 Female Adult VHF KWPP<br />

17 26‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F404 Female Adult GPS KPP‐BC<br />

18 27‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F405 Female Adult VHF WWP<br />

19 28‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F407 Female Adult VHF KWPP<br />

20 28‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F408 Female Adult GPS WWP<br />

21 29‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F409 Female Adult GPS WWP<br />

22 29‐Oct‐07 Caribou RPC F410 Female Adult GPS KWPP<br />

23 30‐Oct‐07 Caribou NAR F736 Female Adult VHF KPP‐BC<br />

24 30‐Oct‐07 Caribou NAR F738 Female Adult VHF AB<br />

25 31‐Oct‐07 Caribou NAR F740 Female Adult VHF BC<br />

26 31‐Oct‐07 Caribou NAR F757 Female Adult GPS BC<br />

27 11‐Dec‐07 Caribou NAR F721 (recap) Female Adult VHF AB<br />

28 13‐Dec‐07 Caribou NAR F758 Female Adult GPS4400 AB<br />

29 13‐Dec‐07 Caribou NAR F759 Female Adult GPS4400/ARG AB<br />

30 13‐Dec‐07 Caribou NAR F760 Female Adult GPS3300 AB<br />

31 13‐Dec‐07 Caribou NAR F761 Female Adult GPS4400 AB<br />

32 13‐Dec‐07 Caribou NAR F762 Female Adult GPS3300 BC<br />

33 10‐Mar‐08 Caribou ALP F126 Female Adult VHF JNP<br />

34 10‐Mar‐08 Caribou ALP F127 Female Adult VHF JNP<br />

35 10‐Mar‐08 Caribou ALP F128 Female Adult VHF JNP<br />

36 10‐Mar‐08 Caribou ALP F129 Female Adult VHF JNP<br />

37 10‐Mar‐08 Caribou ALP F130 Female Adult VHF JNP<br />

38 13‐Mar‐08 Caribou LSM F597 Female Adult VHF AB<br />

39 11‐Mar‐08 Caribou LSM F596 Female Adult ATS_G2000 AB<br />


39 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


We captured a total <strong>of</strong> 95 animals during the reporting period; 39 Caribou, 20 elk, 12 moose <strong>and</strong> 24<br />

wolves (Table 4.1). Jurisdictional breakdowns <strong>of</strong> captures are also reported in Table 4.1. Details by<br />

species are reported in Tables 4.2 to 4.6. In terms <strong>of</strong> capture mortality, no <strong>caribou</strong> or wolves were<br />

injured during captures. The one elk that may have died from capture‐myopathy would be 1 <strong>of</strong> 20 elk, or<br />

5% <strong>of</strong> elk captures. For moose, this capture mortality is equivalent to a mortality rate <strong>of</strong> 8.3%. We have<br />

reviewed our moose animal capture protocol with veterinarians in Jasper for elk, <strong>and</strong> with ABF&W<br />

biologists for Moose to improve capture success <strong>and</strong> decrease capture mortality during future animal<br />

captures.<br />

Table 4.2. Summary table <strong>of</strong> animal captures by year, jurisdiction <strong>and</strong> species.<br />

Species<br />

Year<br />

Jurisdictional Caribou Elk Moose Wolf Total<br />

2006 1 1<br />

BC 1 1<br />

2007 32 8 23 63<br />

AB 6 11 17<br />

BC 3 4 7<br />

JNP 4 8 4 16<br />

KPP‐BC 3 3<br />

KWPP 7 7<br />

WWP 9 4 13<br />

2008 7 12 12 3 34<br />

AB 2 12 14<br />

JNP 5 12 1 18<br />

WWP 2 2<br />

Gr<strong>and</strong> Total 39 20 12 27 98<br />

Jurisdictions: AB‐ Alberta, BC‐ British Columbia provincial l<strong>and</strong>s, JNP – Jasper National Park, KPP‐BC – Kakwa<br />

Provincial Park (BC), KWPP – Kakwa Wildl<strong>and</strong> Provincial Park, <strong>and</strong> WWP – Willmore Wilderness Park.<br />

WWP‐ Willmore Wilderness Park; JNP – Jasper National Park, KWPP – Kakwa Wildl<strong>and</strong> Prov. Park (AB), KPP‐BC –<br />

Kawka Prov. Park (BC), AB‐ Alberta provincial l<strong>and</strong>s, BC – British Columbia provincial l<strong>and</strong>s.<br />


40 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Table 4.3. Wolf capture summary information for wolves captured since Jan 1, 2007 until May 1, 2008, including wolf pack, <strong>caribou</strong> range,<br />

age <strong>and</strong> sex‐class, color, weight, collar type, capture jurisdiction <strong>and</strong> fate as <strong>of</strong> May 1, 2008. Does not include Jasper National Park.<br />

Wolf Caribou<br />

No Date ID Pack Range Sex Age Color Weight Collar Jurisdiction Fate<br />

1 12/15/2006 W100* Unknown NAR Female Adult Gray ‐‐‐ VHF BC Dispersed, fate unknown<br />

2 13‐Feb‐07 W101 Kakwa RPC Female Young Adult Gray 93 VHF AB Hunter<br />

3 13‐Feb‐07 W102 Belcourt NAR Male Young Adult Black 106 VHF BC Hunter<br />

4 13‐Feb‐07 W103 Belcourt NAR Male Adult Black 126 GPS4400 BC GPS failure<br />

5 13‐Feb‐07 W104 Narraway NAR Male Adult Black 112 VHF AB Dispersed, fate unknown<br />

6 13‐Feb‐07 W105 Narraway NAR Female Adult Black 90 GPS4400 AB Active<br />

7 13‐Feb‐07 W106 Kakwa RPC Male Adult Gray 134 GPS4400 AB Hunter<br />

8 14‐Feb‐07 W107 A La Peche ALP Male Yearling Gray 96 VHF WWP Active<br />

9 14‐Feb‐07 W108 A La Peche ALP Female Yearling Black 92 GPS4400 WWP Active<br />

10 15‐Feb‐07 W109 Kakwa RPC Male Yearling Black 87 VHF AB Unknown<br />

11 15‐Feb‐07 W110 Kakwa RPC Male Adult Silver 110 GPS4400 AB GPS failure<br />

12 16‐Feb‐07 W111 Berl<strong>and</strong> ALP Male Adult‐alpha Silver 132 VHF AB Unknown<br />

13 17‐Feb‐07 W112 Berl<strong>and</strong> ALP Male Young Adult Gray 103 GPS4400 JNP Hunter<br />

14 28‐Mar‐07 W113 Berl<strong>and</strong> ALP Female Adult‐alpha Gray 110 VHF JNP Unknown<br />

15 28‐Mar‐07 W114 A La Peche ALP Female Young Adult Gray 115 GPS4400 WWP Active<br />

16 29‐Mar‐07 W115 Belcourt NAR Female Adult Silver 110 GPS4400 BC GPS failure<br />

17 30‐Mar‐07 W116 Kakwa RPC Female Adult Black 95 GPS4400 AB Hunter?<br />

18 30‐Mar‐07 W117 A La Peche ALP Male Adult White 125 GPS4400 WWP Interference, unknown<br />

19 31‐Mar‐07 W118 Belcourt NAR Male Young Adult Black 105 VHF BC Unknown<br />

20 31‐Mar‐07 W119 Muskeg ALP Female Yearling Black 85 GPS4400 AB Active?<br />

21 31‐Mar‐07 W120 Muskeg ALP Male Young Adult Black 100 VHF AB Dispersed, fate unknown<br />

22 12‐Dec‐07 W105* Narraway NAR Female Adult Black 90 GPS4400 AB Dispersed to Red Willow<br />

23 3‐Jan‐08 W121 A La Peche ALP Male Young Adult Silver 95 VHF WWP Active<br />

24 5‐Jan‐08 W122 A La Peche ALP Female Young Adult Gray 100 GPS4400 WWP Active<br />

*W100 was captured in BC under Dale Seip’s research <strong>project</strong>. W105 was recaptured. Acronyms for Jurisdictions are the same as previous tables.<br />


41 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Table 4.4. Moose capture summary for moose captured in winter 2008, including <strong>caribou</strong> range,<br />

collar type, <strong>and</strong> jurisdiction.<br />

Caribou<br />

No Species ID Range Capture Date Collar Type Sex (Age) Jurisdiction Fate<br />

1 Moose M01 LSM 11‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Female AB Alive<br />

2 Moose M02 RPC 12‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Male AB Alive<br />

3 Moose M03 LSM 11‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Male AB Alive<br />

4 Moose M04 LSM 11‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Female AB Alive<br />

5 Moose M05 NAR 12‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Male AB Alive<br />

6 Moose M06 NAR 12‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Female AB Alive<br />

7 Moose M07 RPC 12‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Female AB Alive<br />

8 Moose M08 RPC 12‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Female AB Alive<br />

9 Moose M09 ALP 13‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Male AB Alive<br />

10 Moose M10 ALP 13‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Female AB Alive<br />

11 Moose M11 ALP 13‐Mar‐08 ATS_G2000 Male AB Alive<br />

Capture<br />

12 Moose N/A RPC 12‐Mar‐08 N/A Female AB Mortality*<br />

*Moose died during capture.<br />

Table 4.5. Elk capture summary for elk captured in Jasper National Park, 2007/2008.<br />

No. Species ID Jurisdiction Date Collar Type Method Fate<br />

1 Elk E72 JNP 29‐Nov‐07 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

2 Elk E74 JNP 29‐Nov‐07 VHF Netgun Predation<br />

3 Elk E75 JNP 16‐Dec‐07 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

4 Elk E76 JNP 17‐Dec‐07 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

5 Elk E77 JNP 17‐Dec‐07 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

6 Elk E78 JNP 17‐Dec‐07 VHF Netgun Predation<br />

7 Elk E79 JNP 18‐Dec‐07 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

8 Elk E80 JNP 18‐Dec‐07 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

9 Elk E82 JNP 7‐Jan‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

10 Elk E83 JNP 8‐Jan‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Highway<br />

11 Elk E84 JNP 9‐Jan‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

12 Elk E85 JNP 15‐Feb‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

13 Elk E86 JNP 23‐Feb‐08 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

14 Elk E87 JNP 23‐Feb‐08 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

15 Elk E88 JNP 23‐Feb‐08 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

16 Elk E89 JNP 23‐Feb‐08 VHF Netgun Alive<br />

17 Elk E90 JNP 1‐Mar‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

18 Elk E91 JNP 1‐Mar‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

19 Elk E92 JNP 1‐Mar‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Alive<br />

20 Elk E93 JNP 1‐Mar‐08 VHF Ground‐dart Predation<br />


42 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

4.6 ANIMAL MONITORING (as <strong>of</strong> May 1, 2008)<br />

Aerial telemetry flights with Michael Dupuis (Wildlife Air) were scheduled every 4‐5 weeks throughout<br />

the winter, although high winds in the mountains <strong>and</strong> bad weather usually resulted in chronic<br />

rescheduling; flights will continue throughout the summer. Flights focused on relocating collared wolves<br />

to record locations <strong>and</strong> to download GPS collar data for field kill‐searches at clusters. Caribou were<br />

monitored for position <strong>and</strong> survival, <strong>and</strong> location data was downloaded from those with remotely‐<br />

downloadable GPS collars every second flight for <strong>project</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in the A La Peche <strong>and</strong> the Little Smoky<br />

herds, as well as for animals in the Highway 40 area collared by Foothills Model Forest. Two collared elk<br />

in the Snake Indian area were also relocated every flight as part <strong>of</strong> the ongoing primary prey modeling<br />

study (Robinson). In collaboration with Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife, their collared <strong>caribou</strong> in the A La Peche<br />

<strong>and</strong> Little Smoky herds were also included in scanning efforts to assist with population monitoring <strong>and</strong><br />

early detection <strong>of</strong> mortalities. The collared moose will also be relocated each flight. Project partners Luigi<br />

Morgantini at Weyerhaeuser <strong>and</strong> Simon Slater at the University <strong>of</strong> Alberta continues to monitor the<br />

Narraway, Redrock‐Prarie Creek <strong>and</strong> Redwillow <strong>caribou</strong> collars. Project telemetry flights are summarized<br />

below.<br />

Table 4.6 Telemetry flights since December 2007.<br />

Date Areas flown Hours <strong>of</strong> flying<br />

13‐Dec‐07 NAR, ALP (included spotting for capture efforts) 5.5<br />

14‐Dec‐07 ALP 3.5<br />

23‐Jan‐08 NAR, KAK, MUS, ALP, HW 40 4.7<br />

24‐Jan‐08 LSM but turned back by rain 5.1<br />

21‐Feb‐08 NAR, MUS, ALP 4.7<br />

22‐Feb‐08 HW 40, LSM 6.5<br />

3‐Apr‐08 LSM (shortened by rain) 4.6<br />

29‐Apr‐08 NAR, MUS, ALP, KAK 5.3<br />

Caribou mortality <strong>and</strong> survival is monitored by ABF&W <strong>and</strong> summarized in annual progress<br />

reports prepared by ABF&W. Flights over the winter detected four <strong>caribou</strong> collars on mortality; 2 were<br />

mortalities in the Highway 40 <strong>and</strong> Little Smoky herds, one was in the A La Peche herd, <strong>and</strong> one was a<br />

collar drop‐<strong>of</strong>f in the Little Smoky. Full data sets were successfully recovered from all collars but the<br />

causes <strong>of</strong> death were not recent enough to be discernable. A fifth <strong>caribou</strong> collar was turned in by a<br />

recreationalist in Jasper National Park from what was subsequently determined to be a wolf kill.<br />

Elk in Jasper National Park are being monitored by <strong>project</strong> partner Jasper National Park. Biologist<br />

Heidi Fengler triangulated telemetry readings from the ground weekly over the winter in collaboration<br />

with the primary prey component <strong>of</strong> the <strong>project</strong> (Objective 5). Four <strong>of</strong> the collared elk died during the<br />

reporting period; one appears to have become trapped by river ice, <strong>and</strong> one may have been due to<br />

capture myopathy; the third was eaten by wolves in April but may have initially been injured on the<br />

highway <strong>and</strong> subsequently scavenged by wolves, <strong>and</strong> the fourth killed by a car/truck.<br />

Many wolf collars have not been heard since before the current monitoring schedule began in<br />

December <strong>and</strong> have probably dispersed or failed; these animals are included in brackets. There are also<br />

several wolves from other <strong>project</strong>s who may now be in the area (wolves collared for Dale Seip, Tumbler<br />


43 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Ridge; Doug Heard, BC; <strong>and</strong> Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife); these wolves are included in scanning efforts but<br />

are not listed in the <strong>project</strong> table below. Finally, one wolf radiocollared with a GPS collar north <strong>of</strong><br />

Revelstoke in winter 2008 dispersed north into our study area, <strong>and</strong> travelled through the Jasper town<br />

site area in March 2008, <strong>and</strong> appears to have settled in the Robson valley (Figure 4.5, data courtesy <strong>of</strong><br />

Rob Serrouya, BC‐ MOF contractor <strong>and</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Alberta PhD student).<br />


Data collection over the winter focused largely on collecting location data for <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> wolves,<br />

primarily through aerial telemetry <strong>and</strong> aerial collar‐downloading, although some ground‐based<br />

telemetry effort was also involved. Additionally, hair <strong>and</strong> blood samples were collected from all <strong>caribou</strong><br />

captured as part <strong>of</strong> the population l<strong>and</strong>scape genetics research (Weckworth <strong>and</strong> Musiani), <strong>and</strong> prey hair<br />

<strong>and</strong> wolf scat were collected from kill‐sites to use in stable isotope or scat‐based diet assessment to<br />

confirm primary prey species composition across the study area.<br />

Elk locations in Jasper National Park were collected weekly by Heidi Fengler using ground<br />

telemetry as part <strong>of</strong> the primary prey study (Robinson). The first round <strong>of</strong> primary prey aerial survey data<br />

was also collected in February in Jasper NP, optimized for elk but also surveying for moose, covering<br />

approximately one third <strong>of</strong> the study area. Initial wolf cluster visits in February 2008 focused on<br />

developing a consistent search protocol <strong>and</strong> on exploring the potential use <strong>of</strong> dogs to help with finding<br />

deer remains in some areas. For efficiency <strong>and</strong> logistics reasons, cluster visits were primarily restricted to<br />

Jasper National Park this winter, but more time <strong>and</strong> resources will be dedicated to cluster visits starting<br />

this summer with a larger crew available for field work.<br />

To date, we have collected the following data from wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> for which the core<br />

<strong>project</strong> personnel are directly responsible: the GPS‐collared <strong>caribou</strong> in the A La Peche (including those<br />

deployed by Foothills Model Forest), the GPS‐collared <strong>caribou</strong> in the Little Smoky, <strong>and</strong> all <strong>of</strong> the collared<br />

wolves. Location data collected by the core <strong>project</strong> is summarized in Table 4.8 below:<br />

Table 4.7 Project location data collection collected until April 2008<br />

Caribou<br />

herd Species / pack<br />

N<br />

(Locations) (n) wolf <strong>caribou</strong><br />

NARR wolf ‐ Narraway 5040 1 5040<br />

wolf ‐ Belcourt 191 2 191<br />

RPC wolf‐ Kakwa 2175 3 2175<br />

ALP <strong>caribou</strong> ‐ Blue Ck. 17862 4 17,862<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ Hwy 40 33104 7 33,104<br />

wolf ‐ Smoky 4064 3 4064<br />

wolf ‐ Muskeg 3385 1 3385<br />

LSM <strong>caribou</strong> ‐ <strong>project</strong> 24094 5 24,094<br />

JNP wolf ‐ Sunwapta 1844 1 1844<br />

totals: 16,699 75,060<br />


44 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Table 4.8. Status <strong>of</strong> radiocollared <strong>caribou</strong>, wolves <strong>and</strong> moose in each <strong>caribou</strong> herd in the study<br />

area, May 1, 2008. NAR‐ Narraway herd, RPC‐ Redrock‐Prairie Creek, ALP – A La Peche herd, LSM<br />

– Little Smoky Herd, JNP – Jasper National Park.<br />

Caribou<br />

Zone Species / pop’n Number GPS<br />

NAR<br />

RPC<br />

ALP<br />

LSM<br />

JNP<br />

Data<br />

Downloads Animal ID’s (Monitoring agency)<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> 23 10 7 monitored by Luigi Morgantini (Weyerhaeuser)<br />

wolf ‐ Narraway 3 1 1 w105 a , w100 b , w104 b<br />

wolf ‐ Belcourt 1 1 1 w115 a,b<br />

moose 2 2 M05, M06<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> 23 10 5 monitored by Luigi Morgantini (Weyerhaeuser)<br />

wolf ‐ Kakwa 2 1 1 w109 b , w116 a,b<br />

moose 3 3 M02, M07, M08<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ Blue Cr. 5 5 4 F94 a , F95 a , F97 a , F99 a , F125 a<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ Hwy 40 6 5 5 F117 a , F118 a , F119 a , F120 a , F121 a , F561<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ AF+W 14<br />

44<br />

F100, F102, F103, F104, F105, F110, F113, F114, F115, F126,<br />

F127, F128, F129, F130<br />

wolf ‐ Smoky 4 2 2 w107, w117 a,b , w121, w122 a<br />

wolf ‐ Muskeg 2 1 1 w119 a , w120<br />

wolf ‐ Berl<strong>and</strong> 2 w111 b , w113 b<br />

moose 3 3 M09, M10, M11<br />

elk 2 E76, E77<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ AF+W 16 1 F519, F543, F575, F576, F578, F579, F580, F581, F583,<br />

F584, F585, F587, F588, F589, F596, F597<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ <strong>project</strong> 3 3 3 F591 a , F593 a , F594 a<br />

moose 3 3 M01, M03, M04<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ Brazeau 6 1 monitored by Mark Bradley <strong>and</strong> Layla Neufeld (JNP)<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ Maligne 2 1 monitored by Mark Bradley <strong>and</strong> Layla Neufeld (JNP)<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> ‐ Tonquin 13 3 monitored by Mark Bradley <strong>and</strong> Layla Neufeld (JNP)<br />

wolf ‐ Sunwapta 3 2 2 w56, w58 a,b , w73, w81 a<br />

elk 15<br />

a Indicates at least one successful GPS data download during the monitoring period<br />

b Indicates a mortality or collar failure during the monitoring period<br />

E72, E75, E79, E80, E82, E83, E84, E85, E86, E87, E88, E89, E90,<br />

E91, E92 (monitored by Heidi Fengler (JNP))

45 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Through data sharing agreements with Alberta SRD, Weyerhaeuser Company, Shell Canada, Parks<br />

Canada, <strong>and</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Alberta, we have assembled a database <strong>of</strong> ~500,000 <strong>caribou</strong> GPS fix<br />

attempts <strong>and</strong> >100,000 wolf GPS fix attempts (Table 4.6, Figures 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.3).<br />

Table 4.9. Sample size <strong>of</strong> GPS‐collared animals <strong>and</strong> GPS fix attempts for study area populations <strong>of</strong><br />

wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>, 1998–2007. These are data compiled into a single master database, current up<br />

to December, 2007; data since collected (see Table 4.8) have not yet been integrated.<br />

Species Data Source Population N (Animals)<br />

Caribou<br />

Wolf<br />

45<br />

N<br />

(Locations)<br />

This Study, Parks Canada, Alberta SRD,<br />

Foothills Model Forest<br />

A la Peche 15 29,140<br />

Parks Canada Banff 2 5,931<br />

Parks Canada Jasper NP ‐ Brazeau 6 19,296<br />

Parks Canada Jasper NP – Maligne 9 34,281<br />

Parks Canada Jasper NP – Tonquin 8 31,645<br />

Alberta SRD Little Smoky 36 79,892<br />

Weyerhaeuser Narraway 29 75,257<br />

Weyerhaeuser Redrock Prairie Creek 60 176,953<br />

Shell Canada Red Willow 2 3,036<br />

This Study<br />

Banff (Hebblewhite)<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Alberta (N. Webb)<br />

Belcourt 2 245<br />

Berl<strong>and</strong> 1 3,258<br />

Kakwa 3 2,664<br />

Muskeg 1 3,402<br />

Narraway 1 3,501<br />

Smoky 2 4,073<br />

Bow Valley 1 4,011<br />

Cascade 1 11,282<br />

Ranch 1 19,831<br />

Red Deer 1 12,856<br />

Wildhorse 1 9,543<br />

Brazeau 4 11,782<br />

Maligne – Brazeau 1 1,115<br />

Medicine 4 6,175<br />

Rocky River 1 167<br />

Signal 6 8,671<br />

Sunwapta 2 4,750

46 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 4.2. GPS locations <strong>of</strong> collared <strong>caribou</strong> in all study area populations, Canadian<br />

Rockies, 1998–2007.<br />


47 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 4.3. GPS locations <strong>of</strong> collared wolves (showing only data from This Study <strong>and</strong><br />

those collected in Jasper NP) <strong>and</strong> overlap with <strong>caribou</strong> population home ranges, Canadian<br />

Rockies, 2003–2007.<br />


48 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 4.4. GPS locations <strong>of</strong> collared wolves (showing only data from this study) <strong>and</strong><br />

overlap with <strong>caribou</strong> population home ranges, Canadian Rockies, 2003–2007.<br />


49 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure 4.5. GPS locations <strong>of</strong> dispersing wolf 37 from the Revelstoke wolf-<strong>caribou</strong> <strong>project</strong><br />

in winter 2008. Data courtesy <strong>of</strong> Rob Serrouya.<br />


50 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Publications<br />

1. Post, E., Brodie, J., Wilmers, C.C., Hebblewhite, M., & Anders, A.D. 2008. Global population dynamics<br />

<strong>and</strong> hotpots <strong>of</strong> climate change. Bioscience, In Review, August 2008.<br />

2. Webb, N., Hebblewhite, M., & Merrill. 2008. Statistical methods for identifying wolf kill sites from<br />

GPS locations. Journal <strong>of</strong> Wildlife Management, 72, 798‐806.<br />

3. Hebblewhite, M., Whittington, J., Bradley, M., Skinner, G., Dibb, A., White, C.A. 2007. Conditions for<br />

<strong>caribou</strong> persistence in the wolf‐elk‐<strong>caribou</strong> systems <strong>of</strong> the Canadian Rockies. Rangifer, 17: 85‐97.<br />

4. Hebblewhite, M. 2008. Linking wildlife populations with ecosystem change: state <strong>of</strong> the art satellite<br />

ecology for national park science. Park Science, In press (publication <strong>of</strong> the National Park Service,<br />

USA, Peer‐edited).<br />

5. Hebblewhite, M. 2008. A literature review <strong>of</strong> the effects <strong>of</strong> energy development on ungulates:<br />

implications for eastern Montana. Report prepared for the Montana Department <strong>of</strong> Fish Wildlife<br />

<strong>and</strong> Parks, Helena, MT, 114p.<br />

Presentations at Scientific Conferences<br />

1. Hebblewhite, M., Davis, W., Newton, D., Polfus, J., & Voyles, Z. 2008. The potential effects <strong>of</strong> energy<br />

development on ungulates in Eastern Montana: a literature review. Paper presented at the<br />

Montana Chapter <strong>of</strong> the Wildlife Society Meetings, Missoula, MT, February 2008.<br />

2. Hebblewhite, M. 2007. Detecting climate‐predation interactions in large‐scale patterns: potential<br />

applications with Rangifer <strong>and</strong> Cervus datasets. Invited presentation to the Department <strong>of</strong> Arctic<br />

Biology, University <strong>of</strong> Aarhus, Roskilde, Denmark, December 2007.<br />

3. Hebblewhite, M., Boutin, S., Schmiegelow, F., Stenhouse, G., Frair, J.L., & Gates, G.C. 2007. Postcards<br />

from the edge: a review <strong>of</strong> the effects <strong>of</strong> oil <strong>and</strong> gas development on wildlife in Alberta. Invited<br />

presentation at the Montana Chapter <strong>of</strong> the Wildlife Society meetings, Bozeman, MT, Feb 2007.<br />

4. McDevitt A.D., Mariani S., Hebblewhite M. & Musiani M. 2008. A new challenge for <strong>caribou</strong> (Rangifer<br />

tar<strong>and</strong>us) management in the Canadian Rockies: reconciling present–day demographics with<br />

Quaternary evolutionary history. Annual Meeting <strong>of</strong> the Canadian Society for Ecology <strong>and</strong> Evolution,<br />

University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia, Vancouver, May.<br />

5. Robinson, H.S., Hebblewhite, M., & Musiani, M. 2008. Modeling relationships between fire, <strong>caribou</strong>,<br />

wolves, elk <strong>and</strong> moose to aid prescribed fire <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> recovery in the Canadian Rocky Mountain<br />

National Parks. Presented at the Canadian Parks for Tomorrow Conference, University <strong>of</strong> Calgary,<br />

Calgary, AB., 2008 May.<br />

6. Robinson, H.S., Hebblewhite, M., & M. Musiani. 2008. Modeling relationships between fire, <strong>caribou</strong>,<br />

wolves, elk <strong>and</strong> moose to aid prescribed fire <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> recovery in the Canadian Rocky Mountain<br />

National Parks. Montane Ecosystem Science Workshop. Banff, Alberta., 2008 January.<br />


51 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Workshops / Project Partner Presentations<br />

1. Hebblewhite, M. 2007. Defining Critical habitat across spatial scales for threatened <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong><br />

<strong>caribou</strong>. Invited presentation to the Science Advisory Group for the Critical Habitat Review for Boreal<br />

Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou recovery, Environment Canada, Toronto, ON.<br />

2. Hazenberg, S., Sherrington, M. 2008. Canadian Rockies Caribou <strong>project</strong> update to the South Peace<br />

Region Shared Stewardship Caribou Working Group meeting, Ft. St. John, British Columbia, March<br />

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Dyer, S.J., J.P. O'Neill, S.M. Wasel, <strong>and</strong> S. Boutin. 2001. Avoidance <strong>of</strong> industrial development by <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong>.<br />

Journal <strong>of</strong> Wildlife Management 65: 531‐542.<br />

Dyer, S.J., J.P. O'neill, S.M. Wasel, <strong>and</strong> S. Boutin. 2002. Quantifying Barrier Effects <strong>of</strong> Roads <strong>and</strong> Seismic Lines on<br />

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effects resource selection models. Journal <strong>of</strong> Applied Ecology Accepted October 2007.<br />


52 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Hebblewhite, M., E.H. Merrill, <strong>and</strong> T.E. McDonald. 2005. Spatial decomposition <strong>of</strong> predation risk using resource<br />

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James, A.R.C., S. Boutin, D.M. Hebert, <strong>and</strong> A.B. Rippin. 2004. Spatial Separation <strong>of</strong> Caribou From Moose <strong>and</strong> Its<br />

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Lessard, R.B..2005. Conservation <strong>of</strong> <strong>woodl<strong>and</strong></strong> <strong>caribou</strong> (Rangifer tar<strong>and</strong>us <strong>caribou</strong>) in west‐central Alberta: a<br />

simulation analysis <strong>of</strong> multi‐species predator‐prey systems. University <strong>of</strong> Alberta. Edmonton, Alberta,<br />

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53 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Table <strong>of</strong> permit numbers <strong>and</strong> agencies, contacts, timelines, <strong>and</strong> reporting requirements<br />

Permitting Agency Contact Permit Details Permit Number Dates<br />

1) Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Division<br />

2) Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Division<br />

3) Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Division<br />

4) Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Division<br />

5) Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Division<br />

6) Alberta Fish <strong>and</strong><br />

Wildlife Division<br />

5) Alberta Parks,<br />

Recreation, <strong>and</strong> Tourism<br />

Dave Hervieux,<br />

Dave Stepnisky<br />

Dave Hervieux,<br />

Dave Stepnisky<br />

Dave Hervieux,<br />

Dave Stepnisky<br />

Dave Hervieux,<br />

Dave Stepnisky<br />

Dave Hervieux,<br />

Dave Stepnisky<br />

Dave Hervieux,<br />

Dave Stepnisky<br />

Matthew<br />

Wheatley<br />

Research Permit for wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> GP 21790 January 1, 2007 to April<br />

30, 2008<br />

Collection Permit for wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>;<br />

includes capture by aerial (netgunning <strong>and</strong><br />

darting) <strong>and</strong> ground methods (foothold<br />

trapping for wolves)<br />

53<br />

CN 21803 January 1, 2007 to April<br />

30, 2008<br />

Research Permit for wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> GP 27809 May 1, 2008 to Dec 31,<br />

2010<br />

Collection Permit for wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong>;<br />

includes capture by aerial (netgunning <strong>and</strong><br />

darting) <strong>and</strong> ground methods (foothold<br />

trapping for wolves)<br />

Research Permit for Moose<br />

Collection Permit for Moose; includes capture<br />

by aerial (netgunning <strong>and</strong> darting).<br />

Research <strong>and</strong> Collection Permit; includes<br />

capture by aerial (netgunning <strong>and</strong> darting) <strong>and</strong><br />

ground methods (foothold trapping for<br />

wolves) with some exclusions. Valid for<br />

Willmore <strong>and</strong> Kakwa Wildl<strong>and</strong> PPs, Two Lakes<br />

Provincial Park amended summer 2008.<br />

Moose capture amendment not approved as<br />

<strong>of</strong> 7/1/08.<br />

CN 27088 May 1, 2008 to Dec 31,<br />

2010<br />

GP 27085 Feb 25, 2008 to Feb 25,<br />

2009<br />

CN 27086 Feb 25, 2008 to Feb 25,<br />

2009<br />

WILKA 101‐07 Mar 31, 2007 to Dec 31,<br />


54 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Permitting Agency Contact Permit Details Permit Number Dates<br />

6) Parks Canada<br />

7) British Columbia<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment<br />

– Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife<br />

Division<br />

8) British Columbia<br />

Ministry <strong>of</strong> Environment<br />

– BC Parks Division<br />

9) University <strong>of</strong> Calgary<br />

Animal Care Committee<br />

10) University <strong>of</strong><br />

Montana – Institutional<br />

Animal Care <strong>and</strong> Use<br />

Committee<br />

Dr. Ge<strong>of</strong>f Skinner,<br />

DVM<br />

Dr. Helen<br />

Scwchantje DVM,<br />

Rick Roos, Prince<br />

George<br />

Research Permit; includes capture <strong>and</strong><br />

h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>of</strong> wolves, <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> elk via aerial<br />

(netgunning <strong>and</strong> darting) <strong>and</strong> ground methods<br />

(foothold trapping under certain conditions for<br />

wolves). Valid for research in Banff <strong>and</strong> Jasper<br />

National Parks.<br />

Research Permit; includes capture <strong>and</strong><br />

h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>of</strong> wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> via aerial <strong>and</strong><br />

ground methods.<br />

Covers <strong>caribou</strong> <strong>and</strong> wolf capture in the<br />

following provincial parks; Kakwa, Wapiti,<br />

Monkman, <strong>and</strong> Robson National Parks<br />

Ms. Mack Canadian Council for Animal Care approval.<br />

Covers capture <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling for wolves <strong>and</strong><br />

<strong>caribou</strong>.<br />

Dr. MaryAnn<br />

McCracken, DVM<br />

Institutional Animal Care <strong>and</strong> Use Committee.<br />

Covers capture <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>ling for <strong>caribou</strong>,<br />

wolves <strong>and</strong> moose (amendment) with aerial<br />

(darting <strong>and</strong> netgunning) <strong>and</strong> ground capture<br />

(foothold trapping for wolves) methods.<br />

54<br />

JNP‐2007‐952 Jan 1 , 2007 to Jan 1 , 2010<br />

V107‐31411 Feb 27, 2007 to Dec 31,<br />

2009<br />

GP0710348 / PG<br />

0710276<br />

Feb 1, 2007 to Dec 31,<br />

2009<br />

BI‐2007‐57 Jan 1, 2008 to Feb 1, 2010<br />

056‐06MHECS‐<br />

101027<br />

Jan 1, 2007 to Jan 1, 2010.

55 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />


Figure B1. Capture locations <strong>of</strong> wolves <strong>and</strong> <strong>caribou</strong> in the study area from the February 13‐17, 2007 capture session.<br />


56 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure B2. Capture locations for A La Peche Caribou during the February 17, 2007 capture session.<br />


57 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

Figure B3. Capture locations for adult female <strong>caribou</strong> captured during October 26‐29, 2007 capture session.<br />


58 Canadian Rockies Woodl<strong>and</strong> Caribou Project First Year Progress Report<br />

58<br />

Figure B4. Animals monitored<br />

during the 2007/2008 winter<br />

capture season, within<br />

respective <strong>caribou</strong> population<br />

zones, 2007–2008.

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