

T Brite : PART I he alarm went off at 4:30 am a sound that Konstantin grew to love. To him it meant another day needed tackling and he was just the man to do it. He hit the off button, rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling of his dorm allowing his eyes to adjust. As he created a mental checklist of the days to do’s he couldn’t help but smile. Early acceptance into Stanford Law and he did it all on his own. Konstantin took great pride in knowing he could provide for himself without his family’s money or connections. Although he was very close to his family the thought of accepting help almost made him sick. After all he wouldn’t be a real man if he needed help. From anybody. He chuckled at himself for having such serious thoughts this early and shook his head as he threw his down comforter to the side. He stood up, stretched his arms above his head then took a deep breath and leaned forward allowing his arms to fall to the floor to stretch. He did this every morning before going for his 5 mile run. Nothing started his day off better. Although he’d grown to appreciate coffee he felt that being dependent on any substance to boost his mind showed weakness. It was March but still very cold in Manhattan, Kansas. He threw on his hoodie before putting in his earbuds and stepped outside. The music of choice was always classical. His favorite was Sonata Number 14 by Beethoven. Something about the intensity of the instruments made him feel as though he was sharing the same feelings as the musician at the time he was composing. Drive, focus and determination are what created this piece he thought. Traits he appreciated and could relate to. As he ran off campus and into town he appreciated the quiet. It was as if the streets emptied themselves just for him. This was the time he allowed his mind to wander. He had been invited to a party on Friday by his buddy Colin but turned it down. A party on Friday meant an empty library and that was usually where he preferred to study. Even though he had been accepted into the program he still had finals to finish before heading back to Cali in the fall. Parties never fully interested him. Unless he was looking for someone to warm his bed that evening. Even then the experience was typically sub-par and awkward when the women would wear out their welcome. He liked women, after all he was a man but none had been able to hold his interest for long. He found that many women while beautiful and enticing had nothing more to offer. The last woman he had attempted to date became quickly attached and there was nothing he despised more than someone needing another to feel adequate. This was just another sign of weakness to him and although he had no intention on being married anytime soon he sometimes wondered if he ever would. Maybe his standards were just too high but he was not one to settle. If he was giving his best there was no reason why he should get less in return. Then again he was only 24 so maybe there was still time. Women had always fallen over themselves in his presence. On rare occasions he would find the giggling and ogling charming but more often it annoyed him. He was 5’11 built with lean muscle, brown hair and green eyes. He had chiseled facial features and full lips. He wasn’t oblivious to his alluring genetics but he wished it wouldn’t make it so easy. His was a mind that needed to be challenged otherwise he felt he never fully deserved the “prize.” He found his winnings most satisfying when he felt he truly earned it. He finished up his run slowing down to a light jog as he arrived back on campus and saw Colin standing at the front of his building with a ridiculous grin on his face. When Konstantin first met Colin four years ago he wasn’t sure if he’d keep him around. Colin was the kind of person who accepted mediocrity as a way of life. He was naturally gifted at every sport and extremely intelligent which afforded him the ability to not study and still obtain good grades. He was born and raised in Kansas. He would also most likely die there. A man with incredible talent and no ambition. The type of person Konstantin usually didn’t care for. He kept Colin around mainly because he fulfilled his need for intelligent conversation and also he always had the rundown of the latest social events when he needed to let off some steam. “I will never understand why you get up so damn early,” Colin said as Konstantin jogged up to him. The men exchanged looks and laughed as Konstantin began wrapping his earbud cord around his fingers and tucked it into his hoodie pocket. “Discipline my friend. No one worth mentioning ever became successful by partying all night and sleeping all day,” Konstantin answered. He had said this very thing to Colin several times before. They began walking into the building as Colin attempted one last time to change Konstantin’s mind about the party the following night. Konstantin gave Colin a sideways grin and said, “What if the best one night stand of your life is in the library Friday night? I suppose I’d be willing to step in on your behalf.” He waited for Colin’s response as he knew the one area Colin felt most threatened was with women. Colin, although handsome was not

very charismatic. Konstantin was happy to push his buttons when given the chance. Colin slugged him in the shoulder and said, “No playboy worth mentioning ever snagged the hottest girl by hanging out in libraries, sir.” They both laughed. “Well, I’m headed to class. If you change your mind you know where to find the crew,” said Colin as he turned to leave. “Same here,” answered Konstantin while unlocking the door to his room. He still had an hour to kill before his first class. After a quick shower he finished getting dressed then went to his favorite campus café and ordered a breakfast sandwich with a coffee. As he ate his meal he studied the people around him. Groups of friends chatting and laughing. Couples sitting close being affectionate and whispering to each other. He sometimes wondered why he never felt the need to socialize as often as other people his age. He would often evaluate his life trying to find where things may have gone wrong. Questioning his behavior always troubled him as it was hard to accept the thought that he may be the one with the problem. He was raised by his mother, Elise and father, Aksel. When they met his father was 20 and his mother was 18. His grandparents had always warned him and his older brother, Erwin, that a love like theirs was rare. They discouraged the boys from following in their parents’ footsteps as often as possible telling them marriage could wait. His parents were married 6 months into their courtship and his mother became pregnant 3 months later. They always held each other in such high regard. Their house always felt warm and full of love. The relationship his parents had was one he’d often see people attempt and fail at. He admired his parents’ relationship but also didn’t like the idea of submitting himself to another person. To him submission was another word of losing and that was not something he did or enjoyed. His brother Erwin and he always had a close relationship. Although competition and egos were a challenge at times as any household with 2 boys would have, they always had each other’s backs. They knew how to press each other’s buttons and would as often as possible for mere amusement but it was always good natured. The only area in his life he felt sore about was how his father and brother at times seemed to have a closer relationship. One that was only between them and never shared with him or his mother. Konstantin had always assumed it had to do with respect and favor naturally given to the eldest. As he got older he realized how successful his brother actually was. He was adored by friends, family and especially women. Erwin managed to have a new gorgeous woman every month it seemed. His colleagues worshiped him and he was the apple of their fathers’ eye. Konstantin began to form a life plan for himself to prove to his father that he too was capable of the same amount of success if not better and he wouldn’t allow anyone or anything to stand in his way. Maybe that was when he started separating himself from everything he saw as a distraction including friendships and relationships. He sat back and let his thoughts wash over him as he continued to sip his coffee. Meanwhile, on the other side of campus Naomi Brite was flustered at herself for running late. It was nearing the end of her first year at Kansas State and she had no plans on letting herself slip. She took one final look in the mirror, her wild blonde hair was somewhat tamed into a messy bun on the top of her head and her big brown eyes were accentuated with a little mascara. A dash of blush on each cheek and a berry colored lip balm would have to do. It had been a cold winter and the last bit of her tan had disappeared back in November. Grabbing her backpack and slinging it onto her shoulders she looked disdainfully at her alarm clock once more before heading out the door. “I know I set that stupid thing last night,” she huffed as she sped walked to the stairs. Her roommate Cyndi had already left for the day and she was slightly annoyed that she hadn’t taken the time to wake her. Although she didn’t typically need help as she was usually very organized and punctual. Still, Cyndi could have at least double checked! Naomi mounted her bike and started pedaling to the other side of the campus. As a pre-med student she had really enjoyed her first year at a university. She also enjoyed being away from home. Although she missed her father dearly, this had been her first taste of independence since…ever and it was delicious. She was born and raised in Crested Butte, Colorado. Population 1,487 last she checked. Bottom line, it was way too small for her and her dreams of becoming a big city pediatric physician. Manhattan, KS was not her final destination but she was happy to have been accepted into their program and stay somewhat close to dad. She had gone home to visit during each break this year and was grateful for the time spent with him. She had decided to stay in town for a couple years after high school to help her dad at the hardware store he owned. He was only 55 but the years of raising a daughter on his own and running his own shop seemed to have aged him tremendously. She took classes locally before submitting for a few pre-med programs. All out of state. Kansas had been the only one she

very charismatic. Konstantin was<br />

happy to push his buttons when<br />

given the chance.<br />

Colin slugged him in the shoulder<br />

and said, “No playboy worth<br />

mentioning ever snagged the hottest<br />

girl by hanging out in libraries, sir.”<br />

They both laughed. “Well, I’m headed<br />

to class. If you change your mind you<br />

know where to find the crew,” said<br />

Colin as he turned to leave.<br />

“Same here,” answered Konstantin<br />

while unlocking the door to his room.<br />

He still had an hour to kill before<br />

his first class. After a quick shower<br />

he finished getting dressed then<br />

went to his favorite campus café<br />

and ordered a breakfast sandwich<br />

with a coffee. As he ate his meal<br />

he studied the people around him.<br />

Groups of friends chatting and<br />

laughing. Couples sitting close<br />

being affectionate and whispering<br />

to each other.<br />

He sometimes wondered why he<br />

never felt the need to socialize as<br />

often as other people his age. He<br />

would often evaluate his life trying<br />

to find where things may have<br />

gone wrong.<br />

Questioning his behavior always<br />

troubled him as it was hard to<br />

accept the thought that he may be<br />

the one with the problem.<br />

He was raised by his mother, Elise<br />

and father, Aksel. When they met<br />

his father was 20 and his mother<br />

was 18. His grandparents had<br />

always warned him and his older<br />

brother, Erwin, that a love like theirs<br />

was rare. They discouraged the boys<br />

from following in their parents’<br />

footsteps as often as possible telling<br />

them marriage could wait.<br />

His parents were married 6 months<br />

into their courtship and his mother<br />

became pregnant 3 months later.<br />

They always held each other in such<br />

high regard. Their house always<br />

felt warm and <strong>full</strong> of love. The<br />

relationship his parents had was<br />

one he’d often see people attempt<br />

and fail at. He admired his parents’<br />

relationship but also didn’t like<br />

the idea of submitting himself to<br />

another person. To him submission<br />

was another word of losing and that<br />

was not something he did or enjoyed.<br />

His brother Erwin and he always<br />

had a close relationship. Although<br />

competition and egos were a<br />

challenge at times as any household<br />

with 2 boys would have, they always<br />

had each other’s backs. They knew<br />

how to press each other’s buttons<br />

and would as often as possible for<br />

mere amusement but it was always<br />

good natured.<br />

The only area in his life he felt<br />

sore about was how his father and<br />

brother at times seemed to have<br />

a closer relationship. One that<br />

was only between them and never<br />

shared with him or his mother.<br />

Konstantin had always assumed it<br />

had to do with respect and favor<br />

naturally given to the eldest.<br />

As he got older he realized how<br />

successful his brother actually was.<br />

He was adored by friends, family<br />

and especially women. Erwin<br />

managed to have a new gorgeous<br />

woman every month it seemed. His<br />

colleagues worshiped him and he<br />

was the apple of their fathers’ eye.<br />

Konstantin began to form a life plan<br />

for himself to prove to his father<br />

that he too was capable of the same<br />

amount of success if not better<br />

and he wouldn’t allow anyone or<br />

anything to stand in his way.<br />

Maybe that was when he started<br />

separating himself from everything<br />

he saw as a distraction including<br />

friendships and relationships. He sat<br />

back and let his thoughts wash over<br />

him as he continued to sip his coffee.<br />

Meanwhile, on the other side of<br />

campus Naomi Brite was flustered<br />

at herself for running late. It was<br />

nearing the end of her first year at<br />

Kansas State and she had no plans<br />

on letting herself slip. She took one<br />

final look in the mirror, her wild<br />

blonde hair was somewhat tamed<br />

into a messy bun on the top of her<br />

head and her big brown eyes were<br />

accentuated with a little mascara. A<br />

dash of blush on each cheek and a<br />

berry colored lip balm would have<br />

to do. It had been a cold winter<br />

and the last bit of her tan had<br />

disappeared back in November.<br />

Grabbing her backpack and slinging<br />

it onto her shoulders she looked<br />

disdain<strong>full</strong>y at her alarm clock<br />

once more before heading out the<br />

door. “I know I set that stupid thing<br />

last night,” she huffed as she sped<br />

walked to the stairs. Her roommate<br />

Cyndi had already left for the day<br />

and she was slightly annoyed that<br />

she hadn’t taken the time to wake<br />

her. Although she didn’t typically<br />

need help as she was usually very<br />

organized and punctual. Still, Cyndi<br />

could have at least double checked!<br />

Naomi mounted her bike and<br />

started pedaling to the other<br />

side of the campus. As a pre-med<br />

student she had really enjoyed her<br />

first year at a university. She also<br />

enjoyed being away from home.<br />

Although she missed her father<br />

dearly, this had been her first taste<br />

of independence since…ever and it<br />

was delicious.<br />

She was born and raised in Crested<br />

Butte, Colorado. Population 1,487<br />

last she checked. Bottom line, it<br />

was way too small for her and her<br />

dreams of becoming a big city<br />

pediatric physician. Manhattan,<br />

KS was not her final destination<br />

but she was happy to have been<br />

accepted into their program and<br />

stay somewhat close to dad. She<br />

had gone home to visit during each<br />

break this year and was grateful for<br />

the time spent with him.<br />

She had decided to stay in town<br />

for a couple years after high school<br />

to help her dad at the hardware<br />

store he owned. He was only 55<br />

but the years of raising a daughter<br />

on his own and running his own<br />

shop seemed to have aged him<br />

tremendously. She took classes<br />

locally before submitting for a few<br />

pre-med programs. All out of state.<br />

Kansas had been the only one she

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