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T<br />

Brite :<br />

PART I<br />

he alarm went off at 4:30 am<br />

a sound that Konstantin grew<br />

to love. To him it meant another day<br />

needed tackling and he was just the<br />

man to do it. He hit the off button,<br />

rolled onto his back and stared at<br />

the ceiling of his dorm allowing<br />

his eyes to adjust. As he created a<br />

mental checklist of the days to do’s<br />

he couldn’t help but smile. Early<br />

acceptance into Stanford Law and<br />

he did it all on his own. Konstantin<br />

took great pride in knowing he<br />

could provide for himself without<br />

his family’s money or connections.<br />

Although he was very close to his<br />

family the thought of accepting<br />

help almost made him sick. After<br />

all he wouldn’t be a real man if he<br />

needed help. From anybody.<br />

He chuckled at himself for having<br />

such serious thoughts this early and<br />

shook his head as he threw his down<br />

comforter to the side. He stood up,<br />

stretched his arms above his head<br />

then took a deep breath and leaned<br />

forward allowing his arms to fall<br />

to the floor to stretch. He did this<br />

every morning before going for his<br />

5 mile run. Nothing started his day<br />

off better. Although he’d grown to<br />

appreciate coffee he felt that being<br />

dependent on any substance to<br />

boost his mind showed weakness.<br />

It was March but still very cold in<br />

Manhattan, Kansas. He threw on<br />

his hoodie before putting in his<br />

earbuds and stepped outside. The<br />

music of choice was always classical.<br />

His favorite was Sonata Number 14<br />

by Beethoven. Something about the<br />

intensity of the instruments made<br />

him feel as though he was sharing<br />

the same feelings as the musician at<br />

the time he was composing. Drive,<br />

focus and determination are what<br />

created this piece he thought. Traits<br />

he appreciated and could relate to.<br />

As he ran off campus and into town<br />

he appreciated the quiet. It was as<br />

if the streets emptied themselves<br />

just for him. This was the time he<br />

allowed his mind to wander. He had<br />

been invited to a party on Friday<br />

by his buddy Colin but turned it<br />

down. A party on Friday meant an<br />

empty library and that was usually<br />

where he preferred to study. Even<br />

though he had been accepted into<br />

the program he still had finals to<br />

finish before heading back to Cali<br />

in the fall.<br />

Parties never <strong>full</strong>y interested him.<br />

Unless he was looking for someone<br />

to warm his bed that evening.<br />

Even then the experience was<br />

typically sub-par and awkward<br />

when the women would wear out<br />

their welcome.<br />

He liked women, after all he was a<br />

man but none had been able to hold<br />

his interest for long. He found that<br />

many women while beautiful and<br />

enticing had nothing more to offer.<br />

The last woman he had attempted<br />

to date became quickly attached<br />

and there was nothing he despised<br />

more than someone needing<br />

another to feel adequate. This was<br />

just another sign of weakness to him<br />

and although he had no intention<br />

on being married anytime soon<br />

he sometimes wondered if he ever<br />

would. Maybe his standards were<br />

just too high but he was not one<br />

to settle. If he was giving his best<br />

there was no reason why he should<br />

get less in return. Then again he<br />

was only 24 so maybe there was<br />

still time.<br />

Women had always fallen over<br />

themselves in his presence. On<br />

rare occasions he would find the<br />

giggling and ogling charming but<br />

more often it annoyed him. He<br />

was 5’11 built with lean muscle,<br />

brown hair and green eyes. He had<br />

chiseled facial features and <strong>full</strong> lips.<br />

He wasn’t oblivious to his alluring<br />

genetics but he wished it wouldn’t<br />

make it so easy. His was a mind that<br />

needed to be challenged otherwise<br />

he felt he never <strong>full</strong>y deserved the<br />

“prize.” He found his winnings<br />

most satisfying when he felt he<br />

truly earned it.<br />

He finished up his run slowing down<br />

to a light jog as he arrived back on<br />

campus and saw Colin standing<br />

at the front of his building with a<br />

ridiculous grin on his face.<br />

When Konstantin first met Colin<br />

four years ago he wasn’t sure if<br />

he’d keep him around. Colin was<br />

the kind of person who accepted<br />

mediocrity as a way of life. He<br />

was naturally gifted at every sport<br />

and extremely intelligent which<br />

afforded him the ability to not<br />

study and still obtain good grades.<br />

He was born and raised in Kansas.<br />

He would also most likely die there.<br />

A man with incredible talent and<br />

no ambition. The type of person<br />

Konstantin usually didn’t care for.<br />

He kept Colin around mainly<br />

because he fulfilled his need for<br />

intelligent conversation and also<br />

he always had the rundown of the<br />

latest social events when he needed<br />

to let off some steam.<br />

“I will never understand why you<br />

get up so damn early,” Colin said as<br />

Konstantin jogged up to him. The<br />

men exchanged looks and laughed<br />

as Konstantin began wrapping his<br />

earbud cord around his fingers and<br />

tucked it into his hoodie pocket.<br />

“Discipline my friend. No one worth<br />

mentioning ever became successful<br />

by partying all night and sleeping<br />

all day,” Konstantin answered. He<br />

had said this very thing to Colin<br />

several times before.<br />

They began walking into the<br />

building as Colin attempted one last<br />

time to change Konstantin’s mind<br />

about the party the following night.<br />

Konstantin gave Colin a sideways<br />

grin and said, “What if the best one<br />

night stand of your life is in the<br />

library Friday night? I suppose I’d<br />

be willing to step in on your behalf.”<br />

He waited for Colin’s response as<br />

he knew the one area Colin felt<br />

most threatened was with women.<br />

Colin, although handsome was not

very charismatic. Konstantin was<br />

happy to push his buttons when<br />

given the chance.<br />

Colin slugged him in the shoulder<br />

and said, “No playboy worth<br />

mentioning ever snagged the hottest<br />

girl by hanging out in libraries, sir.”<br />

They both laughed. “Well, I’m headed<br />

to class. If you change your mind you<br />

know where to find the crew,” said<br />

Colin as he turned to leave.<br />

“Same here,” answered Konstantin<br />

while unlocking the door to his room.<br />

He still had an hour to kill before<br />

his first class. After a quick shower<br />

he finished getting dressed then<br />

went to his favorite campus café<br />

and ordered a breakfast sandwich<br />

with a coffee. As he ate his meal<br />

he studied the people around him.<br />

Groups of friends chatting and<br />

laughing. Couples sitting close<br />

being affectionate and whispering<br />

to each other.<br />

He sometimes wondered why he<br />

never felt the need to socialize as<br />

often as other people his age. He<br />

would often evaluate his life trying<br />

to find where things may have<br />

gone wrong.<br />

Questioning his behavior always<br />

troubled him as it was hard to<br />

accept the thought that he may be<br />

the one with the problem.<br />

He was raised by his mother, Elise<br />

and father, Aksel. When they met<br />

his father was 20 and his mother<br />

was 18. His grandparents had<br />

always warned him and his older<br />

brother, Erwin, that a love like theirs<br />

was rare. They discouraged the boys<br />

from following in their parents’<br />

footsteps as often as possible telling<br />

them marriage could wait.<br />

His parents were married 6 months<br />

into their courtship and his mother<br />

became pregnant 3 months later.<br />

They always held each other in such<br />

high regard. Their house always<br />

felt warm and <strong>full</strong> of love. The<br />

relationship his parents had was<br />

one he’d often see people attempt<br />

and fail at. He admired his parents’<br />

relationship but also didn’t like<br />

the idea of submitting himself to<br />

another person. To him submission<br />

was another word of losing and that<br />

was not something he did or enjoyed.<br />

His brother Erwin and he always<br />

had a close relationship. Although<br />

competition and egos were a<br />

challenge at times as any household<br />

with 2 boys would have, they always<br />

had each other’s backs. They knew<br />

how to press each other’s buttons<br />

and would as often as possible for<br />

mere amusement but it was always<br />

good natured.<br />

The only area in his life he felt<br />

sore about was how his father and<br />

brother at times seemed to have<br />

a closer relationship. One that<br />

was only between them and never<br />

shared with him or his mother.<br />

Konstantin had always assumed it<br />

had to do with respect and favor<br />

naturally given to the eldest.<br />

As he got older he realized how<br />

successful his brother actually was.<br />

He was adored by friends, family<br />

and especially women. Erwin<br />

managed to have a new gorgeous<br />

woman every month it seemed. His<br />

colleagues worshiped him and he<br />

was the apple of their fathers’ eye.<br />

Konstantin began to form a life plan<br />

for himself to prove to his father<br />

that he too was capable of the same<br />

amount of success if not better<br />

and he wouldn’t allow anyone or<br />

anything to stand in his way.<br />

Maybe that was when he started<br />

separating himself from everything<br />

he saw as a distraction including<br />

friendships and relationships. He sat<br />

back and let his thoughts wash over<br />

him as he continued to sip his coffee.<br />

Meanwhile, on the other side of<br />

campus Naomi Brite was flustered<br />

at herself for running late. It was<br />

nearing the end of her first year at<br />

Kansas State and she had no plans<br />

on letting herself slip. She took one<br />

final look in the mirror, her wild<br />

blonde hair was somewhat tamed<br />

into a messy bun on the top of her<br />

head and her big brown eyes were<br />

accentuated with a little mascara. A<br />

dash of blush on each cheek and a<br />

berry colored lip balm would have<br />

to do. It had been a cold winter<br />

and the last bit of her tan had<br />

disappeared back in November.<br />

Grabbing her backpack and slinging<br />

it onto her shoulders she looked<br />

disdain<strong>full</strong>y at her alarm clock<br />

once more before heading out the<br />

door. “I know I set that stupid thing<br />

last night,” she huffed as she sped<br />

walked to the stairs. Her roommate<br />

Cyndi had already left for the day<br />

and she was slightly annoyed that<br />

she hadn’t taken the time to wake<br />

her. Although she didn’t typically<br />

need help as she was usually very<br />

organized and punctual. Still, Cyndi<br />

could have at least double checked!<br />

Naomi mounted her bike and<br />

started pedaling to the other<br />

side of the campus. As a pre-med<br />

student she had really enjoyed her<br />

first year at a university. She also<br />

enjoyed being away from home.<br />

Although she missed her father<br />

dearly, this had been her first taste<br />

of independence since…ever and it<br />

was delicious.<br />

She was born and raised in Crested<br />

Butte, Colorado. Population 1,487<br />

last she checked. Bottom line, it<br />

was way too small for her and her<br />

dreams of becoming a big city<br />

pediatric physician. Manhattan,<br />

KS was not her final destination<br />

but she was happy to have been<br />

accepted into their program and<br />

stay somewhat close to dad. She<br />

had gone home to visit during each<br />

break this year and was grateful for<br />

the time spent with him.<br />

She had decided to stay in town<br />

for a couple years after high school<br />

to help her dad at the hardware<br />

store he owned. He was only 55<br />

but the years of raising a daughter<br />

on his own and running his own<br />

shop seemed to have aged him<br />

tremendously. She took classes<br />

locally before submitting for a few<br />

pre-med programs. All out of state.<br />

Kansas had been the only one she

was accepted to. It didn’t matter<br />

to her because it meant she had<br />

potential. It was just the beginning.<br />

Naomi always felt a tinge of guilt for<br />

her dad’s lack of social or dating life<br />

but he always assured her it was the<br />

life he had chosen for himself. He<br />

said he could never imagine loving<br />

anyone more than her mother so<br />

there was no use in searching.<br />

Her mother had died shortly after<br />

delivering her. “Complications<br />

beyond anyone’s control,” her father<br />

would say whenever she’d tried to<br />

ask. When she was old enough to<br />

recognize the pain that reflected<br />

in his eyes when her mother was<br />

brought up she stopped asking.<br />

She decided to make peace with it<br />

and support her father any way she<br />

could from that moment on.<br />

Naomi was the only child and filled<br />

her days with reading. She began<br />

speaking and reading at a young<br />

age. Her teachers would always<br />

encourage her father to place her in<br />

the gifted classes. Steve (her father)<br />

had always been proud of her<br />

abilities but never wanted to push<br />

her to grow up too fast. In a way she<br />

was grateful he always wanted the<br />

best for her but she also wondered<br />

if maybe she would have been able<br />

to maintain closer friendships with<br />

kids her level. Even though she<br />

never had problems making friends<br />

she never seemed to really connect<br />

with anyone either.<br />

Naomi had a high school boyfriend<br />

she met her junior year and dated<br />

for 4 years. He was kind and she felt<br />

strongly for him but still had no<br />

problem breaking things off when<br />

she left to Kansas. She missed the<br />

companionship at times but knew<br />

deep down he was never the one<br />

she would end up with. Tim on the<br />

other hand had been shattered by<br />

the news. He didn’t see why they<br />

couldn’t maintain a long-distance<br />

relationship until she was ready to<br />

come back to Colorado. That was<br />

just it though, she never planned<br />

on returning to Colorado other<br />

than to visit her dad on occasion.<br />

Tim had his whole life planned<br />

and it all revolved around their<br />

hometown. Naomi refused to<br />

become a housewife and mother. At<br />

least for now.<br />

There had also been red flags with<br />

Tim she wasn’t sure she could get<br />

over. His jealousy for example<br />

always seemed irrational and his fits<br />

of rage were always embarrassing.<br />

She could recall on more than one<br />

occasion needing to talk him out<br />

of a fight because he swore another<br />

guy had been “undressing her with<br />

his eyes.” She hated that expression<br />

and it made her feel like she had<br />

done something wrong.<br />

Naomi never seemed to notice the<br />

attention she would get from men<br />

young and old. She was bright,<br />

beautiful and very charismatic. Her<br />

features although not striking were<br />

unique and the way she carried<br />

herself with humble confidence<br />

was refreshing to anyone who<br />

crossed her path. She had a smile<br />

that would light up a room and an<br />

infectious laugh. Still, she never<br />

could quite see herself the way<br />

others often did.<br />

As her mind got carried away in a<br />

flurry of thoughts she didn’t notice<br />

the backpack in her path until it was<br />

too late. She tried to hit the brakes<br />

but still hit the backpack which<br />

jolted her forward and made her<br />

lose her balance. She attempted to<br />

fall grace<strong>full</strong>y which only made the<br />

entire experience worse as the bike<br />

had a mind of its own. It toppled<br />

over and pinned her left leg.<br />

Completely embarrassed she<br />

noticed she was right in front<br />

of the café where most students<br />

grabbed their breakfast and<br />

beverages in the mornings. She<br />

was irritated this happened here of<br />

all places. No one even attempted<br />

to help her. They just looked on<br />

feigning concern. The whole<br />

episode just fueled her irritation<br />

even more. Especially when she<br />

noticed HIM watching her.<br />

He was sitting calmly at an outdoor<br />

table sipping his coffee and<br />

watching her with what, disdain,<br />

pity, glee?! It was all she could<br />

do to keep from yelling, “What is<br />

your deal?” She had noticed him<br />

on campus before and seen him<br />

at parties occasionally. “That’s<br />

Konstantin Price. The biggest babe<br />

here,” Cyndi had said when Naomi<br />

first noticed him at a school event<br />

earlier in the year.<br />

He was incredibly good looking but<br />

seemed to be the type that knew it<br />

and used it to his advantage. Ugh,<br />

what an arrogant jerk! Something<br />

about him just got under Naomi’s<br />

skin. The way he’d walk with his<br />

head and nose turned up like he<br />

owned the place just pissed her off.<br />

As his green eyes watched her, for<br />

a moment she thought he might<br />

have been checking her out but she<br />

quickly dismissed the idea. What<br />

would a guy like that see or want in<br />

a girl like her?<br />

What is there to check out Naomi?<br />

Your clumsiness? She thought to<br />

herself as she stood up and began<br />

pedaling again. As she passed by<br />

she realized he hadn’t taken his<br />

eyes off her the entire time. “So glad<br />

I could be your entertainment this<br />

morning,” she mumbled angrily as<br />

she whizzed past him.<br />

Now being 30 minutes late to her<br />

class she knew she’d be spending<br />

her Friday night playing catch up in<br />

the library. Man! She had actually<br />

been looking forward to a night off<br />

to unwind with Cyndi at the party<br />

everyone had been talking about.<br />

Oh well, there would always be<br />

more parties.<br />

Brite :<br />


Konstantin did a once over<br />

around the room to make sure he<br />

wasn’t forgetting anything. The<br />

library was on the other side of<br />

campus. If he had to make multiple<br />

trips, it would be incredibly<br />

inconvenient. It was 8:30 p.m.<br />

and the campus was quiet, serene.<br />

It was cold but he preferred to<br />

walk. He moseyed across campus<br />

enjoying the views. Breathing in<br />

the crisp night air, he thought of<br />

how fond he’d grown of this place.<br />

It was surprising that he dreaded<br />

the idea of going back to California.<br />

The traffic, the daily hustle and the<br />

same type of people everywhere.<br />

He’d grown to appreciate the<br />

simpler approach to life here.<br />

It had been a shock when he<br />

first arrived but it became home<br />

quickly. He loved having the option<br />

of engaging in outdoor activities<br />

without a two-hour commute.<br />

Everything he needed was within<br />

30 minutes of campus or less. Yes,<br />

he was definitely going to miss it<br />

here.<br />

Most of the other students had<br />

already gone into town to the<br />

nearby bars and restaurants,<br />

prepping themselves for the party<br />

later. He was glad he decided to<br />

stay in this evening. Konstantin<br />

hardly regretted decisions he<br />

made. Right or wrong, the outcome<br />

of his choices often satisfied him.<br />

He didn’t want to slack off as he<br />

neared the end of his last semester.<br />

He held himself to a very high<br />

standard and wanted to begin the<br />

law program with a running start.<br />

As he neared the entrance of the<br />

library, he noticed a sign that<br />

read, “Due to renovations taking<br />

place over the weekend, library<br />

seating will be restricted to a<br />

smaller area. We apologize for any<br />

inconvenience.”<br />

“They couldn’t have waited until<br />

the semester ended?” he mumbled<br />

to himself as he entered. Looking<br />

around, he noticed they had<br />

blocked off the majority of the<br />

seating areas limiting him towards<br />

the very back of the library. There<br />

were only two tables available—<br />

one near the window and one<br />

closer to the restrooms. He opted<br />

for the one near the window. It was<br />

widely known that the table closest<br />

to the restrooms quickly became<br />

subjected to any foul odors that<br />

wafted through the opening and<br />

closing of the doors.<br />

He opened his book bag and<br />

proceeded to make himself<br />

comfortable taking up the majority<br />

of it with his books, notepads,<br />

utensils, water and snacks. He<br />

took out his headphones and<br />

began listening to music while he<br />

started in on his first textbook. He<br />

was quickly engulfed and became<br />

oblivious to anything happening<br />

around him.<br />

As Naomi made her way to the back<br />

of the library, she wasn’t worried<br />

about the seating restrictions.<br />

She knew it would most likely be<br />

empty. After all, how many losers<br />

would be here studying while there<br />

was a party going on—one she had<br />

been excited to attend to let off<br />

steam had it not been for her alarm<br />

debacle. Missing half her class,<br />

she knew she couldn’t afford to<br />

fall behind nearing the end of the<br />

semester.<br />

She winced as she walked down<br />

the steps into study lounge area.<br />

Her knees were still bruised from<br />

her tumble off the bike. Being that<br />

there wouldn’t be many people<br />

on campus, she was casually<br />

clad in her grey sweat pants and<br />

a black tank with her favorite<br />

flannel hoodie. Her hair was in<br />

loose, golden braids. She decided<br />

to let her eyes rest and wear her<br />

reading glasses. She didn’t have<br />

any makeup on but her long dark<br />

lashes made it impossible to tell.<br />

The only beauty product she kept<br />

close was her repair lip balm. Cold<br />

weather made it nearly impossible<br />

to keep her lips moist.<br />

Glancing at the table options, she<br />

noticed that some greedy bastard<br />

had decided to take up the entire<br />

table by the window. Irritated, she<br />

fixed her posture and decided to<br />

head straight for the part of the<br />

table that hadn’t been occupied.<br />

When she got closer, she began<br />

to speak before realizing it was<br />

Konstantin and nearly choked on<br />

her words: “Hope you don’t mind<br />

but I’m sitting here.” She bit her<br />

lip, cursing herself for deciding to<br />

grow a pair now of all times. After<br />

all, she had made a complete fool<br />

of herself in front of this man<br />

just the day before. “Real smooth<br />

Naomi,” she thought.<br />

Konstantin hadn’t heard Naomi<br />

with his headphones in, but he<br />

saw a figure standing to his right.<br />

Annoyed at this person hovering,<br />

he whipped his head around,<br />

“Yes?!”<br />

Once his eyes fell on Naomi’s face,<br />

he felt himself falter. He clumsily<br />

removed a headphone, “Sorry, did<br />

you need something from me?”<br />

Naomi found herself trying to<br />

remain stubborn and yet caught<br />

off guard by Konstantin’s looks<br />

and confidence that seemed to just<br />

flow out from every fiber of his<br />

being.<br />

“I said, I hope you don’t mind my<br />

sharing the table,” she softened<br />

her words, relieved he hadn’t heard<br />

her the first time.<br />

“Not at all. Let me know if you need<br />

more room,” Konstantin smiled at<br />

her, surprised at the relief he felt<br />

for having company.<br />

While Naomi situated herself at the<br />

table, Konstantin glanced at her<br />

finding it difficult to concentrate.<br />

She was dressed like she had just<br />

rolled out of bed and threw on the<br />

closest garments she could reach.<br />

Her hair was falling out of two<br />

messy braids and her glasses made<br />

her look almost child-like. But he<br />

couldn’t help but feel drawn to her.<br />

When they’d made eye contact, he<br />

swore she could see right through<br />

him. The thought was unsettling<br />

yet captivating.

He shook his head and turned<br />

up the music, trying to wall off<br />

the unanticipated distraction of<br />

Naomi. “Stay focused, K. This is the<br />

wrong time to get hung up. You’re<br />

leaving soon anyways.” He tried<br />

pulling himself back to reality but<br />

found himself wanting to know her.<br />

Really know her.<br />

Naomi couldn’t help but feel proud<br />

of herself for keeping it together.<br />

She dug into her chapters taking<br />

notes and creating flash cards.<br />

Engulfed in her reading, she was<br />

oblivious to Konstantin who had<br />

been glancing at her on and off<br />

ever since she arrived. Every once<br />

in a while, she would look out<br />

the window and wonder what her<br />

friends were up to. Not once did she<br />

notice how flustered he was.<br />

Konstantin finally removed his<br />

headphones and went to the<br />

restroom for a quick break. Maybe<br />

he just needed to stretch his legs. He<br />

couldn’t seem to get comfortable or<br />

refocused on the task at hand ever<br />

since she arrived.<br />

Washing his hands, he looked at<br />

himself in the mirror in frustration.<br />

“What in the actual hell is your<br />

problem?! She’s not even asking<br />

to be looked at. Look at what she’s<br />

wearing for crying out loud!” He<br />

couldn’t help but laugh at how<br />

ridiculous he was acting. “I guess<br />

it has been a while,” he thought in<br />

regards to the last girl he’d been<br />

with.<br />

He was a little perturbed that his<br />

presence didn’t seem to have the<br />

same effect on her. At least HE<br />

looked nice. He was wearing a<br />

pair of dark blue jeans with a long<br />

sleeved grey shirt that showed off<br />

his physique. He ran his fingers<br />

through his hair and decided, what<br />

the hell, he wanted to know what<br />

this girl was about. She would<br />

probably even welcome a break.<br />

Konstantin walked around the<br />

other side of the table and sat in the<br />

seat directly across from Naomi.<br />

He pulled the chair in and crossed<br />

his arms across his chest (in his<br />

comfortable defense position) and<br />

asked, “So why aren’t you at the<br />

party tonight?”<br />

Naomi, startled, knocked her<br />

glasses off and looked up at him<br />

in surprise. Konstantin quickly<br />

reached across to hand them to<br />

her. She was looking him right<br />

in the eyes again. He felt like she<br />

had access to every secret, every<br />

success, failure and unspoken word.<br />

It scared him but it also made him<br />

feel like he was home. He didn’t<br />

want to lose her focus so he began<br />

cleaning her glasses with the inside<br />

of his shirt. He grinned at the look<br />

on her face.<br />

“Excuse me? Sorry, you don’t have<br />

to do that. I just cleaned them before<br />

I came here tonight.” She reached<br />

over waiting for him to hand her<br />

glasses over. When he looked at<br />

her, she noticed a hint of hurt in<br />

his eyes. “Thank you, I appreciate<br />

the gesture,” she said quickly, not<br />

wanting to seem unappreciative.<br />

“Sure thing. So what are you doing<br />

here tonight?” Konstantin was<br />

enthralled with this woman. She<br />

seemed independent and strong<br />

but fragile at the same time. He was<br />

curious as to what was going on<br />

behind those eyes. He could usually<br />

read people well, but couldn’t seem<br />

to get a hold of what this girl was<br />

about. He looked over her face.<br />

Light, soft and the pinkest lips he’d<br />

ever seen. Her eyes were a contrast<br />

to her skin. Dark, thick lashes<br />

framed her mysterious brown eyes.<br />

She literally took his breath away.<br />

“Oh….well, I missed half my class<br />

yesterday and can’t afford to fall<br />

behind. Not that I can’t afford it<br />

in the sense that I’m doing poorly,<br />

I just…. Well, I don’t want to slack<br />

off. Not that I’m a slacker….” she<br />

was flailing. Any ounce of control<br />

she had over the conversation had<br />

gone out the window along with<br />

her dignity. “Sorry, I’m obviously<br />

tired,” she smiled timidly, trying to<br />

regain composure.<br />

She didn’t even know why she was<br />

flustered; it’s not like she liked him.<br />

At all. She didn’t even know him<br />

and what she did know so far, she<br />

wasn’t exactly impressed. He was<br />

the exact kind of guy she typically<br />

stayed away from.<br />

“I’m Konstantin Price.” He extended<br />

his hand to shake hers.<br />

“Naomi Brite,” she replied. When<br />

he took Naomi’s hand, she instantly<br />

felt safe, at home. She looked up at<br />

him and quickly pulled her hand<br />

away.<br />

Her hand was soft and warm in his.<br />

He found himself wondering if the<br />

rest of her would feel the same. He<br />

flashed her his most charming smile<br />

and was relieved when she smiled<br />

back before quickly withdrawing<br />

her hand.<br />

“I’m nearly finished here for the<br />

night, would you want to get a<br />

coffee?” he asked. Not ready to<br />

leave her alone. He saw a pink flush<br />

wash over her cheeks and enjoyed<br />

having that effect on her.<br />

“I still have quite a bit of reading<br />

to catch up on, but thank you,” she<br />

replied only being half honest.<br />

She had about two chapters more<br />

to read and realistically could catch<br />

up on them in the morning. She<br />

wasn’t thrilled with the thoughts<br />

and feelings she had when they’d<br />

shaken hands. She’d heard of his<br />

reputation and knew that if she<br />

wanted to keep her self-respect, he<br />

would be the last guy she should<br />

get involved with.<br />

“Oh. Sure. Right. No worries,”<br />

Konstantin felt rejected. Not<br />

something he was used to feeling.<br />

“Well, have a good night.”<br />

He retreated and began packing his<br />

bag to leave. He was more pissed<br />

at how disappointed he felt that<br />

she didn’t want to be around him.<br />

Feeling embarrassed, he decided<br />

she was a lost cause and decided to<br />

head back to the dorm.<br />

“Thank you, you too,” Naomi<br />

hesitated feeling like she had

done something wrong. He almost<br />

seemed angry with her.<br />

She watched as he cleared his area<br />

and left without even another<br />

glance at her. Was he really so<br />

arrogant that he threw fits when<br />

he didn’t get his way? Naomi,<br />

annoyed, texted Cyndi: “You won’t<br />

believe what just happened!”<br />

Knowing she probably wouldn’t<br />

hear back for a while, she decided<br />

to call it a night.<br />

While walking back to the dorm,<br />

she replayed what happened over<br />

and over. She felt guilty for writing<br />

him off so quickly. Maybe she had<br />

him all wrong. It wasn’t like she<br />

could fix it now, there was no way of<br />

finding him or getting his number.<br />

Besides, she wasn’t about to be<br />

the one to cave or apologize. She<br />

hadn’t even done anything wrong!<br />

While showering, Konstantin<br />

couldn’t help but replay Naomi’s<br />

image in his head. Her eyes, her<br />

soft skin, her pink pouty lips and<br />

warm touch. Even though she<br />

seemed to try and hide her figure,<br />

he could tell she had curves he’d<br />

like to explore. He splayed his<br />

hands on the shower wall and let<br />

the cool water wash over him. He<br />

didn’t have time for this. Not now.<br />

As much as he hated to admit this,<br />

he knew deep down he wouldn’t be<br />

able to shake this girl. What got to<br />

him the most was how she made<br />

him feel. Like who he was wasn’t<br />

good enough. Like he wanted to be<br />

better, do better. No one had ever<br />

made him feel that way. Especially<br />

not someone he’d just met.<br />

The rest of the weekend seemed<br />

to drag by. Colin talked Konstantin<br />

into going out Sunday night,<br />

telling him it would help him get<br />

over Naomi’s unexpected arrival.<br />

“Dude, this isn’t like you. Maybe<br />

you just need a night out, a hot girl<br />

and a good night’s sleep.” It was<br />

always entertaining listening to<br />

Colin’s thought process even when<br />

it was completely ridiculous.<br />

“Yeah, you’re probably right. I think<br />

I’ve had too much on my plate<br />

lately. I definitely need to unwind.”<br />

Konstantin knew he needed to do<br />

something to get himself back on<br />

track. “Just a couple months and<br />

you’ll be back in California. Keep it<br />

together,” he coached himself.<br />

The guys grabbed a cab and<br />

headed into town. As they<br />

approached the entrance of the<br />

dance club, Konstantin allowed<br />

his eyes to roam. He was in a<br />

different mode now. His ability<br />

to compartmentalize work and<br />

play was admirable even to him.<br />

Naomi had filled his mind for long<br />

enough. He was ready to put all of<br />

his efforts into erasing her from his<br />

memory and reward himself for all<br />

the hard work he’d put in to getting<br />

into law school.<br />

Walking into the club, Konstantin’s<br />

eyes were pulled straight into the<br />

direction of a girl standing at the<br />

bar with a fitted halter dress that<br />

accentuated all the right areas. A<br />

cascade of golden blonde hair fell<br />

to her waist and her skin looked<br />

soft even from this distance. He<br />

hadn’t even seen the front of her<br />

yet and knew she was going to be<br />

his this evening.<br />

As he got closer, the girl turned<br />

and he stopped short. She was<br />

sipping her drink from a straw and<br />

even though she didn’t have her<br />

glasses on, he’d remember those<br />

eyes and lips from anywhere. His<br />

heart nearly skipped a beat as a<br />

choked whisper escaped his mouth,<br />

“Naomi.” What the hell was he<br />

going to do now?<br />

Brite :<br />

PART III<br />

“Dude she’s here,” Konstantin<br />

had to half shout over the music to<br />

his buddy. Colin looked confused<br />

at first then realization washed<br />

over his face as he mouthed,<br />

“Oh, my god.” He rolled his eyes,<br />

clapped Konstantin on the back<br />

and pulled him in the direction<br />

of the outdoor bar. “C’mon bro,<br />

I’ll get the first round of drinks.”<br />

Konstantin, somewhat reluctant to<br />

leave Naomi, turned back to look<br />

at her once more before following<br />

Colin outside.<br />

Naomi rolled her eyes as Cyndi<br />

giggled and flirted with one of the<br />

soccer players. Cyndi wasn’t exactly<br />

smooth or subtle when it came to<br />

flirting. It was amusing for Naomi<br />

to watch as the guys typically<br />

didn’t mind because Cyndi was so<br />

beautiful. She looked exotic and<br />

was very outgoing. She was half<br />

Spanish and half Filipino, a mix<br />

that created long, dark and curly<br />

hair, unique facial features and the<br />

greenest eyes Naomi had ever seen.<br />

Cyndi also maintained one of those<br />

naturally fit, curvy bodies while she<br />

sucked down beer like it was going<br />

out of style, ate like an NFL football<br />

player and never worked out a day<br />

in her life (barf).<br />

Naomi was on her third drink and<br />

decided she needed some water.<br />

She motioned to Cyndi that she<br />

was going to get some air. Cyndi<br />

made a pouty face and winked at<br />

Naomi as she continued her nonstimulating<br />

conversation with her<br />

prey. Naomi giggled and proceeded<br />

to make her way through the crowd.<br />

She hadn’t eaten much that day<br />

and was really feeling the drinks.<br />

She could always tell because the<br />

tingling sensation would spread<br />

from her face to her fingertips.<br />

As she shimmied her way through<br />

the crowd, she didn’t notice any of<br />

her admirers. Guys would look at<br />

her just hoping to catch a single<br />

glance but she kept her eyes on the<br />

doors that led to the outdoor patio.<br />

Naomi had never been one to seek<br />

out that type of attention, which<br />

made her completely oblivious to it.

Once outside, she breathed in<br />

the cool air and looked up at the<br />

sky. One of her favorite songs<br />

was playing from inside the club<br />

and she began swaying a little as<br />

she walked over to a bench to sit.<br />

When she neared the seat, she<br />

noticed someone in her peripheral<br />

staring at her. She looked over and<br />

saw Konstantin shifting his gaze<br />

from her back to his drink in an<br />

awkward attempt to seem as if he<br />

hadn’t been looking at her.<br />

Feeling braver than usual, she<br />

smiled and began to walk in his<br />

direction. His eyebrows shot up as<br />

his eyes fixed on hers and a small<br />

sideways grin began to pull at his<br />

lips. He could tell she was buzzed<br />

but more than that, she seemed<br />

genuinely happy to see him. He<br />

couldn’t remember the last time<br />

a girl looked at him that way. Like<br />

he had just made her night and the<br />

truth was, she had just made his.<br />

“Hey K,” Naomi said as she<br />

approached and maneuvered<br />

herself to give him a sideways hug.<br />

This was shocking even to her as<br />

she was not typically a touchy feely<br />

kind of person. Something about<br />

him made her feel comfortable.<br />

Although seemed somewhat hard<br />

and standoffish at times, it made<br />

her want to push through his rough<br />

exterior. Almost like an unspoken<br />

challenge he’d initiated and she<br />

was more than happy to accept.<br />

“K, huh?” Konstantin had never<br />

been called just “K” before. It<br />

wasn’t his favorite but he didn’t<br />

care what she called him. She<br />

giggled and said, “Well Kon, Stan<br />

and Tin wouldn’t make good<br />

nicknames so yeah, K!” She looked<br />

up at him and smiled wide before<br />

adding, “Plus, no offense but I<br />

think your whole name sounds<br />

more presumptuous than you<br />

actually are.” She winked at him<br />

and gestured to the bartender.<br />

Wow! Put a little alcohol in Miss<br />

Naomi Brite and she becomes the<br />

queen of truth. He would normally<br />

be put off by this, but the way she<br />

said it was so innocent and sexy at<br />

the same time.<br />

Naomi leaned in and asked for<br />

another water. When Konstantin<br />

heard, he objected and ordered<br />

her a shot of Tequila. “Excuse me,<br />

Mr. Price but just so we’re clear, no<br />

amount of alcohol is going to make<br />

me go home with you if that’s your<br />

intention,” Naomi narrowed her<br />

gaze trying to look like she meant<br />

business. Her hand lingered on his<br />

arm as he handed her the shot.<br />

Konstantin couldn’t help but spill<br />

out a deep, throaty laugh half out<br />

of embarrassment and also because<br />

he was really enjoying this girl’s<br />

feisty personality. Maybe there<br />

were more layers to Naomi than<br />

he’d imagined. He involuntarily<br />

began imagining how it’d feel to be<br />

the lucky guy who got to peel back<br />

each of those layers.<br />

“Absolutely not Miss Brite. I merely<br />

wanted to make a toast to this<br />

delightful surprise of an evening.”<br />

He leaned in and placed his left<br />

hand on the small of her back and<br />

whispered, “It’s also an apology for<br />

my abrupt exit from the library the<br />

other night.” He pulled away slightly<br />

while holding her gaze. Her big<br />

brown eyes gaped at him in surprise.<br />

Naomi’s breath hitched when<br />

he touched her. The proximity<br />

felt warm, safe and exciting. She<br />

was surprised at his apology but<br />

accepted it grace<strong>full</strong>y. She gave<br />

him a slight nod and smile as<br />

she lifted her glass in a “cheers”<br />

motion before throwing it down.<br />

The warm liquid burned while<br />

it made its way down her throat<br />

and she felt it instantly. Her head<br />

was fuzzy and her face tingly. She<br />

couldn’t remember the last time<br />

she drank this much.<br />

She swayed, slightly losing her<br />

balance and fell into Konstantin’s<br />

grasp. He helped steady her and<br />

said, “Okay, water for the rest<br />

of the night.” He gestured to<br />

the bartender who immediately<br />

handed him a glass. Naomi giggled<br />

as she took the water and began<br />

to drink it. She looked up at him<br />

apologetically, “It’s been a while,<br />

I guess. I can’t feel my lips.” She<br />

giggled again as she slowly bit<br />

her bottom lip trying to get some<br />

feeling in it.<br />

Konstantin couldn’t help but look<br />

at her lips as she bit down. They<br />

were plump, moist and pink from<br />

the alcohol. She had a slight flush<br />

in her cheeks and standing this<br />

close, he could smell her. She<br />

smelled like coconut and the sun.<br />

He smiled at her and in a husky<br />

whisper said, “I thought you were<br />

just trying to feel me up.”<br />

She looked up wide-eyed with her<br />

mouth half open, unable to say<br />

anything then swatted at his chest<br />

while dropping her gaze at the<br />

ground self-consciously. “Yeah, I’m<br />

sure you’d just love that,” she replied.<br />

Konstantin noticed that Colin<br />

had been oblivious to the entire<br />

exchange as he’d been busy<br />

pursuing a girl a few feet away. He<br />

thought about introducing Naomi<br />

but selfishly thought against it as<br />

he took her hand and said, “Let’s<br />

go, you’re dancing with me.”<br />

Before Naomi had a chance to<br />

object, he began pulling her back<br />

into the club and onto the dance<br />

floor. There was a remix of Mario’s<br />

“Let Me Love You” playing overhead<br />

and he pulled her into him. Instead<br />

of the typical club grind that most<br />

guys attempt, he actually danced<br />

with her. She was shocked at how<br />

easily their bodies moved together.<br />

She didn’t even have to think about<br />

the moves as he led her through the<br />

steps with such ease.<br />

She hated to admit it but his ability<br />

to dance was definitely something<br />

she was attracted to.<br />

Naomi had never felt this with<br />

anyone before. Their bodies were<br />

effortlessly in sync and she found<br />

herself wishing the music would<br />

never end. It was during this<br />

thought when she looked up and

noticed how intently Konstantin<br />

was holding her gaze. It was like<br />

he was looking right into her and<br />

could see what she was thinking.<br />

Konstantin grabbed her hands and<br />

pulled her into him. He placed both<br />

her hands around his neck, which<br />

brought their faces only inches<br />

from each other as he held her<br />

waist. He’d switch from smiling to<br />

gazing deeply at her.<br />

Studying every inch of her while<br />

they moved to the music, Konstantin<br />

was completely intoxicated by<br />

Naomi. He loved being this close<br />

to her and hoped she’d never pull<br />

away. The way her body felt in his<br />

hands and her hair flowed had his<br />

mind racing to thoughts he knew<br />

better than to have.<br />

Naomi felt her heart beating<br />

quickly as she attempted to not<br />

look into his eyes for too long. She<br />

was afraid of what might happen if<br />

she didn’t pull her gaze away. It was<br />

hard enough to look away. His face<br />

was incredibly handsome and his<br />

eyes made her melt. There was so<br />

much more to this man than what<br />

she’d originally seen. He tried his<br />

best to keep his shields up but she<br />

saw right through it all. She decided<br />

they needed a little distance and<br />

said, “I’ll be right back.” She quickly<br />

pulled away and began walking to<br />

an undecided location.<br />

She felt like she wanted to laugh and<br />

cry at the same time. This wasn’t<br />

possible. She was not feeling what<br />

she thought she was. How could she?!<br />

She barely knew this man! “Get a<br />

grip Naomi,” she tried telling herself<br />

as she tried to quickly put as much<br />

distance between them as possible.<br />

She ended up at the end of a long<br />

line to the outdoor restroom. While<br />

standing there, she tried to make<br />

sense of what had just happened<br />

and how she was feeling. Cyndi<br />

had told her that Konstantin was a<br />

playboy. She’d said he was a typical<br />

male with commitment phobia<br />

although he tried to explain it away<br />

as a personal choice. Either way, it<br />

wasn’t a promising future. Naomi<br />

couldn’t remember ever feeling<br />

drawn to someone so quickly.<br />

As she entered the restroom, she<br />

decided that she’d drank too much<br />

and the alcohol was probably<br />

making her feel more than was<br />

actually there.<br />

Konstantin bought another drink<br />

and moseyed back to the general<br />

area where they’d been dancing.<br />

He was taken aback by her abrupt<br />

departure. He couldn’t put his<br />

finger on what it was about this girl<br />

that had him so undone. He’d had<br />

his share of dancing, dating and the<br />

whole scene but this was something<br />

he couldn’t explain. She had a way<br />

of drawing him in and keeping him<br />

at a distance at the same time. It<br />

drove him nuts but he couldn’t help<br />

wanting more.<br />

He looked up while she made<br />

her way back through the crowd<br />

towards him. Every time he saw her<br />

it was as if everyone and everything<br />

else faded to the background. His<br />

senses became hyper aware when<br />

she was close. He set down his<br />

drink and walked to her, “Where’d<br />

you go?”<br />

“The ladies’ room. I thought it would<br />

have been quicker going outside<br />

but I was wrong,” she replied as<br />

she stood in front of him. He gave<br />

her his sideways grin as he grabbed<br />

her hands and pulled her back onto<br />

the dance floor. Her body gave way<br />

without any hesitation but her head<br />

kept telling her to be careful.<br />

After dancing for a while, Naomi<br />

gestured that she needed to take a<br />

breather. She led them back outside<br />

to a bench that was away from the<br />

crowd. He left to get them waters<br />

and she checked her phone for<br />

Cyndi. Sure enough there was a text:<br />

Cyndi: Hey girl, hope you and Mr.<br />

Price are having a good time…?! I<br />

want all the details in the morning!!<br />

Don’t wait up (wink wink).<br />

Naomi laughed and shook her head<br />

as she tucked her phone back into<br />

her clutch.<br />

“What’s so funny,” Konstantin asked<br />

as he handed her another water.<br />

“Oh, just my friend Cyndi. She<br />

managed to find herself in the<br />

company of a non-intriguing soccer<br />

player and informed me I won’t see<br />

her ’til the morning.”<br />

“Soccer player, huh? Well at least<br />

she gave you a heads up. My buddy<br />

Colin has been MIA for most of the<br />

evening and I’m sure I won’t hear<br />

from him until the morning.”<br />

Naomi held her glass up, “To good<br />

friends,” she said laughing.<br />

He laughed and clinked his glass<br />

with hers.<br />

Naomi took a long drink then set<br />

down her glass. Placing both her<br />

hands behind her she rested her<br />

weight on her arms and looked<br />

up at the sky. Konstantin did the<br />

same, interlocking one of his arms<br />

with hers.<br />

“I still can’t get over the sky here,”<br />

he said while gazing upwards. “On<br />

clear nights like this it feels like<br />

you can see every star.”<br />

Naomi smiled, “I know what you<br />

mean. Although, I’m from a small<br />

town in Colorado so I’ve kinda been<br />

spoiled with views like this my whole<br />

life. It makes it feel like home.”<br />

“Well, I envy you. I was raised in<br />

L.A. and you’re lucky if you can<br />

see the moon some nights. I’m<br />

exaggerating of course but it feels<br />

that way.” He looked at her, wanting<br />

to know so much more.<br />

An older gentleman walked over to<br />

them. Intoxicated and slightly slurring<br />

his words, he asked, “So how long have<br />

you love birds been together?”<br />

Before Konstantin could say<br />

anything, Naomi jumped in. With<br />

a southern belle type accent, she<br />

replied, “Going on three years next<br />

month.” She took Konstantin’s

hand and interlaced fingers with<br />

him. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”<br />

Glancing at Konstantin she had to<br />

keep from laughing at the look on<br />

his face.<br />

He stuttered before responding,<br />

“Uh, yeah…well, just look at her.”<br />

Konstantin squeezed her hand<br />

while giving her a “you are in so<br />

much trouble” look.<br />

“Well, ya better get on marrying<br />

her soon. Three years is a long<br />

time for a girl to wait around,”<br />

the man replied then walked away<br />

chuckling to himself.<br />

Konstantin’s face was flushed by<br />

the whole encounter. “You are so<br />

not normal, Naomi,” he laughed.<br />

He wondered when she’d realize<br />

they were still holding hands and<br />

pull away but was silently hoping<br />

she wouldn’t.<br />

She giggled while reaching her<br />

free hand towards his face to pull<br />

him in close. He tensed when he<br />

saw her reaching for him. She felt<br />

his resistance but looked at him<br />

reassuringly as she touched him,<br />

“You’re more fun than I would<br />

have guessed, boyfriend.” Her hand<br />

slid down his face and she pulled<br />

her other hand out of his and stood<br />

up. “Well, I should probably head<br />

back to campus.”<br />

Konstantin, disappointed, stood<br />

and asked if he could share a cab<br />

ride back.<br />

As they pulled up to the school,<br />

he offered to pay for the ride and<br />

proceeded to walk Naomi to her<br />

dorm.<br />

They walked at a slow pace. “You<br />

really don’t have to walk me back.<br />

I’m a big girl,” she said, secretly<br />

hoping he’d stay with her.<br />

Konstantin had to get up early<br />

to hike with Colin so he was half<br />

tempted to take her up on heading<br />

back to his dorm, but was having an<br />

internal struggle with not wanting<br />

the night to end. They stopped as<br />

he hesitated, trying to decide.<br />

Naomi watched him as he<br />

contemplated leaving. She’d swear<br />

she could see him struggle with not<br />

wanting to leave but needing to go.<br />

The thought warmed her heart and<br />

made it skip a few beats. Was he<br />

feeling something for her, too? She<br />

smiled softly at him, “Thank you for<br />

tonight, Konstantin. You surprised<br />

me and… I had a really good time.”<br />

Konstantin looked in her eyes and<br />

knew he wasn’t done with her. He<br />

needed her in his life. As a friend,<br />

a lover, anything! It didn’t matter,<br />

he just needed her. He’d never<br />

felt so safe to be himself around<br />

anyone else in his life. It was like he<br />

knew he could tell her his deepest<br />

darkest secrets and she would still<br />

accept him. “Go to dinner with me<br />

next Saturday?” His heart raced as<br />

he waited for her response.<br />

“I’ll have to check with Cyndi to<br />

make sure we aren’t still going to<br />

her parents’ house for dinner, but<br />

let me give you my number and I’ll<br />

let you know?” She took his phone<br />

and input her information under<br />

the name, Wifey. “That guy did say<br />

you’d better marry me soon,” she<br />

giggled as she winked at him and<br />

began walking away.<br />

“Oh, really...,” Konstantin said, surprised<br />

yet again by Ms. Naomi’s boldness.<br />

“Goodnight, Naomi. Thanks for<br />

the conversation.” Slowly walking<br />

in the opposite direction he<br />

thought, Mrs. Naomi Price actually<br />

has a nice ring to it. He smiled<br />

absentmindedly. What the hell was<br />

she doing to him?<br />

Brite :<br />

PART IV<br />

“So where are you taking the<br />

lovely Naomi tonight?” Colin asked<br />

as he watched Konstantin change<br />

his shirt 4 times.<br />

Konstantin was flustered with his<br />

wardrobe and made a mental note<br />

to update it as soon as possible.<br />

“I was thinking of Della Voce for<br />

dinner and then Radina’s for coffee.<br />

You think it’s tacky to walk there?”<br />

“Well, I mean you CAN afford a cab<br />

right?” Colin looked at Konstantin<br />

with a crap eating grin on his face.<br />

Konstantin tossed a pair of rolled<br />

socks at Colin, “Of course I can! I just<br />

think she’s the type of girl that would<br />

appreciate taking our time getting<br />

there. Walking and talking…”<br />

“How about you guys walk back to<br />

the dorm after instead? Let your<br />

food settle, reflect on the night and<br />

the stars will be out so that could<br />

be cool,” Colin tried to finish his<br />

thought nonchalantly.<br />

“Wow, that’s pretty romantic of you<br />

Colin. Thanks.” Konstantin chuckled<br />

as he sprayed a little cologne.<br />

“Don’t be lame. I’m not romantic<br />

bro it was just a suggestion.” Colin<br />

stood up and moseyed towards<br />

the door, “Good luck.” He gave<br />

Konstantin a wink and thumbs up<br />

before heading out.<br />

As Konstantin walked outside he<br />

looked up and saw Naomi walking<br />

towards him. His mouth went dry<br />

and he felt as if it was the first time<br />

he was seeing her. “What are you<br />

doing here Ms. Brite? I was just on<br />

my way to pick you up like a true<br />

gentleman.” He felt a slight threat<br />

to his manhood. This girl was<br />

unlike any he’d ever known.<br />

“Well, I was finished getting ready<br />

and thought it might be nice to<br />

showcase my talent of not being<br />

one of those girls you have to wait<br />

on.” She smiled at him and when<br />

he returned her smile she felt her<br />

stomach flip. “Keep it together

Naomi. Always stay one step<br />

ahead,” she told herself.<br />

Konstantin was actually very<br />

impressed and had to admit to<br />

himself it was refreshing to date a<br />

woman who seemed to be unaware<br />

of her beauty. She was in a pair of<br />

dark jeans, a black fitted top and<br />

her hair was down framing her<br />

gorgeous face with her long golden<br />

locks. He decided then that their<br />

night would end with his fingers<br />

running through her hair and his<br />

lips on hers.<br />

Sitting at dinner Naomi didn’t<br />

take any time to dive into the<br />

personal questions. She was<br />

incredibly kind and unassuming it<br />

made Konstantin feel comfortable<br />

opening up to her. He caught<br />

himself more than a few times<br />

offering more information than<br />

he’d intended. Something he’d<br />

never done before with anyone.<br />

He fought himself with trying to<br />

keep his guards up around her.<br />

This made him both frustrated and<br />

intrigued about Ms. Naomi Brite.<br />

He didn’t know how she was able<br />

to disarm him without even trying.<br />

“So, let me see if I can sum this<br />

up accurately. You have an older<br />

brother, Erwin, who is an incredibly<br />

successful entrepreneur & also<br />

a self-proclaimed ladies’ man.<br />

Your father is Aksel who is also<br />

very successful & loving but can<br />

also be hard/distant. Lastly, your<br />

mother is Elise Price who has<br />

played her role supremely well in<br />

supporting all the men in her life.”<br />

Naomi took another sip of her<br />

wine as she watched Konstantin<br />

register her cliffs notes version of<br />

his family dynamic.<br />

Konstantin shuddered slightly<br />

at the fact that he’d just opened<br />

himself up so much in a short time.<br />

He’d shared more about his life with<br />

Naomi than he had with anyone.<br />

He started to panic on the inside at<br />

how vulnerable he’d made himself<br />

with someone who he barely knew.<br />

Silently cursing himself he decided<br />

he needed more information on<br />

Naomi to even things out.<br />

As their dinner was set in front of<br />

them he asked about her family.<br />

She didn’t offer much information<br />

which left him asking the question<br />

if she was guarding herself from<br />

him. He found out she was raised<br />

by her father, Steven Brite. Her<br />

mother had passed while giving<br />

birth to her which was something<br />

she couldn’t help but periodically<br />

blame herself for. He could feel<br />

the weight of responsibility she<br />

carried to care for her father since<br />

he’d never re-married.<br />

Naomi felt herself being drawn to<br />

Konstantin in a way she’d never<br />

felt. He seemed so different than<br />

everything she’d heard about him.<br />

She could tell he struggled with<br />

letting her in at times but would<br />

eventually soften and open up. She<br />

was never one to pry into someone’s<br />

thoughts as she understood and<br />

respected the value of privacy. She<br />

figured it was this very quality he<br />

appreciated in her.<br />

She was impressed at his<br />

acceptance into Law school and<br />

admired his tenacity. He’d already<br />

accomplished so much and it<br />

brought her back to the reality<br />

of how she was at the beginning<br />

of her long career road. Naomi<br />

had promised herself that no<br />

relationship would distract her<br />

from her future. She hadn’t shared<br />

the 4 year relationship that ended<br />

before coming to Kansas State.<br />

At this point she figured it was<br />

irrelevant as she had no intentions<br />

to pursue anything more than a<br />

friendship with Konstantin. Or as<br />

much of a friendship as he’d allow.<br />

His reputation of female conquests<br />

preceded him so she was counting<br />

down the time before she’d have to<br />

put an end to this.<br />

“Penny for your thoughts Ms.<br />

Brite?” Konstantin had been<br />

enthralled with how focused she<br />

seemed to be while eating her meal.<br />

He figured she was processing the<br />

conversation they’d been having but<br />

couldn’t help but feel insecure. She’d<br />

been silent for some time without<br />

making any direct eye contact with<br />

him. She was obviously comfortable<br />

being in silence. Most of the women<br />

he’d dated could never shut up so<br />

this was a nice and yet unsettling<br />

experience.<br />

Naomi startled a little as she’d<br />

allowed herself to get lost in<br />

her thoughts. “Um, sorry. I can<br />

sometimes get lost in… the<br />

enjoyment of a meal. My father<br />

taught me how to appreciate food<br />

as an art form. It’s probably silly…”<br />

she tapered off realizing she was<br />

beginning to ramble.<br />

“Not at all. I’ve never thought<br />

of it that way but in fact this was<br />

someone’s vision and we are<br />

enjoying the fruits of their labor.”<br />

He smiled at her reassuringly.<br />

He felt himself catering to her<br />

feelings not wanting her to be<br />

self-conscious or uncomfortable<br />

around him. Yet another thing he<br />

usually never cared about before.<br />

He was battling with himself at<br />

how he’d never questioned himself<br />

before Ms. Naomi Brite walked into<br />

his life and now all he wanted was<br />

to be someone who was worthy of<br />

her presence.<br />

As they began walking to their next<br />

destination for coffee Konstantin<br />

took her hand in his and kissed<br />

the back of it. He’d been longing to<br />

touch her skin again since the night<br />

they’d danced together. Any excuse<br />

to feel her softness and stand close<br />

enough to smell her sweetness was<br />

worth it. He looked into her brown<br />

eyes and fought the urge to kiss her<br />

right then. Before he could even<br />

reconsider she dropped her gaze<br />

and thanked him for dinner.<br />

“By the way, I <strong>full</strong>y intend to have<br />

dessert. I hope you aren’t put off<br />

by a woman who actually eats?!”<br />

Naomi laughed. She’d never been<br />

the kind of girl to pretend she<br />

wasn’t hungry. When Naomi went<br />

to look up at Konstantin she felt<br />

her face caught in his hands, his

face was inches from hers. He held<br />

her gaze and she felt his breath on<br />

her lips. Her heart began to race<br />

and she was at a loss for words as<br />

she saw her reflection caught in the<br />

pools of his green eyes. She could<br />

feel his body closing in on hers<br />

and he breathlessly said, “Naomi,”<br />

before he kissed her.<br />

Konstantin couldn’t help it and<br />

knew he needed to feel more of her,<br />

to explore her. Without thinking he<br />

grabbed her and kissed her. Her lips<br />

were even softer than her skin and<br />

she tasted sweet. He was instantly<br />

addicted to her. Feeling her give<br />

herself to him was almost more<br />

than he could stand. He felt her<br />

tongue graze his, hungry for more<br />

of him and knew she felt the same<br />

way he did in that moment.<br />

He was normally not a fan of<br />

public displays of affection but in<br />

this moment it was just the two<br />

of them. Everything went quiet<br />

and everyone else disappeared. He<br />

could stay here forever. From that<br />

moment there were no other lips<br />

he could taste, no other woman<br />

that would satisfy him again.<br />

There would be no real happiness<br />

or fulfillment if she was not in his<br />

life. He’d relinquished all control to<br />

Naomi Brite and there was no going<br />

back. Not now, not ever.<br />

When Konstantin finally pulled<br />

back from Naomi she felt the heat<br />

in her cheeks as the dizzying feeling<br />

began to subside. She looked up<br />

at him surprised he’d kissed her<br />

and disappointed he stopped. She<br />

realized she’d been holding her<br />

breath and exhaled slowly letting<br />

herself get a grasp on reality again.<br />

He hadn’t let go of her right hand<br />

and interlaced his fingers with hers<br />

while gently pulling her into a slow<br />

stroll towards the coffee shop.<br />

Neither of them spoke a word<br />

wanting to prolong the moment<br />

they’d just shared. Both of them<br />

were aware of the reality of their<br />

situation. In just a few short<br />

months Konstantin would be<br />

moving back to California while<br />

Naomi continued her schooling in<br />

Kansas. The thought made Naomi’s<br />

heart ache.<br />

“I’ll have the slice of double<br />

chocolate cake and a glass of ice<br />

milk please,” Naomi said while<br />

handing the menu back to their<br />

waitress. She finally forced herself<br />

to look at Konstantin. She knew<br />

he’d been searching her since<br />

they’d kissed. She was fighting the<br />

internal battle of falling for him<br />

knowing it was not only the wrong<br />

time but the wrong person to let<br />

herself love. Love?! She didn’t even<br />

know him! Then when she looked<br />

him in the eyes all of her logic<br />

seemed to disappear.<br />

“What are you thinking about Ms.<br />

Brite?” Konstantin was nervous<br />

that she’d left him hanging since<br />

their kiss. She’d seemed happy<br />

and reciprocated the feelings in<br />

the moment but he swore he felt<br />

her pull away almost instantly. He<br />

hated that she seemed to be able to<br />

look right into his soul and yet he<br />

could never get a good read on her<br />

or what she was thinking. It made<br />

him feel weak, vulnerable and he<br />

fought the urge to resent her for it.<br />

“Before I started school in the fall I<br />

broke off a 4 year relationship with<br />

my boyfriend back in Colorado. I<br />

told him I had too much I wanted to<br />

accomplish and I knew I didn’t have<br />

it in me to also be in a relationship.<br />

I promised myself I wouldn’t<br />

let anything or anyone slow me<br />

down from the plans I have for my<br />

future.” Naomi paused to look at his<br />

reaction and he had an intense look<br />

on his face with a slight furrow in<br />

his brows like he didn’t know what<br />

to do with this information.<br />

“Huh, okay…. So why are you<br />

telling me this exactly?” Konstantin<br />

couldn’t help but be immediately<br />

defensive and felt his walls<br />

shooting up all around him. He was<br />

not used to being on the receiving<br />

end of a letdown. He couldn’t<br />

imagine this little speech having a<br />

good ending and prepared himself<br />

for her answer.<br />

“The truth is you’ve caught me<br />

by surprise. I’ve heard a lot about<br />

you and it wasn’t exactly flattering<br />

but I feel like I’ve seen someone<br />

different. Someone I truly enjoy<br />

being around and I just don’t know<br />

if that’s a good thing or not.” Naomi<br />

took in a breath as she waited for<br />

his response.<br />

Konstantin didn’t know what to<br />

think about her hearing things<br />

about him. Of course he had a<br />

particular reputation he couldn’t<br />

dispute but the truth was he WAS<br />

different around her. She made<br />

him feel like he wanted to be better<br />

and do better. He’d never felt like<br />

this before and wasn’t sure he was<br />

ready to let it go yet.<br />

“Why don’t we just take it a day<br />

at a time? We both know I am<br />

leaving to start school in the fall<br />

in California but I don’t think it<br />

should necessarily mean we throw<br />

in the towels now. I’ve been having<br />

a great time with you and even<br />

though life may call us in different<br />

directions it doesn’t mean we<br />

can’t be happy now. I really enjoy<br />

our connection and care deeply<br />

about you.” He smiled at her a little<br />

hoping she’d relent.<br />

Naomi smiled and in a snap<br />

decision said, “You’re right.<br />

We’re both adults and if we enjoy<br />

each other’s company there is no<br />

problem in enjoying the moment.”<br />

She reached out to touch his face<br />

and his eyes closed when she did.<br />

“What are you doing to me K?”<br />

She leaned in and kissed him on<br />

his cheek.<br />

Over the next several weeks<br />

Konstantin had become a ghost<br />

to his friends. He filled his days<br />

hanging with Naomi and his nights<br />

thinking about her. Although they<br />

hadn’t done more than kissed since<br />

they began their adventure he<br />

didn’t even mind. Her personality<br />

kept him on his toes and even<br />

though he was a man who wouldn’t<br />

turn down any chance to be with<br />

her it wasn’t what kept him around.

Naomi found herself completely<br />

infatuated with Konstantin. They<br />

had so much in common and he’d<br />

become not only a romantic interest<br />

for her but a friend on a deeper<br />

level than words could describe.<br />

She’d never been around anyone<br />

who she felt so comfortable with<br />

even in their extended moments<br />

of silence. He understood her on<br />

a level no one ever had. His touch<br />

made her feel lost and found at<br />

the same time. His kisses melted<br />

her heart.<br />

Naomi knew she loved Konstantin<br />

but vowed to never tell him. She<br />

feared if she said it out loud their<br />

safe little world they’d created<br />

would shatter. It’s also the reason<br />

she decided to not sleep with him.<br />

That was a level of intimacy she<br />

knew would break her if she gave<br />

herself to him and he left. This was<br />

a situation that felt amazing and<br />

impossibly terrifying but she knew<br />

this was all they could offer each<br />

other. Here and now.<br />

Konstantin had been planning<br />

a big day to celebrate Naomi’s<br />

21st birthday and was excited as<br />

the weekend was approaching.<br />

He was never a fan of romance<br />

but he wanted the entire day to<br />

be incredibly special. He’d even<br />

spoken to his family about Naomi<br />

and was considering having her<br />

meet them when they came to<br />

Kansas for his graduation. Another<br />

first he’d never pictured himself<br />

doing. At this point Konstantin felt<br />

like he’d be willing to do just about<br />

anything to keep her in his life. He<br />

just wasn’t sure if she felt the same<br />

and the idea broke his heart.<br />

The morning of Naomi’s birthday<br />

she woke up to a dorm room <strong>full</strong><br />

of flowers and balloons. Cyndi sat<br />

on the edge of her bed with a big<br />

grin on her face, “Good morning<br />

birthday girl! Can you believe this?!<br />

Someone is smitten!”<br />

Naomi sat up slowly taking in the<br />

scene and smiled. “I can’t believe<br />

he did all of this,” she whispered.<br />

Brite :<br />

PART V<br />

“Cyndi balanced on the edge of<br />

her bed while handing an envelope<br />

over to Naomi. “Hurry and read it, I<br />

can’t take the suspense! I thought<br />

you’d never wake up,” Cyndi<br />

squealed with ridiculous amounts<br />

of enthusiasm this early in the<br />

morning.<br />

Naomi rolled her eyes and giggled<br />

as she opened the envelope. There<br />

was a handmade card inside with<br />

intricate drawings depicting<br />

some of the memories she and<br />

Konstantin had made. She had no<br />

idea he could draw so beauti<strong>full</strong>y.<br />

Was there anything this man<br />

COULDN’T do?! She’d nearly<br />

forgotten there was an audience<br />

anxiously waiting to hear what he<br />

wrote but she was momentarily<br />

lost in their world. In his world. On<br />

the inside was written:<br />

These last couple of months have<br />

brought me closer to fulfillment<br />

than any other time in my life<br />

and I have you to thank for that<br />

Naomi Brite. You have managed to<br />

show me exactly who I want to be<br />

and what I need to do to get there<br />

without even trying. You somehow<br />

manage to push my limits, making<br />

me strive to be better while also<br />

being a place of peace and comfort.<br />

I am eternally grateful I have gotten<br />

this time with you and wouldn’t<br />

change it for the world. Today is<br />

all about you. I hope you’re ready<br />

for me to show you what you mean<br />

to me all day long! Get ready Ms.<br />

Brite, this will be a day you’ll never<br />

forget. -K<br />

Cyndi squealed and grabbed<br />

Naomi by the arm leading her to<br />

the bathroom. “He said to shower,<br />

put on what’s in the box and meet<br />

him out front in an hour!”<br />

Naomi lifted an eyebrow and<br />

smiled while she opened the<br />

garment box. Inside was a pair of<br />

new yoga pants, sports bra and<br />

fitted shirt all in Naomi’s favorite<br />

colors (hot pink and green). Next to<br />

the shower were a brand new pair<br />

of Nike’s. She smiled and shooed<br />

Cyndi out of the bathroom so she<br />

could get ready.<br />

As she finished tying her shoes she<br />

heard the voice that both startled<br />

and melted her.<br />

“Ms. Brite I believe you’re running<br />

late.” Konstantin stood at the<br />

entrance of her dorm looking<br />

incredibly handsome! She could<br />

tell he’d just gotten out of the<br />

shower. His hair still slightly damp<br />

and he was in his sports gear. He<br />

looked at her with hungry, soft<br />

eyes, a half crooked smile on his<br />

face and head tilted to the side.<br />

He held his hand out to her as she<br />

walked towards him and pulled<br />

her into him bringing them face to<br />

face. She could smell his cologne<br />

and feel his minty fresh breath on<br />

her. “There she is. Happy birthday<br />

beautiful.”<br />

Forgetting Cyndi was there smiling<br />

like a ridiculous schoolgirl, Naomi<br />

melted into his embrace and<br />

kissed him. She pulled back and<br />

let her hands rest around his neck<br />

gently rubbing the back of his head<br />

with her fingers. “I can’t believe<br />

everything you’ve done K. Thank<br />

you so much.” She smiled at him as<br />

he rested his hands on her hips and<br />

looked at her with a child-like grin<br />

on his face. Naomi could almost<br />

feel his excitement for whatever it<br />

was he had planned.<br />

“Naomi, you don’t know the half of<br />

it.” He interlocked fingers with her<br />

and began pulling her toward the<br />

door. “Thanks for the help Cyndi!”<br />

He winked at her as he and Naomi<br />

left the dorm room.<br />

Naomi struggled to keep up and<br />

squealed with excitement when<br />

she saw the new bikes waiting for<br />

them at the edge of the sidewalk.

“Is this mine?”<br />

“Hot pink just the way you like it<br />

Ms. Brite. Hop on and try to keep<br />

up!” Konstantin kissed her and<br />

jumped on his bike. He looked back<br />

and melted when he saw her riding<br />

close behind him with a big smile<br />

on her face. What he wouldn’t do<br />

to ensure he could see that smile<br />

all the time.<br />

Konstantin pulled up to a quaint<br />

breakfast place where he’d preordered<br />

Naomi’s favorite breakfast<br />

of French toast, bacon, eggs and<br />

fruit with a coffee. When they<br />

walked in they were walked to a<br />

table with more flowers and their<br />

meal already served with steam<br />

still rising from the plates. Naomi<br />

hadn’t realized how hungry she<br />

was until she saw it and proceeded<br />

to eat as if it had been weeks since<br />

she ate last.<br />

Konstantin laughed at her passion<br />

for food. “I will never understand<br />

where you put all the food you eat<br />

Ms. Brite!” He watched her in awe<br />

still questioning how she managed<br />

to look so sexy even while inhaling<br />

her breakfast. He handed her a<br />

glass of coffee with a smirk on<br />

his face knowing she’d need help<br />

washing down the last four bites<br />

she still had stored in her cheeks.<br />

Naomi’s face turned red as she<br />

took the cup from him trying not<br />

to laugh she sipped for a good 20<br />

seconds before tossing her napkin<br />

at him. “Alright ya jerk I can take a<br />

hint,” she said finally able to laugh<br />

out loud. “You can’t expect a girl to<br />

exercise first thing in the morning<br />

and NOT work up an animalistic<br />

appetite.” She play<strong>full</strong>y smacked<br />

his hand and before she could dive<br />

back into her meal he held her<br />

hand in his.<br />

Konstantin laughed as he motioned<br />

for the waiter to bring the check.<br />

“My goal today is to create a<br />

memory so meaningful that it will<br />

stay with you forever Ms. Brite.<br />

Only then could you understand<br />

what your presence has done to<br />

me.” He held her gaze and watched<br />

as his words washed over her. From<br />

the sparkle in her bright brown eyes<br />

to the twitch in her pink lips as they<br />

parted into a faint smile.<br />

She reached toward his face and<br />

touched him the only way she<br />

could. He’d grown to love her touch.<br />

It was kind, innocent and <strong>full</strong> of her<br />

love. She hadn’t said it but he knew<br />

because it was how he felt. There<br />

was no other way to describe what<br />

was happening between them.<br />

Konstantin planned a day <strong>full</strong><br />

of adventure for Naomi. After<br />

breakfast they went for a hike that<br />

led them to a running creek where<br />

they stopped for lunch he had<br />

waiting for them. They swam and<br />

played the way only two people in<br />

love could. They splashed, laughed<br />

and kissed completely lost in each<br />

other. Oblivious to the real world<br />

that awaited them.<br />

There were moments when<br />

Konstantin had to push away<br />

feelings of guilt for his recent<br />

absence in his family’s lives.<br />

They told him they understood<br />

and sounded thrilled he’d found<br />

someone that was bringing him so<br />

much happiness. The last time he’d<br />

spoken to his brother Erwin about<br />

Naomi he was hesitant and awaited<br />

an onslaught of harassment about<br />

no longer being a real man but<br />

his reply had been something he<br />

hadn’t expected.<br />

“Baby bro’s in love huh? Well<br />

between the two of us… maybe<br />

you’re the real man.”<br />

There hadn’t been a trace of<br />

mockery or teasing in his voice and<br />

Konstantin wasn’t sure if he picked<br />

up a sense of longing from Erwin but<br />

couldn’t imagine it since he was the<br />

GQ man of the family. Successful in<br />

life, business and women.<br />

Konstantin laughed it off and<br />

changed the subject quickly to<br />

avoid any kind of uncomfortable<br />

exchange but since then anytime<br />

they spoke Erwin made sure he<br />

asked how Naomi was and how<br />

they were doing. His curiosity in<br />

Konstantin’s relationship was<br />

both endearing and unsettling<br />

as it was a side of his brother he<br />

hadn’t seen before.<br />

Konstantin had a special night<br />

planned as Naomi had agreed to<br />

spend an overnight evening with him.<br />

Dinner at a 5 star restaurant with a<br />

view of the city. It was attached to<br />

the resort they would be staying at.<br />

He booked a suite for them with a<br />

private Jacuzzi, chocolate dipped<br />

strawberries and anything else he<br />

thought Naomi would enjoy. Before<br />

dinner he had her spend a few hours<br />

at the spa getting massaged and<br />

pampered from the day’s excursions.<br />

When she emerged from the salon<br />

in the dress he bought her he lost<br />

his breath. Her blonde hair was<br />

down in loose curls, her brown<br />

eyes framed by those incredibly<br />

dark lashes and her cheeks flushed<br />

pink. Her lips were <strong>full</strong> with a<br />

natural crimson color and curled<br />

up into a lazy smile as she walked<br />

towards him. Her milky skin looked<br />

incredibly soft against the black<br />

dress that hugged her every curve.<br />

If he died in this moment he knew<br />

he wouldn’t mind. Not with her as<br />

his last image.<br />

After dinner Konstantin took<br />

her down the long route back to<br />

their suite. They strolled through<br />

the rose garden where he picked<br />

a single rose and gave it to her.<br />

As they stood under the stars<br />

and moonlight he couldn’t keep<br />

what was on his mind to himself<br />

anymore. He took her hands and<br />

looked into her eyes struggling to<br />

find a way to put his feelings into<br />

words. There was something about<br />

her that made him feel unable to<br />

get a grip.<br />

Naomi could feel Konstantin’s<br />

hesitation and felt her heart begin<br />

to race. She wasn’t disillusioned<br />

enough to believe he’d done<br />

everything today expecting them to<br />

cuddle tonight however she wasn’t

sure if she was ready to take that<br />

next step. She had promised herself<br />

a long time ago that there would be<br />

no distractions during college and<br />

she’d already broken that promise.<br />

Yet when she looked at him and<br />

how hesitant he still was around<br />

her she felt her heart swell with<br />

love. If he was faking this than he<br />

was better than she could imagine<br />

but something told her this wasn’t<br />

an act. She waited patiently as he<br />

gathered himself and squeezed his<br />

hands reassuringly.<br />

Konstantin had been thinking<br />

about how to word his feelings for<br />

Naomi without making her feel like<br />

he had high expectations for the<br />

evening. He could no longer keep<br />

from saying something that came so<br />

naturally to him. “You are beautiful<br />

Naomi, in every way a woman can<br />

be and you make me want to be a<br />

better person. Your presence scares<br />

the hell out of me and yet I’ve never<br />

felt so safe around anyone in my<br />

life. I love you. I am not saying this<br />

in hopes that you will sleep with me<br />

tonight. I just want to be with you.<br />

I don’t know what this means for<br />

our future but I just needed you to<br />

know that.”<br />

Naomi felt lost for words. She knew<br />

Konstantin felt strongly for her but<br />

never imagined him sharing it since<br />

he was planning on moving back<br />

to California in just a few short<br />

months. She knew she’d fallen for<br />

him but wasn’t sure she wanted<br />

to say it out loud. She thought it<br />

would help ease what was bound<br />

to be a terrible ending. Now seeing<br />

him so vulnerable she didn’t know<br />

how to feel or what to say. Her mind<br />

raced with every possible outcome<br />

of this conversation and was trying<br />

to keep from getting caught up in<br />

the moment but when she looked<br />

up at him she felt herself fall.<br />

“I…love you… so incredibly much<br />

K. You’ve hit my life like a freight<br />

train and I’m happy you did.”<br />

Naomi’s eyes glazed over with tears<br />

of mixed emotions. She felt relieved<br />

yet terrified that she’d taken the<br />

leap of faith and placed her heart in<br />

the hands of a man she wasn’t sure<br />

knew how to care for it.<br />

Konstantin pulled her in a tight<br />

embrace and kissed her slowly,<br />

passionately. He could feel her<br />

quiver in his hands and wasn’t sure<br />

if it was the breeze or if it was fear.<br />

He hoped it was the breeze. He<br />

couldn’t stand the thought of being<br />

the cause for her being scared. He<br />

wanted to be the one to make her<br />

feel safe.<br />

As the rest of the night unfolded<br />

Naomi exceeded every expectation<br />

Konstantin could have imagined.<br />

It was the first time he ever felt<br />

unsure of himself and yearned to<br />

show her how much she meant to<br />

him. He fumbled over his words and<br />

even lost his balance at one point in<br />

the evening but when he looked in<br />

her eyes he could see the reflection<br />

of a person he always wanted to<br />

be. He knew right then that if this<br />

didn’t work out he’d be a broken<br />

man forever yet he couldn’t stop<br />

himself from letting himself go.<br />

The next morning Naomi woke up<br />

feeling elated. She reached over and<br />

felt an empty side of the bed. As she<br />

rubbed her eyes and sat up looking<br />

around she saw a single rose with a<br />

note attached to it that read:<br />

Good morning beautiful. Don’t you<br />

dare get out of bed because I’ll be<br />

back with breakfast to refuel and<br />

then more… well, you know. Love, K<br />

Naomi’s face hurt from smiling so<br />

much but she couldn’t help it. She<br />

was a woman in love. Head over<br />

heels, fireworks, fairytale love. A<br />

love she never knew existed. This<br />

is what it felt like. This is what<br />

people waited their whole life for.<br />

She couldn’t help but feel lucky. So<br />

incredibly lucky that she found it.<br />

Konstantin strolled through the<br />

garden to the restaurant to pick up<br />

the breakfast he ordered. He kept<br />

smiling and even found himself<br />

whistling at one point. He laughed<br />

and pulled his phone out realizing<br />

he’d been MIA for the last 24 hours.<br />

Since he had a few minutes he<br />

thought he should make sure all<br />

was well in the real world.<br />

As his phone started up he couldn’t<br />

help but smile at the replays from<br />

the night before. Naomi Brite was<br />

going to be the end of him. As<br />

his phone lit up he saw 49 missed<br />

calls and a slew of 911 texts from<br />

his mom, dad and buddy Colin.<br />

As he dialed his dad’s number his<br />

stomach was in knots while he<br />

waited for him to answer.<br />

“Dad, I’m so sorry I was…wait,<br />

what?! WHEN?! Oh Christ… what<br />

are you saying?! No no no no….. I’ll<br />

be home soon. No, I’m on my way!”<br />

Konstantin’s phone fell out of his<br />

hands as he heard a ringing in his<br />

ears and an echo of his dad’s words.<br />

Erwin…accident…didn’t make it.<br />

Without even thinking he called<br />

his driver and had him take him<br />

straight to the airport.<br />

On the plane ride home all<br />

Konstantin could think was how<br />

disconnected he’d been from Erwin<br />

since he started dating Naomi.<br />

He couldn’t help but feel guilty<br />

about spending so much time<br />

with her. Maybe if he’d been home<br />

with Erwin this wouldn’t have<br />

happened. His thoughts grew dark<br />

and he found it hard to not resent<br />

her for the lack of time spent with<br />

his brother recently.<br />

Maybe his brother had the right<br />

idea after all. He never allowed a<br />

woman to take up his time and<br />

cloud his thoughts. Maybe this was<br />

life’s way of telling him this whole<br />

relationship thing was a bad idea.<br />

He decided then he would invest<br />

his time in his family and let Naomi<br />

go. Who was he kidding? It would<br />

only be a matter of time before she<br />

grew tired of him and left anyways.<br />

Over the next few weeks Konstantin<br />

finished school from California and<br />

was trying to decide if he’d return<br />

at all for graduation. His parents<br />

tried to convince him that it was<br />

important and Erwin wouldn’t

want him to miss it but he couldn’t<br />

stand the thought of Erwin not<br />

being there.<br />

Naomi had stopped trying to<br />

reach him and rather than allow<br />

himself to feel any kind of pain<br />

or disappointment he reminded<br />

himself that it was for the best. He<br />

built up a wall and decided he’d<br />

never let another woman penetrate<br />

it again. The first time he allowed<br />

himself to fall and this happened.<br />

He couldn’t imagine feeling normal<br />

ever again. He’d focus on his career<br />

and family. That would be enough<br />

to fulfill him. It would have to be.<br />

Naomi decided to head back to<br />

Colorado as soon as school ended<br />

and was preparing to move out of<br />

the dorm. In the meantime she kept<br />

herself busy going out as often as<br />

she could and drinking anything<br />

and everything to keep herself<br />

numb. What an idiot she had been!<br />

She saw all the signs and knew<br />

better but still tried to see the best<br />

in someone who was incapable of<br />

loving anyone other than himself.<br />

Cindy who was normally one for<br />

socializing and going out tried<br />

talking Naomi into staying in this<br />

coming weekend. She told Naomi<br />

she was worried about her & all the<br />

“distractions” were only postponing<br />

the pain she would eventually need<br />

to feel. Naomi shrugged her off and<br />

told her once she left she wouldn’t<br />

need to worry anymore.<br />

Konstantin finally pulled himself<br />

out of bed at around 1 in the<br />

afternoon and went into his father’s<br />

office. He poured himself a drink<br />

and sat in one of leather chairs.<br />

“I’ve decided not to walk in the<br />

graduation.” He sipped his drink<br />

letting the alcohol pour a blanket of<br />

numbing medicine down his throat<br />

and straight to his heart. He hadn’t<br />

slept well in weeks. Every time he<br />

fell asleep he had nightmares about<br />

Naomi and Erwin.<br />

His father, Aksel, looked at his son<br />

and felt burdened to share the truth<br />

with him. “Konstantin, Erwin loved<br />

you very much and knew how much<br />

you looked up to him. That being<br />

said, I need to be honest with you.<br />

Erwin suffered from crippling<br />

depression and anxiety. He has<br />

since college. He had a break<br />

during his sophomore year which<br />

is why he decided to finish at a<br />

local university.”<br />

Konstantin sat his drink down trying<br />

to clear his foggy, sleepless thoughts.<br />

“Wait, I thought he switched so he<br />

could learn more about the business<br />

from you? The internship and<br />

mentoring program…”<br />

“That’s what we decided to tell you.<br />

Erwin didn’t want you to know. The<br />

truth is despite his success he’d<br />

always longed to have something<br />

you had. He was incredibly relieved<br />

when you found Naomi. We all were.<br />

There was something in your voice<br />

when you spoke about her that<br />

made us feel at peace and hopeful<br />

for your future. Erwin would have<br />

given anything to be a one lady<br />

kind of guy but his state of mind<br />

was his kryptonite. Konstantin, his<br />

car didn’t lose control…he…Well,<br />

I don’t think he could stand the<br />

pain anymore...” Aksel’s eyes filled<br />

with tears and his head fell as they<br />

poured down his face.<br />

Konstantin shook violently as<br />

tears involuntarily streamed down<br />

his face. The anger, pain and loss<br />

that tore through him was more<br />

than he could stand. He stood up,<br />

smashed his glass into the floor and<br />

started pacing. “Don’t. Stop. Don’t<br />

you dare finish that sentence! He<br />

wouldn’t do that! He wouldn’t do<br />

that dad!” He slammed his fist into<br />

the wall repeatedly until it started<br />

to bleed before sliding to the floor<br />

in a melted heap.<br />

His father walked over and knelt<br />

down next to him. His mother, Elise,<br />

heard the commotion and came<br />

rushing in. She knelt down and<br />

took him in her arms and together<br />

they grieved the loss of their son<br />

and brother.<br />

Naomi had been back in Colorado<br />

for a couple of weeks and finally<br />

able to get through a day without<br />

crying. She kept busy helping her<br />

dad at the shop and planning the<br />

next step she would take. There<br />

was something healing about being<br />

back in her home town with her<br />

father. She took long walks every<br />

evening to clear her head. She<br />

decided she would focus on her<br />

career and taking care of her dad.<br />

She would never again allow a man<br />

to sidetrack her.<br />

As she neared her father’s house<br />

she saw a familiar figure standing<br />

on the porch and rubbed her eyes<br />

thinking they were playing tricks<br />

on her. How would he even know<br />

how to find her?! She stopped<br />

and stared at him for a moment<br />

then took a deep breath and<br />

slowly walked towards him. No<br />

matter what happened she wasn’t<br />

going to let her guard down. She<br />

couldn’t even begin to think of<br />

a good enough excuse for him<br />

having disappeared for so long<br />

with no contact.<br />

“What are you doing here?” Her<br />

voice sounded foreign even to her<br />

own ears. She stopped at the bottom<br />

of the steps and crossed her arms.<br />

She saw him take a few hesitant<br />

steps forward where the moonlight<br />

shone on his face and what she saw<br />

made her heart hurt. Although he<br />

was clean shaven his face looked<br />

drawn, hallow, his eyes looked sad<br />

and his shoulders were slumped<br />

with the weight of the world. It<br />

was all she could do to keep herself<br />

from running and taking him in her<br />

arms. She unlatched her arms but<br />

kept her distance.<br />

Konstantin wanted to grab her and<br />

take her home, to take her to bed<br />

and make up for all the lost time.<br />

He wanted to kiss her and show<br />

her how sorry he was instead of<br />

standing here struggling to find<br />

the words. He took one more step<br />

closer then stopped when she took<br />

a slight step back. His head fell<br />

and his heart ached knowing how<br />

bad he’d hurt her. He searched her<br />

eyes and knew she’d disconnected

herself from him. It wasn’t the look<br />

of a woman in love but a woman<br />

unattached & guarded. This hurt<br />

him the most.<br />

He cleared his throat and started,<br />

“There’s no excuse for what I did to<br />

you, to us. All I can say is that I found<br />

myself in a place I didn’t know how<br />

to navigate and so I defaulted to<br />

what I know how to do best which is<br />

to run. The night we celebrated your<br />

birthday, my brother died. I shut off<br />

my phone and didn’t find out until<br />

the next morning on my way to get<br />

us breakfast. Everything else is a<br />

blur. All I know is that even though<br />

I was home, a place where I once<br />

was always able to find refuge, I felt<br />

lost. Anything I’d done in the past<br />

that helped me find peace wasn’t<br />

working anymore. The one person I<br />

wanted to run to I locked out of my<br />

life. The more time that passed the<br />

more I thought there was no way<br />

you’d take me back. I know I don’t<br />

have a right to do this but I love you<br />

Naomi. It took me losing you and<br />

my brother to realize what is truly<br />

important in life and you are a part<br />

of it. You are my life. My life began<br />

when I met you and has felt like it<br />

ended since the last time I saw you.<br />

Please forgive me, marry me and let<br />

me spend the rest of my life making<br />

it up to you.”<br />

Konstantin slowly knelt down on one<br />

knee and took out the ring he had in<br />

his pocket. His heart was on the line.<br />

He knew very well she could either<br />

heal him or break him once and for<br />

all but he couldn’t go a day longer<br />

without knowing. He held his breath<br />

as he waited for her response.<br />

Naomi realized she was clenching<br />

her skirt in her hands and tears<br />

were falling freely down her face.<br />

The cool breeze made the liquid<br />

feel chilled on her cheeks. She freed<br />

her hands, smoothed out the skirt<br />

and wiped the tears off her face.<br />

She took a deep breath and walked<br />

right up to Konstantin. Standing<br />

this close to him she could smell<br />

his cologne and longed for him<br />

to take her in his arms. Her eyes<br />

moved from his face to the ring<br />

and back. She knelt down next to<br />

him and took his hands in hers. She<br />

knew now what she had to do, what<br />

she needed to do. She took another<br />

long steadying breath and looked<br />

him right in the eyes before finally<br />

pouring her entire heart out to him.<br />

She knew from this night forward<br />

their lives would never be the same.<br />

TheEnd<br />

Story by: Jessica M.<br />

“I’d like to take this time to say thank you to all of the UR IT<br />

followers who are reading my <strong>story</strong>. Your support is important<br />

and greatly appreciated. My inspiration comes directly from the<br />

readers. I am happy to share this journey of writing my first short<br />

<strong>story</strong> together. I hope you enjoyed the love <strong>story</strong> between Naomi<br />

and Konstantin.”<br />

- Jessica M.

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