7<br />



1.- LONDON<br />

2.- INDIA<br />



5.- J.K. ROWLING<br />


7.- WATER<br />


9.- CHRISTMAS<br />

10.- <strong>MY</strong> LIFE

Name: __________<br />

LONDON<br />

England is a country in the North-West of Europe. It is part of an<br />

island. About 50.700.000 people live there. England is part of<br />

Great Britain. London is the capital city of England.<br />

London is a very big city. About 7.500.000 people live there. There<br />

are lots of places to visit in the city. Big Ben is a very famous clock<br />

in London. It is next to the River Thames. This monument is called<br />

Big Ben because the biggest bell in the tower is called Ben. The<br />

tower is very beautiful. It is one of the most famous symbols in<br />

Europe. Thousands of tourists visit it every year.<br />

Next to Big Ben, there are the Houses of Parliament. Opposite Big<br />

Ben there is the London Eye, the biggest wheel in Europe. It has 35<br />

capsules and 25 people can be inside each one.<br />

Also, there are other important monuments in London. St. Paul's<br />

Cathedral is a very beautiful old cathedral. It is one of the biggest<br />

cathedrals in the world. The Tower of London is next to the River<br />

Thames and next to Tower Bridge. Buckingham Palace is a very big<br />

palace in the middle of London. The Royal family lives in<br />

Buckingham palace. Every day, there is the Changing of the Guard<br />

at twelve o'clock in the morning. Lots of tourists go and see it every<br />

day.<br />

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Also, London is famous for its parks. It has got big parks in the city:<br />

Hyde Park, Regent's Park and St. James Park. In the parks, there<br />

are lakes and lots of trees. You can go walking, skateboarding or<br />

rollerblading in the parks.<br />

In London there are famous markets. Camden, Portobello and<br />

Covent Garden are big markets. You can buy lots of things. There<br />

are clothes, food, decorations, souvenirs... .<br />

Also, you can go shopping in Oxford Street and Regent Street.<br />

There are lots of shops there.<br />

In London there are some famous football teams. Chelsea, Arsenal<br />

and Tottenham Hotspurs are some of the teams from London. They<br />

play in the Premier League. London is fantastic !<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- Where is England located ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- How many people live in London ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- What is the name of the famous clock ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- Where are the Houses of Parliament ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- How many capsules are there in the London Eye ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- Is St. Paul's cathedral ugly and new?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- Where is The Tower of London located ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- What is the name of the palace where the Royal family lives ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- What time can tourists see the Changing of the Guard ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- What are the names of some football teams in London ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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8.-<br />

Activity 2. Write in order<br />

1.- n o d n L o ______________ 6.- u o e E r p ______________<br />

2.- n B e i B g ______________ 7.- g n d E n l a ______________<br />

3.- m T a h s e<br />

______________<br />

______________<br />

4.- E d L n n o o e y ______________ 9.- P l u a 's St.<br />

______________<br />

H e d y k r a p<br />

______________<br />

______________<br />

5.- m C d a n e ______________<br />

10.- h C l e s a e<br />

______________<br />

Activity 3. Complete<br />

Big Ben – Buckingham Palace – Camden – Hyde Park – London Eye<br />

1.- __________ is very big and beautiful. The Royal family lives there.<br />

2.- __________ is very quiet. You can go walking, running or rollerblading.<br />

3.- The __________ has thirty-five capsules.<br />

4.- __________ is very big. There are shops. You can buy lots of things.<br />

5.- __________ is a famous clock in London. It is next to the River Thames.<br />

Activity 4. Complete<br />

______ Ben is one of the most<br />

famous ________ in London. It is a<br />

_______ and it's next to the River<br />

_______. It is called Big Ben because<br />

the ________ bell of the clock is<br />

called Ben.<br />

Big<br />

clock<br />

symbols<br />

biggest<br />

Thames<br />

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Name: __________<br />

INDIA<br />

India is a very big country in Asia. It is the seventh largest country of<br />

the world. New Delhi is the capital city. About people<br />

live in India.The official languages are Hindi, English and 21 others.<br />

They can speak English because India was an English colony in the<br />

past.<br />

One of the most famous and important characters in India was<br />

Mahatma Gandhi. He was a pacifist. He didn't like the British people<br />

in India and he started nonviolent protests. In 1947, the British left<br />

the country and India was independent.<br />

Indian society is divided into “castes”. Also, India is a very spiritual<br />

country. There isn't an official religion but more than 80 % of Indians<br />

are Hindu.<br />

Indians respect animals a lot. The most important animals for<br />

Indians are cows. It is a sacred animal and they cannot eat its meat.<br />

In India you can often see cows in the streets.<br />

Also, in India there are about 65.000 animal species, including<br />

elephants, pythons, river dolphins and rhinos. It is the only country<br />

in the world where there are lions and tigers. Also, India has got<br />

12.000 types of plants.<br />

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Lots of important inventions like the number system, algebra,<br />

trigonometry, calculus or chess come from India.<br />

Cricket is India's most popular sport. It was introduced by the British<br />

people. Also, hockey is considered a national sport. The Indian<br />

National Hockey team won the gold medal in the Olympic games in<br />

1928.<br />

India is a very exciting country !<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- Where is India located ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- How many people live there ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- Why do Indians speak English ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- Who was Mahatma Gandhi ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- What is Indian society divided into ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- Which is the most important religion in India ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- Do Indians respect animals ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- What is the sacred animal in India ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- What are the most important inventions from India?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- Which is the national sport ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Complete<br />

Mahatma __________<br />

was from India. He was<br />

one of the most famous<br />

__________ characters.<br />

He was a __________.<br />

He protested against the<br />

________. He started<br />

_________ protests.<br />

Indian<br />

nonviolent<br />

British<br />

Ghandi<br />

pacifist<br />

Activity 3. Complete<br />

Hindu – Asia – English – Gandhi – castes –<br />

cow – Cricket – species – Hockey - colony<br />

1.- People speak __________.<br />

2.- India is a big country in __________.<br />

3.- __________ is considered a national sport.<br />

4.- The __________ is a sacred animal in India.<br />

5.- 80 % of Indians are __________.<br />

6.- Mahatma __________ is a very important character in India.<br />

7.- There are about 65.000 animal __________ in India.<br />

8.- Indian society is divided into __________.<br />

9.- __________ is India’s most popular sport.<br />

10.- In the past, India was a British __________.<br />

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Name: __________<br />

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous statues in the world.<br />

It is located in New York City, one of the most important cities in the<br />

United States of America (USA). New York is located in the Northeastern<br />

coast of the United States.<br />

The city is divided into five parts: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan,<br />

Queens and Staten Island. New York City is next to the Atlantic<br />

Ocean. About 8.300.000 people live there. There are lots of<br />

skyscrapers, parks, museums, shops, theatres and cinemas.<br />

The Statue is one of the most important symbols of the USA. Lots of<br />

people visit it every year. The Statue is a woman with a book in one<br />

hand and a torch in the other. It is 46 metres high from the ground to<br />

the top of the torch. Visitors climb 354 steps to arrive at the crown.<br />

In the crown there are 25 windows. You can see all the city. Also,<br />

the crown has seven rays. They represent the seven seas of the<br />

world.<br />

The story of the Statue is very original. The Statue of Liberty was<br />

built in France. The construction started in 1880. When it was<br />

finished, French people broke the Statue into 350 pieces and they<br />

put them in ships. They brought the pieces to New York and they<br />

reconstructed the Statue again. So, the Statue of Liberty was a<br />

present from the French people to America to celebrate democracy.<br />

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In October 1924, the Statue of Liberty became a national<br />

monument. Thousands of tourists visit the Statue every year. The<br />

Statue of Liberty and New York City are amazing!<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- Where is the Statue of Liberty located ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- Where is New York City located ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- Is New York City divided in four parts ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- How many people live there ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- What is the Statue of Liberty ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- How many metres high is the Statue ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- How many windows are there in the crown ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- What do the seven rays of the crown represent ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- Where was the Statue of Liberty built ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- When did the Statue become a national monument ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Write in order<br />

1.- b t L i e y r _______________ 6.- c t o r h _______________<br />

2.- r e p s r a c y k s _______________<br />

3.- r n x B o<br />

_______________<br />

4.- Y k N w e o r<br />

_______________<br />

5.- t s t e u a<br />

_______________<br />

7.- A S U<br />

8.- r c w o n<br />

9.- u m e o m n t n<br />

10.- n c r e F a<br />

_______________<br />

_______________<br />

_______________<br />

_______________<br />

Activity 3. Correct the mistakes<br />

1.- The Statue of Liberty is in China. ______________________________<br />

2.- NY is located next to the Pacific Ocean. ______________________________<br />

3.- A bout 8.300 people live in New York. ______________________________<br />

4.- The Statue is a man with a book. ______________________________<br />

5.- There are 345 steps to get the crown. ______________________________<br />

6.- There are 24 windows in the crown.<br />

7.- The Statue was built in Spain.<br />

8.- The construction started in 1808.<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

Activity 4. Match<br />

46 . Pieces that French break the statue.<br />

1924 . Steps to arrive at the crown.<br />

25 . Metres high from the ground to the torch.<br />

350 . The statue becomes a national monument.<br />

354 . Windows in the crown.<br />

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Name: __________<br />


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a composer and a musician.<br />

He lived in the 18 th century. He is one of the most important<br />

composers in the history of music.<br />

During his life, he composed more than 600 pieces of music,<br />

including symphonies, piano conciertos, operas and choral<br />

music.<br />

He was born in Salzburg, a very beautiful city in Austria. He was<br />

born in 1756 into a musical family. His father was a musician.<br />

He played in an orchestra, taught the violin and was a<br />

composer.<br />

Mozart started the keyboard lessons when he was three years<br />

old. He wrote the first pieces of music when he was five years<br />

old.<br />

When he was six years old, Mozart and his family went on tours<br />

in Europe for about ten years. He met great musicians and he<br />

studied the best composers. He met Johan Bach in London in<br />

1764.<br />

Mozart moved to Viena, the capital city of Austria. He composed<br />

some of his best pieces of music.<br />

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Mozart composed “The Marriage of Figaro” and “The Magic<br />

Flute”, two of the most famous operas in the world.<br />

Now, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the most important<br />

influences on classical music and students from all over the<br />

world study his work. Nowadays, movies, TV commercials,<br />

concerts and mobile phone ringtones use his music.<br />

Lots of music experts say Mozart was a genius.<br />

Mozart is fantastic !<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- Which century did he live ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- What was his job ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- How many pieces of music did he compose ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- Where was he born ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- What was his father’s job ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- How old was Mozart when he started writing pieces of music ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- When did he go on tour in Europe ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- Which two popular operas did Mozart write ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- Who uses his music nowadays ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- What do experts say about Mozart ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Read and classify<br />

Piano<br />

Guitar<br />

Trumpet<br />

Reggae<br />

Pop<br />

Drums<br />

Classical<br />

Violin<br />

Rock<br />

Ska<br />

Techno<br />

Saxophone<br />

Music style<br />

Instrument<br />

Activity 3. Write TRUE or FALSE<br />

1.- Mozart was a musician and a teacher. ___________<br />

2.- He composed more than 600 pieces of music. ___________<br />

3.- He was born in 1576. ___________<br />

4.- His father was a musician. ___________<br />

5.- Mozart started the keyboard lessons at five. ___________<br />

6.- He met Bach in New York. ___________<br />

7.- Viena is the capital of Sweden.<br />

8.- Mozart composed the Marriage of Figaro.<br />

___________<br />

___________<br />

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Name: __________<br />

J. K. Rowling<br />

J.K. Rowling is a very famous writer. She is the writer of “Harry<br />

Potter”.<br />

She is from England. She is English. Her real name is Joanne<br />

“Jo” Rowling. She was born on July 31, 1965. She was born in<br />

Yate, England.<br />

When she was a child, she loved fantasy stories. She always<br />

told stories to her sister. When she became an adult, she<br />

wanted to be a writer.<br />

She studied at a school in Glouscester, England but when she<br />

was nine years old she moved to South Wales. When she<br />

finished her studies, she studied French in Paris for a year.<br />

When she came back to London, she had different jobs.<br />

J.K.Rowling worked as a journalist, an English teacher,... but<br />

one of her favourites jobs was working for Amnesty<br />

International helping people.<br />

One day, when she was travelling by train from London to<br />

Manchester in 1990, she had a brilliant idea for a new fantasy<br />

story. The idea was about a boy who wanted to be a wizard and<br />

he studied at a special school. She started writing the story.<br />

Harry Potter was created.<br />

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In 1996, she published the book. The book was successful in<br />

Britain. She could start writing full time. Then, she started<br />

publishing the book in America and it was successful too.<br />

In 1998, Warner Bros bought the rights to the books and they<br />

made the movies. All the actors are British.<br />

On the 21 st of December 2006, J.K.Rowling finished her final<br />

book of the Harry Potter series “Harry Potter and the Deathly<br />

Hallows”. All the books were sold very fast.<br />

Now, J.K.Rowling is one of the most famous writers around the<br />

world. She is great!<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- What is her real name ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- Where is she from ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- Where was she born?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- What did she love when she was a child ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- When did she move to South Wales ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- Where did she study French ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- What were her jobs in England ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- Where did she get the idea for Harry Potter ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- When did she publish the book ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- When did she finish her final book ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Write in order<br />

1.- n E n g a d l ______________ 6.- s i P a r ______________<br />

2.- l n g R o i w ______________ 7.- r i r t w e ______________<br />

3.- y a r r H ______________ 8.- o r e t t P ______________<br />

4.- i t s n a o u j r l ______________ 9.- e t a Y ______________<br />

5.- r d i w z a ______________ 10.- o o k b ______________<br />

Activity 3. Write in a chronologycal order<br />

. She worked for Amnesty Inter. ___________<br />

. She was born in 1965. ___________<br />

. She comes back to London. ___________<br />

. She loved fantasy stories. ___________<br />

. She started writing Harry Potter. ___________<br />

. She studied in Glouscester. ___________<br />

. She studied French in Paris. ___________<br />

. She moved to South Wales. ___________<br />

Activity 4. Write TRUE or FALSE<br />

1.- J.K.Rowling is a famous painter. ___________<br />

2.- She loved fantasy stories. ___________<br />

3.- She studied French in Brazil.<br />

___________<br />

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Name: __________<br />

African elephants are the biggest land animals on Earth. They<br />

are mammals. They live in Africa. They live in the savannah,<br />

forests, river valleys and semi-desert regions of Africa south of<br />

the Sahara desert.<br />

They are herbivores, they eat all kind of vegetation like grasses,<br />

leaves or fruits but they don’t eat meat. They are social animals.<br />

They live in groups. The oldest female of the group is the leader<br />

and the rest of the members follow her.<br />

They can live for about 70 years. They are very big. They can<br />

weigh more than 5.000 kilograms and they can be 4 metres tall.<br />

An adult elephant trunk is about 2 metres long. This long nose<br />

is used to drink, smell, breathe and trumpet. Elephant trunks<br />

can produce more than 25 sounds. Also, elephants have got<br />

two tusks.<br />

An African elephant can eat 130 kilograms of food in one day.<br />

They need a lot of food to live. Also, it can drink 7.5 litres of<br />

water every time. They spend most of the time eating and<br />

drinking. After drinking a lot of water, they can go two days or<br />

more without drinking.<br />

Baby elephants drink milk from their mothers for four, five or six<br />

years.<br />

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African elephants don’t have enemies because they are very<br />

big and the other animals are afraid of them. Sometimes, the<br />

only enemy are the humans. Some people want to kill them<br />

because of their tusks.<br />

There are some differences between African and Asian<br />

elephants. African elephants are bigger than their cousins,<br />

Asian elephants. African elephants can be 4 metres tall and<br />

Asian 3.5 metres. The African can weigh between 4.000 – 7.500<br />

kilograms and Asian can weigh between 3.000 and 6.000<br />

kilograms. Also, African elephants have bigger ears and bigger<br />

tusks than their cousins from Asia.<br />

African elephants are amazing!<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- Are African elephants fish ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- What do they eat ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- Where do they live ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- What are the differences between African and Asian elephants ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- How long can African elephants live ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- How long is their trunk ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- How many tusks do they have ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- How many kilograms of food can they eat in one day ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- How many litres of water can they drink at a time ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- Do they have enemies ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Write the parts<br />

trunk<br />

legs<br />

tail<br />

eyes<br />

body<br />

head<br />

mouth<br />

tusk<br />

Activity 3. Correct the mistakes<br />

1.- African are smaller than Asian. ___________________________<br />

2.- They are the smallest animal. ___________________________<br />

3.- They live in Italy. ___________________________<br />

4.- They can live for about 2 years. ___________________________<br />

5.- Baby elephants drink coke. ___________________________<br />

6.- African elephants have 13 tusks.<br />

7.- They can’t drink water.<br />

8.- They have got a short trunk.<br />

___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

9.- They live alone, not in society. ___________________________<br />

10.- They have got two small ears.<br />

___________________________<br />

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Name: __________<br />

WATER<br />

Water is very important for the Earth, our planet. People can’t live on<br />

the Earth without water.<br />

There are two kinds of water on Earth: salt water and fresh water.<br />

People can only drink fresh water. We can’t drink salt water.<br />

Fresh water can be a problem for people. We can only use about<br />

one per cent of fresh water. The other 99 per cent of fresh water is in<br />

difficult places to get to. About 70 per cent of the fresh water on<br />

Earth is in Antarctica, at the South Pole, in the ice and icebergs.<br />

Water has an amazing cycle. Rain falls, water goes into the rivers<br />

and most rivers go to the oceans. When it’s sunny the ocean water<br />

gets warm and it goes up into the sky again.<br />

People can’t waste water. In Europe and countries like the USA and<br />

Canada, a person can use about 500 litres of water every day. An<br />

African family can use only 20 litres every day.<br />

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In some places people walk long distances to get water every day<br />

because they don’t have water at home. They get water from rivers<br />

or lakes and sometimes this water is dirty and people get sick. About<br />

85 per cent of diseases of the world are caused by drinking dirty<br />

water.<br />

Water is fantastic!<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- Can people live without water ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- How many kinds of water are there on Earth ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- Can people use the all fresh water on Earth ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- Where is 70 % of fresh water on Earth located ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- Can you explain the water cycle ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- Can people waste water ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- How many litres of water can a European person use every day ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- How many litres of water can an African family use every day ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- Do all the people have water at home ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- Are lots of diseases caused by drinking dirty water ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Complete<br />

problem – sunny - Antarctica – waste - important –<br />

American – drink – diseases - fresh – African<br />

1.- Water is very __________ for the Earth.<br />

2.- There are two kinds of water: salt water and __________ water.<br />

3.- People can’t __________ salt water.<br />

4.- Fresh water can be a __________ for people.<br />

5.- About 70 % of the fresh water is in the __________.<br />

6.- When it’s __________ the ocean gets warm.<br />

7.- People can’t __________ water.<br />

8.- An __________ person can’t use about 500 litres every day.<br />

9.- An __________ family can use about 20 litres every day.<br />

10.- About 85 % of __________ are caused by dirty water.<br />

Activity 3. Correct the mistakes<br />

1.- Water isn’t important for people. ___________________________<br />

2.- We can drink salt water. ___________________________<br />

3.- There isn’t fresh water in Antarctica. ___________________________<br />

4.- There are four kinds of water.<br />

5.- We can use 100 % of fresh water.<br />

6.- When it’s cold the ocean gets warm.<br />

___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

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Name: __________<br />

A healthy life is very important for people. There are some important<br />

things we can do to have a healthy life like good food habits, doing<br />

some exercise every day and sleeping well.<br />

Sometimes these good habits are difficult for people. We sometimes<br />

prefer eating unhealthy food, spending our free time watching<br />

television or staying in front of the computer for many hours. These<br />

bad habits can be dangerous for people.<br />

What can we do to have a healthy life?<br />

. Start the day with a good breakfast. Breakfast is the first meal of<br />

the day and it is very important to choose the right food. A healthy<br />

and nutritious breakfast is the most important meal of the day.<br />

. We can do some exercise every day. It isn’t necessary to go to the<br />

gym every day or spend a lot of time doing exercise. You can walk to<br />

school, ride your bike or play with your friends in the park to do<br />

some exercise.<br />

. Drink water every day. Water is the healthiest drink for people. It is<br />

better than soft drinks and other sugary drinks. Skimmed fat milk is<br />

also a good drink for children.<br />

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. Eat fruit and vegetables every day. Fruit and vegetables help<br />

people to stay healthy and reduce the risk of diseases. Foods that<br />

are high in sugar or fats can cause obesity and other diseases.<br />

. Don’t spend a lot of time watching television, surfing Internet or<br />

playing computer games. We shouldn’t spend a long time in front of<br />

the screen. Sedentary life can be dangerous.<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- What can we do to have a healthy life ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- Are these good habits easy for people ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- Are bad habits good for people ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- Is breakfast important ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- Which is the most important meal of the day ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- Is it important to do some exercise every day ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- How can you do some exercise ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- Is water important for people ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- How often should we eat fruit and vegetables ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- Is watching television a lot of time a good habit ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Write in order<br />

1.- healthy A important people life for is ___________________________<br />

2.- habits Good difficult people be can for ___________________________<br />

3.- unhealthy sometimes We eating food prefer ___________________________<br />

4.- dangerous habits Bad be can ___________________________<br />

5.- breakfast the day Start good a with ___________________________<br />

6.- do exercise every day We can some ___________________________<br />

7.- necessary gym to to go It isn’t the<br />

8.- school You walk can to<br />

9.- vegetables fruit Eat and day every<br />

10.- dangerous Sedentary be can life<br />

___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

___________________________<br />

Activity 3. Write TRUE or FALSE<br />

1.- A healthy life isn’t important for people. ___________<br />

2.- Sometimes good habits are difficult for people. ___________<br />

3.- We sometimes prefer eating bad food. ___________<br />

4.- Start the day with an unhealthy breakfast. ___________<br />

5.- We can do some exercise every day. ___________<br />

6.- It is necessary to go to the gym. ___________<br />

7.- Don’t drink water every day.<br />

8.- Skimmed fat milk is a bad drink for children.<br />

___________<br />

___________<br />

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Name: __________<br />


Christmas is a very big celebration in lots of countries around<br />

the world. It is celebrated on December 25. Christmas is very<br />

important for Christians because it commemorates the birth of<br />

Jesus in Bethlehem.<br />

Christmas is only celebrated on the 25 th of December but<br />

children are on holiday for two weeks. They don't have to go to<br />

school.<br />

About one month before Christmas, streets, shops and houses<br />

are decorated with colourful Christmas lights and decorations.<br />

One of the most popular and famous symbols of Christmas is<br />

Santa Claus. He is also called “Santa” or “Father Christmas”.<br />

He is an old man. He is very fat, he has a long beard and he<br />

always wears a red suit. He is from Lapland, a region in<br />

Finland. He makes all the toys for children from all over the<br />

world. He lives with his best little friends, the elves. The elves<br />

help Santa to make toys.<br />

On the night of December 24, Christmas Eve, Santa travels<br />

through the sky on a sleigh. This sleigh is pulled by reindeers.<br />

Santa enters the houses through the chimney and leaves the<br />

presents under the tree or in a stocking.<br />

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In some countries, Santa appears in streets and shopping<br />

centres some weeks before Christmas. Children want to sit on<br />

Santa's lap and give him their pìctures, postcards or wishes.<br />

Christmas is also an important time to visit the family. Most<br />

families celebrate together and sing Christmas carols, decorate<br />

the Christmas tree and exchange Christmas cards and<br />

presents. Also, food is very important at Christmas. Lots of<br />

families celebrate Christmas with big meals. Each country has<br />

typical Christmas food.<br />

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !<br />

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Activity 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- What is Christmas ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.- What does Christmas commemorate ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- What are there in the streets ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- What is one of the most popular symbols of Christmas ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- Describe Santa.<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- Where does Santa live ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.-Who are the elves ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- When is Christmas Eve ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- How does Santa travel through the sky ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- How do most of the families celebrate Christmas ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Write in order<br />

1.- v s e l e ______________ 6.- o s c a l r ______________<br />

2.- i n d e e r e r ______________ 7.- g h i l s e ______________<br />

3.- n a S a t<br />

______________<br />

8.- c o t o i n e d a r<br />

______________<br />

4.- i r s m a C h t s ______________ 9.- e r e t<br />

______________<br />

5.- e e t r p s n<br />

______________<br />

10.- s d c r a<br />

______________<br />

Activity 3. Correct the mistakes<br />

1.- Father Christmas is a young man. ______________________________<br />

2.- Christmas is celebrated in November. ______________________________<br />

3.- Santa travels by car. ______________________________<br />

4.- Father Christmas wears a blue suit. ______________________________<br />

5.- The elves don't help Santa. ______________________________<br />

6.- Father Christmas comes from Japan.<br />

7.- People exchange potatoes.<br />

8.- Streets are full of cats.<br />

9.- Santa lives in Barcelona.<br />

10.- People sing rock songs.<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

______________________________<br />

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Name: __________<br />

<strong>MY</strong> LIFE<br />

Hi ! My name is John. I am thirteen years old. I live in Manresa,<br />

a small town near Barcelona. I am from Catalonia. I am<br />

Catalan. I can speak three languages, Catalan, Spanish and<br />

English. I love languages.<br />

I am quite tall and thin. My parents and my brother and sister<br />

are tall and thin too. I have short black hair and brown eyes. I<br />

have a small nose and small ears. I usually wear a tracksuit.<br />

My favourite hobbies are sports, music and computer games. I<br />

love football and basketball. I play football in my school team<br />

with my friends. We play a match every weekend. We usually<br />

play matches on Saturday mornings. Also, I like music. I study<br />

the piano. I am doing the third course. I love it. Finally, I like<br />

playing computer games. I usually play computer games three<br />

times a week at home.<br />

I live in a flat in the town centre. I live with my family. I live with<br />

my parents, my younger brother and my older sister.<br />

My father's name is Henry. He is forty-five and he is a doctor.<br />

He works in a hospital. He is intelligent and strong. His favourite<br />

hobbies are playing volleyball and reading comics.<br />

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My mother's name is Ann. She is thirty-nine and she is an<br />

English teacher. She is intelligent too. She loves travelling.<br />

My younger brother is Peter. He is only ten and he is really<br />

funny. He hates school and he loves playing football.<br />

My sister’s name is Julia. She is fifteen and she is really hardworking.<br />

Her school marks are excellent. She likes sports too.<br />

My school is “St. John's school”. It's a very big school. I am in<br />

6 th grade. Next year, I will study in the Secondary school. I like<br />

school. My favourite subjects are languages. I study Catalan,<br />

Spanish, English and a little French. I don't like Maths. Also, we<br />

study Projects, Science, Geography, P.E., Music and Art. All my<br />

friends study in St. John's.<br />

That's my life!<br />

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Activty 1. Answer the questions<br />

1.- What is my name ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

2.-How old am I ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

3.- Where do I live ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

4.- Write my physical description.<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

5.- What are my hobbies ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

6.- When do I play the football matches ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

7.- What is my father's name ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

8.- How old is my mum ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

9.- What is the name of my school ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

10.- How many languages do I study ? Which ones ?<br />

__________________________________________________.<br />

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Activity 2. Match<br />

1.- I live a.- an English teacher.<br />

2.- I am b.- 13 years old.<br />

3.- My brother hates c.- very big.<br />

4.- I study d.- school.<br />

5.- My school is e.- in Manresa.<br />

6.- My mother is f.- playing volleyball.<br />

7.- My sister is g.- really hard-working.<br />

8.- My father likes h.- four languages.<br />

Activity 3. Complete<br />

Spanish – fifteen – basketball – funny – tall – tracksuit – travelling - hospital<br />

1.- John usually wears a __________.<br />

2.- John likes playing __________.<br />

3.- John's father works in a __________.<br />

4.- John can speak Catalan, __________ and English.<br />

5.- John's mother likes __________.<br />

6.- John is __________ and thin.<br />

7.- John's sister is __________ years old.<br />

8.- John's brother is __________.<br />

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7<br />

Enjo Englis!<br />

<strong>MY</strong> <strong>WORLD</strong><br />





VIDEOS<br />

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