Cause Principle Unity

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Third dialogue<br />

GERVASIO. He may perhaps construe the shaft, which after all is<br />

neither very obscure nor very veiled, and answer, ‘It is you who have no<br />

intellect: I have more than all your sort.’<br />

TEOFILO. You will, then, credit him no more than you would a blind<br />

man who retorted that it is you who are blind, and that he sees much<br />

better than all those who believe they see like you.<br />

DICSONO. You have said enough to demonstrate in more detail than I<br />

have ever heard what the word ‘matter’ means and what must be understood<br />

by ‘matter’ in natural things. In the same way Timaeus the Pythagorean 13<br />

teaches us to find, through the metamorphosis of one element into another,<br />

the matter that is hidden and that can be known only in analogical terms.<br />

‘Where the form of the earth was’, he says, ‘there afterwards appeared the<br />

form of the water’, and here we cannot say that one form receives the other,<br />

because a contrary thing does not accept or receive another. That is, the dry<br />

does not receive the wet, or rather the dryness does not receive the wetness,<br />

but there is a third thing from which the dryness is expelled and into which<br />

wetness is introduced, and this third thing is the substratum of both contraries,<br />

not being itself contrary to any. It follows that, since we cannot think<br />

of the earth as reduced to nothing, we must conjecture that something<br />

which was in the earth has subsisted and is found in the water. For the same<br />

reason, that same thing will subsist and will be found in the air, when the<br />

water is transmuted into air (under the effect of the heat which reduces it<br />

to fumes or vapour).<br />

TEOFILO. From this we may conclude (in spite of our adversaries) that<br />

nothing is ever annihilated and loses its being, except for the external and<br />

material accidental form. That is why both the matter and the substantial<br />

form of any natural thing whatever (that is, its soul) can be neither<br />

destroyed nor annihilated, losing their being completely. Certainly this<br />

cannot be true of all the substantial forms of the Peripatetics and others like<br />

them, which consist of nothing but a certain complexion and a certain set<br />

of accidents; all that they are able to designate outside of their primary<br />

matter is nothing but accident, complexion, disposition of qualities, a principle<br />

of definition, quiddity. Hence, some cowled and subtle metaphysicians<br />

among them 14 , wishing to excuse rather than accuse their idol<br />

Aristotle, have come up with humanity, bovinity, oliveness as specific substantial<br />

forms. This humanity – for example, Socratiety – this bovinity, this<br />

13 The pseudo-Timaeus of Locri, in his De anima mundi et natura, 94, A.<br />

14 The Franciscans of the school of Duns Scotus.<br />


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