Cause Principle Unity

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Second dialogue<br />

DICSONO. So that, in some way, you allow Anaxagoras’ notion, who<br />

qualifies with the word ‘latent’ the particular forms of nature, and you<br />

approve, in part, that of Plato, who has them derive from ideas, and, in part,<br />

that of Empedocles, who has them issue from the intelligence, and, in<br />

certain measure, that of Aristotle, who puts them down as emerging, so to<br />

speak, from the potency of matter?<br />

TEOFILO. Yes, for as we have said, where there is form, there is, in a<br />

way, everything. Where there is soul, spirit, life, there is everything. The<br />

one who forms is the intellect, which acts through the ideal species; even<br />

if it does not bring forms out of matter, it does not then look for them<br />

outside of matter, since this spirit fills everything.<br />

POLIINNIO. Velim scire quomodo forma est anima mundi ubique tota [I<br />

would like very much to know how the world soul is a form which is present<br />

everywhere in its totality], if it is indivisible. It must, then, be very<br />

large, even of infinite dimension, since you say the world is infinite.<br />

GERVASIO. Here is good reason, indeed, for its being large. It is like<br />

what a preacher at Grandazzo in Sicily said of our Lord: to signify that he<br />

is present everywhere, he ordered a crucifix as large as the church, in the<br />

image of God the Father, who has the heavens for a canopy and the starry<br />

sky for a seat, and who possesses such long legs that they stretch down to<br />

earth, which he uses as a footstool. To this preacher came a certain peasant,<br />

saying, ‘Reverend father, how many ells of cloth would it take to make<br />

his hose?’ Another said that all Melazzo and Nicosia’s chickpeas, haricots<br />

and broad beans would not suffice to fill his belly. Be careful, then, that this<br />

world soul is not cut out the same way.<br />

TEOFILO. I would not know how to satisfy your perplexity, Gervasio,<br />

but I can that of Master Poliinnio. But for both of you, I will use a comparison,<br />

for I want you, too, to gather some fruit from our reasonings and<br />

discussions. In short, you must know, then, that the world soul and the<br />

divinity are not present entirely everywhere and through every part, in the<br />

same way as some material thing could be – since that is impossible for any<br />

body or spirit of any kind whatsoever – but are present in a manner that is<br />

not easy to explain, save in the following way. Please note that if we say the<br />

world soul and universal form are everywhere, we do not mean in a corporeal<br />

or dimensional sense, for they are not of that nature and cannot be found<br />

so in any part. They are everywhere present in their entirety in a spiritual<br />

way. To take an example (crude as it is), you might imagine a voice which<br />

is entire inside the whole room, and in every part of it: in effect, one hears<br />


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