Cause Principle Unity

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<strong>Cause</strong>, principle and unity<br />

mixed, the vegetative, the sensitive and the intellective, we do not, however,<br />

understand form in the vulgar sense, for that distinction is valid from<br />

the point of view of the operations which appear in the subjects and<br />

proceed from them, but not from the point of view of the primordial and<br />

fundamental essence of that form and spiritual life that fills all things,<br />

which it does in different ways.<br />

DICSONO. I understand. Inasmuch as this form that you posit as principle<br />

is a substantial form, it makes up a perfect species, is to itself its own<br />

genus, and is not, like the Peripatetic form, part of a species.<br />

TEOFILO. Exactly.<br />

DICSONO. The distinction of forms in matter is not a function of the<br />

accidental dispositions which depend on material form.<br />

TEOFILO. Correct.<br />

DICSONO. From which it follows that this separated form cannot be<br />

multiplied in the numerical sense, since all numerical multiplication<br />

depends on matter.<br />

TEOFILO. Yes.<br />

DICSONO. Further, it is invariable in itself, but varies because of the<br />

subjects and the diversity of matter. And such form, although it<br />

differentiates the part from the whole in the subject, is not, however, itself<br />

different in the part and in the whole, even if the definition we use for it<br />

differs according to whether it is considered as substantial by itself, or considered<br />

in so far as it is the act and perfection of some subject – and in that<br />

case, it is considered according to that specification and that individuation<br />

which it has assumed in this or that subject.<br />

TEOFILO. Exactly.<br />

DICSONO. You do not conceive of this form as being accidental, not as<br />

accidental form, not as mingled with matter or inherent in it, but as existing<br />

in it, associating itself with and assisting it.<br />

TEOFILO. That is just what I say.<br />

DICSONO. Moreover, this form is defined and determined by matter,<br />

since, on the one hand, possessing in itself the faculty of constituting the<br />

particulars of innumerable species, it happens to restrict itself in order<br />

to constitute an individual, and, on the other hand, the potency of indeterminate<br />

matter, which can receive any form whatsoever, finds itself<br />

limited to a single species. Thus, one is the cause of the definition and<br />

determination of the other.<br />

TEOFILO. Very good.<br />


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