Cause Principle Unity

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<strong>Cause</strong>, principle and unity<br />

POLIINNIO. Non entia sed entium. [Not entities, but of entities.]<br />

DICSONO. Certainly, if something of the substances were annihilated,<br />

the world would be emptied.<br />

TEOFILO. Thus, we have an intrinsic formal principle, eternal and subsistent,<br />

incomparably superior to that imagined by the Sophists 9 who,<br />

ignoring the substance of things, treat only of the accidents, and arrive at<br />

positing corruptible substances from the fact that what they call essentially,<br />

fundamentally and principally substance is what results from composition,<br />

which is only an accident, not containing in itself either stability or truth,<br />

and reduced to nothing. They say that what is truly man is the result of<br />

composition, and that what is truly soul is no more than the perfection and<br />

act of a living body, or even something that is the result of a certain symmetry<br />

in its constitution and members. Hence, it is not surprising that they<br />

make so much, and are so greatly afraid, of death and dissolution, since<br />

they believe the loss of being is imminent. Nature cries out against such<br />

madness, assuring us that neither the body nor the soul need fear death,<br />

because both matter and form are absolutely unalterable principles:<br />

O genus attonitum gelidae formidine mortis,<br />

quid Styga, quid tenebras et nomina vana timetis,<br />

materiam vatum falsique pericula mundi?<br />

Corpora sive rogus flamma seu tabe vetustas<br />

abstulerit, mala posse pati non ulla putetis:<br />

morte carent animae domibus habitantque receptae.<br />

Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.<br />

[You people, dismayed by fear of icy death, why are you terrified<br />

by the Styx, by shadows and empty names, the stuff of poets’ tales,<br />

by the dangers of a world that doesn’t exist? Our bodies, whether<br />

destroyed by the flames of the funeral pyre, or by slow decay, do<br />

not feel any suffering. Our souls are immortal and are ever received<br />

into new homes, where they live and dwell, when they have left<br />

their previous abode. All things change, but nothing dies.] 10<br />

DICSONO. I believe Solomon, esteemed the wisest among Hebrews,<br />

says something comparable: ‘Quod est quod est? Ipsum quod fuit. Quid est quod<br />

fuit? Ipsum quod est. Nihil sub sole novum’ [What is that which is? That<br />

which was. What is the thing that was? That which is. There is nothing new<br />

under the sun]. 11 And, thus, this form which you posit is not something<br />

9 For Bruno, the followers of Aristotle. 10 Ovid, Metamorphoses, XV, 153–9 and 165, cited from memory.<br />

11 Ecclesiastes, 1, 9, cited from memory.<br />


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