Cause Principle Unity

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Prefatory epistle<br />

Mens, cognata vocat summo de culmine rerum,<br />

discrimen quo sis manibus atque Iovi.<br />

Ne perdas hic iura tui fundoque recumbens<br />

implicitus tingas nigri Acherontis aquas.<br />

At mage sublimeis tentet natura recessus,<br />

nam, tangente Deo, fervidus ignis eris.<br />

[To his own spirit<br />

O mount, though the Earth bounds you, holding you by the deep<br />

roots on which you repose, at the summit you can stretch to heaven.<br />

O mind, a sister mind from the high summit of the world calls you, to<br />

be the boundary between heaven and hell. Do not lose your rights here<br />

below, and do not touch the black waters of Acheron, falling to the<br />

bottom and becoming caught in it. Rather, investigate the sublime<br />

recesses of nature, since, if God moves you, you will become ardent<br />

fire.]<br />

AL TEMPO<br />

Lente senex, idemque celer, claudensque relaxans,<br />

anne bonum quis te dixerit, anne malum?<br />

Largus es, esque tenax: quae munera porrigis, aufers;<br />

quique parens aderas, ipse peremptor ades;<br />

visceribus educta tuis in viscera condis,<br />

tu cui prompta sinu carpere fauce licet.<br />

Omnia cumque facis cumque omnia destruis, hinc te<br />

nonne bonum possem dicere, nonne malum?<br />

Porro ubi tu diro rabidus frustraberis ictu,<br />

falce minax illo tendere parce manus,<br />

nulla ubi pressa Chaos atri vestigia parent<br />

ne videare bonus, ne videare malus.<br />

[To time<br />

O old man, slow and swift, who opens and closes, must we speak well<br />

or ill of you? You are generous and stingy; the gifts you offer, you take<br />

back; you kill what you cause to be born, and what you generate from<br />

your bowels, in your bowels you devour, you to whom it is allowed to<br />

consume with your jaws the fruit of your bosom. You create all and<br />

destroy all: could I not, then, call you good, and call you evil? But<br />


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