Cause Principle Unity

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<strong>Cause</strong>, principle and unity<br />

and gloomy mantle may come to an end, allowing brilliant Titan, parent of<br />

the divine Muses, adorned with his family and surrounded by his everlasting<br />

court, to banish the nocturnal torches and brighten the world with<br />

a new day, surging forth again with his triumphant chariot from the<br />

vermilion bosom of this graceful Aurora.<br />

Farewell<br />



Lethaea undantem retinens ab origine campum<br />

emigret, o Titan, et petat astra, precor.<br />

Errantes stellae, spectate procedere in orbem<br />

me geminum, si vos hoc reserastis iter.<br />

Dent geminas somni portas laxarier usque,<br />

vestrae per vacuum me properante vices:<br />

obductum tenuitque diu quod tempus avarum,<br />

mi liceat densis promere de tenebris.<br />

Ad partum properare tuum, mens aegra, quid obstat,<br />

seclo haec indigno sint tribuenda licet?<br />

Umbrarum fluctu terras mergente, cacumen<br />

adtolle in clarum, noster Olimpe, Iovem.<br />

[from Giordano the Nolan to the <strong>Principle</strong>s of the Universe<br />

That the tenebrous Earth which, from the beginning, has cleaved to<br />

the wavy expanse of the waters, may leave its seat and fly towards the<br />

heavenly orbs, I beg you, O Sun. And you, wandering stars, behold<br />

me as I proceed towards the twofold heaven, since it is you who have<br />

opened this path to me. May your movements open before me, as I<br />

rush through the spaces, the doors of sleep: that which miserly time<br />

has kept long hidden, may it be allowed me to draw into the light out<br />

of the dense gloom. What prevents you, O suffering spirit, from<br />

hastening to give birth to your truth, though you bequeath it to an<br />

unworthy age? Though the flow of shadows submerges the Earth,<br />

you, my Olympus, make shine your peak in the clear heavens.]<br />


Mons, licet innixum tellus radicibus altis<br />

te capiat, tendi vertice in astra vales.<br />


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