Cause Principle Unity

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Index<br />

ubiquitous 49–50<br />

see also divinity<br />

gods 17, 126, 128<br />

goodness xxvi, xx, 41, 149, 150–1, 152<br />

grammar 29–32, 53<br />

gratitude 176<br />

greatness 67<br />

hell 165<br />

Heraclitus 64, 93<br />

hermeticists 38<br />

hierarchy of being / ladder of nature xi–xiv,<br />

xv, 8, 9, 11, 69, 75, 79, 93<br />

Hippocrates 141<br />

Holy Office xxxii–xxxiii<br />

Horace: Epistles 73<br />

humanity / humans 59–60<br />

binding 146, 148, 157<br />

corruption 174<br />

enthusiasts xxi–xxii<br />

types of xxv–xxvi, xxvi<br />

humours / temperaments 139, 140, 161<br />

ideal moulds xviii<br />

illnesses 127–8, 134<br />

see also medicine<br />

imagination<br />

and bonding 138–41, 155<br />

fantasy 69, 165<br />

immobility 67–8<br />

incantations 106<br />

indivisibility 10, 87–9<br />

infinity viii, ix–xi, xiv, 5, 10–11, 88, 91, 95<br />

Inquisition, Roman viii, xxxii–xxxiii<br />

intellect xx–xxii, 8, 58–9, 94–5<br />

comprehension of 68<br />

divine 39<br />

and forms xvi, 39–40, 49, 61<br />

mundane 38–9<br />

universal 37–9<br />

see also reason<br />

intelligible entities xvii–xviii<br />

intention / will 39, 109<br />

interaction of things 115–18<br />

invocations 105–6, 130, 131<br />

Jove 10, 20, 89<br />

Julius III, Pope 136–7<br />

justice xx<br />

Klein, R. xxvii n.<br />

knowledge vii, xxii, 5, 32<br />

ars combinatoria viin.<br />

and bonding 164<br />

Kramer, Heinrich 107n.<br />

language xxii–xxiii, 17–18, 52–4, 114–15<br />

criticism of 29–32<br />

see also orators / oratory<br />

Laurentius, St 147<br />

law<br />

divine x<br />

of nature xx–xxi<br />

Lemnius, Levinus: De occulis naturae miraculis<br />

(On the Hidden Miracles of Nature) xxiv,<br />

140<br />

light 15–16, 32, 108–9, 113, 118<br />

Locri 59n.<br />

logic 95<br />

love<br />

bonds xxi–xxii, xxvi, xxviii, xxix, 126, 130,<br />

136, 148, 151, 152, 161, 162–3, 165, 170–1,<br />

172–4<br />

and hate 100, 152–3<br />

verse addressed to 14<br />

Lucretius: De rerum natura xxiii, 116<br />

Lull, Ramon vii<br />

Luther, Martin: De servo arbitrio xxvi<br />

Machiavelli, Nicolo xxvii<br />

macrocosm 51–2<br />

magic xxii–xxix<br />

attraction and motion 118–23<br />

bonding<br />

from imagination 138–41<br />

from songs 126–9<br />

of spirits 123–6, 130–5, 170<br />

from vision 137–8<br />

from thought 141–2<br />

communion and interaction 115–18<br />

spirits 126–9<br />

teaching of 130<br />

types 105–7<br />

divine 107<br />

mathematical 105, 107–8<br />

medicine 63, 128, 134, 139, 140–1<br />

natural 105<br />

magicians 105, 107, 108, 112, 115, 134<br />

magnetism 118, 120–3<br />

manners 23–4<br />

Marie de Castelnau 74<br />

Mark, St 124<br />

Marsi people 135<br />

masculinity 32, 71<br />


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