Cause Principle Unity

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Index<br />

accident and substance 6, 9, 34–5, 45–6, 60–1,<br />

92, 95–6, 110, 113–14<br />

forms 59–62, 75<br />

accidentality 75<br />

Achaeans 163<br />

act / action/s<br />

conditions requisite 132<br />

and potency xi–xii, xiv, 8, 10, 39, 68–70,<br />

81–5, 88<br />

absolute 68–9, 79<br />

coincidence xiv–xvi, xxix<br />

magical xxix<br />

see also agent<br />

actuality xii, 83–5<br />

principles of reality 118<br />

actualization xvii, 126<br />

Adrastia 162<br />

age, effects of 160–1, 165, 166–7<br />

agent<br />

and action 62, 132<br />

and effect 39–40<br />

see also bonding agents<br />

Agrippa xxii<br />

De occulta philosophia xi<br />

air<br />

attraction 120<br />

bodies of 126<br />

motion 118<br />

spirits of 116–18, 125, 126<br />

Albert the Great, St 131<br />

alchemy 63, 55–6<br />

chemistry 134<br />

Amphitrite 129<br />

Anaxagoras 44, 49, 64, 83<br />

Anaxarchus 147<br />

Andrew, St 147<br />

angels 17, 76, 125<br />

anima mundi see world-soul<br />

animals 18, 108<br />

bonding 136, 159–60<br />

with humans 162<br />

constitution 121<br />

humans within 138<br />

intellect 38–9<br />

love 163, 174<br />

motion 123<br />

nature of 77, 78<br />

nutrition 134<br />

reactions to 168<br />

sacrifice 128<br />

souls 117<br />

species 77, 78, 117<br />

animation xvi, 42–4<br />

animism see spirit, universal; world-soul<br />

Anteros 164<br />

appetite 74<br />

Apocalyptics 35<br />

Aquinas, Thomas 86n., 109<br />

archetypes xv<br />

archetypal world 109<br />

Archytas 96<br />

Ariosto: Orlando Furioso 72<br />

Aristippus 174<br />

Aristotle x, 11, 26, 41, 54, 69, 92n.<br />

on act and potency 40, 84–5<br />

on artists 41<br />

on categories 90–1<br />

on contraries 100<br />

on cosmology xx<br />

on forms xvi, 47, 49, 59, 83, 85

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