Cause Principle Unity

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A general account of bonding<br />

I confess that I lack a beautiful form;<br />

Yet God prefers me as more excellent,<br />

As does a girl who is steady and not silly. 6<br />

In a proportional way, there are bonds by which those who are ugly bind<br />

because of their reputation for courage, vigour, eloquence, ingenuity and<br />

other such things, for from one type of power they can cause bonds of<br />

another type. It is not a rare occurrence that the more ugly Amazons bind<br />

in the act of love because of their reputation for their strength or their use<br />

of eloquence.<br />

21. The heterogeneity of things that can be bound. Furthermore, there are<br />

species which are bound to a different species through love, hate, admiration,<br />

piety, compassion and other such feelings. For example, there are<br />

some famous cases of such bonding, like Lesbia with her sparrow, Corinna<br />

with her small dog, Cyparissus with his doe, and Arion with his dolphin.<br />

In general, the seeds of all species are attracted to other species. I will<br />

remain silent about the sympathy between a man and a lion, and I will pass<br />

over what I know about the astonishing intimacy between a boy and a<br />

snake.<br />

22. The changing of things that can be bound. It is not difficult to change that<br />

which can be bound from one type of bond to its contrary, since the bonding<br />

agent is also changeable. And it makes no difference whether this occurs<br />

actually or only in thought. Even though I was once bound in thought by<br />

a teaching, the bonds of contempt and indignation may come later when<br />

that opinion has been studied in a better light. And the bonds arising from<br />

the fires of youth and beauty are relaxed and soothed in time when they do<br />

not agree with the bonds derived from customs and skill.<br />

23. The cause and effect of things which can be bound. What it is that bonds to<br />

love and hate or contempt is hidden to the functions of reason. Adrastia’s<br />

explanation is useless: namely, that the explanation of love, which arises<br />

from seeing a beautiful object, is a recollection by the soul of divine beauty,<br />

which was first seen as a companion to the body. If this were true, what is<br />

6 Bruno quotes these three lines, with minor variations, from the ‘Priapea’, a set of approximately<br />

eighty short Latin poems, mostly from the Roman era, which were collected by an unknown editor.<br />

The poems commemorate Priapus, the mythological Greek god of plant and animal fertility, who was<br />

depicted as having a grotesque body and an enormous phallus. The ‘Priapea’ can be found in Emil<br />

Baehrens, ed., Poetae latini minores (Leipzig: Teubner, 1879) Vol. I, 58–87. Bruno’s quotation is from<br />

#38 (70).<br />


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