Cause Principle Unity

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A general account of bonding<br />

person more than anything else? A general explanation is useless in a case<br />

like this, because such an account does not distinguish between things<br />

which belong to the same genus or species, for example, between female<br />

and female, or male and female, as well as between other human conditions<br />

like being old or young. And what would you say about the love of things<br />

known only by hearsay, which is usually called ‘devotion’? Are not humans<br />

bonded to higher and immaterial things, as well as to imaginary things, and<br />

especially to things beyond experience? I will pass over here any discussion<br />

of the specific types of binding powers, and especially of the power to bind<br />

through incantations. It is not true, as some have said, that the power of<br />

bonding is derived from what is good rather than from an opinion about<br />

what is good; nor is it derived from a known rather than from a hidden<br />

cause. We have already spoken above about the different types and species<br />

of goods.<br />

24. The diligence of the bonding agent. Just as dull people are bound more<br />

easily by a shrewd flatterer than by a true friend, likewise, bonds and bonding<br />

powers are established and maintained in skillful ways. For example, a<br />

timid man recommends against joining the army; a strongly godless person<br />

recommends against becoming a priest; a cruel person recommends against<br />

caring for others. Things move more easily towards that to which they are<br />

inclined, just as someone who wishes to pick up something cylindrical<br />

attends to surfaces which are round rather than flat or angular.<br />

25. The weapons of the bonding agent. The bonding agent has three types of<br />

tools. The first type is located within him and is two-fold: those which are<br />

essential or natural, i.e., those which belong to the nature of his species;<br />

and those which are accidental and acquired, which follow from the nature<br />

of his species, for example, sagacity, wisdom and art. The second type is<br />

located in his environment, for example, chance, good fortune, opportunity,<br />

encounters and arranged meetings. The third type is located above<br />

him, for example, fate, nature and the favour of the gods.<br />

26. The vicissitudes of the bonding agent. The kind of proportionality which<br />

we regularly experience in eating and in sexual intercourse is found in every<br />

act of bonding. For we are not attracted and bonded by these desires<br />

and loves at all times, or in the same way, or in the same degree, or with the<br />

same variations of time. The reason is that our physical constitution and<br />

all of its consequences fluctuate and change with time. Therefore, the<br />

moment for bonding must be predicted ahead of time, with careful and<br />


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