Cause Principle Unity

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On magic<br />

twofold. Sometimes the agent is mediated, as when a man uses sounds or<br />

appearances to bring about stimulations through the eyes or ears. And sometimes<br />

the agent is unmediated, as when a spirit, rational soul or demon<br />

acts on the imagination of someone, asleep or awake, to produce internal<br />

images in such a way that something seems to have been apprehended by<br />

the external senses.<br />

Consequently, some possessed people seem to see certain sights and hear<br />

certain sounds and words which they truly think are caused by external<br />

subjects. Hence, they strongly and persistently assert that what they have<br />

seen and heard is true, when it is their reason which is deceived, and not<br />

their senses, for they do hear what they hear, and they do see what they see.<br />

But the very same thing which they think they see as derived from external<br />

sounds in their ears and from external sights absorbed by their vision<br />

are fantasy images presented to their internal sense. However, they think<br />

that these impressions of the internal sense are the real things. Thus, it happens<br />

that they refuse to be recalled to a healthier point of view by actual<br />

witnesses, whom they prefer to reject in favour of their own imagination,<br />

and who they truly think are deaf and dumb. Medically these matters are<br />

cases of mania and melancholy, and are called ‘the dreams of the wakeful’.<br />

Further, this type of bonding is not due simply to a material principle,<br />

as is believed by certain well-known medical people with an obstinacy<br />

which is most crude and oppressive. Nor is it due simply to demonic or diabolical<br />

efficient causes, as is believed on their part by some theologians.<br />

Rather, both causes co-operate. The material factor is a melancholic<br />

humour, which we call the kitchen or the bathhouse of the saturnalian<br />

demons. But the efficient cause and moving spirit is a demon who does not<br />

have a completely immaterial substance, because these demons seem to be<br />

endowed with many animal affections and have definite properties of<br />

denseness. Although they are spiritual substances, nature has given them<br />

a body which is very thin and is not endowed with senses. They belong to<br />

that genus of animal which, as was said, has more species than do living,<br />

composite and sensory animals.<br />

Now, a specific soul comes to a specific seed which has been properly<br />

deposited in a specific place, or conversely, a body makes or produces from<br />

itself, as it were, a specific animal form or living thing. For example, from<br />

one seed the olive is born, from another a dog, from another a human, and<br />

in general one thing or another is suited to be born from a body which is<br />

structured in one way or another. As the poet says, ‘The eggs come more<br />


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