Cause Principle Unity

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On magic<br />

Further, one should note that the rhythm or characteristics of one sound<br />

can mingle with, and obscure, the rhythm of another sound. As a result, it<br />

is said that when a wolf, or some say a deer, is seen by people who are<br />

bonded to the spirit of that animal, they lose their voices and cannot easily<br />

form words. And they say that when a drum made of sheep skin is located<br />

next to a drum made of wolf skin, the former loses its sound, even though<br />

otherwise it emits strong sounds when forcefully hit. The reason for this is<br />

that the spirit which somehow remains in the dead wolf skin can bond with,<br />

and control, the spirit in the sheep skin, and thus they are subject to the<br />

same antagonism and dominance which are present in the living animals.<br />

I have not personally experienced this. But it is a possibility and is reasonable,<br />

even though this relationship is not always found between living<br />

things and between species. The ass fears the wolf no less than does the<br />

sheep, and is equally frightened by its danger. Nevertheless, a drum made<br />

of the skin of a wolf does not diminish the equally strong beats from a drum<br />

made of the skin of an ass, but rather increases their loudness considerably.<br />

Let us next consider lyres whose strings are made of the tendons of<br />

sheep and wolves, which are always opposed. It is well-known by many that<br />

if two lyres or cithers are constructed in the same way, and if a string of only<br />

one of them is plucked, its sound is not only consonant with the string of<br />

the other, but it will generate the same motion in the other. This, indeed,<br />

is quite understandable. It also happens that, through a certain sound or<br />

gesture or other such thing, the presence of one person affects the soul of<br />

another person, and thus an indissoluble friendship arises. There are those<br />

we dislike without reason as soon as we see them, and also others we love<br />

without cause. This love and hate are sometimes reciprocal and sometimes<br />

not. This happens because of the domination of the one person over the<br />

other in respect to one type of feeling, which in turn is blocked by another<br />

type of feeling in the other person. Thus, we are attracted by a feeling of<br />

love for one type of dog or bird, while they may be struck by fear, and thus<br />

avoid and dislike us.<br />

This type of bonding also includes prayers and petitions, which some<br />

use to solicit both peers and superiors in cases where considerations of justice,<br />

honesty or reason produce no results. Sometimes proposals from fools<br />

and buffoons are so effective that people who are clever try to ensnare the<br />

souls of their superiors by playing such a role rather than by using more<br />

proper means. This happened during the papacy of Julius III, who rejected<br />

and dismissed those who would pray, beg or cry. But if someone<br />


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