Cause Principle Unity

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On magic<br />

Cicada, 17 which was once used as a cemetery for plague victims. I myself,<br />

as well as many others, have personally experienced them while walking<br />

through that place at night. I was bombarded with many stones which violently<br />

exploded at a very short distance from my head and other parts of<br />

my body, and this continued in a threatening manner for some time.<br />

Nevertheless, these stones did not inflict any bodily injuries on me or on<br />

any of the others who reported the same experience. These incidents are<br />

reported by Psellus in his book De daemonibus (On Demons), where he<br />

describes them as refugees from light and as throwers of stones, although<br />

their projectiles are harmless.<br />

The existence of subterranean demons is established not only by the<br />

senses, experience and reason, but also by divine authority in the very wise<br />

Book of Job, which contains a great deal of the most profound philosophy.<br />

When Job curses the day he was born with the words, ‘May the day of my<br />

birth perish’, he adds after a few sentences, ‘Why was light given to one in<br />

misery, and why was life given to those who are bitter of heart?’ ‘Why did<br />

I not perish as soon as I left the womb?’ ‘Why was I not hidden and replaced<br />

after having been aborted?’ ‘For now I would be silently asleep and would<br />

rest in my dreams together with the rulers and princes of the earth, who<br />

have built isolated houses for themselves and have filled them with their silver.’<br />

The point at hand could not have been more clearly stated than in<br />

these words from the mouth of Job himself. 18<br />

As was said above, different spirits reside in different bodies, and their<br />

ranks are distinguished by a definite order and justice. Origen, Pythagoras<br />

and the Platonists list humans among the demons, including those who are<br />

not good but who could become good or evil as they live out their lives in a<br />

better or worse way. This is why both Christian theologians and the better<br />

philosophers say that life is like a road and a transition, a journey and a<br />

fight. The same judgement applies to other types of beings. Furthermore,<br />

we know that the best things into which a soul or spirit enters are the things<br />

which persevere the longest. That is what we said at the beginning: namely,<br />

all spiritual substances reduce to one, all material substances to three, there<br />

is one soul, one God, one first mind above all things and one soul of the<br />

universe.<br />

Also, it is very probable that all illnesses are due to evil demons, which<br />

17 Mount Cicada (or Cicale or Cicala) is adjacent to Bruno’s native town of Nola, immediately east of<br />

Naples. Its foreboding appearance made a deep and lasting impression on him during his childhood.<br />

18 See Job, 3: 3–20.<br />


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