Cause Principle Unity

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On magic<br />

prayers. Rather, they freely distort all these things and play with humans<br />

by counterfeiting illusions of fear, anger, religion and such things. They<br />

understand languages and the sciences, but never make any firm assertions.<br />

And so these hateful demons introduce confusion and doubt into the<br />

human mind and senses.<br />

There are also ethereal spirits which are pure and luminous. All agree<br />

that they are hostile to no one and are completely good and friendly to<br />

virtuous men. But the airy spirits are friendly to some, and hostile and<br />

hateful to others.<br />

The aqueous and terrestrial spirits are hostile, or at least are not friendly,<br />

since they are less rational and more fearful. In accordance with the saying,<br />

‘They hate what they fear,’ 14 they deliberately cause injury.<br />

But the spirits of fire, which are more properly called heroes and gods,<br />

are said to be the ministers of God. The cabalists call them Fissim,<br />

Seraphim and Cherubim, and the prophet of the Psalms said, ‘He made<br />

the winds to be his angels, and the flames of fire his ministers.’ 15 Hence,<br />

Basil and Origen rightly argue that the angels are not completely incorporeal,<br />

but are spiritual substances; that is, they are animals with very subtle<br />

bodies, which divine revelation has said are fire and flames of fire.<br />

In every group of spirits there are sovereigns and rulers, ministers, leaders,<br />

governors and ranks, by which the wiser and more powerful dominate<br />

and direct the more ignorant and more uncultured. These roles do not<br />

endure forever, but they are also not as briefly constituted as they are<br />

among humans. For in many ways, the lives of spirits are not comparable<br />

to ours, since the soul’s union with a simple body is much more easily maintained<br />

than it is with bodies like ours, which are composed of contraries.<br />

Their bodies very easily ward off change. Thus, air and water undergo less<br />

change than do composite bodies. Furthermore, they are easily restored.<br />

For example, when air is divided, it is reunited very easily, and portions of<br />

water reunite after they have been separated. Thus, Virgil did not use a<br />

ridiculous poetic figure of speech when he said that Aeneas frightened the<br />

shades when he cut through their abode with his drawn sword. 16<br />

These various spirits occupy the bodies of humans, animals, stones and<br />

minerals. There is no body which is completely devoid of spirit and intelligence.<br />

Furthermore, no spirit possesses a permanent location for itself.<br />

Rather, spirits fluctuate from one matter to another, and matter fluctuates<br />

from one spirit to another, and from one nature or composition to another.<br />

14 Cicero, De officiis, II, 7, 3. 15 Psalm, 103:4. 16 Virgil, Aeneid, VI, 260, 290, 388.<br />


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