Cause Principle Unity

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On magic<br />

It is easy for demons to penetrate through bodies and to initiate thoughts<br />

in us. The reason for the latter is that they convey certain impressions<br />

directly to our internal senses, just as we ourselves sometimes seem to<br />

think of something suggested by the internal senses. This knowledge seems<br />

to occur according to the following comparison and analogy. If one wishes<br />

to generate a thought in someone standing at a distance, one must shout so<br />

that the thought is produced in their internal sense through their hearing<br />

it. But if the person is closer, a shout is not needed, only a quieter voice.<br />

And if the person is immediately nearby, a whisper in the ear suffices. But<br />

demons have no need of ears or voices or whispers because they penetrate<br />

into the internal sense directly, as was said. Thus, they send not only<br />

dreams and voices and visions to be heard and seen, but also certain<br />

thoughts which are hardly noticed by some. They communicate truths<br />

sometimes through enigmas, and sometimes through sense impressions.<br />

Sometimes they may even deceive. Not all things are granted to everyone,<br />

although they always happen in a definite sequence and order.<br />

Not all spirits or demons have the same level of existence, power and<br />

knowledge. Indeed, we know that there are many more species of them than<br />

there are of sensible things. Thus, some of them are brute animals and<br />

cause injury without any reason. Although these are far inferior to humans<br />

in knowledge, they still can do as much harm as dangerous animals or poisons.<br />

Mark called these spirits ‘deaf and dumb’, 13 i.e., they are without reason,<br />

since they recognize no commands, and they do not hear or perceive<br />

any threats or prayers. As a result, it has been declared that it is impossible<br />

to banish them, although it has also been said that they can be controlled<br />

and conquered by fasting or abstinence, and by prayer or lofty meditation,<br />

and by the power of the senses. This latter is a medical issue, for spirits of<br />

this crass type, like food and pleasure, are located in our dense humours<br />

and earthy melancholies, which a doctor controls either by thinning them<br />

out through fasting or by expelling them with a proper dose of laxative.<br />

There is another type of demon which is fearful, suspicious and credulous.<br />

These hear and understand voices but do not distinguish the possible<br />

from the impossible, or the appropriate from the inappropriate. They are like<br />

humans who are dreaming and disturbed by fantasies. This type of demon<br />

is usually expelled by threats of death, prison, fire and other such things.<br />

There are other, wiser demons which reside in pure air, which is a simple<br />

substance. They are affected by no cult, no religious practice and no<br />

13 Mark, 9:25.<br />


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