Cause Principle Unity

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Fifth dialogue<br />

TEOFILO. The decade is a unity in the same way, but it is complex; the<br />

hundred is no less a unity, but it is more complex, and the thousand is a<br />

unity no less than the other two, but much more complex. And what I tell<br />

you in arithmetical terms, you must understand in the sense of a greater<br />

depth and a greater simplicity as regards the totality of things. The<br />

supreme good, the supreme object of desire, the supreme perfection, the<br />

supreme beatitude consists in the unity which embraces the whole. We<br />

delight in colour; not in a single, express colour, whatever it may be, but<br />

above all in the colour which embraces all colours. We delight in sound, not<br />

in any particular one, but in a complex sound which results from the harmony<br />

of many sounds. We delight in a sensible thing, but we take greatest<br />

delight in that which comprehends, in itself, all sensible things; similarly,<br />

we take delight in a knowable thing that comprehends all knowable things,<br />

an apprehensible thing that embraces all that can be apprehended, a being<br />

that embraces everything; we delight, above all, in the one which is itself<br />

the all. Just as you, Poliinnio, would prefer the unity of a gem so precious<br />

as to be worth all the gold in the world, to the multitude of thousands upon<br />

thousands of such pennies as the one you have in your purse.<br />

POLIINNIO. Optime [Excellent].<br />

GERVASIO. Here I am grown learned. For if the man who does not<br />

understand the one understands nothing, he who really understands the<br />

one understands everything. And the closer one gets to the intelligence of<br />

the one, the closer one comes to the apprehension of everything.<br />

DICSONO. The same goes for me. If I have understood rightly, I am<br />

going away much enriched by the considerations of Teofilo, reliable<br />

reporter of the Nolan philosophy.<br />

TEOFILO. Praised be the gods, and may all living things magnify the<br />

infinite, perfectly simple, unique, highest and absolute cause, principle and<br />

unity.<br />

End of the five dialogues<br />

on <strong>Cause</strong>, <strong>Principle</strong>, and <strong>Unity</strong><br />


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