Cause Principle Unity

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<strong>Cause</strong>, principle and unity<br />

gather countless species under determined genera, which Archytas first<br />

declared to be ten in number; they gather the determined genera into one<br />

being, a single thing: but this thing, this being, is understood by them as a<br />

name, a term, as a logical concept, and finally a vain thing. For then, when<br />

they treat of the physical, they no longer recognize a single principle of<br />

reality and of being for all that is, as they have recognized a common concept<br />

and name for all that which is expressible and intelligible. All this is<br />

due to their intellectual weakness.<br />

Thirdly, you must know that substance and being are distinct from and<br />

independent of quantity, so that number and measure are not substance,<br />

but relative to substance; not being, but relative to being. We must define<br />

substance, therefore, as essentially without number and without measure<br />

and, consequently, as one and undivided in all particular things – which,<br />

themselves, owe their particularity to number, that is, to things relative to<br />

substance. Thus, whoever apprehends Poliinnio as Poliinnio does not<br />

apprehend a particular substance, but apprehends substance in the particular<br />

and in the differences which characterize it and which, by these<br />

differences, comes to place this man under a species in number and multiplicity.<br />

7 And here, just as certain accidents of man cause the multiplication<br />

of what we call human individuals, so certain accidents of animals multiply<br />

the species of animality. Similarly, certain accidents of what is vital cause<br />

the multiplication of what is animated and alive. It is no different for<br />

certain corporeal accidents which cause the multiplication of corporeality,<br />

in the same way certain accidents of the substantial multiply the substance.<br />

And finally, in the same way, certain accidents of being cause the multiplication<br />

of entity, truth, unity, being, the true, the one.<br />

Fourthly, if you consider the signs and the proofs thanks to which<br />

we wish to demonstrate the coincidence of contraries, it will not be difficult<br />

to infer that all things are one in the end. All number, be it odd or even,<br />

finite or infinite, is reduced to a unity which, repeated in a finite series,<br />

posits number, and by an infinite repetition, negates number. You will<br />

adopt signs from mathematics and proofs from other moral and speculative<br />

sciences. Let us look at signs first: tell me what is more unlike a straight<br />

line than the circle? Is there anything more opposite to a straight line than<br />

a curve? And yet, they coincide in the principle and the minimum, since<br />

7 The one substance of Bruno’s world is manifest in Poliinnio, and since he belongs to a number of<br />

different species, such as man, philosopher, tall, etc., the number and multiplicity which are associated<br />

with Poliinnio result from his belonging to various species rather than from the unity of substance<br />

which is manifested in him.<br />


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