Cause Principle Unity

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Fifth dialogue<br />

of measure cannot be found without an understanding of numbers. That is<br />

why arithmetical analogy and proportion are better suited than geometry<br />

to guide us, by means of multiplicity, in the contemplation and apprehension<br />

of that indivisible principle which, because it is the unique and<br />

radical substance of all things, cannot possess a distinct and limited name,<br />

or any term that has a positive rather than privative meaning. Therefore,<br />

it has been called by some ‘point’, by others ‘unity’, and by still others<br />

‘infinity’, and so on, with various like terms.<br />

Add to what has been said, that when the intellect wishes to grasp the<br />

essence of something, it proceeds by simplifying as much as possible: I<br />

mean that it shuns composition and multiplicity, rejecting accidents, which<br />

are corruptible, as well as dimensions, signs and figures, and turns to what<br />

lies beneath these things. Just as a lengthy, long-winded oration cannot be<br />

understood but by reducing it to a simple conceit. By so doing, the intellect<br />

clearly demonstrates how the substance of things consists of unity,<br />

which it looks for either in reality, or by analogy. The man who could<br />

reduce to a single proposition all the propositions disseminated in Euclid’s<br />

principles would be the most consummate and perfect geometrician; likewise,<br />

the most perfect logician would be he who reduced all propositions<br />

in logic to one. Herein lies the level of intelligence, because inferior intellects<br />

cannot understand multiplicity except through many species, analogies<br />

and forms, superior intellects do better with less, and the very best do<br />

perfectly with very little. The premier intelligence embraces everything in<br />

a single, absolutely perfect idea, and the divine mind and the absolute<br />

unity, with no species, is that which understands and that which is understood<br />

simultaneously. So that, to ascend to perfect knowledge, we proceed<br />

by grouping and restricting the many, just as unity, descending to the production<br />

of things, proceeds by unfolding into many. The descent moves<br />

from a single being to an infinity of individuals and innumerable species;<br />

the ascent moves from the latter to the former.<br />

Therefore, to conclude this second consideration, I say that when we<br />

aspire and strive towards the principle and substance of things, we progress<br />

towards indivisibility, and that we must never believe we have arrived at the<br />

first being and the universal substance until we have come to this indivisible<br />

one in which all is comprised. Meanwhile, let us not be led into believing<br />

we can understand of the substance and essence more than what we can<br />

understand concerning indivisibility. Peripatetics and Platonists gather the<br />

infinity of individuals into a simple concept, which is their species; they<br />


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