Cause Principle Unity

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Fourth dialogue<br />

permanent; later on, if we seek further in his doctrine for the place where<br />

the perpetual seat of natural form which floats on the back of matter might<br />

be, we will not find it either in the fixed stars – since the particular forms<br />

which we see do not descend from on high – nor in the ideal signs, separate<br />

from matter – for if these are not monsters, they are assuredly worse<br />

than monsters, being chimeras and pointless fantasies. What then? Forms<br />

are in the bosom of matter. And what then? Matter is the source of actuality.<br />

Do you want me to carry on and make you see all the absurdities into<br />

which Aristotle gets himself? He says that matter exists in potency, but ask<br />

him: When will it be in act? Together with a great crowd he will respond:<br />

When it possesses form. But insist and ask: When that occurs, what commences<br />

to exist? They will answer, despite themselves: The composite, not<br />

matter, since the latter is always identical to itself, never renews itself, never<br />

changes. The same goes for artificial things: when one makes a statue of<br />

wood, we do not say that the wood begins to exist, for it is no more nor less<br />

wood than before. In fact, that which receives being and actuality is the new<br />

product, the composite, I mean the statue. How can you grant potency,<br />

then, to something that will never be in act nor possess act? For it follows<br />

from this that matter is not that which is in potency of being or that can be,<br />

for it is always identical and immutable, and is that upon which and in<br />

which change takes place, rather than that which changes. What is altered,<br />

augmented, diminished, moved in location, corrupted, is always (as you<br />

Peripatetics, yourselves, say) the composite, never matter. Then, why do<br />

you say that matter is now in potency, now in act? No one surely could<br />

doubt that matter, whether it receives forms or sends them forth from<br />

itself, does not receive a greater or lesser actuality in terms of its essence or<br />

its substance; so that there is no reason to say that it exists in potency. For<br />

potency concerns what is in continual movement in relation to matter, and<br />

not matter itself, which is not only eternally at rest, but the very cause<br />

of that state of eternal rest. For if form, in keeping with its fundamental,<br />

specific being possesses, not only logically – in the concept and in reason –<br />

but also physically in nature, a simple, invariable essence, then form must<br />

exist in the perpetual potency of matter, which is a potency not distinct<br />

from act, as I have several times explained in my various discussions<br />

concerning potency.<br />

POLIINNIO. Queso [I beg you], spare a word for the appetite of matter,<br />

so that Gervasio and I can resolve a little dispute between us.<br />

GERVASIO. Yes, please, Teofilo, for this person has given me a pain in<br />


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