Cause Principle Unity

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Fourth dialogue<br />

matter produces forms from itself, so to speak, and does not receive them<br />

as from outside. In a way, this is what Plotinus, prince of Plato’s school, also<br />

understood. In establishing the difference between the matter of higher<br />

things and that of lower, he says that the first is everything at the same time<br />

and that, since it possesses all, there is nothing into which it changes, while<br />

the second, by means of a certain renovation at the level of parts, becomes<br />

everything, and becomes successively one thing after another – always,<br />

therefore, in a state of diversity, alteration and movement. In consequence,<br />

neither the one nor the other matter is ever formless, although each is<br />

formed differently; one in the instant of eternity, the other in the instant<br />

of time; one in simultaneity, the other in succession; one by way of enfolding,<br />

the other by way of unfolding; one as a unity, the other as multiplicity;<br />

one as being all and each thing, the other individually and thing after thing.<br />

DICSONO. So, you wish to infer that, not only according to your principles,<br />

but also according to those of other philosophical methods, matter<br />

is not prope nihil [almost nothing], pure potency, bare, without act, without<br />

virtue and perfection.<br />

TEOFILO. Exactly. I say that it is deprived of forms and without them,<br />

not in the way ice lacks warmth or the abyss is without light, but as a pregnant<br />

woman lacks the offspring which she produces and expels forth from<br />

herself, and as the earth is without light at night in our hemisphere, which<br />

it can reacquire by its turning.<br />

DICSONO. So, even in these inferior things, act coincides in the end – if<br />

not entirely, at least to a great extent – with potency.<br />

TEOFILO. I leave you to decide.<br />

DICSONO. And what would happen if, finally, this potency from below<br />

became one with that from above?<br />

TEOFILO. Judge for yourself. You can henceforth rise to the concept, I<br />

do not say of the supreme and most excellent principle, which has been<br />

excluded from our inquiry, but to the concept of the world soul, insofar as<br />

it is the act of everything and the potency of everything, and insofar as it is<br />

present in its entirety in everything – whence it follows that (even if there<br />

exist innumerable individuals) all things are one, and the knowledge of that<br />

unity is the object and term of all philosophies and all meditation on natural<br />

things – leaving in its domain the highest speculation of all, that which,<br />

surpassing nature, is impossible and vain for the unbeliever.<br />

DICSONO. That is true, for one ascends there guided by supernatural<br />

and not natural light.<br />


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