Cause Principle Unity

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<strong>Cause</strong>, principle and unity<br />

incorporeal? Peripatetics are not lacking who hold that, just as in corporeal<br />

substances something formal and divine is found, so in divine substances<br />

something material should be found, so that the lower things should conform<br />

with the higher, and the order of the former should depend on that<br />

of the latter. As for the theologians, although some are nurtured on<br />

Aristotelian doctrine, if they will concede that they are more indebted to<br />

Scripture than to philosophy and natural reason, they should not be<br />

annoyed with me concerning this point. ‘Do not worship me’, said one of<br />

their angels to the patriarch Job, ‘for I am your brother.’ 15 Now, if the one<br />

who pronounces these words is an intellectual substance (for that it how<br />

they conceive it), and if he claims by his words that the man and he, himself,<br />

share in the reality of a substratum, whatever their formal differences<br />

may be, it follows that the oracle of these theologians testifies in favour of<br />

the philosophers.<br />

DICSONO. I know you say that with reverence, since you know that it<br />

does not suit us to go begging in places outside our domain.<br />

TEOFILO. You speak well and truly. But I did not bring in that reference<br />

to prove or confirm a point, but as far as possible to spare myself a<br />

scruple. I am just as afraid of appearing to be an enemy of theology as I am<br />

to be one.<br />

DICSONO. Discerning theologians will always admit natural reasons,<br />

whatever course they may take, as long as those arguments do not go<br />

against divine authority.<br />

TEOFILO. My arguments are and ever will be the same.<br />

DICSONO. Good. Please go on.<br />

TEOFILO. Plotinus, also, in his book on matter 16 says that ‘if there is a<br />

multitude and a plurality of species in the intelligible world, there must be<br />

something common underlying the peculiarity and the difference of each.<br />

That which is common has the function of matter; that which is individual<br />

and which differentiates them has the function of form’. He adds that<br />

‘if this sensible world is an imitation of the intelligible one, the composition<br />

of one is an imitation of that of the other. Moreover, if the intelligible<br />

world lacked diversity, it would lack order, and if it lacked order, it would<br />

possess neither beauty nor ornament. All this is related to matter’. This is<br />

why the superior world should not be deemed totally indivisible, but in<br />

15 The angel does not speak to Jacob, but to Saint John in Apocalypse, XIX, 10, where, in any case, it is<br />

clear that the angel’s speech is addressed not to Jacob, but to John himself.<br />

16 Enneads, II, 4, 4.<br />


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