Cause Principle Unity

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Fourth dialogue<br />

vocula), a melius rem ipsam perpendentibus faemina dicitur [it has finished, I<br />

repeat, by being called woman (to gather everything into a single term) by<br />

those who have most effectively evaluated its very reality]. Et mehercle [And<br />

by Hercules], it is not without good reason that the senators of Pallas’<br />

realm 3 have judged it well to set matter and woman side by side, for they<br />

have been pushed to extremes of rage and frenzy by their dealings with the<br />

rigours of women – but just now an apt rhetorical flourish comes to mind.<br />

Women are a chaos of irrationality, a hyle [wood] of wickedness, a forest of<br />

ribaldry, a mass of uncleanliness, an inclination to every perdition (another<br />

rhetorical flourish here, called by some complessio [complexion])! 4 Whence<br />

existed, in potency, non solum remota [not only remote], but etiam propinqua<br />

[also proximate], the destruction of Troy? In a woman. Who was the<br />

instrument of the destruction of Samson’s strength? Of that hero, I mean,<br />

who became unvanquished conqueror of the Philistines with the famous<br />

ass’s jawbone that he had found? A woman. 5 Who tamed, at Capua, the<br />

might and violence of that great captain and perpetual enemy of the Roman<br />

republic, Hannibal? A woman! (Exclamatio!) Tell me, O cytharist prophet,<br />

the reason for your weakness. ‘Quia in peccatis concepit me mater mea’ [‘in<br />

sin did my mother conceive me’]. 6 O ancient forefather, first-made man,<br />

gardener of Paradise and cultivator of the Tree of Life, of what malice were<br />

you victim, to have been propelled with the entire human race into the bottomless<br />

gulf of perdition? ‘Mulier quam dedisti mihi: ipsa, ipsa me decepit’<br />

[‘The woman that you gave me, it is she, she who deceived me’]. 7 Procul<br />

dubio [Without doubt], form does not sin, and no form is a source of error<br />

unless it is joined to matter. That is why form, symbolized by the man,<br />

entering into intimate contact with matter, being composed or coupling<br />

with it, responds to the natura naturans 8 with these words, or rather this<br />

sentence: ‘Mulier, quam dedisti mihi’, idest, matter, which was given me as<br />

consort, ipse me decepit; hoc est, she is the cause of all my sins. Behold,<br />

behold, divine spirit, how the great practitioners of philosophy and the<br />

acute anatomists of nature’s entrails, in order to show us nature plainly,<br />

have found no more appropriate way than to confront us with this analogy,<br />

which shows that matter is to the order of natural things what the female<br />

sex is to economical, political and civil order. Open, open your eyes and …<br />

3 Philosophers.<br />

4 A complexion is a rhetorical figure in which the members of a period begin and end with the same<br />

term.<br />

5 Delilah, as told in Judges 16. 6 Psalms 51, 5. 7 See Genesis 3, 12–14.<br />

8 Scholastic formula designating nature as active power and producer.<br />


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