Cause Principle Unity

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Third dialogue<br />

no better than those who begin from the perceptible elements, or, more<br />

profoundly, from absolute elements, or from the one matter, which of all<br />

principles is the highest and most eminent. Sometimes, he who takes the<br />

longest way round does not make the best journey, especially if his purpose<br />

is not so much contemplation but action. As for the manner of doing philosophy,<br />

it will be no less advantageous to explicate forms as proceeding<br />

from something implicated than to distinguish them as from a chaos, or to<br />

distribute them, as from an ideal source, or have them pass into act as from<br />

some state of possibility, or draw them out as from a womb, or bring them<br />

out into the light as from a blind and gloomy abyss. For every foundation<br />

is good, if it is strong enough to support the edifice, and every seed is<br />

suitable, if the trees and the fruit are desirable.<br />

DICSONO. To come now to our objective, please present us with your<br />

own detailed theory of this principle.<br />

TEOFILO. Certainly, this principle, called matter, can be considered in<br />

two ways: first, as potency; second, as substratum. Regarded as potency,<br />

there is nothing in which it cannot be found in a certain way and in the<br />

appropriate sense; the Pythagoreans, the Platonists, the Stoics and others<br />

have placed it in the intelligible as well as in the sensible world. But we, who<br />

do not understand it exactly as they did, but in a more elevated and broader<br />

sense, speak of potency or possibility in the following way. Potency is commonly<br />

divided into active potency, through which its substratum can operate,<br />

and passive potency, through which it can exist, or receive, or have, or<br />

be the substratum of the efficient in some manner. Without taking active<br />

potency into consideration for the moment, I say that potency, in its passive<br />

sense (although it is not always passive), may be considered either relatively<br />

or absolutely. Thus, there is nothing to which we can attribute being<br />

without also attributing to it the possibility of being. And this passive<br />

potency corresponds so perfectly to active potency that one cannot exist<br />

in any way without the other, so that, if the power to make, produce and<br />

create has always existed, so, likewise, has the power to be made, produced<br />

and created, for one potency implies the other. I mean that in positing one<br />

we necessarily posit the other. Since this passive potency does not indicate<br />

any weakness in that to which it is attributed, but confirms, rather, its virtue<br />

and efficacy, and since the active potency and the passive potency are, in the<br />

end, one and the same thing, there is no philosopher or theologian who hesitates<br />

to attribute it to the first, supernatural principle. For the absolute<br />

possibility, through which the things that are in act can exist, does not come<br />


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