Cause Principle Unity

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<strong>Cause</strong>, principle and unity<br />

them, nor by the inspiration of good or bad demons, like the prophets, nor,<br />

finally, under the effect of melancholic enthusiasm, like poets or other<br />

contemplatives), or by instituting laws and reforming customs, by practising<br />

medicine, or even by becoming acquainted with and leading a blessed<br />

and more divine life. That is why no well-organized philosophy exists that<br />

does not contain some special quality not found in the others. I understand<br />

the same of medicine, which derives from principles that presuppose a<br />

fairly good philosophical outlook, as the function of the hand or foot presupposes<br />

that of the eye. Thus, it is said that there cannot be good medical<br />

principles where there is not a good point of departure in philosophy.<br />

DICSONO. You please me greatly, and I praise you in equal measure, for<br />

just as you are not as vulgar as Aristotle, you are neither as pretentious nor<br />

offensive as he, devoting himself to belittling the opinions of all other<br />

philosophers as well as their manner of philosophizing.<br />

TEOFILO. Of all the philosophers, I know none more reliant upon fancies<br />

and more remote from nature than he. Even if he says excellent things<br />

at times, it is recognized that they are not derived from his own principles,<br />

but are always propositions borrowed from other philosophers, such as<br />

those divine things we see in the books On Generation, Meteors and On<br />

Animals and Plants.<br />

DICSONO. Coming back to the matter at hand, do you hold that one can<br />

give different definitions of matter, without error or contradiction?<br />

TEOFILO. Yes, just as different senses may judge the same object and<br />

the same thing may reveal itself in diverse ways. In addition (as we have<br />

already mentioned), the same thing may be understood from different<br />

points of view. The Epicureans have said some good things, although they<br />

have not risen beyond the material quality. Heraclitus has shown us some<br />

excellent things, even though he has not gone beyond the soul. Anaxagoras<br />

manages to make progress in the study of nature, claiming to recognize,<br />

not only within nature but also outside and perhaps above it, an intellect<br />

which is the same as what Socrates, Plato, Trismegistus and our theologians<br />

call God. Thus, those who begin from an experimental analysis of<br />

simple elements (as they call them) 16 make as much progress in discovering<br />

the secrets of nature as those who start from a rational theory. And,<br />

among them, those who start from the study of physiological structure<br />

progress no less than those who begin from humours, and they, in turn, do<br />

16 I.e. the materialists: on one hand, Anaxagoras (who speaks of ‘parts’), and on the other, the followers<br />

of Democritus and Epicurus (who speak of ‘atoms’).<br />


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