

Scegliere la tua finitura? Qui puoi! Choose your finishing? Here you can! + material + colour RAL It is possible in our collection. Mammamia, ILtavolo, LAlampada... just to give you an idea! www.opinionciatti.com

espoke Colori e materiali, finiture e dimensioni, ma anche prodotti e progetti, idee e suggerimenti, articoli fatti su misura e personalizzati. Questo è il significato di contract per noi, questo è OC bespoke! Ascoltare architetti, interior designer e clienti e aiutarli a realizzare quello che hanno immaginato... soluzioni dedicate di design fatto su misura e pezzi unici commissionati. Pensato a Firenze. 100% Made in Italy. Colours and materials, finishings and sizes but also products and projects, ideas and suggestions, tailor made and customized items. That’s what contract means for us, that’s OC bespoke! We listen to architects, interior designers and customers and we help them to make a reality of what they have only imagined... tailored design solutions and unique commissioned pieces. Thought in Florence. 100% Made in Italy. + Materiale + Material + Matériel + Material www.opinionciatti.com cemento/concrete bronzo/bronze ghisa/cast iron 295 foglia oro/gold leaf foglia argento/silver leaf foglia rame/copper leaf foglia nera/black leaf NB: Die Zement-, Bronze- und Gusseisenbeschichtung sowie die Folien werden per Hand angebracht und jedes Stück ist einmalig und hat seine Besonderheiten. Note: les finitions ciment, bronze, fonte et les feuilles sont appliquées artisanalement, chaque pièce est unique et présente des particularités. Note: material finishings are hand-crafted, therefore every piece is unique and presents finishing variations. Nota: l’applicazione delle finiture materiche è artigianale, ogni pezzo è unico con variazioni di finitura. + Colore RAL + Colours + Couleurs + Farben 213 colori RAL Classic/213 colours RAL Classic

Scegliere la tua finitura?<br />

Qui puoi!<br />

Choose your finishing?<br />

Here you can!<br />

+ material<br />

+ colour RAL<br />

It is possible in our collection.<br />

Mammamia, ILtavolo, LAlampada...<br />

just to give you an idea!<br />


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