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Chapter 10<br />

We only fit the X matrix once per value of n_clusters to (drastically) improve the<br />

speed of this code:<br />

inertia_scores = []<br />

n_cluster_values = list(range(2, 20))<br />

for n_clusters in n_cluster_values:<br />

cur_inertia_scores = []<br />

X = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.4).fit_transform(documents)<br />

for i in range(10):<br />

km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(X)<br />

cur_inertia_scores.append(km.inertia_)<br />

inertia_scores.append(cur_inertia_scores)<br />

The inertia_scores variable now contains a list of inertia scores for each<br />

n_clusters value between 2 and 20. We can plot this to get a sense of how<br />

this value interacts with n_clusters:<br />

Overall, the value of the inertia should decrease with reducing improvement as<br />

the number of clusters improves, which we can broadly see from these results.<br />

The increase between values of 6 to 7 is due only to the randomness in selecting<br />

the centroids, which directly affect how good the final results are. Despite this,<br />

there is a general trend (in these results; your results may vary) that about 6<br />

clusters is the last time a major improvement in the inertia occurred.<br />

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