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The token object is just a dictionary, but it contains the access_token string that<br />

we will pass with future requests. It also contains other information such as the<br />

scope of the token (which would be everything) and the time in which it<br />

expires—for example:<br />

{'access_token': '', 'expires_in': 3600,<br />

'scope': '*', 'token_type': 'bearer'}<br />

Chapter 10<br />

Reddit as a data source<br />

Reddit (<strong>www</strong>.reddit.<strong>com</strong>) is a link aggregation website used by millions worldwide,<br />

although the English versions are US-centric. Any user can contribute a link to a<br />

website they found interesting, along with a title for that link. Other users can then<br />

upvote it, indicating that they liked the link, or downvote it, indicating they didn't like<br />

the link. The highest voted links are moved to the top of the page, while the lower<br />

ones are not shown. Older links are removed over time (depending on how many<br />

upvotes it has). Users who have stories upvoted earn points called karma, providing<br />

an incentive to submit only good stories.<br />

Reddit also allows nonlink content, called self-posts. These contain a title and some<br />

text that the submitter enters. These are used for asking questions and starting<br />

discussions, but do not count towards a person's karma. For this chapter, we will be<br />

considering only link-based posts, and not <strong>com</strong>ment-based posts.<br />

Posts are separated into different sections of the website called subreddits. A subreddit<br />

is a collection of posts that are related. When a user submits a link to reddit, they<br />

choose which subreddit it goes into. Subreddits have their own administrators, and<br />

have their own rules about what is valid content for that subreddit.<br />

By default, posts are sorted by Hot, which is a function of the age of a post, the<br />

number of upvotes, and the number of downvotes it has received. There is also<br />

New, which just gives you the most recently posted stories (and therefore contains<br />

lots of spam and bad posts), and Top, which is the highest voted stories for a given<br />

time period. In this chapter, we will be using Hot, which will give us recent,<br />

higher-quality stories (there really are a lot of poor-quality links in New).<br />

Using the token we previously created, we can now obtain sets of links from a<br />

subreddit. To do that, we will use the /r/ API endpoint that,<br />

by default, returns the Hot stories. We will use the /r/worldnews subreddit:<br />

subreddit = "worldnews"<br />

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