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WINTER 2016 | www.ciac-acic.ca<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong><br />


WITH<br />

DERON<br />

BILOUS<br />

Alberta’s Minister of<br />

Economic Development<br />

and Trade<br />

Climate Change and<br />

Chemistry-Based Solutions<br />

Profile/Profil:<br />

Kevin Henderson,<br />

Methanex Corporation;<br />

Chairman, CIAC<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Who Will Fund the Future?


An online portal to help<br />

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and innovate to bring<br />

sustainable chemistry<br />

technologies to market<br />

InnovationHouse connects the various<br />

communities that bring new chemistry<br />

technologies to life. Members from<br />

industry, academia, entrepreneurs<br />

and the investment community can:<br />

Learn about emerging technologies<br />

from academia<br />

Post industry challenges or submit<br />

potential solutions to challenges<br />

Obtain information about funding programs<br />

Create a profile to promote your research,<br />

group, organization or company<br />

Registration is free.<br />

Register, sign in and build<br />

a profile to immediately start<br />

collaborating with other members<br />

of this unique online community.<br />

See for yourself. Sign up at gccinnovationhouse.com

VOLUME 12, NUMBER 3, WINTER 2016<br />


6 President’s Message<br />

Meet Bob Masterson, CIAC’s New President and CEO.<br />

Contents<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong><br />


WINTER 2016 | www.ciac-acic.ca<br />

7 Message de Président<br />

Message de Bob Masterson, le nouveau président - directeur général de l’Association<br />

canadienne de l’industrie de la chimie (ACIC)<br />

9 Edifications<br />

A New Government, New Dialogue, Better Chemistry<br />


11 Responsible Care ®<br />

Climate Change and Chemistry-Based Solutions<br />


13 Critical Perspectives<br />

Who Will Fund the Future?<br />

Who will lead the industry and the field of chemistry forward?<br />



14 A Conversation with Deron Bilous, Alberta’s Minister of<br />

Economic Development and Trade<br />

Alberta’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is a new department<br />

that will oversee the province’s plans for economic growth and diversification.<br />

The Hon. Deron Bilous, who heads up the new ministry, shares his vision for Alberta.<br />

16 CIAC Annual Dinner and Awards<br />

Meet the individuals CIAC honoured for dedicating their time and expertise to<br />

support and advance CIAC initiatives.<br />

17 Honouring Richard Paton after 19 years<br />

as CIAC’s President and CEO<br />

Paton is leaving CIAC but will still be active in the industry.<br />

18 Profile: Kevin Henderson, Methanex Corporation;<br />

Chairman, CIAC Board of Directors<br />

19 Profil: Kevin Henderson, Methanex Corporation;<br />

Président du Conseil d’administration de l’ACIC<br />


21 The Chemistry Behind Skiing<br />

Learn how this fun wintertime sport has more going on than meets the eye.<br />


22 Buyers’ Guide and Index to Advertisers<br />


WITH<br />

DERON<br />

BILOUS<br />

Alberta’s Minister of<br />

Economic Development<br />

and Trade<br />

Climate Change and<br />

Chemistry-Based Solutions<br />

Profile/Profil:<br />

Kevin Henderson,<br />

Methanex Corporation;<br />

Chairman, CIAC<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Who Will Fund the Future?<br />

On the Cover: Deron Bilous, Alberta’s<br />

Minister of Economic Development<br />

and Trade.<br />

Chemistry Industry Association of Canada<br />

President & CEO<br />

Bob Masterson<br />

Vice-President, Public Affairs<br />

Pierre Gauthier<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> Editor &<br />

CIAC Communications Manager<br />

Nancy Marchi<br />

Association Office<br />

Chemistry Industry Association of Canada<br />

805-350 Sparks Street<br />

Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8<br />

Tel.: (613) 237-6215<br />

Fax: (613) 237-4061<br />

www.canadianchemistry.ca<br />

NAYLOR<br />

Group Publisher<br />

Angela Caroyannis<br />

Editor<br />

Rachael Ryals<br />

Sales/Project Manager<br />

Kim Davies<br />

Book Leader<br />

Erin Pande<br />

Sales Representatives<br />

David S. Evans, Meaghen Foden,<br />

Wayne Jury, Maya Wisher<br />

Research<br />

Margaux Tomac<br />

Layout & Design<br />

Ranjeet Singh<br />

Editorial Office<br />

1630 Ness Avenue, Suite 300<br />

Winnipeg, MB R3J 3X1<br />

www.naylor.com<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> is published three times per year by Naylor (Canada) Inc. for<br />

the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada. Responsible Care®,<br />

an initiative of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada,<br />

is an ethic for the safe and environmentally sound management<br />

of chemicals throughout their life cycle. Invented in Canada,<br />

Responsible Care is now practiced in 60 countries. Copyright by the<br />

Chemistry Industry Association of Canada. All rights reserved. The<br />

views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of<br />

the publisher or the association. The contents of this publication may<br />

not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the<br />

prior consent of the association.<br />

PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 2016/CDC-T0315/1757<br />

Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #40064978<br />

Postage Paid at Winnipeg<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 5

President’s Message<br />

By Bob Masterson<br />



AND CEO<br />

CIAC has a<br />

proud 50-year<br />

history, and<br />

today, is<br />

recognized as<br />

a national and<br />

international<br />

leader.<br />

I’M VERY PROUD to have been selected as the next President and CEO of the Chemistry Industry<br />

Association of Canada (CIAC). It is an honour and privilege to follow in the footsteps of past-presidents<br />

Richard Paton and Jean Bélanger, two extremely capable and well-respected individuals, who combined,<br />

led the association for the past 36 years. I am impressed by what the association has achieved<br />

and confident about its potential to continue to accomplish even more in the future.<br />

CIAC has a proud 50-year history, and today, is recognized as a national and international leader.<br />

The association is the founder and leader of Responsible Care®, the industry’s sustainability initiative<br />

which now operates in 62 countries around the world. During the past 30 years, Responsible<br />

Care has guided Canada’s chemistry industry in making significant improvements in the areas of<br />

worker, public and environmental safety. Throughout this period, CIAC and its members have held<br />

an unwavering commitment to fair, ethical, and solutions-oriented engagement with stakeholders<br />

and critics. And I look forward to strengthening these relationships in the coming years.<br />

Our industry and the country have benefited from working collaboratively with our stakeholders,<br />

and this approach has resulted in world-leading public policy creation in key areas such as the<br />

Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1999), Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan and more<br />

recently measures that have helped strengthen the competitive position of Canada’s manufacturing<br />

industries.<br />

CIAC’s success has been the result of a number of factors:<br />

• a highly engaged membership fully committed to the Responsible Care ethic;<br />

• a talented and professional staff dedicated to developing policies to assist industry in being more<br />

competitive, more responsible, and more credible; and,<br />

• a network of stakeholders and critics who ensure there is no wavering in the industry’s drive to<br />

continuous improvement.<br />

It is my role as the next President to ensure the Responsible Care ethic continues to guide the association<br />

as we move forward. CIAC will continue to provide increased value for its members and encourage<br />

the broader industry to join our efforts to ensure a sustainable chemistry industry in Canada.<br />

I look forward to working with and for you now and in the years to come.<br />

Bob Masterson<br />

President and CEO<br />

6 • <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016

Message de Président<br />

By Bob Masterson<br />

L’ACIC a une<br />

fière histoire<br />

de 50 ans et,<br />

aujourd’hui,<br />

elle est<br />

reconnue<br />

comme un<br />

chef de file<br />

national et<br />

international.<br />







JE SUIS TRÈS fier d’avoir été choisi comme nouveau président - directeur général de l’ACIC. C’est un<br />

honneur et un privilège de succéder aux anciens présidents Richard Paton et Jean Bélanger, deux hommes<br />

extrêmement compétents et hautement respectés qui, à eux deux, ont dirigé l’Association pendant<br />

36 ans. Je suis impressionné par tout ce que l’Association a réalisé et j’ai l’assurance qu’elle va continuer<br />

à accomplir de grandes choses à l’avenir.<br />

L’ACIC a une fière histoire de 50 ans et, aujourd’hui, elle est reconnue comme un chef de file national<br />

et international. L’Association est la fondatrice et le leader de la Gestion responsable MD , l’initiative de<br />

développement durable de l’industrie, qui, à ce jour, a été adoptée par 62 pays. Depuis 30 ans, la Gestion<br />

responsable guide l’industrie canadienne de la chimie, qui apporte des améliorations considérables<br />

sur les plans de la sécurité des travailleurs et du grand public et du respect de l’environnement. Depuis<br />

toutes ces années, l’ACIC et ses membres maintiennent un engagement inébranlable envers des relations<br />

justes, éthiques et axées sur des solutions avec les intervenants et les critiques. Je suis dans l’impatience<br />

de renforcer ces relations au cours des années à venir.<br />

Notre industrie et notre pays bénéficient énormément de la collaboration avec nos intervenants, ce<br />

qui permet d’élaborer des programmes et des politiques publiques de classe mondiale, notamment la<br />

Loi canadienne sur la protection de l’environnement (1999), le Plan de gestion des produits chimiques<br />

du Canada et d’autres mesures récentes qui aident à renforcer la compétitivité des industries manufacturières<br />

du Canada.<br />

Le succès de l’ACIC découle de divers facteurs :<br />

• des membres pleinement engagés, qui respectent l’éthique de la Gestion responsable MD ;<br />

• un personnel talentueux et professionnel, qui élabore des politiques visant à aider l’industrie à être<br />

plus concurrentielle, plus responsable et plus crédible ; et<br />

• un réseau d’intervenants et de critiques qui assurent que l’industrie ne manque pas à son engagement<br />

envers l’amélioration continue.<br />

À titre de nouveau président, mon rôle consiste à assurer que l’éthique de la Gestion responsable<br />

continue à guider l’Association alors que nous allons de l’avant.<br />

Nous allons continuer à créer une valeur accrue pour nos membres et à encourager l’industrie dans<br />

son ensemble à se joindre à nos efforts pour assurer la durabilité de l’industrie canadienne de la chimie.<br />

Je me réjouis à l’idée de travailler avec tous nos membres, partenaires et intervenants, maintenant<br />

et pour les années à venir.<br />

Bob Masterson<br />

Président - directeur général<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 7

Edifications<br />




By Pierre Gauthier<br />

CANADA’S NEW LIBERAL majority government has arrived with an<br />

ambitious agenda for the coming months and years. As it moves to<br />

put new policies in place, especially with regard to the environment<br />

and climate change, this government can count on the support of<br />

the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC).<br />

The government’s agenda aligns well with the priorities of<br />

the chemistry industry, which include a focus on innovation,<br />

high-value manufacturing, research and development, sciencebased<br />

policy-making and sustained emissions reductions. The<br />

industry has been working for many years to advance in these<br />

areas, and it has a great deal of knowledge and experience to<br />

share. And, we are committed to working collaboratively with<br />

this new government to develop sustainable and achievable<br />

policy solutions.<br />

As a $53-billion-dollar industry that converts raw natural<br />

resources into high value goods, the chemistry industry is vitally<br />

important to strengthening Canada’s economic growth and prosperity.<br />

It employs more than 80,000 Canadians directly and<br />

indirectly supports another 400,000 jobs in the economy. It also<br />

provides products essential to other industrial sectors throughout<br />

Canada’s manufacturing value chain. CIAC believes that, by<br />

working with industry, the government can create the right kind<br />

of policies to support this key industry on both economic and<br />

environmental fronts. As the voice of one of the most important<br />

advanced manufacturing sectors in Canada, CIAC can play a huge<br />

part in helping the government fulfil its agenda.<br />

On the environment, CIAC supports the need for environmental<br />

standards that are realistic and science-based. Over the<br />

past 30 years, CIAC and its members have established a strong<br />

track record in progressive environmental stewardship. As early<br />

as 1985, they committed to Responsible Care® and created an ethic,<br />

principles and a suite of codes to ensure that chemistry products<br />

are manufactured in an environmentally responsible manner.<br />

Today, more than 60 countries around the world have adopted<br />

Responsible Care as their own industry standard. Thanks largely<br />

to the members of CIAC, Canada is positioned as a global leader<br />

in the environmental stewardship of chemical products.<br />

With this forward-looking sustainability initiative now marking<br />

its third decade, CIAC members have managed to reduce<br />

their carbon emissions by 35 per cent since 1992. They have<br />

virtually eliminated discharges to water, while reducing toxic<br />

substance 1 emissions by 90 per cent and sulphur dioxide emissions<br />

by 87 per cent. These reductions have been achieved through<br />

investments in new plants and technologies; changes in production<br />

processes; energy conservation efforts; and the substitution<br />

of lower-carbon fuels. And the efforts continue. For example,<br />

NOVA Chemicals in Corunna, Ontario recently moved to lighter,<br />

ethane-based feedstock and plans soon to reduce greenhouse gas<br />

emissions by 25 per cent over 2010 levels. Responsible Care is a<br />

Canadian sustainability success story and a model for the world.<br />

With this kind of background, the chemistry industry strongly<br />

believes that economic and environmental objectives can be creatively<br />

intertwined in the development of public policies. We are<br />

ready to roll up our sleeves and define a common set of objectives<br />

and come up with a strong, practical policy framework that is<br />

mutually beneficial to industry and government. However, there<br />

are many unknowns associated with a change of government, and<br />

clarity is needed in a number of policy areas, for example: rail<br />

safety, reliability and service; research and development incentives;<br />

the Chemicals Management Plan (CMP); natural resource<br />

upgrading., and the need to bolster the competitiveness of the<br />

chemistry industry and more broadly the manufacturing sector,<br />

to attract investments that will strengthen productivity, innovation<br />

and create jobs.<br />

CIAC, as the voice of the chemistry industry, is well positioned<br />

to facilitate an open and collaborative dialogue with a broad range<br />

of stakeholders in the chemistry sector. The industry is poised for<br />

growth in 2016 and beyond, and it can help the new government<br />

to achieve an optimal balance between environmental sustainability<br />

and economic driven growth and productivity.<br />

We believe that industry and the government have the right<br />

chemistry to work together to build a strong, sustainable chemistry<br />

industry for the benefit of all Canadians, and we look forward to<br />

entering into an open, collaborative, and productive dialogue. <br />

Pierre Gauthier is Vice-President, Public Affairs for the Chemistry<br />

Industry Association of Canada.<br />

1 Toxic substances as defined by the Canadian<br />

Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 9

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Responsible Care ®<br />

By Luc Robitaille,<br />




Vice-President, Responsible Care ® <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 11<br />

MANY WONDERED WHAT role industry played<br />

at the Conference of All Parties (COP21) in<br />

Paris last December, as governments from<br />

more than 140 countries worked, under the<br />

watchful eyes of environmental groups,<br />

towards an agreement to limit the global<br />

impact of climate change.<br />

Industry accounts for nearly four<br />

per cent of all man-made greenhouse gas<br />

(GHG) emissions globally. And many sectors,<br />

like the chemistry industry, are committed<br />

to being a part of the solution to the<br />

climate change challenge.<br />

In Paris, 84 global companies publicly<br />

committed to developing low carbon<br />

action plans through the Low Carbon<br />

Technology Partnerships Initiative 1 . This<br />

initiative provides a collaborative platform<br />

to identify technologies and solutions<br />

to help limit global warming to no<br />

more than 2°C relative to pre-industrial<br />

levels. Several Responsible Care® Global<br />

Charter signatory chemistry producers<br />

such as DuPont, Evonik and Shell participated<br />

in this effort. Chemicals are<br />

one of the eight programs already active<br />

under this Initiative, along with programs<br />

in energy efficiency in the building<br />

sector, carbon capture and storage,<br />

and renewables.<br />

Chemicals are used in sectors such<br />

as health, agriculture, construction, and<br />

transportation where, through continuous<br />

innovation, they contribute to the development<br />

of more sustainable products and significant<br />

emissions reductions.<br />

Construction<br />

Buildings are a significant and growing<br />

contributor to GHG emissions. It<br />

is also where chemistry helps reduce<br />

environmental impact: in construction<br />

and operation. Advanced materials are<br />

continuously being developed to improve<br />

building insulation; to develop zero-waste<br />

building materials; to improve production<br />

and storage of renewable energy;<br />

and to help conserve water. In addition,<br />

technological advances in energy efficient<br />

lighting, window films, air conditioning<br />

coolants, piping for heat recovery<br />

and reflecting paints ensure a more sustainable<br />

structure.<br />

Transportation<br />

Global GHG emissions from the transportation<br />

sector continue to rise as vehicle<br />

ownership becomes more affordable in<br />

developing countries. Today’s chemistry<br />

contributes to a more sustainable<br />

automotive sector through a wide range<br />

of applications—lightweight plastics and<br />

composite materials, reduced rolling<br />

resistance tires, lubricants reducing friction<br />

losses, emission controls, biofuels and<br />

fuel cells, and the growing use of recyclable<br />

materials—resulting in increased fuel consumption<br />

efficiency. Vehicles are becoming<br />

more energy efficient without sacrificing<br />

safety or comfort.<br />

Food<br />

Today, more than a third of all food<br />

produced is wasted. Not only does this<br />

have an impact on human health but it also<br />

results in unsustainable environmental<br />

pressure and in resource and water losses.

The chemistry sector contributes greatly to<br />

reducing GHG emissions associated with<br />

agricultural production at all stages of the<br />

food chain through innovative packaging<br />

such as barrier films; oxygen or ethylene<br />

scavenging coatings; and, light and smart<br />

packaging that can extend the shelf-life of<br />

food and reduce waste.<br />

Energy<br />

It is clear one of the most promising<br />

approaches to reducing GHG emissions<br />

will come from the development of<br />

renewable energy solutions. Chemistry is<br />

an essential part of the solution through<br />

the development of photovoltaic cells,<br />

the production of composite materials<br />

for wind turbines, and improve battery<br />

performance.<br />

A shift to lower emission fuels – or<br />

decarbonization – will allow for the production<br />

of hydrogen through the electrolysis<br />

of water which can then be used in the<br />

production of various essential chemicals.<br />

Methanol and other synthetic gas and biofuels<br />

can also be produced using waste<br />

Report Looks at GHG<br />

Emissions Reductions<br />

A report published by the World<br />

Council for Sustainable Develop ment –<br />

Low Carbon Technology Partnership<br />

Initiative – Illustrates the important<br />

role the chemistry industry plays in<br />

transforming the products and services<br />

we use daily. The report looks at potential<br />

GHG emissions reductions both in<br />

chemical production and through the<br />

use of chemistry products.<br />

Various renewable bio-based chemicals<br />

can be produced using animal fats,<br />

vegetable oils, starch, sugar and cellulose.<br />

These can be made into plastics,<br />

detergents, fibres, inks, adhesives,<br />

construction materials, lubricants and<br />

medicines.<br />

To learn more, visit:<br />

www.lctpi.wbcsdservers.org.<br />

materials as feedstock instead of disposing<br />

of these materials in landfills.<br />

What can the chemistry<br />

industry do directly?<br />

Since reporting began in 1992, Canada’s<br />

chemistry industry has proactively reduced<br />

GHG emissions by 69 per cent. The industry<br />

continues to invest in more energy efficient<br />

projects and processes, increase its<br />

use of recyclable materials and continues<br />

to use scarce natural resources responsibly.<br />

Improvements like these allow the sector to<br />

continue to grow and innovate, and deliver<br />

the products and solutions to help reduce<br />

the impacts of climate change in Canada<br />

and abroad.<br />

CIAC members and partners, working<br />

with governments and stakeholders,<br />

are committed to investing in and<br />

developing innovative solutions to improve<br />

environmental performance and help<br />

other sectors meet their own emissions<br />

reduction objectives.<br />

<br />

Luc Robitaille joined the Chemistry Industry<br />

Association of Canada as Vice-President,<br />

Responsible Care® in November 2015. He<br />

is responsible for CIAC’s environmental,<br />

health and sustainability issues.<br />

1 www.wemeanbusinesscoalition.org/content/<br />

low-carbon-technology-partnerships-initiative<br />

12 • <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016<br />

761871_CCC.indd 1<br />

8/19/15 1:59 PM

Critical Perspectives<br />


By Robin D. Rogers<br />

GREEN CHEMISTRY AND sustainability might<br />

be the catalyst for change that reestablishes<br />

the trust between the chemistry industry<br />

and society, or the catalyst which ends<br />

the industry as we know it. Does anyone<br />

remember photographic film and a company<br />

named Kodak? Interestingly, I am<br />

not sure the lessons of history have been<br />

ingrained enough to overcome the shortterm<br />

survivalist thinking that prevents us<br />

from risking change.<br />

Many chemistry industries today are<br />

trying to adopt the principles of green<br />

chemistry to become better at what they<br />

do and to respond to the new societal push<br />

prompted by the rising awareness of global<br />

climate change. Industries such as coal<br />

mining are disappearing, while companies<br />

based on oil, natural gas, and other<br />

nonrenewable fuels and chemical sources<br />

perhaps can see the handwriting on the<br />

wall. In survivalist mode, many companies<br />

seek societally-acceptable solutions that<br />

still fit their current business plans. For<br />

the chemistry industry this has meant<br />

biosourcing chemicals that they can sell<br />

instead of selling chemicals from the<br />

refining of oil.<br />

The change in our industry seems to<br />

be a combination of business as usual and<br />

small changes that seem meant to meet<br />

what society thinks it wants or needs at<br />

the moment. But who is finding and funding<br />

the future? Where is the transformational<br />

thinking that might eliminate the<br />

need for chemistry industries and who<br />

would fund such efforts?<br />

Indeed, almost all disruptive technologies<br />

come from the outside and not from<br />

within the industries being displaced. But<br />

for the chemistry industry, who is on the<br />

outside paying attention? Normally, I<br />

would look to the academic infrastructure,<br />

the discipline of chemistry, for disruptive<br />

changes in our industry; however, the funding<br />

climate does not seem to allow this.<br />

There has been, and apparently always<br />

will be, a tension between ‘pure’ academic<br />

research and ‘industrial’ research. When I<br />

started my first faculty position in 1982, I<br />

still remember being advised to stay away<br />

from working with industry (which was<br />

in the second breath after “I tried that<br />

20 years ago and it didn’t work then and it<br />

won’t work now.”). However, in the United<br />

States, the changes in the economy and<br />

the changes in the funding of academic<br />

chemists turned virtually every successful<br />

fundraiser into essentially an entrepreneur,<br />

raising money wherever it could be<br />

obtained. I also see this trend in Canada,<br />

although many Canadian scientists must<br />

raise significant support from companies<br />

outside of Canada.<br />

The chemistry industry now provides<br />

a lot of funding to academics today, but<br />

the work appealing to industry is likely<br />

not going to be research, which would put<br />

that company out of business if successful.<br />

I still remember developing and patenting<br />

(U.S. Patent No. 5,603,834; Feb. 18, 1997),<br />

a technology that could be used to make<br />

a Technetium-99m radiopharmaceutical<br />

generator without using a source generated<br />

by nuclear fission. Unfortunately for me,<br />

there was only one company (a Canadian<br />

company) in that space and they certainly<br />

would not fund our work that could displace<br />

them from the market. Just as an<br />

update, I understand that perhaps this<br />

technology might now be needed since<br />

this company’s nuclear reactor had to be<br />

shut down. Where would we be today if<br />

the funding for such technologies was provided<br />

by the industries that might eventually<br />

take them forward?<br />

In today’s world, as an academic, I have<br />

also embarked into the world of the entrepreneur,<br />

if nothing else to at least encourage<br />

and teach (as much as an academic can)<br />

how to recognize disruptive technologies,<br />

market pain which needs relief, and the<br />

general thinking/planning/organization<br />

needed to be successful in a niche business<br />

world.<br />

Will the disruptive changes come from<br />

the growing entrepreneurial sector where<br />

big ideas can start small and take over?<br />

Here risk takes on a different meaning since<br />

entrepreneurs also need to raise money and<br />

the venture capitalists seem to be quite risk<br />

adverse. If there is already a good business<br />

case to be made, there is virtually no risk,<br />

and the return on investment (ROI) is guaranteed,<br />

can the new technology really be<br />

that novel or disruptive?<br />

My challenge to the chemistry industry<br />

is many fold, but perhaps the biggest<br />

part of it is answering the question, do you<br />

hang on forever or as long as possible for<br />

survival or do you reinvent yourself? The<br />

first step is to recognize when its time to<br />

change, in time to be able to change.<br />

I would suggest that now is the time to<br />

change. In the U.S. it seems both Congress<br />

and industry have been adverse to the concepts<br />

of ‘green’, accusing its proponents<br />

of being anti-business and the demands<br />

of society ringing the death knell of our<br />

economy. In Canada, at least before the<br />

last election, I noted policies and attitudes<br />

consistent with those in the U.S. In reality,<br />

the concepts of green and sustainability<br />

can make money and create jobs;<br />

likely they eventually will do so in a large<br />

and disruptive (i.e., transformational) way.<br />

Given what is happening with oil today,<br />

it should be clear the Canadian economy<br />

will suffer with business as usual, but<br />

could lead the world in alternative sustainable<br />

technologies based on wise use<br />

of renewable resources.<br />

So, who will lead our industry and the<br />

field of chemistry forward, those who are<br />

risk adverse, or those who recognize, adopt,<br />

and encourage change despite the risks? <br />

Robin D. Rogers is a Professor, Department<br />

of Chemistry, and Canada Excellence<br />

Research Chair in Green Chemistry and<br />

Green Chemicals, McGill University<br />

in Montreal.<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 13

Cover Story<br />

A Conversation<br />

with<br />

Deron Bilous<br />

Alberta’s Minister of Economic Development and Trade<br />

Alberta’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is a new department that will oversee the province’s plans for economic growth<br />

and diversification. The Hon. Deron Bilous, who heads up the new ministry, recently spoke with <strong>Catalyst</strong> about his vision for Alberta.<br />

Minister Bilous, can you tell us a bit about<br />

the new Ministry?<br />

Minister Bilous: The Ministry of<br />

Economic Development and Trade provides<br />

the leadership and tools business needs to<br />

grow and create good jobs for Albertans. It provides<br />

Alberta’s private-sector job creators with a one-stop<br />

shop for economic development and diversification.<br />

The Ministry has four divisions:<br />

• Economic Development and Small and Medium<br />

Sized Enterprise focuses on sustainable growth<br />

and promotes non-energy sectors to increase economic<br />

resilience in the economy.<br />

• Trade and Investment Attraction drives export<br />

market and investment attraction in both the energy<br />

sector and other industries.<br />

• Science and Innovation works to position Alberta<br />

on the cutting edge of research, innovation and<br />

commercialization.<br />

• Strategic Policy and Corporate Services provides<br />

policy, planning and evaluation support for<br />

the Ministry.<br />

14 • <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016

CIAC member-companies have been leaders in reducing<br />

their environmental footprint while producing safer and<br />

more environmentally friendly products. How do you<br />

see our industry helping to support Alberta’s sustainable<br />

energy future?<br />

MB: I want to start out by commending CIAC in its commitment<br />

to the environment. Through this, you are a model to other industry<br />

associations across Canada.<br />

On Nov. 22, 2015 our government announced Alberta’s Climate<br />

Leadership Plan. The plan will make Alberta one of the most environmentally<br />

responsible energy producers in the world. CIAC members<br />

will be an integral part of reaching the provinces climate goals laid<br />

out in the Climate Leadership Plan. You are already a leader in sustainable<br />

development. An example of how the chemistry industry currently<br />

helps is by taking off-gasses from oil sands facilities and using it<br />

as feedstock. This reduces emissions and uses what would otherwise<br />

be a waste product. Innovation and research is essential—continue<br />

innovating and finding even more efficient processes to manufacture<br />

chemicals.<br />

How will the Ministry encourage value-added<br />

developments and manufacturing in Alberta?<br />

MB: We are working with the energy industry, smalland<br />

medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurs to<br />

develop new opportunities and create good jobs. We<br />

are building the roads, bridges, schools and flood protection that<br />

have been neglected for too long.<br />

We are focusing on ways to diversify and add-value to our<br />

energy sector, as we seek ways to improve market access. This<br />

will help create long-term stability and good jobs in the sector.<br />

The Royalty Review Advisory Panel has been tasked with<br />

exploring diversification opportunities, including value-added<br />

processing. I’m looking forward to the ideas brought forward<br />

by the panel.<br />

Do you see your Ministry directly involved in energy<br />

upgrading strategies such as petrochemical investments<br />

and development?<br />

MB: I see our ministry as leading our economic<br />

development efforts and part of that is exploring<br />

upgrading and refining potential through the Royalty Review<br />

Advisory Panel, and part of that is examining efforts that have<br />

been made in the past to incent petrochemical development.<br />

We are also currently working in partnership with Alberta<br />

Energy to investigate possible program supports, as our government<br />

is supportive of petrochemical development.<br />

How can the chemistry industry help contribute to<br />

diversifying the province’s economy?<br />

MB: In Alberta, we would like to see new value chains<br />

introduced, and the value chains we have extended –<br />

new petrochemical processing facilities means new manufacturing<br />

and processing opportunities that would support many sectors.<br />

The chemistry industry is the fastest growing sector in<br />

North America with over $125 billion in investments<br />

expected between now and 2023 but we face some stiff<br />

competition from the U.S. How can the province help our<br />

industry win some of these investments?<br />

MB: We understand there are some competitiveness challenges.<br />

With the current changes in our economy, we are seeing a less tight<br />

labour market and an advantageous exchange rate helping improve<br />

our competitiveness. This in combination with abundant available<br />

feedstocks like ethane and propane are helping to level the competitiveness<br />

playing field. We are working to quantify the ongoing shift<br />

in competitiveness with our competing jurisdictions and developing<br />

business cases that allow us to strategically focus on key issues that<br />

might be barriers or opportunities.<br />

Some observers are saying that access to long-term supplies<br />

of feedstock (natural gas and natural gas liquids) in<br />

Alberta is restricted compared to other competitive jurisdictions.<br />

How can you and the Ministry of Energy help our<br />

industry secure a more predictable long-term supply of feedstock?<br />

MB: Alberta has enormous shale resources. The challenge may<br />

not be supply of petrochemical feedstock as much as building and<br />

maintaining new markets and processing facilities that will provide<br />

demand for continued deep gas and shale development. Our role is to<br />

work with industry to ensure Alberta can continue to compete on an<br />

international scale.<br />

Given our longstanding history working with your department’s<br />

officials, would it be fair to identify you as being<br />

the lead, or the champion, for adding manufacturing value<br />

to the output of the energy sector?<br />

MB: Absolutely. You are spot on – regard me as the ‘point’ in government<br />

for addressing diversification. The Premier put this Ministry<br />

together as the one stop for value add, for diversification, for competitiveness,<br />

for support and for opportunities to partner together. And<br />

we look forward to working with you and your members in the future<br />

to secure value add for Alberta.<br />

<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 15

Feature<br />

CIAC Annual Dinner<br />

and Awards<br />

EACH OCTOBER, CIAC recognizes individuals who have dedicated<br />

their time and expertise to support and advance CIAC initiatives.<br />

This year’s honorees were recognized at the association’s Annual<br />

Dinner and Awards event held in Ottawa on Oct. 21.<br />

Merit Award<br />

The Merit Award recognizes a group or individual that has<br />

provided leadership in supporting CIAC initiatives.<br />

Randy Mark, Hydrocarbon Products Technician, Dow<br />

Chemical Canada is this year’s Merit Award recipient. Randy<br />

has been Chair of CIAC’s National TRANSCAER® Committee<br />

since 2013. Over the past three years, he has helped grow the<br />

TRANSCAER® program – bringing in new partners and increasing<br />

the program’s reach to communities and first responders. Randy<br />

also serves on a number of other transportation related committees,<br />

and was instrumental in developing a rail tank car<br />



Award winners L to R: Randy Mak, Dow Chemicals;<br />

Richard Paton, CIAC; Graeme Flint, NOVA Chemicals and<br />

Carles Navarro, BASF.<br />

training manual, and the TRANSCAER®’s Train-the-Trainer<br />

program. For more information on TRANSCAER® visit<br />

www.transcaer.ca<br />

Chairman’s Awards<br />

The Chairman’s Award recognizes previous Merit Award<br />

winners who have continued to actively support CIAC’s initiatives,<br />

and/or have served on the association’s Board of Directors.<br />

This year’s honourees are:<br />

Graeme Flint, Vice President, Olefins Feedstock, NOVA<br />

Chemicals. Graeme is a seasoned advocate for the industry, and<br />

his ability to skillfully work on policies related to taxation and<br />

competitiveness in both Ottawa and Alberta is unmatched. One<br />

of CIAC’s recent major successes – the federal government’s tenyear<br />

extension of the Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance – is<br />

due in no small part to Graeme’s committed efforts. Graham<br />

has also been very active in the National Energy Board’s process<br />

on natural gas applications, and the Alberta Gas Review –<br />

in both cases bringing a good balance to very polarizing issues.<br />

Carles Navarro, President, BASF Canada. Carles has only<br />

been in Canada for three years, but he has made quite an impact<br />

in that short time. Arriving from BASF Europe in 2013, he<br />

quickly joined CIAC’s Board of Directors and later the association’s<br />

Executive Committee. He has been a valuable advocate<br />

for the industry on issues related to global harmonization, the<br />

Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance, and a range of other competitiveness<br />

issues. But, even more impressive, is his belief in<br />

and support of Responsible Care®, for which he has become one<br />

of the association’s leading champions. Carles is returning to<br />

BASF in Europe in early 2016, but he made as big an impression<br />

on the industry in Canada, as Canada has on him. <br />

16 • <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016<br />

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Feature<br />

Honouring Richard Paton<br />

After 19 Years as CIAC President and CEO<br />

ON DEC. 1, 2015, Richard Paton retired<br />

as President and CEO of the Chemistry<br />

Industry Association of Canada. A reception<br />

celebrating Richard’s long career with<br />

CIAC was held last October in Ottawa, to<br />

coincide with his final Board of Directors<br />

meeting. Guests included CIAC staff,<br />

Board members, past and present colleagues,<br />

friends and family. The celebration<br />

spilled over into the association’s<br />

Annual Dinner and Awards celebration<br />

where Richard was presented with CIAC’s<br />

Outstanding Leadership Award.<br />

Richard may be leaving CIAC, but<br />

he is not exactly retiring. He has set<br />

up a consulting company, R. Paton<br />

Consultants, and plans to continue providing<br />

advice and guidance to association<br />

executives and aspiring leaders. Richard<br />

will also continue to teach in the Masters<br />

in Public Policy and Administration program<br />

at Carleton University. <br />

What a Team!<br />

“There is one staff person that has made the<br />

job of President a joy every day, and that person<br />

is Charlaine Gendron. Charlaine has<br />

worked with me for 28 years through four<br />

different jobs... She has brought teamwork,<br />

professionalism, organization, and fun to<br />

the job, and has been a huge force in creating<br />

a positive work environment.” -R. Paton<br />

Richard’s family was on hand for the celebration.<br />

From a plaque presented to Richard<br />

at his retirement reception. “Who<br />

is that guy?” was a question you’d<br />

often hear Richard ask.<br />

Outgoing CIAC Chairman, Mark Stumpf (Imperial Oil) presents Richard with<br />

the Outstanding Leadership Award, a platinum Responsible Care® pin.<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 17

Profile<br />

Kevin Henderson, Methanex Corporation;<br />

Chairman, CIAC Board of Directors<br />

KEVIN HENDERSON HAS come a long<br />

way in his 40 years with Methanex, the<br />

world’s largest producer and supplier<br />

of methanol. Today, he may be their<br />

Vice-President for Manufacturing in North<br />

America, but he started out loading railcars<br />

for the company.<br />

During the past four decades, he has<br />

worked at plants in British Columbia,<br />

Alberta and New Zealand, and done just<br />

about every job—from emergency response<br />

instructor to manager of operations to<br />

plant manager.<br />

Now, Henderson has taken on a new<br />

challenge—Chairman of the Board of<br />

Directors of the Chemistry Industry<br />

Association of Canada (CIAC).<br />

While he assumed the role in October<br />

2015, Henderson isn’t new to CIAC’s<br />

board. He joined the association in 2012<br />

and has been a member of the executive<br />

committee since 2014. He initially became<br />

involved with CIAC because of the positive<br />

impact the organization was making<br />

on the industry.<br />

“I admired what CIAC and its members<br />

achieved and the global leadership<br />

they brought to the chemistry industry<br />

with regard to Responsible Care®,” he<br />

explains. “Having worked in the industry<br />

for 40 years, I have seen firsthand the value<br />

of Responsible Care and the work that CIAC<br />

has accomplished—the improvements in<br />

overall safety, and the responsible management<br />

of products.”<br />

Responsible Care is a key part of<br />

Methanex’s operations, not just in Canada,<br />

but also at their plants in Chile, Egypt, New<br />

Zealand, the United States and Trinidad<br />

and Tobago. The company underwent its<br />

first Responsible Care verification in 1996<br />

and was the first chemical company in the<br />

Kevin Henderson, VP North America (centre) is presented with a street sign in<br />

his name from John Floren, President and CEO (right) and Paul Daoust, Plant<br />

Manager, Medicine Hat in recognition of his 40 years of service. The sign has<br />

been mounted on a road inside the Medicine Hat manufacturing facility.<br />

world to be globally verified to Responsible<br />

Care. Henderson says their vision is to<br />

always be a leader in Responsible Care.<br />

“Responsible Care practices are part<br />

of the foundation of all things that we do<br />

within the company”, he says. “We have<br />

been verifying across the globe using the<br />

Canadian standard of Responsible Care and<br />

that has helped us drive our whole business<br />

to improve at every level, from environmental<br />

to safety to product stewardship<br />

to sustainability.”<br />

Henderson is looking to his new position<br />

as a chance to work even more closely<br />

with CIAC, and to find ways to achieve the<br />

goals and expectations of its members. He<br />

is also determined to help the Canadian<br />

chemistry industry grow and be more competitive<br />

in the global marketplace.<br />

“I would like to see further advances in<br />

technology and the opening up of new markets<br />

for Canadian-produced chemicals,”<br />

says Henderson. “I think the Canadian<br />

chemistry industry is poised for growth.<br />

Access to markets through an efficient and<br />

competitive rail and ports system helps to<br />

support that growth.”<br />

Collaborating with government will be<br />

key to making Henderson’s vision a reality,<br />

especially with recent changes in leadership<br />

at the federal level and in several provinces.<br />

He believes it is critical that government<br />

is aware of the sustainability efforts<br />

and the economic value the industry brings<br />

to Canada.<br />

“Since 1992, our industry has reduced<br />

its emissions by 88 per cent and will continue<br />

efforts to improve environmental<br />

performance even further,” he says.<br />

Another of Henderson’s priorities as<br />

chairman is to educate on the economic<br />

value of the chemistry industry. The industry<br />

directly employs 82,000 Canadians and<br />

is the second largest exporter among all<br />

manufacturing sectors, exporting more<br />

than $30 billion worth of product each year.<br />

Continued on page 22<br />

18 • <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016

Profil<br />





KEVIN HENDERSON A parcouru beaucoup de<br />

chemin au cours de ses 40 années de service<br />

auprès de Methanex, le plus important producteur<br />

et fournisseur de méthanol dans<br />

le monde. S’il en est aujourd’hui le viceprésident<br />

de la fabrication en Amérique<br />

du Nord, à ses débuts, son travail était<br />

pourtant de charger les wagons.<br />

Au cours des 40 dernières années,<br />

il a travaillé dans des usines en<br />

Colombie-Britannique, en Alberta et en<br />

Nouvelle-Zélande et a occupé pratiquement<br />

tous les postes qui soient, dont celui<br />

d’instructeur en intervention d’urgence à<br />

celui de directeur d’usine, en passant par<br />

celui de gestionnaire des opérations et de<br />

directeur d’usine.<br />

M. Henderson entreprend maintenant<br />

un nouveau défi : celui de présider<br />

l’Association canadienne de l’industrie de<br />

la chimie (ACIC).<br />

Même s’il a débuté ses fonctions en<br />

octobre 2015, il n’en est pas à ses premières<br />

armes avec le conseil d’administration de<br />

l’ACIC. M. Henderson est devenu membre<br />

de l’Association en 2012 et fait partie de<br />

son comité de direction depuis 2014. Au<br />

départ, il s’est investi auprès de l’ACIC en<br />

raison de l’influence positive qu’elle exerce<br />

sur l’industrie.<br />

« J’admirais ce que l’ACIC et ses membres<br />

ont accompli ainsi que le leadership<br />

dont ils font preuve à l’échelle mondiale<br />

dans l’industrie de la chimie quant à la<br />

Gestion responsableMD, explique-t-il. En<br />

40 années au service de l’industrie, j’ai constaté<br />

la valeur de la Gestion responsable et<br />

le travail accompli par l’ACIC, notamment<br />

les améliorations à la sécurité globale ainsi<br />

que la gestion éclairée de nos produits. »<br />

La Gestion responsable est un élément<br />

clé des activités de Methanex, non<br />

seulement au Canada mais également dans<br />

ses usines au Chili, en Égypte, en Nouvelle-<br />

Zélande, aux États-Unis ainsi qu’à Trinitéet-Tobago.<br />

L’entreprise a subi sa première<br />

vérification de la Gestion responsable en<br />

1996 et il s’agit de la première entreprise<br />

chimique ayant réussi une vérification à<br />

l’échelle mondiale. M. Henderson affirme<br />

que sa vision est de demeurer un chef de<br />

file de la Gestion responsable.<br />

« Les pratiques de la Gestion responsable<br />

sont à la base de tout ce que nous faisons au<br />

sein de la société, affirme-t-il. Nous avons<br />

mené des vérifications partout dans le<br />

monde en fonction de la norme canadienne<br />

de la Gestion responsable et cela nous a aidé<br />

à améliorer nos activités à tous les niveaux,<br />

du point de vue de l’environnement et de la<br />

sécurité, en passant par la bonne gestion des<br />

produits et la durabilité. »<br />

M. Henderson voit son nouveau poste<br />

comme une occasion de travailler encore<br />

plus étroitement avec l’ACIC et de trouver<br />

de nouvelles façons d’atteindre les buts et<br />

les attentes de ses membres. Il est par ailleurs<br />

résolu à aider l’industrie canadienne<br />

de la chimie à croître et à devenir plus concurrentielle<br />

dans les marchés mondiaux.<br />

« Je souhaite voir d’autres avancées<br />

technologiques ainsi que l’ouverture<br />

de nouveaux marchés pour les produits<br />

chimiques du Canada, affirme-t-il. Je crois<br />

que l’industrie canadienne de la chimie<br />

est prête à prendre de l’essor. L’accès aux<br />

marchés grâce à un système portuaire et<br />

ferroviaire efficace et concurrentiel viendra<br />

soutenir cette croissance. »<br />

La collaboration avec le gouvernement<br />

sera essentielle pour concrétiser la vision<br />

de M. Henderson, surtout compte tenu<br />

des récents changements de leadership au<br />

fédéral et dans plusieurs provinces.<br />

Selon lui, il est essentiel que le gouvernement<br />

soit sensibilisé sur les efforts<br />

que l’industrie déploie en matière de durabilité<br />

ainsi que de la valeur économique<br />

qu’elle offre au Canada.<br />

« Depuis 1992, notre industrie a réduit<br />

ses émissions de 88 pour cent et poursuit<br />

ses efforts en vue d’améliorer encore davantage<br />

son rendement sur le plan environnemental,<br />

affirme-t-il. »<br />

Une autre priorité pour M. Henderson<br />

en tant que président est de faire connaître<br />

la valeur économique de l’industrie de la<br />

chimie. Elle emploie directement 82 000<br />

Canadiens et est le deuxième exportateur<br />

en importance dans l’ensemble des secteurs<br />

manufacturiers, exportant chaque année<br />

des produits dont la valeur dépasse 30 milliards<br />

de dollars. Si les membres de l’ACIC<br />

souhaitent continuer d’expédier leurs produits<br />

dans ces marchés, ils auront besoin<br />

du soutien du gouvernement.<br />

Il est primordial que les gouvernements<br />

soient conscients que beaucoup parmi nous<br />

sommes des joueurs mondiaux et que les<br />

consommateurs de la plupart de nos produits<br />

se trouvent à l’étranger. Ainsi, les<br />

politiques et les taux d’imposition qui<br />

assurent la compétitivité de nos membres<br />

permettront à l’industrie de poursuivre<br />

sa croissance et ses activités au Canada,<br />

explique-t-il.<br />

Il s’attend à ce que tous les membres de<br />

l’ACIC fassent en sorte que ce message soit<br />

entendu haut et fort.<br />

« L’ACIC et ses membres doivent être<br />

faciles à rejoindre pour le gouvernement<br />

afin que nous puissions avoir une discussion.<br />

Il en va de l’intérêt de tous les membres<br />

de soutenir l’organisation. Ce n’est<br />

pas le devoir d’une seule entreprise. Nous<br />

devons tous participer. » <br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 19

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Ontario M9M 2L4<br />

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www.harmactransport.com<br />

20 • <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016<br />

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Solutions<br />

THE<br />


BEHIND<br />

SKIING<br />

Polycarbonate:<br />

Lightweight and impact-resistant polycarbonate<br />

is used to make helmets, goggles and sunglasses.<br />

Plastic foam padding in helmets provides<br />

cushioning and support.<br />

Goggles:<br />

Invisible films and coatings<br />

provide sun and anti-fog protection<br />

in goggles and sunglasses.<br />

Fluorochemistry:<br />

Fluorochemistry delivers water<br />

and wind-resistance, and<br />

breathability to outerwear.<br />

Films and Coatings:<br />

Polypropylene provides<br />

moisture-wicking properties in<br />

tops and pants, gloves, and ski<br />

masks to help keep skin dry.<br />

Nylon and Plastic:<br />

Many boots use nylon for lightweight<br />

durability and insulation. Plastic inserts<br />

offer extra cushioning and support.<br />

Information provided by Let’s Talk Science,<br />

and the American Chemistry Council.<br />

www.letstalkscience.ca<br />

Polyurethane:<br />

Most skis and snowboards have a<br />

polyurethane core with synthetic<br />

fiber coatings to increase strength<br />

and minimize weight.<br />

<strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016 • 21

Continued from page 18<br />

If CIAC members are going to continue to<br />

get those products to market, they will need<br />

government support.<br />

“It is critical that governments understand<br />

a lot of us are global players and<br />

that customers for the majority of our<br />

products are outside Canada. So policies<br />

and taxation rates that allow members<br />

to be competitive will enable this industry<br />

to continue to grow and operate in<br />

Canada,” he says.<br />

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20 AND 40 FOOT MODELS<br />



Making sure that message is heard loud<br />

and clear is a task Henderson is looking to<br />

CIAC’s entire membership to help with.<br />

“CIAC and its members need to make<br />

themselves available to government to<br />

be able to have those conversations” he<br />

says. “It is the responsibility of all members<br />

to provide support to the organization<br />

in order to benefit all members. It<br />

can’t be carried by one company. We all<br />

have to participate.”<br />

<br />










www.eurotainer.com<br />

21/11/15 5:02 am<br />

Buyers’ Guide and<br />

Index to Advertisers<br />


FortisBC 20<br />

wwwfortisbccom<br />


Dow Chemical Canada ULC Inside Front Cover<br />

wwwdowcom<br />

NOVA Chemicals<br />

(Mktg Communications)Inside Back Cover<br />

wwwnovachemicalscom<br />


Independent Electricity<br />

System Operator (IESO) 10<br />

wwwpowerauthorityonca<br />


BASF 4<br />

wwwbasfcom<br />

CCC12<br />

wwwcanadacolorscom<br />

Dow Chemical Canada ULC Inside Front Cover<br />

wwwdowcom<br />

Imperial Oil Outside Back Cover<br />

wwwimperialoilca<br />

NOVA Chemicals<br />

(Mktg Communications)Inside Back Cover<br />

wwwnovachemicalscom<br />


NOVA Chemicals<br />

(Mktg Communications)Inside Back Cover<br />

wwwnovachemicalscom<br />


Eurotainer US, Inc 22<br />

wwweurotainercom<br />



NOVA Chemicals<br />

(Mktg Communications)Inside Back Cover<br />

wwwnovachemicalscom<br />


Comsatec Inc16<br />

wwwcomsateccom<br />


Quantum Compliance Systems, Inc 22<br />

wwwusequantumcom<br />


NOVA Chemicals<br />

(Mktg Communications)Inside Back Cover<br />

wwwnovachemicalscom<br />


NOVA Chemicals<br />

(Mktg Communications)Inside Back Cover<br />

wwwnovachemicalscom<br />


NOVA Chemicals<br />

(Mktg Communications)Inside Back Cover<br />

wwwnovachemicalscom<br />


GreenCentre Canada 3<br />

wwwgreencentrecanadacom<br />


Eurotainer US, Inc 22<br />

wwweurotainercom<br />


Harmac Transportation Inc 18<br />

wwwharmactransportcom<br />

Northwest Tank Lines 8<br />

wwwnorthwesttanklinescom<br />

22 • <strong>Catalyst</strong> WINTER 2016<br />

783844_Quantum.indd 1<br />

12/24/15 1:41 PM

What’s in your cart?<br />

At Imperial, we have been using science and technology for more than<br />

100 years to better communities, the environment and the economy.<br />

By working with our customers on improving formulations, they can<br />

incorporate more recycled plastic in their products, like these recycle bins.<br />

This is an example of our commitment to Responsible Care® at work.<br />

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